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Chapter 516 Lao Li and Xiao Li

Should I say it or not? Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory is really big and awesome.

Fengcheng was known as the "Hometown of Machine Tools in China" at this time. How about it? Is it grand enough?

However, in the machining industry, the name of Fengyi Machinery will only become more famous!

When it comes to industrial machine tools in China, how can anyone not know Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory?

Feng Yiji is not only Feng Yiji, but also "wins" Yiji.

"People's Daily" praised it as "my country's first new type of machine tool manufacturing plant."

During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, it was listed as one of the 156 key national projects and is a well-deserved leading industrial enterprise.

The first jeep development unit, a key enterprise, an industrialization base...

According to the person in charge of the No. 1 Machinery Factory, his factory’s hands were wet after winning awards.

When Li Huaide heard this, he was a little attentive and surprised. This train was not pushed, and the bullshit was not blown. They had a solid foundation.

"I'm really not showing off to you. Of course I also know the glory of Red Star Factory."

The person in charge looked proud but said in a very polite tone: "This is what tens of thousands of workers in our No. 1 Machinery Factory have paid for with their blood and sweat."

This is true, Li Huaide didn't care about his tone and attitude.

They were responsible for casting the first metal G emblem of New China. Even the 1960 edition of the 2-yuan banknote has its products painted on it. This is a real honor.

Looking at the scale of the factory, as well as the workers and machinery in the production workshop, Li Xuewu was convinced when he heard the person in charge introduced that the annual output of 3,500 lathes of various types was here.

At least the Second Machinery Factory in Beijing cannot reach this level and does not have this production capacity.

In 1935, this was a mining machinery repair shop under the jurisdiction of Manchu Machinery Co., Ltd.

In four or five years, when the kid ran away, he took all the technical information and files with him.

After taking over, Mao Zige did not continue to operate the business. Instead, he shipped away almost all the main machinery and equipment, leaving very little of the remaining equipment.

After changing hands several times, the factory was finally taken over by the captain of the transportation team.

From 1946 to 1947, the factory was renamed "Fengcheng Fourth Machinery Factory of the Ministry of Economic Affairs" and "Fengcheng Machinery Factory of Resources Committee Co., Ltd."

However, at that time, the people under the transportation brigade captain were corrupt and bastards. Instead of being able to produce, they sold off the factory equipment.

Until the liberation of Fengcheng, the factory was still completely paralyzed.

With the founding of New China, the factory was officially renamed Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory.

As the eldest industrial son of the Republic of China, Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory invested hundreds of imported Soviet-made machine tools as industrial base machines once it was opened.

It also lived up to expectations and successfully developed China's first self-designed six-foot belt lathe, which marked the official start of the new China's machinery industry.

Between 1950 and 1952, Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory developed and produced the 111A full-gear lathe, the 3736 650mm bullhead planer, and the C630 ordinary lathe.

It laid the foundation for the reconstruction and expansion during the "First Five-Year Plan" period and is also the most important link in the country's basic industrial system.

From 1953 to 1955, under the guidance of expert Mao Zige, Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory completed the overall transformation based on the Moscow Red Proletarian Machine Tool Manufacturing Factory.

Because they both belonged to the social camp, "Big Brother" also provided the process documents of the 1A61 lathe, which had the highest precision at the time, as assistance.

This made Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory one of the most advanced machine tool factories in the social camp at this time.

In the following two years, the product categories of Fengcheng No. 1 Machine Tool Factory also increased to 14, with an annual output of more than 3,400 units, excellently completing various indicators in the "First Five-Year Plan".

In 1955, the first ordinary lathe, the C620-1 horizontal lathe, was independently produced, and the 1A62 and 1Д63A lathes of the Moscow Red Proletariat were copied.

In 1958, China's first precision screw lathe was trial-produced.

In 1964, we independently developed and produced the CT8305 semi-automatic camshaft lathe, which is a must-have machine tool in the automobile and tractor manufacturing industries.

In 1965, special machine tools were developed and produced for Juqing Oilfield and Gangcheng Iron and Steel Plant.

In 1966, we successively developed and produced CW6163, CW6180 and CW61100 series ordinary lathes.

After hearing the introduction from the person in charge, Li Huaide was already envious of the scenery of No. 1 Machinery Factory.

However, during the visit and investigation, Li Xuewu discovered something different.

Of course, they were invited to visit and investigate, not to work in a subsidiary company of the Red Star Factory, so of course they have to be decent.

Li Huaide was chatting with the person in charge of the other party, exchanging business bragging and complimenting each other.

But Li Huaide is not responsible for the specific business, even if the person in charge of the other party hopes that Red Star Factory can leave an order here, even if there is an interesting project to cooperate with.

However, Lao Li knows his level and abilities very well and will not make this decision easily.

Business matters have to be left to a dedicated person. This time he led a team to Fengcheng, and not all of the team was appointed secretaries.

There are people involved in technology, sales, production, finance, trade and other departments.

Without these experts or business teams to give corresponding suggestions, even if the other party exaggerates, Li Huaide will not fall for it.

Of course, he also poured out his flattering words and kept touting the honor and glory of Fengcheng No. 1 Machinery Factory.

However, this is only the scenery on the surface.

Li Xuewu took the team to read the introduction materials given by the other party, as well as the comparison of various data, and then combined it with what he saw in the workshop.

He and his team came to the same conclusion: Fengcheng No. 1 Machinery Factory is empty.

It’s not that the workshop is empty, or that the warehouse is empty, but that the overall strength is empty.

Li Xuewu did not do more in-depth investigation and research on the reasons, but looking at the historical reasons, there are only a few points.

One is that Big Brother left in 1958 too quickly and the support plan was too short.

The other is the current large-scale study activities. Although Fengcheng is not the capital, the wind of studying in the capital has also spread to Fengcheng, which is not small.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Everyone working in the organization knows that if the decision or policy set above is 1, then it will become 11 in the province, and it will become 11 in the city.

Called 111, then went to the county and it became 1111111.

I can't arrange it any further because the arrangement is unclear. I don't know what the 1 in the original decision has become. It could be 7 or even B.

The longer Li Xuewu participates in project management, the deeper his vision becomes. He knows some things at a glance without having to say or ask.

Look at the mental outlook of the factory employees while working, the rigor of the craftsmanship and procedures, and even the working environment and health management.

You may have said that good sanitation management does not necessarily mean good product quality.

Yes, this is absolutely correct.

However, if even the most basic hygiene is not managed well, the quality of the product will definitely not be good.

What is a machine tool?

Machine tools are the most basic equipment for processing machinery. They have strict processing standards and processes, and have extremely strict requirements on accuracy and quality.

It can be said that accuracy directly determines quality.

However, after viewing the lathe products, the production experts in the visiting and research team concluded that they had many defects and were unqualified.

How big are the flaws?

It may be as thin as a human hair, but with just such a flaw, it is unqualified in terms of accuracy and the machine tool cannot be used.

This is completely different from the production of furniture by a furniture factory. If the wood is a bit too long or too short, you can use paint or a plane to repair it. How to repair steel parts?

Li Huaide had already understood Li Xuewu's meaning from his eyes, which was also the final conclusion of the research team, so he spoke more politely.

The person in charge of the No. 1 Machinery Factory deliberately coordinated with Deputy Director Yu Han to retain guests, and wanted to treat the guests from the Red Star Factory in Beijing to dinner.

Yu Han asked Li Xuewu what he meant through Hu Ke. After communicating with Li Huaide, Li Xuewu politely declined and sincerely expressed his gratitude and apology to the other party.

The reason is that the research team of the Red Star Factory will have a meeting tonight, and the opinions that have just been finalized with Deputy Director Lu Qiming need to be refined.

The reason for this refusal was of course very good, but the person in charge of the No. 1 Machinery Factory also saw the meaning of the Red Star Factory. He was not optimistic about the cooperation with the No. 1 Machinery Factory. In other words, they saw something.

When the people from the Red Star Factory were being sent to the car, the person in charge of the No. 1 Machinery Factory secretly took Hu Ke's arm and chatted quietly.

"Deputy Director Hu, can you tell us more? This opportunity is really rare."

The person in charge said softly but urgently: "The Red Star Factory has invested tens of millions to build new factories in Steel City and Yingcheng. There is also a new light industry in the capital, which absolutely requires machine tools."

"Even if it allows us to win the industrial machinery purchase order from Steel City, we will be satisfied."

"Director Liu, I've invested a lot of money, and I've brought all the people here for you. What can I do if you can't keep them?"

Hu Ke stamped his feet anxiously and said to the person in charge of the No. 1 Machinery Factory: "This is a brand new steel rolling mill. They are also discussing a large order with France. The machine tool purchase order is more than tens of millions. Your performance today is not good.


He tapped the person in charge's chest and said, "Don't try to fool people. I've reminded you a long time ago that the main target is not that old Li but that little Li! That one is the business manager."

"Stop your bragging attitude about your achievements and be more practical."

Hu Ke motioned to a group of white shirts who were getting on the bus and said, "There are at least seven experts and professors from Huaqing University there. Who are you trying to fool?"

The person in charge was also dumbfounded. Looking at the team getting on the bus and the person in charge of the Red Star Factory standing by the bus to chat, he felt sad.

The current situation of the No. 1 Machinery Factory is full of acne. Not only are there frequent product quality problems and a large loss of talent, the factory is also unable to make ends meet and is almost on the verge of bankruptcy.

He didn't want to say the reason, and he couldn't say it, but tens of thousands of workers pointed to the factory to feed their families. If the factory was corrupted during his term, he would be ready to jump into the river to apologize.

"I don't even want to say anything to you."

Hu Ke was also a little angry and said: "When you compare your previous honors to yours now, do people come to see you to brag, or do they come to see your products?"

"You have to at least let people know that your factory is capable of cooperating in terms of production and management. You can't do anything, so you have to brag?"

"What should we do?"

The person in charge said in a calm voice: "Can you tell the leader again? Help us fight for it?"

"You also know that our factory is currently facing difficulties. We are really unable to save it on our own. We don't want to drag down the province, and we also want to work hard on our own, but..."

"Let me tell you more about the leader, but you have to seize the opportunity yourself."

Hu Ke sighed deeply. He did not want to see the once most glorious factory decline.

"Tomorrow they are going to visit the Workers' New Village, because the Red Star Factory wants to create a more complex and comprehensive integrated living environment in the capital."

"Deputy Director Lu will accompany the investigation in the morning. At that time, please ask the leader to find an opportunity to intercede."

Hu Ke reached out and took his arm and said: "But you have to take action tonight. You have to think about how to cooperate."

"Hey - Deputy Director Hu."

Seeing that Hu Ke was about to leave after explaining, the person in charge hurriedly grabbed the other person and asked: "Can you give me some tips on how to discuss this cooperation? We don't even have any foundation."

"I'll tell you something and you can think about it yourself."

Hu Ke glanced at Li Xuewu who was getting into the car, then turned back to the person in charge and said: "The Red Star Factory is cooperating with the Beijing Second Machinery Factory to engage in joint industry to produce and imitate imported machinery."

"Think about it for yourselves. I'm not the God of Wealth, so I don't give away things for free. Those tens of millions didn't come from the strong wind, so I have to give them to you."

After saying that, he stopped talking to the person in charge and trotted onto Li Huaide's car.

Watching the convoy leave, Liu Chodong, the person in charge of the No. 1 Machinery Factory, stood there with deep emotion and discomfort.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the past, when the No. 1 Machinery Factory was prosperous, there was no need to be so humble. The cadres in charge of industry in the province surrounded them.

But look at them now, they seem to be stinking shit, and everyone avoids them.

This machine factory has not yet reached the stage of bankruptcy, but it has become like this.


Fengcheng No. 1 Machinery Factory failed to keep people from the Red Star Factory for dinner. Lu Qiming knew about this before the team returned to Liaodong Hotel.

As the largest and best machinery factory in Fengcheng, the jewel in the industrial crown, he, who is in charge of industrial work, naturally cannot give up.

So, when the motorcade stopped in front of the hotel, Li Huaide and others got off the car and walked into the lobby while arranging their evening work. They saw Lu Qiming waiting at the gate with his secretary.

"Deputy Director Lu? That's... too polite." Li Huaide smiled and shook hands with the other party, and said: "Deputy Director Yu's reception and arrangements have been very good. I am flattered by you."

"Hahaha - it should be!"

Lu Qiming smiled and invited Li Huaide to go inside, and explained: "I'm off work. I don't have anything to do at night. I thought I didn't have enough fun at noon."

He lightly touched Li Huaide's arm and joked in a low voice: "You have come all the way, so I have to accompany you. Otherwise, how can I go to Guanli to have a drink with you next time?"


Li Huaide laughed and said: "This really makes me feel ashamed. When I go to the capital, I must be the one to entertain you!"

He knew it deep down in his heart. He knew why Deputy Director Lu came to drink with him again in the evening. It was definitely not because he was off work at night and had nothing to do. Who would believe that he was a fool?

It seems that a cadre of Lu Qiming's level would never go home on time after get off work at night. Isn't this a joke?

On the one hand, he arranged for the Red Star Factory to visit and investigate Fengcheng No. 1 Machinery Factory, but did not achieve the desired results and did not satisfy the Red Star Factory, so he felt apologetic.

On the other hand, Red Star Factory was invited to come with a large order in hand, and he couldn't just watch this piece of fat fly away so openly in front of his eyes.

Therefore, the No. 1 Machinery Factory does not need to tell him, he also knows what to do and how to fix this problem.

Although I was secretly cursing the No. 1 Machinery Factory for not living up to expectations and failing to do its job well.

But to be honest, this is his basic position. He wants to be the master of the situation and make the final effort for the other party.

When he opens his mouth, Li Huaide of Red Star Factory will definitely give him some face, but whether this face is thin or thick depends on his actual actions.

The money was in Red Star Factory's pocket, so he couldn't reach out and grab it.

The size of the machinery orders from one factory are still different. Even if Li Huaide gave him face, it would be useless to the first machine factory, so the face would be in vain.

Besides, since Li Huaide gave him face, the Red Star Factory will have to have his support and help in Liaodong from now on.

When you go out, whether face is worth money or not depends on your ability and level.

It can be seen that Lu Qiming put a lot of thought into this meal tonight for the sake of Red Star Factory.

The Northeastern cuisine itself is very large, and with the hospitality specifications and standards, it is deliberately prepared for Hongxing Factory. This table of dishes is enough to see.

According to Li Xuewu's mental preparation, the meal in the evening should have been eaten at the No. 1 Machinery Factory. The level of the other party's hospitality would not be lower than here, but the standard of hospitality would definitely not be up to that of Lu Qiming's company.

In another situation, the hotel will also prepare dinner, which is definitely not as sumptuous. The one accompanying him should be Yu Han.

This kind of temporary overweighting is not uncommon, at least Li Huaide is mentally prepared.

So when facing Lu Qiming, he was very calm, relaxed and casual.

The two sides interacted with each other at the wine table. Without the formality and restraint at noon, they dared to clink glasses more and toast more during off-duty hours.

Of course Lu Qiming was prepared. In addition to Yu Han and Hu Ke, he also called Wang Lu, the head of Steel City Industry, who had not gone back to wait for the Red Star Factory today, and Ge Ping, the head of Yingcheng Industry.

On the Red Star Factory side, Li Huaide and Li Xuewu were the main players, fighting against the opponent's demands, engaging in positional warfare, and defensive counterattacks.

Li Xuewu counterattacked alone, while Li Huaide led others to defend.

But when I saw Li Xuewu frequently raising his glass and the bottom of the glass was bright, I knew it was the Wine Fairy who was here.

The firepower from the opposite party was concentrated on Li Xuewu. Because he was young, promising, well-spoken, and the person in charge of coordinating industry and business at the Red Star Factory, there was no problem in drinking him.

During this meal, when we first started drinking, we didn’t talk about work, let alone the research and visits in the afternoon. We just talked about the local customs.

In fact, there is no point in talking about anything. Li Xuewu's mouth and brain work faster if he drinks too much.

With the convenience of being the person in charge of the team, he drank the wine he offered to the other party with dignity, but when he was drinking from the other side, he felt something was wrong.

Is this a wine barrel or a wine vat?

The dishes haven't even been served yet, and I've had to fight back and forth several times for two taels of cups.

I'm afraid he has already finished the two kilograms of wine, but Li Xuewu's face is only slightly red, and he is not drunk at all.

Damn! Today’s game is really difficult!

Why? I am being unreasonable!

It's like this at the wine table. Sometimes it's really frustrating. You can see him pouring wine into his mouth, but you can see him drinking it without blushing or heartbeat.

Several of the liquor bottles on the table where dishes are being served and prepared are already empty, and wine is still being poured on the other side.

Who's going to code?! Kill him!

It must be the end of the battle, absolutely!

There are those whose faces don’t change color after drinking, and who remain the same no matter how much they drink. The amount can be up to three kilograms, and they will lie down once the amount is reached.

Therefore, they were sure that Li Xuewu was about to fall, so these people took turns to attack.

Li Xuewu is a cup of wine, but a cup of wine has bottomed out.

Some people are too narrow-minded and think that Li Xuewu is being naughty and drank too much.

Taking the opportunity of toasting, I took a closer look.

What's the result?

Good guy, I really poured it into my mouth!

Lu Qiming, who was talking to Li Huaide, was dumbfounded. We are the hosts.

"Actually, Deputy Director Li doesn't have much. Maybe he's back home and in a good mood."

Li Huaide is still making sarcastic remarks here. He still doesn't know what Li Xuewu is?

How many of the units that the Red Star Factory cooperated with did not ask him and Li Xuewu to cause trouble, and how many responsible persons were vomited.

Let's put it this way, as long as they want to, as long as the other side dares to drink, no person in charge of the factory can walk out of the guest house of the Red Star Factory standing.

That's true, just drink it and you won't make a sound when you drink it.

Northeastern people drink more vigorously than those in the capital and more ferociously than those in the south. Money cups are rare, and the smallest ones on the wine table are only two taels. This is called a polite cup.

The money cups are all old men and women, sitting on the kang at home, saying they can't bear to drink, and they are thinking about the taste of the money.

At the wine table here, two liangs are tasted first, and then one has to change his job after drinking.

After a while, the rice bowl the size of a human palm was filled, at least half a catty.

There are even more ruthless ones, two large bowls, the kind used to hold vegetables, are filled to the brim, and there is almost a pound of wine.

Just drink it and keep breathing, pouring it into your throat is like overdoing it, and it feels so good.

If you don't drink up this bowl of wine, you will be famous on the wine tables in villages all over the country. No one will dare to call you for a drink.

But such a scene is not allowed to go to the drinking table of Li Huaide and others. After all, it is still an organizational relationship, and you cannot drink like this when making friends.

Therefore, with two ounces of cups, Li Xuewu really beat the opponent speechless and dumbfounded.

Wang Lu, the head of Steel City Industry, is a lesbian, but she is also a veteran of alcohol tests, and her drinking ability is not inferior to that of ordinary gay men.

But after having a few drinks with Li Xuewu, she wisely stepped back, knowing that Deputy Director Lu was in trouble today.

Seeing Li Xuewu defeating everyone on his side and attacking him at the same time, Lu Qiming was also a little panicked. How the hell are you abandoning me?

He also used Li Huaide's words to ask about the reason for returning to his hometown. He had never heard that Li Xuewu was from the Northeast.

But one thing he felt was that Li Xuewu spoke with a Northeastern accent, but not completely.

Northeasterners are very sensitive to foreign accents, especially those who left the Northeast and returned after traveling around the South.

It doesn't take long, just half a year, and you can definitely hear the change in accent.

But at this time, it was rare to hold cross-regional appointments, especially since Li Xuewu was young.

After hearing Li Xuewu's introduction that the old lady in his family was from the Northeast, Lu Qiming used the old lady's events from that period to talk about the past events in the Northeast, and by the way extended it to industry.


"It is indeed quite difficult. The difficulty is not the technology. It would be a pity if it were the technology."

After the meal, Lu Qiming invited Li Huaide and Li Xuewu to the reception room for tea.

He grinned and said with great regret: "The No. 1 Machinery Factory is very skilled. The machine tools it has designed for several large enterprises have received praise and praise. This is a visible achievement."

"However, we must admit that technology has developed over the years, but management has reached a dead end, especially the ability to resist risks."

There were not many people in the reception room. On the Red Star Factory side were Li Huaide and Li Xuewu, as well as their secretaries Li Haiyang and Peng Xiaoli.

On the Liaodong side were Lu Qiming, Yu Han, Hu Ke, and Wang Lu, the head of Steel City Industry.

A secretary was doing service work, and no one else was present, so he spoke freely.

"This is what I am most dissatisfied with about No. 1 Machinery Factory."

Lu Qiming frowned and pointed to the door, and said seriously: "If you focus on the head but not the bottom, in the end the product quality will seriously decline, the technical staff will be lost, and it will be a mess."

While they were having dinner, Liu Chodong, the head of the No. 1 Machinery Factory, caught up with them.

His original intention was to contact Red Star Factory to communicate privately and strive for some opportunities.

Unexpectedly, Deputy Director Lu Qiming was here. He was already here and did not dare to leave. He only hoped to meet with the Red Star Factory.

On the way to the reception room just now, Lu Qiming ignored him, and when he was at the door, he didn't even ask him to come in to participate in the meeting.

Therefore, Liu Chok Tong was standing in the corridor at the moment, and Lu Qiming's words were also said to him, just to make him ashamed.

"Why did you invite the Red Star Factory to Liaodong, and why did I arrange for you to visit and conduct research at Fengcheng No. 1 Machinery Factory?"

Lu Qiming didn't drink too much, but his face was very red. He still spoke clearly and coherently, but his tone was more emotional.

"I feel sorry for the foundation of Northeastern industry. I can't bear to see the meritorious factories rotting under my nose. I feel sad."

He said sincerely: "I have learned about the Red Star Mill carefully. Comrade Hu Ke told me that there is a Red Star Rolling Mill in the capital. It has already begun preparations for promotion. It is said that it will develop greatly and move forward."

"I said, what's the point? Let's not talk about the Northeast, let's talk about Liaodong. Which year doesn't produce a few promotions, and what year doesn't produce a few key enterprises?"

"But, Comrade Hu Ke told me that the industrial indicators of the steel rolling mill before and after the big study activity increased several times."

"He also told me that the Hongxing Factory's foreign trade openings caused a quarrel between the First Machinery Department and the Foreign Economic and Trade Department. He also said that the total investment in five years would be 80 million. Good guy, I was immediately stunned."

"Eighty million, not to mention Fengcheng, even in Liaodong and Northeast China, no company dares to invest 80 million in five years."

Lu Qiming said with emotion: "I worked in Factory No. 17, and I know very well the core goals and key points of corporate investment. As soon as the 80 million figure came out, I knew that I was being tricked."


Everyone was amused by his words, and Hu Ke quietly interjected and explained: "Director Lu was also present at the time, and he didn't believe it either, so he still asked."

"Who can believe it?"

Lu Qiming himself also smiled, patted the armrest of the sofa and said, "I almost scolded Hu Ke for lying about military intelligence. Later, he brought me investigation materials and newspapers for me to read."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The hardware industry feeds back the metallurgical industry, the metallurgical industry drives the automobile industry, the automobile industry connects to the shipbuilding industry... After this series of industrial development, I know the Red Star Factory."

"Hahaha, you're so grateful. In fact, we are just trying to cross the river by feeling the stones."

Li Huaide smiled so hard that he couldn't hold back his smile. It didn't matter if others praised him. He was the deputy director in charge of industry in Liaodong.

"When we first started working on the three-year plan and the five-year plan, we were also very scared. We were afraid that we would not be able to meet the task targets and that we would be exaggerating."

"Hey - I don't think so."

Lu Qiming waved his hand and said, "As soon as an expert takes action, he will know if there is any."

He said: "I don't look at anything else, and I can't understand it. I only look at the changes and development of your factory, and it immediately clicked on me!"

"It started in early 1966, and it's only been a year and a half now. This kind of change is not something you can just cross the river by feeling for the stones."

Lu Qiming pointed to Yu Han, Wang Lu and others sitting next to him and said, "I'll give them one and a half years, and ask them if they dare to talk about groupization?"

"I don't dare, so I'm here to learn from it." Wang Lu, the head of Steel City Industry, said with a smile: "I talked with Director Dong of the Hongxing Steel City Steelmaking Plant. It was also the Hongxing Plant that laid out the steel city to build a mixture of light and heavy industries.

Witnesses of the industry.”

"Look, Comrade Wang Lu also said that she can see more clearly than I can. She's down there."

Lu Qiming smiled and nodded at her, and said to Li Huaide and Li Xuewu: "I criticized her that day because she doesn't know how to behave or do things at all."

"A Red Star Factory has successively invested in the hardware industry, electronics industry, automobile industry, allied industry, etc. in the steel city. It has even revolutionized the metallurgical industry. Such an important investment cannot be seen. How on earth is it doing its work?"

He said in a half-joking, half-serious tone: "If it were me, I would have bought a train ticket to go to Beijing. I would definitely visit the Red Star Factory. Thank you for your trust and support. Thank you for settling the company in the steel industry."


"Yes, this is a mistake in my work. I don't have enough understanding of industrial services. I will make a serious review. Next, I will communicate more and get closer to Director Li and Deputy Director Li."

Wang Lu also took this opportunity to criticize Lu Qiming in a half-joking and relaxed tone, and at the same time apologized to Red Star Factory.

Li Huaide smiled and waved his hand and said: "There is really no need to be so polite. Our factory does not look at these relationships when investing in and building enterprises."

His words answered the polite attitude of Lu Qiming and Wang Lu, and then said: "The industrial investment environment in Steel City is good. I can see it without you, Deputy Director Wang, coming to me."

"Our factory has a large layout in Steel City. It aims to build a complete integrated industrial system, not to engage in isolated industrial alliances."

Li Huaide explained: "We have chosen the heavy industry foundation of Steel City and the heavy industry foundation of Liaodong, so we need to build integrated industries and build supporting industries."

"That's the supply chain system our Deputy Director Li mentioned at the morning meeting."

He looked at Lu Qiming and asked: "Deputy Director Lu, let me give you some data and you will understand why we need to develop a supply chain system."

"The 212 Jeep that is being produced by Beijing First Automobile Factory has all types of parts produced and assembled independently. What is its price?"

This question stopped Lu Qiming. He really hadn't paid attention to this matter.

But Yu Han knew better, so he took the initiative and answered softly: "Here in Liaodong, the purchase price of the 212 Jeep is 31,000 yuan."

"Thirty thousand, do you think this price is expensive or cheap?"

After Li Huaide asked, he continued to introduce without waiting for his answer: "The Red Star Factory also built a Jeep, the Red Star Antelope Jeep."

"It is no worse than the 212 Jeep in terms of performance, but it is completely different in terms of production model. Except for the core components and advantageous components that we produce ourselves or jointly with industries, everything else relies on the supply chain system."

He looked at Lu Qiming and asked, "Do you know how much the red star antelope from our factory sells for?"

“The basic version of Red Star Antelope City is priced at 7,980 yuan, and the full-height version is priced at 9,980 yuan.”

"The lowest price of the Red Star series is the engineering model, which is only 7,180 yuan."

The price Li Huaide said made Lu Qiming and others stunned. They thought they had drunk too much and heard wrongly.

“The performance is similar, but the price is three times different”

He said very seriously: "This is the supply chain system we are working on."

"Except for core components, everything else is commissioned for production and procurement?"

Lu Qiming frowned and asked: "But in addition to dealing with policy risks, how to ensure process risks? You can't be sure that the production of all parts is qualified, right?"

"Yes, this is also an advantage of the supply chain, because our procurement is not in the correct unit."

Li Huaide said: "For a screw, we have to deliver it to at least a dozen factories. Whoever can guarantee that their workmanship is qualified will be able to provide this screw to the supply chain after passing the assessment."

"We don't just want this one, we may want three, five, or all of the dozens of entrusted companies, but we will distinguish the signs and follow up the assessment."

"If the workmanship of the commissioned workpiece is not up to standard, then we will deduct the balance payment to offset this part of the loss, and also remind supply chain companies to be cautious about product quality issues."

Li Huaide spread his hands and said: "Compared to the price advantage, when comparing other risks, we believe that as long as we have a reasonable system, we can limit this risk."

"Well, it's really worth thinking about, the supply chain system." Lu Qiming frowned and made a note in his notebook, then nodded and said, "It seems that there is a reason for the success of the Red Star Factory."

"You're so polite. It's all for the sake of organizing the work. We have also experienced ups and downs."

Li Huaide said modestly: "The problems and difficulties that No. 1 Machinery Factory is facing are actually the same ones we have encountered before, and we empathize with them."

"At the beginning, accidents occurred frequently and workers were not very motivated to produce. It was Deputy Director Li who supervised production safety, which led to today's achievements."

Li Xuewu held Li Huaide in his arms when he spoke. Now when Li Huaide talks about issues, he usually talks with Li Xuewu in his arms.

The tacit understanding and cooperation between the two people is also the reason why Liaodong Industrial personnel respect and admire them.

Lu Qiming nodded clearly, understanding the meaning of Li Huaide's words, but he still fought for No. 1 Machinery Factory: "I heard that you also have a joint industrial project."

He gestured to the door and said: "The No. 1 Machinery Factory still has the technology and foundation. I wonder if there is any possibility of cooperation in this area?"

"Deputy Director Lu, actually we understand your good intentions." Li Xuewu took over the conversation and said sincerely: "To be honest, I was attracted by the production environment and foundation of No. 1 Machinery Factory."

"However, after comprehensive consideration, we both feel that it is not appropriate. Let me explain to you."

Li Xuewu looked at Lu Qiming and said: "You also mentioned that the No. 1 Machinery Factory has technology, but it lacks funds, management, and ideas. However, our factory has introduced advanced technology from abroad and followed it.

The second machine in Beijing is cooperating."

"At the technical level, we do not lack core and key production equipment. In terms of joint industry, our factory is a technology exporter. We provide technology and key equipment, and we also need mature funds and management to cooperate."

He paused at this point, spread his hands and said: "I feel sorry for the technology of the first machine factory, especially the production capacity of all types of machine tools."

"However, a machine manufacturer that is good at technology and wants to cooperate with us really does not have the advantage of being compatible and cooperating with us."

"Well, I understand."

Lu Qiming understood what he meant and nodded: "My understanding was wrong."

"I'm sorry, Deputy Director Lu."

Of course Li Xuewu couldn't let Li Huaide say rejection, that would be too inappropriate.

So he can only be the villain: "If there is a chance, we will definitely choose a machine factory to cooperate..."

Dong Dong——

Before Li Xuewu finished speaking, there was a knock on the door and the door was pushed open.

Liu Chodong, the head of the No. 1 Machinery Factory, walked in. He first nodded apologetically to Lu Qiming, then looked decisively at Li Huaide and Li Xuewu of the Red Star Factory and said: "I know that the Red Star Factory is disappointed with us, but please give us a chance."


Without waiting for the frowning Lu Qiming to speak, he quickly said: "The First Machinery Factory is willing to use its core processes and technologies to cooperate with the Red Star Factory to form a new joint industry. We can do without management rights and provide the best workers and equipment.


He said in a serious tone: "We only need orders. Professional orders can be given to United Industries, and general orders can be given to No. 1 Machinery Factory."

Seeing the "Xiao Li" who was in charge of specific business at Red Star Factory frown slightly, Liu Zuodong knew that his words had attracted him.

He continued: "The shareholding establishment can be negotiated and agreed. We will not make excessive demands. We only hope to have an opportunity for transformation, just like the Red Star Factory."

"We can provide a full range of mechanical equipment solutions for all factories under construction in Hongxing Factory, and each machine can be inspected one by one."

Liu Chok Tong said sincerely: "We are willing to assign cadres to the Red Star Factory to exchange and learn, and we also ask the Red Star Factory to appoint cadres to guide us in completing the transformation of the industrial management system."

"How's it going? Director Li, Deputy Director Li."

When Lu Qiming saw that Liu Chok Tong had finished speaking, he did not blame him for his recklessness. Instead, he looked at the Red Star Factory and said: "I can guarantee the First Machinery Factory. United Industries, including shares and management, everything will be decided by the Red Star Factory. As long as it helps

This is the only requirement for the transformation of a machine factory."

This chapter has been completed!
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