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Chapter 436 Being a Husband

Emergencies were resolved promptly and personnel changes were carried out smoothly.

After the first batch of job transfer lists were released, those who stayed, those who were transferred, those who resigned, and those who left Beijing all had different moods.

After Deputy Director Gu emphasized the factory's determination for personnel changes in front of everyone, they gave up their struggle.

Of course, those who stayed on were full of joy, tidying up the workshop, cleaning, and welcoming new colleagues.

Those who were transferred didn't complain too much. The workshops were all the same. They were doing whatever they wanted to do, so they could comfort themselves by using trees to move people to death and people to move people to work.

Moreover, adjustments to personnel positions are not all based on assessment results. Those with high scores may need to be adjusted.

The uneven development of technical positions in various workshops has long been limiting production efficiency. This time it is important to solve this problem.

Person A's assessment results are not very high in workshop A, but his skill level and technical ability are in the first echelon in the workshop.

There may be twenty people like A in this first echelon, and of course he is not showy.

By transferring A to workshop B, he can improve the overall technical strength of the workshop as a position leader and technical leader.

B's performance in Workshop B is above average, but his skill level and technical ability are at a lower level than the overall level of factory employees.

After assessing his age, performance and quality, he was deemed to have excellent qualities of proactive progress and learning, so he was transferred to workshop A.

In the new workshop, although his performance ranking will drop, over time, his skill level and skill level will gradually improve, achieving the purpose and effect of personnel training.

Achievements are not very important in the job transfer list, but age is an important reference standard.

For those with the same skill level and grades, of course, priority will be given to those who are younger and have nurturing value and room.

Of course, old workers and comrades are not needed, right?

No, the ultimate goal of job adjustment is not to eliminate anyone, but to optimize positions and employees equally so that people can make the best use of their talents.

To be eliminated is to say to be retired.

Those who have resigned are a little frustrated and helpless. They also want to keep their positions, but the assessment results are there.

Everyone takes the exam in one place. The Personnel Department and the Disciplinary Supervision Office jointly supervise the exam. Who dares to cheat?

They could find no evidence that it was unfair, nor could they find any reason why they should not leave. The most helpless thing in the world is that their skills are inferior to others.

If you can cut parts with an error of one millimeter, and someone else can cut parts with an error of half a millimeter, that means they are better than you.

Being selected from the job transfer list proves that they are deficient in technical grade, technical level, working age, learning ability, ideological awareness, etc.

According to the treatment plan developed by Li Xuewu and personnel coordination, retired personnel will be diverted in different directions according to the actual situation.

Select a group of people based on their professional qualities to support the tertiary industry, the steel city, and the camp city, and use their remaining energy to redeem themselves.

The steel rolling mill will undergo greater industrial adjustments in the next three and five years, and then it will be another big test.

They also have the opportunity to compete for positions and opportunities for advancement.

Select a group of people based on ideological awareness and transfer them to firefighting, training, security, guarding, confidentiality and other service positions, such as door guards, stock yard guards, confidentiality workshop duty, etc.

Select and transfer personnel to re-evaluate job skills and wages, and re-adjust the channels for skills improvement.

While fully guaranteeing the basic rights of employees, we must also complete the economic optimization goals in the factory's personnel reform work.

This group of people will fill the urgently needed personnel recruitment quota for the Security Supervision Team, and the replaced young security guards will perform special security tasks with stronger strength.

In other words, the security team came up with its own personnel recruitment quota to deal with some of the retired personnel.

Not only the security team has to move, but also the logistics team, economic management team and other departments are taking action.

The logistics team first retired a group of cleaning teams and service personnel based on age and technical ability, allowing young people to move to production and labor positions.

Later, a group of older employees with excellent qualities and excellent qualities were selected from the retired personnel to serve in the cleaning team and service team.

The economic management group coordinated with the Trade Management Office and selected a group of technical personnel to participate in professional skills training to prepare for the subsequent logistics and maintenance support of automobile sales and motorcycle sales.

Departments such as bathhouses, dormitories, maintenance, fleet, warehousing, assembly, technology, publicity, etc. are all retiring candidates who fail to pass the assessment.

From the new employees who received on-the-job training this year, we will select those with high academic qualifications, strong abilities, and high quality to fill the positions.

Some employees complained that the rolling mill was being cleaned from top to bottom, inside and out.

Those who stay on duty are naturally valuable, and those who are transferred to new posts are also placed in new positions. Those who retire are just garbage in the house.

Now that the resignation list has been released, this list is a big garbage dump.

Some departments follow the principle of waste utilization and rummage through garbage dumps to find things that are suitable for them or that have residual value.

After all the departments plowed through and selected them, they really became garbage that no one wanted.

How should garbage be disposed of?

Either make yourself stronger, work hard in the garbage heap, keep learning, and transform from garbage into treasure.

Either obey the adjustment, be uniformly returned to the construction engineering team, burn yourself, dedicate your life, and risk the last fire for the construction of the steel rolling mill.

Finally, there is another way, which is the third-party intervention solution proposed by the factory.

First of all, the factory will express its cherishment and love for their technical capabilities and years of dedication, and attach great importance to them on a spiritual level.

Then the factory personnel meeting proposes a personnel exchange activity with joint production units as the basic cooperation space and the participation of multiple companies and factories.

This project was already under discussion. After the incident in the assembly workshop, Gu Weijie took the initiative to undertake the promotion and development of this project.

Coordinate with the labor and personnel management departments to give the green light, and at the same time invite enterprises in the joint unit that are interested in personnel exchanges for discussions and negotiations.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Based on the opinions given by Li Xuewu, the scope of cooperation has been deepened and broadened.

It will not only cooperate in the development of employment, skills training, welfare benefits, etc. for employees’ children, but will also add people’s livelihood security services such as medical security, retirement recuperation, and housing adjustments.

The steel rolling mill took the initiative to show high sincerity and high attitude, which is to exchange time for future space.

The shared tertiary industry has reached maturity, and continued operation and development will inevitably bring huge returns.

Now the steel rolling mill is leading the joint production units to develop new cooperation projects in the fields of life, education, scientific research, investment and other fields.

Using mature skilled workers to share technology and project results, supplemented by means such as child placement and education, is to achieve the four new worker iteration goals of replacing the new period, new era, new ideas, and new skills.

According to the change plan given by the Human Resources Department, in five years the average age of factory employees in special technical categories will be optimized by three years, the average age of factory employees should be optimized by five years, and the average age of front-line workers should be optimized by seven years.

This indicator can be said to be very scientific, but it is also very high-level and difficult.

Workers with high levels of special skills and expertise are basically between forty-five and fifty years old.

In accordance with the goals set by the Human Resources Department and ensuring that professional skills do not deteriorate, the optimized age group should be between 42 and 47 years old.

What is this concept?

Taking senior workers as the standard, the number of seventh- and eighth-level workers must grow rapidly while maintaining their age advantage.

Investments such as learning and training will inevitably cost more, but the decline in the average age index represents the extension and vitality of technological productivity.

Everyone knows how big the difference is between working as an eighth-level worker for ten years and fifteen years.

There is basically no such thing as re-employment these days, except for professionals with special status and special skills.

Level eight workers will no longer go to work in the factory when they reach retirement age. Isn't it better to enjoy life than to suffer?

The decline in average age will also bring about a boom in technological change, with many technological advances occurring on the shop floor and in the production process.

The steel rolling mill is unswerving in its pursuit of younger cadres, younger front-line workers, and younger workers in technical positions.

Achieving the goal of groupization is one mountain, and maintaining stable growth of production and economy is another.

If Li Huaide wants to make further progress, the first step is fate, and the second step is luck. There is no difference in fate.

Some employees have reported that the personnel changes are a cruel weakening of labor rights and a redefinition and redifferentiation of labor status.

The word cruel is actually used correctly, but the cold nature of personnel work is everywhere revealed.

Development and burden are placed at two ends of the scale, and steel rolling mills will not frantically reduce burdens in order to improve development.

But when the burden continues to increase and the balance of development is affected, something will definitely be done.

Personnel reform is just a major move to improve the pace of development of the steel rolling mill. Subsequent industrial production innovation, production technology innovation, financial management innovation, economic development innovation, etc. will follow.

The wave of change never stops, but the size of the wave and the time vary sooner or later.

Some people ran along the waves and fell into the sea, while some people ran against the waves and drowned on the road.

The most correct thing is to assess the situation, find the right time, and make the decision that is best for you.

The steel rolling mill will give retired employees different paths to choose from, fully embodying the seriousness of the system with people-oriented flexibility and individuality.

In the personnel exchange project, other factories are invited to assess and screen the list of existing retired personnel and select the best for transfer.

The steel rolling mill will actively coordinate with the labor and personnel management departments to open the door of convenience for the three parties.

Children of selected employees will still retain the qualifications to participate in employment recruitment and training at the steel rolling mill.

Different levels of policies are provided in areas such as housing and medical care to ensure the interests of employees to the greatest extent.

At the same time, in accordance with Li Xuewu's suggestion, the Human Resources Department specially opened an application channel for individual selection and transfer.

In other words, those who are in the announced list of retired personnel are not within the scope of the second selection of the steel rolling mill, let alone the scope of the third selection of the cooperative factory, or are not satisfied with the transfer to the construction team, and do not have their favorite options.

, you can find the accepting unit by yourself.

In other words, the steel rolling mill will support the work of these people, and the condition is that they join the engineering team.

At the same time, re-learning and re-assessment of qualifications for technical positions are retained, but they must be implemented in labor construction.

Those who are afraid of hardship, fear of tiredness, fear of not being able to learn, and are picky and unwilling to go to other units can only find their own way.

The steel rolling mill provides the same guarantee to these people, coordinates the relationship between all parties, and provides convenience for job transfer.

Basically, the three processing methods will present a ratio of 7;2;1.

At the factory personnel office meeting, Gu Weijie reported on the situation and also summarized the accident in the assembly workshop.

Li Huaide did not delve into the responsibilities of personnel and production management cadres, but he seriously criticized the loopholes in their management.

The meaning is very clear, the middle layer will not be changed, but the foundation will be greatly changed.

At the same time, he also gave a clear explanation and identification of the problems caused by personnel changes, that is, no personal and interest needs can override the development plan of the steel rolling mill.

Persist in completing the reform of personnel work, and adhere to the production management concept of giving priority to job skills competition and science and technology development.

We must keep abreast of the ever-changing production work in the industrial revolution, base ourselves on the fundamental outline of the comprehensive development of light and heavy industries, and make every effort to improve the overall productivity and combat effectiveness of the steel rolling mill.

After the meeting, entrusted by Li Huaide and entrusted by Gu Weijie, Li Xuewu, deputy director of the Management Committee Office, wrote the article "Break stubborn thoughts, give up false illusions, and strive to write a new chapter in personnel and talent work in the new era."

The article was published in the Iron and Steel News and the Labor News, and was later reprinted and published by the People's Daily.

The entire factory's organization, personnel, publicity and related management departments carry out meeting activities for learning, discussion and research, and summarizing experiences and lessons...

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!-----------------

On February 18, Li Xuewu accompanied Jing Yunong to a meeting with the industrial authorities in Beijing, and then officially completed the final work before the merger of Beijing Motorcycle Factory 16 and Factory 7.

The merger funds were transferred from the steel rolling mill to the public accounts of the capital's industrial authorities. Strictly speaking, the land and buildings of the two factory areas belonged to the steel rolling mill.

Of course, this requires the steel rolling mill and Beijing Automotive No. 2 Plant to form an asset disposal team under the supervision and guidance of the Industrial Bureau.

According to the established division terms, workers in professional and technical positions will be transferred to the steel rolling mill starting from today after being allocated by the labor and personnel authorities.

Other workers were assigned to Beijing Second Automobile Works Co., Ltd., including the machinery and equipment needed by the other party.

Jing Yunong took Li Xuewu to visit two more factory areas, and met Gu Litong there, and the three of them chatted again.

He still couldn't see what the steel rolling mill would use these two pieces of land for, even though Li Xuewu said it was for resource integration to serve the construction of the Liangma River Industrial Zone.

Gu Litong believed it on the surface, but he firmly did not believe it in his heart.

Land is not valuable these days, and there is plenty of agricultural land in the suburbs that can be converted into industrial land.

Beijing actually encourages factories to apply for land to build factories. In an era when chimneys represented high technology and high value, land was very worthless.

It was impossible for Li Xuewu to tell him the land plan. When the news spread, how could the steel rolling mill achieve the purpose of land replacement?

"What does he always ask about our land project?"

Jing Yunong looked at the car leaving, turned to Li Xuewu and asked.

Li Xuewu curled his lips, looked in the same direction, and said: "I'm afraid that I will lose something, I'm afraid of suffering a loss."

"How did you say that?"

Wearing a light gray woolen coat, Jing Yunong's figure was made more slender and upright. She raised her finger and pointed at Li Xuewu, saying: "By the way, you can't earn benefits beyond recognition, right?"

"You have a pretty good memory."

Li Xuewu smiled and said: "It's been a few months, and I still remember what Yangcheng said."

"I have always had an excellent memory"

Jing Yunong emphasized in a sullen tone, then put his hands in his coat pockets, stood on the highway of the 17th factory area, looked at the suspended production area and office building, and asked with some melancholy: "Will the steel rolling mill also encounter this kind of situation one day?"

A crisis?"

"That's not good to say"

Li Xuewu has the same woolen coat, but it is black and has a more fashionable style.

"The train runs fast, all because of the headband"

He curled his lips and said: "If your leadership team does not lead well, the progress of the steel rolling mill will be slow or even left behind."

"Okay, you always have something to say."

Jing Yunong nodded to Li Xuewu and smiled helplessly: "It is always someone else's responsibility, what about you?"

She looked at Li Xuewu half-seriously and asked, "Have you ever defined for yourself your position or responsibility in the ups and downs of history?"

"Me? Why do you suddenly ask such a serious question?"

Li Xuewu smiled and pointed to the motorcycle production area and said: "And it's still outside."

"What if?"

Jing Yunong looked at him with a smile and said, "Is it in the office or conference room?"

At this moment, they were the only two people around. The secretary and the driver were waiting by the car, and the entourage was investigating the scene.

Her tone was a little casual and also had some personal subjectivity: "When I go back to the factory and ask you, will you tell the truth?"

"Will I tell the truth here?"

Li Xuewu looked at her jokingly and said, "Do you think we have reached the point where we can be honest with each other and have no reservations about each other?"

"I have never fantasized about it, and I have never asked for it"

Jing Yunong raised his high heels and kicked the broken ice on the roadside, lowered his head and said, "You don't trust me."

"Don't say that"

Li Xuewu lit a cigarette for himself and then said: "There are not many people I can trust, at least you are one of them."

"This is false, I'm sure"

Jing Yunong raised his head, squinted his eyes, stretched his scarf to cover his mouth and nose, and said: "You are like a fox, you don't trust others easily, right?"

"Do you know me so well? Or do you think you do?"

Li Xuewu shook his head slightly in a funny way and said: "Let me be honest, being honest and doing things honestly are the principles of my work."

"Well, this principle is not honest at all."

Jing Yunong pouted and said, "I'll give you a chance to answer my question head-on."

"Hmm, positioning in history, right?"

Li Xuewu nodded and said: "There is also responsibility and responsibility under the situation."

"Really, this proposition is a bit too broad."

He thought for a while, raised his finger and scratched his nose, and said: "Let's talk about positioning first, otherwise it will be difficult to talk about responsibility and responsibility."

Jing Yunong found a wooden bench by the road and sat down, really prepared to listen to his long speech.

Li Xuewu looked at her funny and said: "I told you I'm not afraid of jokes, but in fact my ideal is very small, so small that I can't leave the steel rolling mill."

"Of course I won't laugh at you. The steel rolling mill is already quite big!"

Jing Yunong glanced at him, but was stimulated by the sunlight behind him and lowered his head, saying: "Want to take over step by step?"

"Well, actually it's just that ideal."

Li Xuewu threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, walked to her side and sat down, looking at the bored people standing beside the car smoking and farting.

"Do you think it's better to have a higher position or a lower position?"

"Let me ask you, why do you still ask about me?"

Jing Yunong chose not to answer Li Xuewu's question and signaled him to speak quickly.

Li Xuewu nodded and said: "Compared to the busy life of working day and night, I prefer to enjoy the ordinary life of nine to five."


Jing Yunong leaned lightly on him, urging him.

"You just mentioned a word, step by step, which is actually very good."

Li Xuewu looked into the distance and said: "You should do something at any age, enjoy the prescribed treatment, and withstand the due test."

"If the future economic development and social changes are stable and orderly, I would rather be a security section chief at the age of 21."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He turned to look at Jing Yunong and said: "Because at this age, I don't have to think about what I should do at forty and bear the pressure that I should bear at forty."


"You ask me about my position in the ups and downs of history, and I would like to answer you that a rising tide lifts all boats, and the market will follow its course."

Li Xuewu said frankly: "If economic changes and social changes make me bear too much pressure and responsibility during the evolution process, then I will fight for the corresponding position and resources."

"In other words, if the organization gives me the responsibilities and needs of the section chief, I will be the section chief; if the organization gives me the responsibilities and needs of the section chief, I will be the section chief."

"If I had the responsibility of a director but was in the position of a section chief, I wouldn't be able to stretch my arms or move my legs. Wouldn't it be suffocating me to death?"

Li Xuewu's attitude gradually became serious and said: "I didn't choose history, but history chose me."

"Well, that's a bit profound."

Jing Yunong nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. What kind of work you do and what you eat are subject to the old order and norms, but you have to break this solid understanding through choices again and again, right?"

"Well, you do know me very well."

Li Xuewu nodded with a smile and said, "Are you able to read minds, or have advanced psychological skills?"

"What nonsense~"

Jing Yunong glanced at him and said, "Even if I can read minds, I can't read or penetrate your heart that is covered by dark clouds."


She squinted at Li Xuewu and said, "Aren't you an expert in psychology?"

"It's fake. Do you believe this?"

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "Isn't it just to improve my competitiveness, find someone to help me publish this book, and show that I have some specialties that others can't compare with?"

After saying that, he motioned to Jing Yunong and said, "Isn't your reputation as an expert in economics and management the same..."

"What did you say?!"

Jing Yunong was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his hair suddenly exploded. He glared at Li Xuewu, ready to scratch him at any time.

"Tell me again, what are my professional skills?"

"Oh, yours is not fake!"

Li Xuewu seemed to have just found out, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry for my blindness, I didn't see it. I'm sorry."

"I really want to tear your mouth out!"

Jing Yunong was furious. This bad guy can always dig a hole in front of you when you appreciate and admire him the most, kick you down, and throw a handful of sand over your head.

"No need, you just need to know that my psychology expert is fake"

Li Xuewu joked to himself: "Why don't you talk about me too, so that it can be more balanced."

"I won't tell! I'm annoying you!"

Jing Yunong glared at him and said, "Why are you always like this? I think you did it on purpose!"

"On the one hand, you can show your extraordinary management talents, but also have a keen vision, so that people can see your excellence at a glance."

"On the other hand, they highlight their age and weakness, retreat in order to advance, and do the opposite."

She looked at Li Xuewu and said: "You have positioned yourself as a capable, ambitious, revengeful and visionary representative of young cadres."

“It will not cause fear and threat from existing resource controllers, nor will it overly bury one’s talents and shining points.”

"You have to win at every critical point, and at the same time remind others that you are in the future, not now. Do you enjoy this process?"

Jing Yunong frowned and said: "Since you have this mental strength and the ambition to exact revenge, why don't you manage yourself well, get out of your current comfort zone, and go out for a walk?"

She gestured to the dilapidated factory area and said: "It looks like this when you stand at the steel rolling mill, and it looks like this when you look at the steel rolling mill from a higher place."

"A real man, if you have a baby, good men will be everywhere"

Jing Yunong said earnestly: "I am very optimistic about your ability and vision. You should go to a larger platform to express your revenge."


She looked at Li Xuewu and said seriously: "You don't lack the ability and opportunity to jump out. Even if you go to the Third Guards Regiment full-time, you will definitely be a leader when you come out."

"So, you are trying to persuade me to transfer?"

Li Xuewu looked at her funny and said: "The personnel changes were proposed by me. The most dangerous and helpless self-relocation is going to happen to me?"

"The workers who have been transferred to other positions must be crazy. What's going on? The steel rolling mill is going to close down?"


Jing Yunong couldn't help but laugh when he heard his story, but he still stressed: "It's a matter of family, whether you like it or not."

"Of course, of course I thought about going out."

Li Xuewu became more serious and nodded: "I have been thinking about this issue since I entered the deputy director-level position, including the position in the branch."

“The branch is not suitable”

Jing Yunong glanced at him and said: "The upper limit of the powerful department is too low. If you choose a branch like this, you might as well stay in the steel rolling mill."

"I know, I know where you want me to go, I have thought about it carefully."

Li Xuewu nodded and agreed: "Including what you mentioned, my father-in-law or my resources are capable of helping me do this."

"But have you ever thought about the risks involved, especially if I am a corporate cadre, will I be acclimatized when I transition to a local place?"

"Of course, I am confident that I can adapt to everything."

He patted Jing Yunong's knee, agreed with her suggestion, and said: "But sometimes the situation is beyond your control. You may only see the limitations and disadvantages of the enterprise."

Li Xuewu narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Have you ever thought that the problems I encountered in the company are actually the same problems I encountered in the local area."

"Moreover, the extent of ambition in enterprises only affects economic benefits, and the authority is limited to the small area of ​​​​the factory, but the location is different."

He pointed at himself and said: "At the deputy director level, when you get to the place, you become a prince. A simple decision can change the lives of thousands of people."

"I can't guarantee that I'm always on the right path, and I can't guarantee that the decisions I make are correct."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "I don't dare to spend the lives of millions of people to exercise my management skills, even if you say I am a coward."

Li Xuewu smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I have already talked about responsibility and responsibility. I have the courage to take on the responsibilities that I think I can shoulder and protect the duties and responsibilities that I should fulfill."

"You said there is no upper limit to a prosperous life, but in my opinion, you just indulge your desire and selfishness for progress and set an infinitely high goal for yourself."

He pointed to the top of his head and said: "Now I can still see the goal of the position I want to take over, but when I get there, how high is considered high?"


Jing Yunong was silent for a long time when he answered Li Xuewu. He was thinking about Li Xuewu's answer and his own life.

Pursuing higher positions and striving for faster progress seems to have become the primary mentality of cadres as soon as they take office.

We often forget the original intention of taking up a management position, let alone the high-level setting we made when we entered the ranks of cadres.

Li Xuewu's last question was very direct to his heart. How high is considered high?

In turn, let’s understand Li Xuewu’s previous positioning for himself in the ups and downs of history.

In fact, it is not difficult to find that as the situation changes, personal development must go through ups and downs, and one must have the determination to go up and the courage to go down.

Cadres who can only be promoted but cannot be demoted show excessive trust in their own value and despise the work of the organization.

First of all, we must determine a belief, that is, do what you want at what age.

When you are fourteen years old, you should study hard, not be with someone.

When you are twenty-four years old, you should be in good company, not playing games.

You can't wait until you are twenty-four when you are no longer with a partner, fail to learn what you want, and paralyze yourself with the happiness of a child.

Flowers that should bloom in spring are eager to bloom in late winter, and those flowers will inevitably be damaged by wind and snow.

Secondly, you must have a clear understanding of your own abilities and responsibilities.

What kind of responsibilities you have to bear depends on what kind of rights you have. Either give them to me and I will do the work, or take away the responsibilities and I will not bear them.

If you choose neither option, then I can only do it myself and increase my authority to match my responsibilities.

This is the progress of Li Xuewu. He was just a security officer at first. Dong Wenxu gave him the responsibility of security section chief, so he worked hard to fulfill this position.

Later, when Fu Bin needed him to take further responsibilities, he would have to step into the corresponding position.

Which step he takes is not something he actively chooses, but something he passively handles.

At what point do we stop being passive and have the right to choose our own actions?

When he entered the official starting point of his career as deputy director, he had the right to choose and make judgments.

Li Xuewu, just like Jing Yunong said, highlighted his own strengths and weaknesses, choosing safety between doing things and making progress.

Simply put, he is restraining his own progress and suppressing his own progress.

Show abilities and achievements behind the leader, and put the shortcomings of age and qualifications in front of the leader.

Then you said that while the leader is using him, is he also being used by him?

Jing Yunong was sure of this. Li Xuewu was like a slippery monster, interspersed around all the management, he could see it, couldn't catch it, and couldn't control it.

She once thought about restricting or restricting, but it was useless. In the end, she could only compromise.

Not only did he compromise, he also broke away.

On the one hand, Jing Yunong felt unworthy of Li Xuewu, but on the other hand, he also wanted to establish his own influence.

Li Xuewu went somewhere, she helped Li Xuewu, and Li Xuewu would in turn help her.

This is called forming a network, or forming a party.

Li Xuewu would not feel dissatisfied or aggrieved by his own restrictions and suppression. If he were to stand in Li Huaide's position, he would be confident that he could do a good job.

But, what then?

Are you using your 21-year-old age to shoulder the pressure placed on 45-year-old cadres from above?

Stop making trouble, he is already a few steps ahead of others. If he is faster, he will either make people hate him, or he will make people care about him.


"Wen Biao and his wife came in the afternoon."

As soon as he got home, Gu Ning told him about the incident and also mentioned the gift the other party brought.

Li Xuewu squatted on the ground, looked at it, frowned and asked, "What is this?"

"It's a big supplement, but I'm a little afraid to do it."

Qin Jingru shrugged her shoulders with some fear and said: "Brother Biao said that Sha Zhu knew an imperial chef who was good at maintaining health, so he asked him to do it later."

"For me?"

Li Xuewu stood up and said with a smile: "I'm in great shape, and it tastes great when I eat..."

"It's to replenish Sister Xiao Ning's health."

Qin Jingru said with a smile: "It is said that the mother has lost her vitality and needs to be replenished."

"Then you have to ask my dad."

Li Xuewu scratched his face and asked Qin Jingru: "Where is Biaozi? Didn't you leave any food?"

"Keep it, Sister Xiao Ning has already spoken."

Qin Jingru replied: "I told you to go back to the courtyard first and come back when you are free."

“I’ll come here as soon as I get off the train in the afternoon.”

Gu Ning was not very familiar with Lao Biaozi, but he knew the brotherhood between them and did not regard each other as an outsider.

"I came here with my daughter-in-law, and she is also pregnant, she is three months old."

"This boy, aren't you afraid of tiring your wife?"

Li Xuewu complained funnyly and said: "You have to take good care of your body. There is no way to relax on the train."

“Missing home so much”

Gu Ning explained: "He said he came back to see his father-in-law, and his wife keeps talking about it."

"I asked him to pick me up, but he told me that it was not convenient for me to live with my husband."

Li Xuewu curled his lips and said, "Okay, now I will help him take care of his father-in-law."

After saying that, he felt it was funny. He shook his head slightly and looked at Gu Ning and said, "When will it be my turn to support my father-in-law?"

Gu Ning glanced at him and felt that this man was speaking on purpose, to tease herself.

"If you have time, go back. It's hard for them to come back."

She persuaded Li Xuewu and said: "It seems that he really wants to talk to you. You must have a lot to say."

"Let's talk about it on Saturday"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Li Xuewu walked to the edge of the sofa and sat next to her, explaining: "You also know what kind of person he is. He talks about it endlessly.

I still have to drink, so how can I have time to spend with him?"

After saying that, he put his ear on his wife’s belly, listened, and said with a smile, “Are you not making any noise today?”

“a little tired”

Gu Ning pushed his head away, straightened her body and said, "I'm not tired, I'm not stretching either. I'm just tired and I'm afraid I'm going to give birth."

"Go to the hospital?"

Li Xuewu became serious and said, "This is no joke. You are a doctor and you know your condition well."

"I know, no need to go"

Gu Ning shook his head paranoidly and said: "It will take a few more days. It will be troublesome if we go now. We are not used to it and uncomfortable if we still live there."

"Well, you decide for yourself"

Li Xuewu nodded, looked at Gu Ning and said, "Don't show off, let alone delay. I'm not a professional doctor, but I am a professional husband."

"Got it~"

Gu Ning looked at his nervousness with amusement, raised her hand and pushed his face away, saying: "Hurry up and wash up. Let's eat right away."

"Kiss one"

Li Xuewu pointed to his face in a low voice and asked his wife.

Gu Ning pinched his face and pointed to the sofa for him to look at.

When Li Xuewu turned around, he saw Li Shu staring at them with big eyes.

"Oh, my dear, you are here!"

Li Xuewu stood up with a smile, walked over, picked up his daughter, and started teasing her with a smile.

Li Shu looked at Ba Ba, then at her mother, and then motioned to Gu Ning's side, imitating Li Xuewu and pointing at her little face.


Li Xuewu smiled and took the initiative to kiss her, which pissed her off.


Li Shu raised her hand to wipe her face and smelled it herself. Then she put her hand away in disgust, turned her face and shouted: "It stinks~ I don't want it anymore~"

"You are no longer daddy's little cotton-padded jacket!"

Li Xuewu tried his best to coax his daughter in a funny way, so he could only carry her to the bathroom, and the two of them washed their faces together.

Li Shu is just over one year old and less than two years old, but she already knows how to love beauty. She reminds Qin Jingru to apply fragrance for her every day, and she also knows about skin care.

She was just used to Qin Jingru's gentleness, so she felt helpless and angry at her father's clumsy behavior.


She stood on the sink, frowned and pointed at her father's mouth, reminding him to brush his teeth.

Li Xuewu breathed at her intentionally, and Li Shu was so angry that she wanted to bite him.

"Okay, okay, ancestor!"

He held his daughter while brushing her teeth and washing her little hands.

She said she smelled bad, but she ignored the soil in the flower pot and insisted on getting her hands full of mud.

After washing up in a hurry, the two of us walked out talking to each other.

As soon as he walked into the living room, he saw Gu Ning holding the armrest of the sofa with a nervous expression. She looked at him and said softly: "Li Xuewu, I...it seems like my water has broken."


Li Xuewu quickly put his daughter on the ground, walked over quickly, supported her, and asked: "Isn't it...?"

"No, let's arrange a car."

Gu Ning looked down and knew that it was time to give birth, so she calmly explained to him.

Instead, Li Xuewu felt sweat on his head and called Han Jiankun back from outside. He quickly explained a few words, and then said to Qin Jingru who came out with a cooking spatula: "Go get the delivery bag, Xiaoning is about to give birth."


This chapter has been completed!
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