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Chapter 558: Middlemen

"You are cruel!"

Ji Weidong nodded to Li Xuewu and asked through gritted teeth: "According to your wishes, will there be other offices?"

"It depends on you."

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and said: "Where did you pick up the scraps? Remember to tell me, I have some friends who are in the scrap collecting business."

Ji Weidong squinted at Li Xuewu and said, "Sheeping wool, right?"

After saying this, I stopped talking about this and turned to the issue of the warehouse.

He already understood what Li Xuewu meant. Although these ships were said to be from the scrap recycling station and might be linked to the steel mill, the part that belonged to him and the investigation department would not be bad.


Ji Weidong thought for a while and introduced: "It mainly includes grain, liquor, candy, dairy products, tea, condiments, etc."

While introducing, he told Li Xuewu which department he belonged to.

This is a bit complicated. Large and small warehouses are distributed in light industry, commerce, grain, supply and marketing, aquatic products, railways and other departments.

These warehouses are actually similar to the kind of logistics welfare warehouses used by railways and lumber factories when Uncle Li Xuewu helped him sell pears.

Kanto has a deep foundation in the steel city. He uses the convenience of his position to communicate with the logistics of multiple departments and industries. In fact, what he does is still business.

It's just that this kind of business is too big, and materials are coming in from outside and being dumped on the black market, which has resulted in the current situation.

Of course these warehouses belong to these departments, but if the responsibility is investigated, I am afraid that Li Xuewu and others will have to be busy here until next year.

Let's not talk about the connection for the moment, just talk about how many people will be offended by doing this, and whether you want to leave Steel City.

So Ji Weidong also had a headache. When he saw Li Xuewu asking, he couldn't wait to tell the question.

And Xiang Yunian is also there. If Xiang Yunian is involved, Xiang Yunian also needs to be involved.

Li Xuewu took a puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then asked: "Are those people waiting outside from these units?"


Ji Weidong also frowned, borrowed Li Xuewu's lighter to light a cigarette, and said hesitantly: "I want to ask about the people involved in the case, and I also want to ask how to deal with the sealed materials."

Li Xuewu tapped his fingers on the table and asked Ji Weidong: "Do you have channels to deal with those things?"

"Isn't that what you're talking about?"

Ji Weidong puffed smoke from his nose and said: "If this is a single species, or in the capital, I will definitely have a way to deal with it, but now..."

"Then you have to be willing to give up."

Li Xuewu reminded Ji Weidong: "It's the beginning of April now, and it's about to enter the middle of April. You've been in Steel City for a long enough time. Fortunately, Xiang Chu, you have to go back."

"I know this"

Ji Weidong looked at Li Xuewu and asked, "Why don't you ask your friend who collects scraps if he wants these things?"


Li Xuewu just gave him a chuckle, and then said: "Since you can't handle it, then sell it to someone in someone's warehouse."

After saying this, Li Xuewu turned to look at Xiang Yunian and said, "I have to ask you a favor."

Xiang Yunian had been watching Ji Weidong and Li Xuewu dividing the spoils here, muttering in his heart about their audacity, but he would not let them talk.

Of course he wouldn't care about these two bastards, because he knew that they were not afraid of him if they dared to speak out in front of him.

But he wouldn't do any bad things with the two of them, so Li Xuewu spoke, but he didn't take the blame.

Li Xuewu did not rush to tell him, but told Ji Weidong: "It's not a problem to let them wait here all the time. You come forward and take them to the conference room for a meeting."

He waved over Ji Weidong and said softly: "It's not good for anyone if those materials are shaken out, right? Let them recognize the materials and hand over the corresponding payment for the materials, and you will do the summing up in the end."

This is also an explanation to the investigation department. After all, there are so many warehouses, and there must be a number of items pulled out.

Li Xuewu had already taken advantage of those ships, and he had to give an explanation.

Xiang Yunian made it clear that he didn't want these things, he only wanted people.

But people also need something to settle a case, so Li Xuewu also had to think of Xiang Yunian.


Li Xuewu turned to Xiang Yunian and said: "Now that the case has come to this point, you also know that we can't dig into the details here, right? Let's focus on the general direction and the details. I think the comrades in Gangcheng can still be trusted."

Xiang Yunian understood what this meant. It was just to appease the people in the hall, and it was better not to offend everyone.

Although he is here to investigate this case, he still has to take into account a lot. He can't take everything into account, but he won't save any face for others, and the conflicts he stirs up will affect unity.

There is another hidden meaning in Li Xuewu's words, that is, the cadres of these enterprises, as Ji Weidong's bargaining chips, may have to be handed over to their respective units for processing.

Of course, the relevant recovery work is also handed over to the relevant units, and Ji Weidong only needs to judge a rough amount and add it to these materials during negotiations.

The interrogation has already exhausted everyone. If each family went to collect the money, it would be exhausting to death.

Therefore, focusing on the big and letting go of the small, and combining tightness and tightness, gave the steel city face and benefits, and also prevented these enterprises from being too ugly.

Even if they do all the work, they may not be able to leave anything behind, but they will gain a reputation as being unreasonable.

As soon as Li Xuewu finished speaking, both Ji Weidong and Xiang Yunian began to think secretly in their hearts.

After weighing the pros and cons, both of them felt that Li Xuewu's opinion was feasible and necessary under the current situation.

It is said that Ji Weidong is anxious to return to Beijing, but Xiang Yunian is actually even more anxious.

Since the three people have the same goal, the specific actions will be much simpler.

Xiang Yunian also has his own conditions, that is, even if he wants to hand over those people to their respective units, they have to wait until they have fixed all the evidence chains and completed the documents.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Xuewu certainly agrees with this. After all, the amount of recovery Ji Weidong negotiates with various units must be based on Xiang Yunian's interrogation work.

The cooperation of the three people can be said to be complementary to each other. No one can do without the other and no one will suffer.

Especially at the end of the conversation, Li Xuewu proposed to hand over one-fifth of the money to Xiang Yunian in terms of recovery and warehouse handling.

Whether it was used as case handling funds or as business trip subsidies for relevant personnel, Li Xuewu didn't care about him.

It is up to Xiang Yunnian to decide how to distribute and use it. Even if he takes it himself, it has nothing to do with Li Xuewu and the others.

The rest, except for the subsidies given to the branch office and the Steel Plant Security Office, will be collected by the Investigation Department for the time being.

In fact, this is also the reason why Ji Weidong received the support of the Investigation Department. A trip to the border opened up the minds and patterns of those people.

If you don't have money, you can't handle the case. If you can't handle the matter, there will be no room for progress.

Therefore, Ji Weidong, who has the ability to handle cases and raise funds, is particularly popular with leaders.

He was jumping up and down in the steel city, but no one came to put on his little shoes, it was all those people who were holding him up.

In fact, Li Xuewu wanted those supplies more, but he couldn't take them, let alone eat them from the mouths of the Investigation Department.

This is also the reason why he asked Ji Weidong to exchange it for money as much as possible, and he went back with the money.

Whether he throws it on the leader's desk or throws it in the leader's face all depends on Ji Weidong's urine.

Four out of five is enough for Ji Weidong to change his deputy, and he no longer has to look down on Li Xuewu all the time.

Li Xuewu was not at a loss, after all, he didn't show much face here, let alone exert any effort.

If Ji Weidong didn't give him a penny, he had nothing to say. After all, Ji Weidong spent more than a thousand yuan to buy this opportunity.

But Li Xuewu just moved his lips and asked Wen Saner and Zhang Wanhe to come here to help for more than a month.

If we talk about Wen San'er, eating, drinking, having fun, and having fun..., if it weren't for Li Xuewu, I'm afraid he would have to find someone else's money.

The branch's special service and the security of the steel mill cannot be regarded as Li Xuewu's business. After all, Ji Weidong generously agreed to subsidize the task.

Li Xuewu did nothing but help catch the main criminal.

In terms of specific rewards, the branch office would probably give you a certificate or something like that.

In fact, Li Xuewu also works voluntarily. He also said that he came to Steel City mainly to inspect work.

Well, it has nothing to do with this case, just a matter of course.

So what else could he ask for? He just spent 10,000 to 20,000 yuan to buy a bunch of scrap metal boats.

He felt very contented. After all, he who is content will always be happy.

Well, yes, twenty-seven 1,000-ton junk ships.

According to the interrogation, those people actually don't know the cost of these ships, but they are probably worth about 100,000, one.

Xiang Yunian did not refuse Li Xuewu's allocation. Even if he did not want it, those who followed would always have some thoughts in their hearts when they saw that others had received subsidies.

Since it was the investigation department, Xiang Yunian had no reason to refuse on their behalf.

After Ji Weidong introduced the relevant situation, he also briefly introduced the interrogation situation on his side.

The progress is not as fast as Ji Weidong's, but it is progressing step by step and in an orderly manner.

He is not in a hurry, this kind of case must be done solidly.

After the three of them had reached an agreement, there were fewer people eating in the cafeteria, and they had almost taken turns eating.

Because they knew that the three of them were talking, no one dared to come and disturb them. When Li Xuewu and the others stood up, someone smiled and greeted Li Xuewu, or thanked them, or said polite words.

Ji Weidong and Xiang Yunian were a little surprised. They didn't know what Li Xuewu had done to earn such a welcome from their comrades.

It wasn't until I entered the lobby and saw cigarettes being distributed in the duty room that I understood the reason for Li Xuewu's popularity.

Naturally, Li Xuewu will not participate in the work of Ji Weidong and Xiang Yunian. He has to go upstairs to catch up on jet lag.

When Ji Weidong rushed to the duty room, he realized that Li Xuewu's relationship was funded by funds. This convenient and cost-effective operation really made him know what it means to be a leader.

"I want to learn coding too!"


Knowing that Li Xuewu and the others were busy today, Dong Wexue did not arrange to meet with Li Xuewu, and Li Xuewu did not bother Dong Wexue.

When I returned to the room, I saw Wen Saner and Zhang Wanhe already waiting in the room.

"Haha, ask the waiter to open the door?"

Li Xuewu smiled, threw the cigarette in his pocket on the coffee table, and motioned for them to take it themselves.

Wen San'er glanced at Zhang Wanhe, did not touch the cigarette, but asked: "Well, is it no longer our problem?"

When they were eating in the cafeteria just now, they passed by and listened and knew what was being said, so they asked.

Li Xuewu also knew what he meant by asking, and he was not in a hurry to go home.

The last time he went to Steel City, he brought back a train load of things. This time he didn't believe that Li Xuewu came back empty-handed.

"What's wrong? I can't bear to leave your little peach girl?"

Li Xuewu made himself a cup of tea, walked to the sofa and sat down, jokingly saying: "If you really can't bear it, you can stay in Steel City and start a family. I'll go back and help you bring a message to your third aunt.

, just say that you are lost in the world of flowers here."

"Please fix it!"

Wen San'er knew that Li Xuewu was not a good person. Who was he working so hard for?


Li Xuewu chuckled lightly, looked at Zhang Wanhe and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Shopkeeper Zhang."

“It’s all the boss’s planning.”

Zhang Wanhe was very polite, put down the cigarette bag in his hand, and asked humbly: "Are we at the first stop here?"


Li Xuewu gave a very vague answer, pinched his chin, looked at Zhang Wanhe and asked: "How is the situation at Qiangzi?"

"It's okay, cough~"

After last night's actions, Zhang Wanhe had a more intuitive understanding of Li Xuewu. Being able to mobilize so much energy and having such a huge network of relationships uprooted by Li Xuewu made everyone feel nervous.

Especially Li Xuewu's understatement and gentle attitude. Not taking action does not mean that Li Xuewu has become kind, but it means that he is more dangerous.

At least Zhang Wanhe was afraid. He didn't think he had as much energy as Guandong, so he didn't dare to say anything after hearing Li Xuewu's perfunctory answer.

When Li Xuewu asked about the Great Qiangzi, he knew that he had to arrange his own tasks, so he inevitably became serious.

"We have taken over all the important points you explained, but you also know"

Zhang Wanhe spread his hands helplessly and explained: "We don't have the materials in hand, so it is difficult to carry out activities."

"You are not required to carry out activities for the time being."

Li Xuewu tapped his knees lightly with his fingers and said: "As long as you can gain a foothold in Steel City."

Thinking in his mind, Li Xuewu paused for a moment and then continued: "There is something I want to ask for your opinion on."

Although Li Xuewu was instructing Zhang Wanhe, he had a very good attitude towards Zhang Wanhe and was very polite.

Wen San'er knew this very well. Wen San'er worked as a horse and cow for Li Xuewu, but in front of Li Xuewu, Li Xuewu was still older than his third uncle.

To be honest, Zhang Wanhe was afraid of Li Xuewu being like this. He was very good at dealing with ruffians, but Li Xuewu was so polite.

"Master, please tell me, I will definitely do whatever Lao Zhang can do."

"Sit and sit"

Li Xuewu saw Zhang Wanhe raised his buttocks and waved his hands. Although he was very satisfied with his attitude in his heart, he showed very little concern on his face.

"Shopkeeper, you also know that my grandfather, third uncle and the others set up a small waste recycling station in my courtyard in the capital."

"I know, I know"

Zhang Wanhe put his hands on his thighs and could tell that this was about to begin. It was related to the future lives of him and those behind him, so he had to listen carefully.

"Hmm, there is some business in Steel City recently, and the recycling station needs to open an office here."

Li Xuewu explained casually: "Third uncle, as the representative of the office, purchased twenty-seven cargo ships here."

Zhang Wanhe: Can the waste recycling station still have an office?

Wen Saner: When did I take delivery of the cargo ship? Why didn’t I know? What is the office? I haven’t heard of it yet!

Li Xuewu didn't pay attention to the dumbfounded looks of the two people, and continued: "These cargo ships will be hung in the transportation fleet of the steelmaking plant in the name of anchoring, but in fact they are controlled by ourselves. They are capital leases and essential replacements.


After saying this, Li Xuewu looked at Zhang Wanhe. Now it was Zhang Wanhe's turn to express his stance.

Zhang Wanhe was a little stupid. He thought Li Xuewu wanted them to leave Jicheng and come to Gangcheng to work in their old profession.

Since coming from the capital, he began to lay out the steel city under Li Xuewu's instructions and got in touch with various industries, including the black market here.

Just when he thought Li Xuewu was going to use them to dominate the black market here, Li Xuewu wanted to give them twenty-seven cargo ships.

Did I get the wrong script?

"My boss...this..."

Zhang Wanhe struggled to organize his words, then frowned and replied: "We are all idiots, we can't build a boat."

As he spoke, he spread his hands helplessly and said: "We can only ride small boats with a few people on the river. We have seen the kind you mentioned, but we really can't get one."

"So, you have to study."

Li Xuewu smiled, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said: "Live until you are old and learn until you are old, isn't it, Third Uncle?"

"Ah? Yes, yes yes"

Wen San'er was really afraid that Li Xuewu would lift him up on the ship and become a sailor, so when he saw Li Xuewu suddenly attacking him, he nodded in response.

Li Xuewu looked at Wen Saner funny, and then said to Zhang Wanhe: "After the fleet is established, its main business will still be to help the steel mills transport goods. At this time, your people must also learn how to drive ships."


Zhang Wanhe heard Li Xuewu's tone and did not mean to discuss it at all. After seeing Li Xuewu's eyes, he nodded and said: "But I will listen to my employer's arrangements."


Li Xuewu nodded, put down the tea cup in his hand, and reassured: "The previous crew members of these ships are still there. Only we ourselves can trust this kind of thing, right?"

"Yes yes"

Zhang Wanhe nodded and accepted the matter.

He knew that Li Xuewu would not let them grow big in Jicheng or Gangcheng, nor would he let his people or him gain a foothold in the Northeast.

Originally, he thought Li Xuewu would transfer him to Beijing, but he didn't expect that he would go to sea.

Those who hunt for food on land are not the same as those who fish for food in rivers and seas. Since ancient times, mountain bandits and water bandits have nothing in common.

The gods I worship are not the same, so how can they be the same?

But now that Li Xuewu wants to drive them into the sea, they have to do this. If they don't know how, they can learn.

Li Xuewu has already said that we are one of our own. If you don’t do it, you will not be one of our own.

What are the consequences of not being one of your own?

The lobby on the first floor is a living example right in front of you.

If Li Xuewu is so overbearing, why don't you just play with him?

The Great Qiangzi had said it before, and Zhang Wanhe had not considered it, but he could not withstand Li Xuewu's revenge and attack.

Moreover, their status also determines that their position is not advantageous.

To put it bluntly, it is a rare opportunity. They also want to follow Li Xuewu and seek a chance to make a comeback.

If you are a mud-legged person, you can't let the next generation still be mud-legged, right?

Li Xuewu looks amiable, but is actually ruthless. He is not a good person in Zhang Wanhe's eyes, but he can at least guarantee that he will do what he says.

He was a gangster without property and land, but now he had a chance to fight in front of him so that he and the next generation could raise their heads and live a normal life, and he was reluctant to let go.

Let alone him, even the great Qiangzi who always told him to leave Li Xuewu no longer mentioned these words now.

To put it bluntly, Li Xuewu is not very charming, which makes people follow him so wholeheartedly.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The most important thing is to be willing to give money, but also to respect people, to grasp both spiritual and material things, and both hands are very strong.

"The office's ships can go to Ludong, Tianjin and other places. To do regular cargo transportation, you need to accumulate a lot of shipping experience."

Li Xuewu made demands on Zhang Wanhe and explained the fleet's future work and goals.

Zhang Wanhe also listened very carefully, which included the connection with the steel mill, fleet management, training, etc., as well as daily maintenance.

Because the food factory's fleet was confiscated and the dock was useless, Li Xuewu certainly wouldn't let it go.

Now it's a recycling bin industry, and the specific processes and procedures still need to be handled after Ji Weidong's side is finished.

As Zhang Wanhe listened, he sighed in his heart, "If you get into the river or the sea, you will be nothing more than duckweed without roots."

Wen San'er sat aside and listened to the same idea, but this was Li Xuewu's arrangement. He did not dare to interrupt Zhang Wanhe's arrangement.

After Zhang Wanhe finished talking to Li Xuewu and was arranged by Li Xuewu to dock with the Great Qiangzi and go to the dock to receive the ships, Wen Saner hesitated to ask Li Xuewu clearly.

Li Xuewu also saw what Wen Saner meant, smiled and asked, "What's wrong? Do you really want to stay in Steel City?"

"Stop it"

Wen San'er asked with a frown on his face: "You are serious about this question, not a joke, right? You just want me to stay in Steel City!"


Li Xuewu just chuckled and did not directly answer Wen San'er's words. Instead, he asked: "Why do you think so? Didn't I say that the mission is over and you can come back to Beijing with me?"

"I don't believe it~"

Wen San'er was distressed and doubtful now. He was now convinced that this was what Li Xuewu meant.

"Don't lie to me. Since you have decided to set up a fleet and set up an office here, you will definitely not let Lao Zhang manage it by himself."

As he spoke, he complained to Li Xuewu: "You can't even trust me, how can you trust him?"

"Look at what you said, you are my third uncle, how can I not trust you?"

Li Xuewu looked aggrieved, but after seeing San'er, he still looked suspiciously. He waved his hands and made a convinced expression, and said: "Okay, okay, I believe you can do it, and I can arrange for you to take charge of the business of Steel City."

“I fucking knew it!!!”

Wen San'er gritted his molar teeth and said, "I knew you were waiting for me here, right? From the time you asked me to come to Steel City, you already planned to arrange for me to stay in Steel City, right?"

At this point, Wen San'er was also angry. He slapped his hands and said fiercely: "I'm just talking about how to arrange my contact with Yu Min. The relationship is to train my ability to deal with things here!"

"He also asked Biaozi to learn management and accounting from me, and also asked me to leave matters in the capital to him!"

After muttering silently for a long time, Wen San'er finally figured out Li Xuewu's arrangement.

"Tell me, have you made arrangements a long time ago?"

The more Wen San'er thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Who should do this kind of work? The people in the investigation department were more professional than him, right?

Why yourself?

"You are thinking too much"

Li Xuewu still looked the same. He took a sip of tea with a smile, raised his hand and said, "If you don't want to stay in Gangcheng, then I will arrange for Biaozi to come. He can do that too."


Wen San'er rolled his eyes and said, "You're right. You know that I don't worry about Biaozi's affairs, and I will never let him handle such a complicated situation, right?"

Li Xuewu looked at Wen San'er's "I've seen through you" expression, and comforted him with a dumbfounded expression: "If you think so, there's nothing I can do about it. How can I plot against you? It's all a misunderstanding. It's just a coincidence."

"I really believe you"

Wen San'er felt aggrieved now. Damn it, he even claimed to be extremely smart, but he didn't expect that it was the doll in Li Xuewu's hand.

Even if Li Xuewu said good things here, there would be no way to heal the hurt he suffered.

“Steel City is a good place”

When Li Xuewu saw that San'er was silent, he had no choice but to speak for himself. He lit his cigarette and explained: "The situation in the capital is not good. You also know the situation. We have no way out. You said it yourself among these people.

As for someone who is mature and reliable, I can only trust you, how can I still let the second master come?"


Wen San'er raised his eyebrows and asked. In fact, he understood the truth. Li Xuewu never trusted Ye Erye and those brats from the beginning.

In terms of cruelty, who can be more cruel than him.

It's okay to work hard and work hard, but if someone dares to take offense, they might be used as a warning to monkeys and chickens.


Li Xuewu nodded with certainty and said: "There are steel mills here in Steel City as a support, with the fleet as a means, and with the Jiaodaokou Recycling Station in Jingcheng as the foundation, we use the name of the recycling station office in Steel City to cooperate with the steel mills.

There is nothing wrong with carrying out business activities in the name of steel mills, investigation departments and other departments.”

"But, we don't have anyone of our own."

Wen San'er frowned and said, "Even if I want to organize manpower to collect the rags, it will be a problem."

"No no no"

Li Xuewu shook his head and said: "We don't collect waste in Steel City, we only transport it."

"What do you mean?"

Wen San'er didn't quite understand what Li Xuewu meant. Wasn't it the agreed-upon waste recycling station office? It could also engage in fishing business?

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and said: "Our recycling station is qualified to recycle and sell used goods. Have you forgotten the qualifications given by our street supply and marketing cooperative?"

“Not forgotten”

Wen San'er looked at Li Xuewu and raised his eyebrows and said, "But I don't understand."

Li Xuewu pursed his lips and said: "You saw it today, what are the people from those departments doing? Do you think these small warehouses will no longer exist if they are cut today?"

"Ah~!! That's what you said!"

Wen Saner understood, and now looked at Li Xuewu in surprise, not expecting that Li Xuewu wanted to do this.

"Yes, that's it"

Li Xuewu nodded and said: "According to the welfare communication rules, it is not a mistake to communicate between units, but it is always inconvenient, right?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "So, let's do it"

Wen Saner looked at Li Xuewu and answered quickly: "Unit A produces fabrics and can sell the fabrics to us as scraps. At the same time, we can buy the "waste" from other units that we need in the name of scrap recycling.

Is that what you mean?"

"I just said I can't hide it from you. Third uncle, you are too smart."

Li Xuewu smiled and praised, and then explained: "As long as things are still in the pot, how they flow is a matter between units. As long as we don't circulate these things to individuals, it is not an economic crime.



Wen San'er scratched his face and said with some excitement: "Actually, Guandong used to do this business, right? It's just that he was more courageous and took advantage of the loopholes to get things in from the outside, right? He also went on to

It’s spread on the black market, so that’s why there’s a problem, right?”


Li Xuewu nodded. There was no way to explain the matter in Guandong to Wen Saner. Could it be that Ji Weidong wanted to eat a big fish, and Li Xuewu happened to have it?

If you want to avoid being eaten like a fish by others, you must have the ability not to be caught.

There is nothing wrong with collecting scraps, and there is nothing wrong with selling scraps, so there is nothing wrong with this at all.

"The key is the relationship between these units"

Wen San'er frowned and thought, and asked Li Xuewu: "After what we did, can people still recognize us?"

"Why not?"

Li Xuewu smiled, even if you don't recognize me, you still have to recognize you, Man Dejie. After all, you are a ruthless person who can exchange grain for beef and mutton.

As he spoke, he introduced Wen Saner: "In May or June, there will be a train coming from the steelmaking plant. It is a refrigerated truck, and it will be operated by the transportation team. I think you can operate it."


Wen San'er thought for a moment and clicked his tongue: "If you say that..."

"Then...? Let's talk about third aunt?"

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and teased: "Are you going to go back with me and bring them back with their mother and son, or should I arrange for someone to send them north here?"

"This...this is not urgent"

Once he decided to obey Li Xuewu's wishes, Wen Saner had a lot of thoughts and preparations in his heart.

I have been in Steel City for more than a month, and it is impossible to say that I have no ideas.

In the new environment, there are opportunities everywhere. Wen San'er got Li Xuewu's arrangement and left the capital, so he naturally wanted to do something.

"Don't you have to go back in a few days?"

After Wen San'er figured it out, he stood up and said, "I'll take advantage of these few days to settle the matter here, and then let's go back together. Your aunt has a bad temper, and most people can't persuade her."

After saying what he thought of, he asked Li Xuewu: "Um, I'm staying in Steel City, Lao Zhang and I... the two of us?"


Li Xuewu squinted his eyes and said: "Let him be the person in charge, but you have to keep the financial and relationship business in your hands."


Of course Wen Saner understood what Li Xuewu meant. After all, he was a dragon crossing the river and had to accept doubts and challenges from many aspects.

There is no need to take risks for a false reputation, and it is not convenient for Li Xuewu to use people like Lao Zhang.

Giving the name of the person in charge made those people more comfortable and gave Lao Zhang some face.

As for the core business, Wen San'er is very familiar with it. This is what he did when he was in Beijing.

"Come on, you can rest"

Wen San'er waved his hands, looking like he was in a hurry.

While sending him out of the house, Li Xuewu warned: "Ji Weidong is going to talk to those people later. You can follow and talk to Ji Weidong and he will help you."


Wen Saner hurriedly responded and went downstairs.

Li Xuewu's arrangement can be said to be a drain on the firepower. After Wen Saner understood it, he was also shocked by Li Xuewu's arrangement.

What shocked Li Xuewu even more was Li Xuewu's plan. This kid might have met Yu Min for the first time, and after learning about such a large network, he began to plot against Yu Min and the people behind Yu Min.

Wen San'er was involved in the entire investigation of this case, and he also knew something about Guandong.

Li Xuewu's current arrangement is actually to clean up the business after landing in Guandong.

Now that Li Xuewu has completely taken over the basic market of Guandong, he can be regarded as getting a big advantage.

The Investigation Department can take away the cake on the plate, but it cannot take away the needs and relationships on the plate, let alone the plate.

It seemed that Li Xuewu suffered a loss and got some ships that could not be taken away, but in fact Li Xuewu himself did not use the goods and money.

At the Gangcheng Youth Club, Li Xuewu saw Gangcheng's economic tolerance.

Someone can put a stall in a club and start a business openly.

Li Xuewu didn't believe that there could be fruits like oranges without a complete network of connections.

After the subsequent contact with Nie Liansheng and Yu Min, Li Xuewu finally lifted a corner of the mysterious veil of the Steel City organization and took a look inside.

I couldn't take my eyes away from this look, it was too presumptuous, too bold, and too good.

They actually used such a good foundation to mess around and turned what should have been a stable business into a major case.

Li Xuewu didn't allow anyone to waste good things like this. Since they didn't cherish it, they should do it themselves.

The location of Steel City is not very good, but it has a complete railway network and a waterway network that Li Xuewu must use in the next step.

Secondly, the steelmaking plant is located in Steel City, which is a natural advantage for Li Xuewu. It is very convenient for him to do anything.

This time, with the help of Ji Weidong, those people were blown away. It was time to arrange for someone to take over.

The warehouse is still the same warehouse, the fleet is still the same cargo ship, but the people have changed and the way of communication has changed. We need to have rules and positive energy!

Is there any business that is more disciplined and more positive than making money from price differences?

The upper party bears the risk of sales, and the lower party bears the direction of purchase. The middleman is innocent.

Whether there is any risk is none of my business. I am just an innocent transportation middleman who is determined to make a profit.

I have the qualifications to enter with my left hand and exit with my right hand, so there is nothing wrong with me.

As soon as Li Xuewu closed the door, he heard someone knocking on the door.

I thought it was Wen San'er and the others who were back, but when I opened the door, it was Wang Shumin standing outside.

"Director Li"

"It's you"

Li Xuewu nodded, but did not move away. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter?"


Seeing that Li Xuewu had no intention of letting her in, Wang Shumin explained with a smile: "I just want to ask you if there is anything you need help with. Secretary Dong said that you have been busy with cases these two days, so let me ask more frequently."


"Thank you"

Li Xuewu smiled, gestured to the room, and said: "There's nothing needed. We just finished talking about things and have to continue sleeping, otherwise we won't be able to make up the time tomorrow."

"That's good"

Wang Shumin just found a reason to come to Li Xuewu to show her face, so when she saw that Li Xuewu was unwilling to talk to her, she had to smile and prepare to leave.

But after seeing the room next door, he added: "Well, the woman you arranged for asked Tuo Ruifen to go home."


Li Xuewu asked in surprise: "When did you leave? Do Chief Ji and Xiang Chu know?"

"Yes, it seems they were taken away for questioning."

Wang Shumin explained: "I didn't come back after that. I heard that I left after the interrogation was completed."

"Okay, I get it"

Li Xuewu squinted his eyes, his mind spinning, but he still said goodbye to Wang Shumin.

After closing the door, Li Xuewu walked around the room and thought for a while. The more he thought about it, the deeper the frown on his forehead became.

But he said he would not participate in the interrogation of the two men, and he did not know the content.

There is still a discrepancy between what Tuo Ruifen said and what Guan Haishan said by himself on the platform.

This will appear during the interrogation process. After all, no one can guarantee that all the contents in their memory are true.

Sometimes memory can also deceive you.

Li Xuewu is also a habitual skeptic. This mode of thinking is actually very tiring. After all, thinking about everything with a skeptical attitude is a bit tiring.


Li Xuewu laughed to himself, thinking that he might have thought too much, shook his head, walked back to the sofa, took the phone and tried to call Beijing.

This kind of long-distance call is a matter of luck. You are not guaranteed to be able to make a call if you say you want to.

Especially for this kind of civil line, it is common for the line to be unconnected, and it is also possible for the line to be disconnected.

Fortunately today, Li Xuewu picked it up after one try.

The family was also worried about Li Xuewu's sudden business trip. Yesterday was the whole day, and today was the whole day again. There was no news for two consecutive days, and Liu Yin was getting anxious at home.

It's not that I'm afraid that Li Xuewu will be in danger, but that mothers have a lot to think about, especially Li Xuewu who is about to get married.

It is strange to say that some people just have trouble before getting married, and they are very weird.

Li Xuewu didn't believe this, but he had to understand the old man's thoughts and explained the confidential nature of the work to his mother on the phone, and then he got over it.

After calling home, I called the villa again. This time, it took more than ten minutes and several calls to get through.

Gu Ning was surprised by Li Xuewu's call from Steel City to report that he was safe, but it was also heartwarming.

This feeling is very strange, as if I am vaguely involved with another person.

Li Xuewu chatted with Gu Ning for a few words, then asked with a smile: "Hey, do you miss me?"


This chapter has been completed!
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