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Chapter 262 Seeing is believing

The child's father was standing behind Li Xuewu. Seeing that his daughter had recovered, he smiled gratefully at Li Xuewu.

After explaining this sentence, he let go of his wife and let her pounce on his daughter.

Before anyone could react, the child's father knelt down to Li Xuewu with a "pop" sound.

The parents of the two children who had just listened to the explanation from the children in the village that it was Li Xuewu who gave him wood to hold on till now also knelt down.

People at this time were very simple, especially those who came from that era. The way to express gratitude was to kneel down.

At this moment, Li Xuewu was having his clothes handed to him by the guards. Just as he was about to put on his clothes, he saw several people kneeling down. He quickly let go of the clothes in his hands and went to help the kneeling people.

"We are cadres of the people. It is our duty and responsibility to save people. We are not worthy of being like you. Get up quickly."

"Wow, thank you, thank you for saving our little Liu, I kowtow to you."

Li Xuewu is naked at the moment, and there are lesbians among the kneeling people. It is not appropriate to help anyone now.

Li Xuewu smiled bitterly and said, "Fellow folks, I'm cold right now. Don't be polite. Let me put on my clothes."

Xu, who was a village cadre, came over and said to the kneeling people, "It's such a cold day. If you want to thank me, I'll say it later and let them get dressed."

There must be a leader to help maintain order. After hearing this, these people stood up gratefully, and Li Xuewu began to put on his own clothes.

As for being naked, there is no embarrassment, because as long as Li Xuewu is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

This other person is Yu Haitang.

When I was rescuing people just now, I noticed that Li Xuewu's lower body was dripping with blood.

Before Haitang could blush, Li Xuewu shouted for first aid, so he didn't have the intention to blush anymore.

Now seeing Li Xuewu stuffing the stick into his pants, his face turned red.

After Li Xuewu put on his clothes, the village cadre held Li Xuewu's hand and said, "Thank you, little comrade, for saving three lives in our village."

Li Xuewu shook the village cadre's hand and replied, "It is our duty to do so."

Then he said to the girl's father, "Send the child to the health center. She must be very cold. Check carefully to make sure there are no other problems."

After hearing this, the couple took off their cotton clothes, wrapped their children, and ran into the village.

Li Xuewu had already put on the clothes that the team members had picked up for him, and felt warm again, so he said to Li Huaide, "Leader, let's go back."

The village cadre wanted to stay with Li Xuewu and the others for dinner, but Li Xuewu refused. These days are difficult for every family, but don't let a good thing turn into a wrong thing.

Li Huaide looked at Li Xuewu with appreciation, nodded and said, "Since you are fine, let's go back."

Taking the lead, Li Huaide led Li Xuewu and others up the slope.

Behind them are the team members who collected the ropes, and around them are the villagers who came to see them off.

After getting on the bus, Li Xuewu and his team waved their hands to the villagers and started walking back.

On the way, Li Xuewu was blown by the heater in the jeep and sneezed. His nose was stuffy and his forehead was still a little hot.

When the jeep shook his head, he still felt a little groggy, so he couldn't help but fall asleep leaning on the back seat.

When Yu Haitang saw Li Xuewu's face turned red, he touched Li Xuewu's forehead with his hand and felt that the back of his hand was hot.

Yu Haitang was also a little scared and urged the driver, "Hurry up and drive quickly. Section Chief Li has a fever. Go directly to the factory hospital."

At this time, Li Xuewu was already a little lost in the lake. He felt that his face was burning and uncomfortable. Suddenly, his forehead felt cold and felt extremely comfortable.

But before I felt comfortable for a while, the coldness disappeared again, and I couldn't help but frown.

Yu Haitang also saw Li Xuewu's expression and thought it would be nice if there was a wet towel at this moment.

There was no choice but to cover Li Xuewu's forehead with his hand again.

Feeling the coolness coming back, Li Xuewu couldn't help but relax his frown, and covered the "coldness" on his forehead with his hands, fearing that it would disappear again.

Yu Haitang was startled when Li Xuewu grabbed her hand. Li Xuewu did not open his eyes and called Li Xuewu twice but there was no response.

I don't know if Li Xuewu did it on purpose or if he burned Mihu. Not only did Yu Haitang not take back his hand, but he blushed and touched the glass with his other hand.

This is to prepare two hands to alternately absorb Li Xuewu's heat.

When they arrived at the steel rolling mill, Li Xuewu's car drove directly into the factory area and didn't even stop when it passed the main office building. This was abnormal.

Li Huaide stood at the door of the building and looked at the direction of Li Xuewu's car. He frowned and said to Fu Bin, "Let's find out about Section Chief Li and see if he is sick from the cold."

Fu Bin also looked concerned and said, "I'd better go there in person. It doesn't look right. There are comrades from the agency in his car. It's not an emergency and he won't stop the car."

"Well, that's fine, this is your soldier," Li Huaide glanced at Fu Bin and said.

This sentence is very important. It defines the relationship between Fu Bin and Li Xuewu.

The previous confrontation between the two in Miyun was summed up by Li Huaide's sentence: Li Xuewu is your soldier, and it is your responsibility to lead him well or not.

Another meaning is that Li Xuewu is your soldier. If you don't care, then it's your problem.

Otherwise, there is no fighting or killing in the agency, it is just human nature.

When we arrived at the hospital at the steel rolling mill, as soon as the driver parked the car, the co-pilot team member ran out of the car and tried to fight Li Xuewu when he opened the door.

Yu Haitang supported Li Xuewu's head and followed the strength of the escort to move Li Xuewu out of the car.

Although Li Xuewu is not fat, he is not light in weight. He is a tall man of about 1.8 meters, and he is full of muscles. It is really difficult for a team member to carry it.

Instead, I saw a vehicle entering the hospital, and the doctor on duty inside saw people being carried out of the vehicle. Knowing that something was wrong, he ran out with a stretcher.

The two team members put Li Xuewu on the stretcher and followed the doctor's instructions to carry Li Xuewu to the hospital.

At this moment, Yu Haitang didn't know whether he should return to the radio station to resume his duties or stay to take care of Li Xuewu.

After doing some mental preparation, Yu Haitang gritted his teeth and walked towards the hospital.

On the way back to the city from Miyun, a Willys was speeding along the road.

In fact, there is absolutely no problem for Willis to travel on such mountain roads, because the car was originally designed to meet harsher traffic conditions.

"Hey, don't mention it. Apart from the air leakage, there's really nothing wrong with this car."

Lao Biaozi was tall, so he sat in the passenger seat, his hands firmly grasping the door handle and the armrest next to the seat.

I was afraid that Yan Jie would turn around and fly out.

"Well, it would be nice if you said the same thing if you were sitting in the back seat."


Lao Biaozi ignored Shen Guodong's complaints and pretended that Feng Da didn't hear them.

Who knows that because of my large body, I can't sit in the back, so I can only take advantage of the co-pilot.

"Hey, brother Jie Cheng, is this car easy to drive?"

Lao Biaozi was obviously interested in driving.

When I walked in the past, I always felt that the bicycle was faster.


Driving seems more exciting now.

In the past, I and others were just gangsters on the street. We didn’t even dare to think about bicycles, so how dare we think about cars?

Isn’t that just a blind thought?

But things are different now. Brother Wu’s car is not driven normally and is kept in the west courtyard. Now that it is connected with Hongxing Village, this car can be used for transportation in the future.

If you come here by bicycle, it takes seven or eight hours.

But what about driving?

A little over an hour is definitely enough.

In the future, we will have to haul a lot of things out of Hongxing Village. If we just rely on tricycles, we won't even go into the mountains, and we will be exhausted halfway through.

"It's easy to drive. You see, this is called a steering wheel. It controls the direction. Turn left and turn left. Turn right and turn right."

"I know this, let's talk about other things"

When Lao Biaozi saw that Yan Jiecheng was willing to teach, he twisted his body and looked at it. Shen Guodong and Er Haoer behind him also looked over, and they were obviously interested in driving.

"This is called the accelerator. Press it to accelerate, and release it to decelerate."

"This is the brake, step on it and..."

"That's it?"



"Oh shit~"

Yan Jiecheng stepped on the brake, then stepped on the accelerator to drive forward, and at the same time laughed "hahaha" and said, "That's it."

"What a loss to you"

Shen Guodong and Erhai were rushed forward by the brakes and then thrown back into the back seat by inertia.

Lao Biaozi was fine. He kept holding on to the handle, but his body was swaying.

Although he was fooled by Yan Jiecheng for a while, he became even more interested in driving.

"When you return to the West Courtyard, please teach me and I will learn how to drive."

"No problem" Yan Jiecheng agreed readily.

I talked nonsense with a few people for half the night last night, and we already had some friendship, so we started joking.

When I saw Lao Biaozi talking about business, of course he agreed wholeheartedly.

Several people walked back laughing and joking. When they passed the bridge where Li Xuewu rescued people, Lao Biaozi and others stopped to take a look, but no one was by the river now.

On the bridge and on the slopes, however, there were ice chunks that had collapsed from the river.

"What the hell, who is frying fish here? You don't have any brains?"

Lao Biaozi looked out from the car under the bridge. The fork in the river was freezing very slowly due to the water flow, so the water could still be seen flowing.

Shen Guodong also said disdainfully, "When Brother Wu got explosives, he always went to small river ditches to blow them up. He just blasted all the ice water and fish in the ditch ashore and just picked them up."

Looking at Shichao's fish frying technique again, Shen Guodong curled his lips and said, "This is just for the big fish, but if you use too little explosives, it will be useless, and if you use too much, it will be a big trouble. It's just the work of a fool."


Lao Biaozi turned back to Yan Jiecheng and said, "Let's go. Don't look at it. He must have left without catching any fish."

The four of them also stopped here with the intention of picking up some food. Seeing that there was no benefit, of course they did not want to suffer the cold here.

As he spoke, Yan Jiecheng started driving the car again.

Old Biaozi looked back at Shen Guodong and said, "It's the Chinese New Year, so pack up your fishing nets and go work on them on Saturday."

The fishing nets at Shen Guodong's house were left behind by his father. They are how many years old.

Thanks to their old lady for always taking care of it.

In those years, it was Shen Guodong's fishing net that made a great contribution. In those years, these children relied on this fishing net to survive in winter and summer.

Li Xuewu's swimming and water skills were all practiced at that time.

Of course, this is also the reason why Li Xuewu doesn't eat fish in the water, because they come from the moat...

There is no such thing as "easy" in the lives of ordinary people. The relationship between Li Xuewu and the others was also exchanged for each other's lives.

It was already night when Li Xuewu woke up, and the hospital had become quiet now. The family members who should stay overnight had found a place to stay, and those who should go home had already gone home.

Liu Yin, a family member, stayed in Li Xuewu's ward.

Seeing Li Xuewu wake up, Liu Yin said happily, "Son, are you awake? I'll call a doctor for you."

It's time to get off work now, and only the doctor on night duty is here, so he doesn't know much about Li Xuewu's situation.

The doctor who was called over by Liu Yin looked at the information at the foot of Li Xuewu's bed, took Li Xuewu's temperature, and then said, "I'm just freezing. The fever has reached 40 degrees. I'm fine now. I'll check tomorrow morning."

, once the body temperature is normal, you can be discharged from the hospital.”

After finishing speaking, the doctor turned around and went out.

Doctors at this time all have such poker faces. They will definitely tell you what they need to say, but few of them have feelings.

But the treatment is not the same as in the military hospital. The reason is self-evident.

Li Xuewu now only feels sore all over his body, his nose is a little stuffy, and his head is not heavy anymore.

The doctor's intention is to discharge the patient as soon as he has no fever. As for runny nose and cough, these are not within the scope of hospitalization.

People in this era are not as wealthy as later generations. Those who can take medicine will never get injections, and those who can get injections will never get drunk.

Those who can catch water will never use the knife, and there are only a few who can use the knife.

After sending the doctor away, Liu Yin started to complain.

"Tell me about you. Is there ever a time to calm down? On what day do you dare to jump into the river? Do you want to kill yourself?"

Li Xuewu knew that no amount of explanations could equal his mother's love. He had to let his mother finish all her complaints, otherwise she would cry again.

"You still have the heart to laugh, I've never seen such a life-threatening cadre like you..."

Liu Yin was also full of firepower. She started scolding Li Xuewu after he returned from the army. He did not allow himself to worry about anything, and rushed to do everything that would kill him.

Especially at the end, Liu Yin pointed to Li Xuewu's left arm and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter with your scar?"

"Hehehe" Li Xuewu laughed for a while, and then said, "Mom, I'm hungry."

No amount of blame can compare to my son’s words, “I’m hungry.”

Liu Yin was also annoyed by her son, and now she said, "No, just be hungry and remember a little longer."

Li Xuewu tilted his head and looked at the thermos bucket behind the thermos bottle and said, "I'm lying, I saw it and smelled it. Is it rice porridge?"

Liu Yin said angrily, "You are a living ancestor, and I owe you."

While talking, he served porridge to Li Xuewu.

After bringing it to Li Xuewu's hand, he handed another spoon to Li Xuewu and asked, "Does your father know that you are injured? Are you two just hiding it from me?"

Li Xuewu now knew that his mother was going to kill him. If he knew that his father was hiding the truth from her and not telling her about his son, Li Shunke would be in trouble.

"No, I didn't tell anyone."

"Then a few days ago, your father gave you acupuncture, and your third brother gave you medicine for what purpose? Do you think your mother is a fool?"

Li Xuewu saw that his mother was not a good cook, so he ate the porridge and said while eating, "It's so delicious. My dad can handle it. I can see the medicinal ingredients."

"Just wait for me, wait for you to come home, and see how I deal with you and your father."

When Liu Yin saw Li Xuewu changing the subject, she wanted to scold her son, but seeing the situation now, she was reluctant to say anything further, so she could only vent her anger on Li Shun.

Li Xuewu is just busy eating porridge now, but he doesn't dare to cover for his father anymore. He just needs someone to take over his mother's anger.

Between father and son, who is suffering or not?

Liu Yin looked at Li Xuewu distressedly and said, "Your father came with me this afternoon. He took your pulse and said that you are prone to high fevers because you were injured last time and haven't recovered yet. He said that your body is still weak."

, it hasn’t been repaired yet.”

Li Xuewu nodded and said, "I know my father and mother care about me."

Liu Yin saw that Li Xuewu was sweating on his head, so he wiped it and said, "If you know that your parents care about you, and you also feel sorry for your parents, protect yourself and don't let us worry."


"Yeah, not anymore." Li Xuewu put the finished bowl on the cabinet and nodded in agreement.

Liu Yin put away the bowl and said helplessly, "I also know that you are trying to trick me, but what can I do? The child is older than the mother, you, oh"

Sighing, Liu Yin took the bowl and spoon and went to the water room to wash them.

When I came back, I had sorted out my emotions and said to Li Xuewu, "Your leader came to see you this afternoon. He saw you sleeping and didn't disturb you."

As he spoke, he sat beside Li Xuewu's bed and said, "Like your colleagues, I didn't accept anything sent to me. We are not a hospital where we work for others, so there is no reason to accept other people's things. Besides,

, these years are not easy, we don’t want to cause that trouble.”

Listening to his mother's nagging, Li Xuewu smiled and nodded and said, "Mom, you did the right thing. I really admire you as a person, especially your ability to see through everything."

"Give your mother a high hat, right?" Liu Yin glanced at Li Xuewu, and then said, "It's useless to say nice things. Your father also said that you should go home and sleep on time from now on, and you are not allowed to go out and mess around. You are all cadres."

, we can no longer be reckless.”

Seeing that Li Xuewu was just smiling, Liu Yin took Li Xuewu's hand and asked, "Who was that girl who was guarding you when I came here?"

Li Xuewu was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't know, there is a girl somewhere. Is she a colleague of our unit?"

"I didn't know he was your colleague? I asked you what your relationship is."

Li Xuewu said dumbfounded, "It's just a colleague relationship. I don't know who you are talking about."

Seeing that Li Xuewu really didn't know, Liu Yin described him as "tall and thin, saying

He talks so cheerfully.”

"Oh oh oh! It's Yu Haitang from the radio station, you misunderstood" Li Xuewu explained when he saw that his mother was starting to worry about his marriage again.

"She went to Hongxing Village with our security department to participate in an event today. When she came back, she probably saw that I had a fever and took care of me temporarily."

After hearing Li Xuewu's explanation, Liu Yin said regretfully, "I think that girl is really good."

Li Xuewu said in a dumbfounded voice, "I just met you once, and you just took care of me for a while out of kindness, but you didn't mean what you said."

"I know." Liu Yin threw away Li Xuewu's hand and said, "Look at you, you have been busy for so long and you still haven't found your partner. How about I help you find a matchmaker to see if there is a match in our street?"


"Please spare me." Li Xuewu lay down helplessly and said to his mother, "I'm not an older young man. I'm only twenty years old during the Chinese New Year. Why are you so anxious?"

"Why aren't you in a hurry? No one in the courtyard will get married when they reach the age. Your job has been stable, it's time to think about getting married."

Li Xuewu can't compete with my mother on this matter. Parents all over the world are the same. When they were young, they were defensive. But when they are old, they can't wait to get married the next day.

"I know, I will think about my own things. You have been tired for a day, so go to bed early."

Seeing that her son was unwilling to say anything, Liu Yin wanted to slap Li Xuewu but was reluctant.

"Okay, okay, okay, you think I don't care about you?"

Li Xuewu watched his mother turn on the light and lie down on the bed next door to sleep, but he couldn't sleep.

Thinking about everything in the past, I wonder if I used up all my luck when I was young. Why is my love life so difficult now?

Could it be that after the peach blossom luck comes the peach blossom calamity?

Li Xuewu thought about it for a long time before falling asleep.

The next morning the nurse came over and took Li Xuewu's temperature, and then received a notification from the doctor that he could be discharged.

Li Xuewu went to the office and ordered 212 from the security department to send his mother home.

I had breakfast at home, drank the traditional Chinese medicine prepared by Li Xuecai, and then drove back to the steel rolling mill with the concern of everyone.

In fact, I still sneeze a little and have a runny nose, but this is nothing to Li Xuewu.

What is important now is that minor injuries should not leave the firing line. Even if a worker has a slight cold, he will not ask for leave as long as it does not affect the operation.

Li Xuewu was still busy today. After returning to the steel rolling mill, he first supervised the logistics department's loading of equipment for Huaqing University.

After signing and confirming with the person who came to receive the equipment and vehicles, he called Director Wu Youqing to communicate.

After confirming that Huaqing University was planning to send 20 security personnel to study at the venue, Li Xuewu reported the matter to Fu Bin.

Fu Bin was very supportive of this matter. When communicating with Li Xuewu, he also asked about Li Xuewu's health with special concern.

Li Xuewu also pretended to be touched and expressed his gratitude to Fu Bin for his visit yesterday.

After reporting the matter to Fu Bin, Li Xuewu reported the matter to Li Huaide in the form of a document.

In the days when Dong Wenxue was away, Li Xuewu paid special attention to daily work procedures, especially formal work reports and arrangements, which must be put on paper.

When he came out of Fu Bin's office, Li Xuewu was still wondering why Fu Bin didn't talk to him about the report letter.

If he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it. When he walked back to the office, he saw Han Yating waiting for him in his office.

"what happened again?"

Seeing that Li Xuewu's face looked fine, Han Yating did not bother to ask about Li Xuewu's physical condition but said anxiously, "I don't know what's going on, but there is another report letter from you in the guard's mailroom."

Li Xuewu frowned and looked at Han Yating and asked, "As of yesterday, have the incidents in residential areas been under control?"

Han Yating saw that Li Xuewu did not tell her about the report letter, but instead asked about the handling of the security department case. She understood Li Xuewu's attitude towards this matter.

"According to your arrangement. I have asked Han Zhan to strengthen night patrols, but the peak time of the incident is during the day. We are short of manpower and cannot carry out coverage monitoring of workers' residential areas."

Li Xuewu nodded and said, "Please prepare some materials and let's go to the street office."

Originally, Shen Fang wanted Li Xuewu to go to the street office for a meeting last night, but Li Xuewu was not awake last night, so the meeting was delayed.

Today I can only go to Shen Fang to have this meeting by myself.

Taking the prepared Han Yating away, they went to the duty room and called Yan Jiecheng. The three of them drove to the Jiaodaokou police station.

Entering the courtyard of the police station, Li Xuewu took Han Yating out of the car and walked inside, while Yan Jiecheng waited in the car.

Shen Fang looked at Li Xuewu coming in and raised his eyebrows and said, "I thought you were so confident that you didn't need to hold meetings."

This is to blame Li Xuewu for letting the two of them go without a word yesterday.

Before leaving, Li Xuewu called Shen Fang, so now Duan Youting is here too.

Both of these two people were a little disgusted with Li Xuewu's "arrogance". They couldn't just use it with the two of them as soon as the bureau leader gave them the power.

Duan Youting didn't know Li Xuewu's temper, so he didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction, so he just kept silent.

Shen Fang had been with Li Xuewu for a long time and knew Li Xuewu's ambition, so he said this sarcastically as soon as Li Xuewu entered the room.

Li Xuewu didn't care, and said with a smile, "Even if you are confident, you still have to hold a meeting. Finally, Director Zheng gave you the power. Why don't I just mess with you two? I still remember the hatred of "Song Mi"."

Shen Fang turned around and looked at Duan Youting, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, "You see, I said you shouldn't mess with this guy. I just made such a sarcastic comment, and the back account followed."

Duan Youting was also impressed by Li Xuewu's reaction speed. How did he answer this question?

Not only did he receive Shen Fang's punch, but he also gave both of them a big mouth that was neither light nor heavy.

My mouth still hurts.

Han Yating has dealt with Shen Fang several times, so she dared to say some things.

"Director Shen, our section chief didn't come yesterday because he was hospitalized."


Shen Fang frowned and looked at Li Xuewu. He didn't pay attention just now, but now he saw that Li Xuewu's mental state was not very good.

"What's wrong with you? Weren't you fine yesterday? Why are you suddenly hospitalized?"

Before Li Xuewu could get over, Han Yating explained, "When I came back yesterday, a child fell into the glacier. Our section chief jumped in to save the child. He fainted on the way back. I was still awake when I went to see him after get off work. Woolen cloth"

"Oh, I'm sorry, brother, what I just said was unintentional."

Shen Fang quickly put down the cigarette in his hand, stood up and apologized to Li Xuewu.

Duan Youting also stood up. Although he didn't say anything, Li Xuewu didn't look good when he entered the room.

Now that they knew the reason why Li Xuewu broke the appointment, the two of them had to admire Li Xuewu's virtue.

"What are you doing? What are you doing so formally?"

Li Xuewu smiled and pushed Shen Fang and Duan Youting to sit down, then went to sit behind his desk and said, "I just met them on the road and helped the children."

He offered cigarettes to the two of them and said, "To be honest, my health is not good, which delayed things. My dad said that I lost too much blood from the last gunshot wound and lost my vitality, so I can't stand the ice."

"Brother, you are like this, brother, I am convinced," Duan Youting gave Li Xuewu a thumbs up and said.

He knew how cold the river water was now. Just by looking at the three feet of ice, he knew how cold it was in the water.

Li Xuewu waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about things on the street."

Yu Haitang searched for the address and found it on Nanluogu Lane. When he arrived at the door of the courtyard, he looked at it, confirmed the house number, and walked inside.

But as soon as he entered the outer courtyard, he was stopped by the voice behind him.

Yu Haitang looked back and saw that the window in the doorway had been opened, and an old lady was standing inside greeting him.

"Who are you? Why are you here in our courtyard?"

It turned out that it was Jia Zhang's turn to be on duty at the concierge today. When she saw a stranger entering the courtyard, she opened the window and asked questions.

Nowadays, in the courtyard, the two young men are on duty at night, and the old ladies and women who stay at home are on duty in the afternoon during the day.

It can be said that the first master has fully mobilized and utilized all the resources in the hospital.

The source is protected.

Not to mention, this kind of defense really works. In the past two days, no one has said that there is nothing at home.

Yu Haitang also didn't expect that he would be stopped at the door when he came to look for his cousin.

"Well, I'm here to see Yu Li. I'm her cousin."

"Why haven't I seen you?"

Seeing the strange question from the old lady, Yu Haitang also smiled and said, "I haven't seen you before."

As he spoke, he was about to walk into the second door, but was stopped again by the old lady at the concierge.

"Don't go to the back, Yu Li is in the back room."

Mrs. Jia Zhang saw that this little girl was quite naughty, so she pointed the direction angrily.

Seeing the old lady at the concierge guarding herself as if guarding against a thief, Yu Haitang also felt a little uncomfortable.

He turned to look at the concierge, glared at the old lady who was staring at him, and then went to the back room.

Yu Li was cleaning up the house in the concierge at the moment. She heard the movement in the outer courtyard and went out. As soon as she went out, she saw Yu Haitang entering the screen door.

"Ah, Begonia"


"How did you find this place?"

Yu Haitang smiled and said, "I met my brother-in-law at the hospital yesterday. He said you guys live here. Isn't that right? I'm off work today and came to see you."

Yu Haitang and Yu Li are not biological sisters, but they have played together since childhood. Their relationship started to become estranged after Yu Li got married.

At this time, it is important to marry and obey your husband, and it is rare to run to your parents' home when nothing happens.

Therefore, the two of them did not see each other very often after Yu Li got married.

"As soon as I walked in, there was an old lady at the concierge who said you were here, why didn't I come to find you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, that's Aunt Jia from the Intermediate Court, the gatekeeper on shift."

As she spoke, Yu Li walked out of the screen door and smiled at the concierge and said, "Thank you, aunt, this is my sister Haitang."

Yu Haitang also knew at this moment that he had misunderstood, and followed his sister and said to the concierge, "It's my first time here and I don't know the rules of our courtyard. I'm sorry, aunt."

Mrs. Jia Zhang waved her hand and said, "Okay, go about your business."

As he spoke, he went back to the concierge and sat on the kang.

In fact, it was warmer here at the concierge's house than at their home. Mrs. Jia Zhang had brought her sewing basket over and was mending Bang Gang's socks.

Yu Li took Yu Haitang's hand and walked into the back room. As she walked, she asked, "Your brother-in-law went to see his leader yesterday. How did you meet him?"

"I'm just staying with my brother-in-law's leader."


Yu Li held Yu Haitang's hand for a moment, not knowing what her sister meant.

"Hahaha" Yu Haitang saw Yu Li's stunned expression and said, "Yesterday I followed Li Xuewu on the field trip, and we were in a car."

Only then did Yu Li understand what was going on and said with a smile, "That's what I said."

When Yu Haitang entered the house, he saw a clean and tidy room with a large kang. He was pulled by his sister to sit on the kang and couldn't help but look at it.

"Sister, don't your family live in the front yard? Why do you have such a long kang here?"

Knowing that her sister had misunderstood, Yu Li smiled and explained, "Do you think this is my home? This is where I work."


This time it was Yu Haitang's turn to be surprised.

Yu Li smiled and said, "Didn't you see the purchase station at the front door of the West Courtyard when you came?"

"I saw it, sister, do you work at the purchasing station?"

Yu Haitang realized that the place where her cousin mentioned working should be over there, but what was this place?

"But why are you here?"

Yu Li poured a glass of water for Yu Haitang and said, "The reverse room here and the west courtyard over there both belong to Li Xuewu."

"Isn't that right? Their house and the street have a recycling bin. I help cook and clean the house here, and I also help look after the store."

"Ah? These all belong to Li Xuewu. Isn't he a cadre of the steel rolling mill? Why is there a recycling station?"

Yu Haitang was really surprised. He was already curious about Li Xuewu, but now it made waves in his heart.

Yu Li explained, "It's not Li Xuewu's recycling bin, it's a collective organized by his grandfather and several of his childhood friends through the streets."

"Oh," Yu Haitang nodded in understanding, then looked at her cousin and asked, "Then where is your home? I remember it was in the front yard, but that one just now..."

When Yu Li heard her mother's family asking about her home, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Yu Haitang is her cousin, and some of her words would be a joke to her parents, but now that she has said it, Yu Li can't avoid it.

"Your brother-in-law and I are living under someone else's roof now and we no longer have a home."

"What? Didn't you have a house when you got married?"

Yu Haitang came to see Yu Li off when she got married, and I had the impression that her cousin owned a house.

"The family is separated"

Yu Li simply explained, "Your brother-in-law and I left home, and I stayed in your classmate Yu Yu's room. Your brother-in-law has a dormitory in the steel rolling mill, and he will sleep here when he comes back."

"What's going on? How can we separate the family and leave the house? This is too bullying."

Seeing that her sister was complaining about her injustice, Yu Li smiled happily and said, "I am willing to do so. Everything I earn now is my own, which is better than living with my parents-in-law and having nothing."

Yu Haitang looked at her cousin pitifully and said, "Oh, after hearing what you said, I must find a man who can be separated when looking for a partner in the future."

Yu Li smiled and asked, "Aren't you living with Yang Weimin?"

Yu Haitang said nonchalantly, "Hey, we just graduated together and entered the factory together as friends. We haven't confirmed our relationship yet."

Seeing that my cousin was still asking, she said, "Let's not talk about him. Let's talk about you. It's not a problem for you to be like my brother-in-law. You don't even have a house. What are you going to do if you have a child?"

When it comes to children, Yu Li is also a little sad. Maybe she can have them, but she can't have them. She has to be on guard every time.

"What kind of children do you want? Let's wait a few years and wait. Your brother-in-law and I are working hard to save money for a house."

She didn't tell anyone about this, let alone her cousin, so Yu Li told her about it.

"You have been working for several years. Your family is not urging you to get married? Your classmate Yu Yu is getting married."

Seeing that her cousin brought the topic back, Yu Haitang jumped off the kang and looked at the furnishings in the room and said, "What's the use of urging? I haven't met the one I like yet. Besides, Yu Yu's wedding has been postponed."

"How did you know?"

Yu Li didn't even know about this news, and she didn't know how Yu Haitang knew about it.

Yu Haitang looked at the book on the desk and said: "Yu Yu's new house is near my home. I often meet her. I met her this morning. She told me herself that her partner had a mission and had to be postponed."

Only then did Yu Li know why the person at the front desk came here to bother with things at night.

If he gets married later, Yu Yu will have to come back to stay more often. It seems that he will bother Silly Zhu to sleep here more often.

Otherwise, it is the most uncomfortable thing to be living under someone else's roof. I suffer psychological torture every moment.

Therefore, the people of later generations are most keen on buying a house. If they can live by themselves, they can live by themselves. Who would want to be so angry with you?

Yu Haitang flipped through the antiques on the table and asked, "Is Li Xuewu reading this book at home?"


Yu Li knew what was under the book, so she hurriedly came over and pressed Yu Haitang's hand and said, "This is the book he gave to his son. He doesn't live here. He has a house in the backyard."

"Young, he is quite rich, why do he have so many houses?"

Yu Li arranged the top book, then pulled Yu Haitang to sit back on the kang and said, "I don't know, don't touch the books in this room, it's not good."

Yu Li didn't say anything bad about coming, and Yu Haitang didn't want to read the book on the table.

If it’s not good, then it’s okay. Just don’t watch it.

Yu Li looked at her cousin whose eyes were twitching and asked, "You came to me today, didn't you come here specifically to inquire about Li Xuewu?"

No wonder Yu Li felt this way, because her cousin was so young and immoral, so why did she come suddenly.

Moreover, these three words were inseparable from Li Xuewu. Combined with the fact that she and Li Xuewu were on field trips, it was natural to think that her sister was here for Li Xuewu.

This shocked Yu Li. Not only did she feel embarrassed, but she also felt ridiculous.

This chapter has been completed!
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