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Chapter 1 Emotional Detachment

Li Xuewu felt that he had been PUAed, but there was no evidence.

Whether the wife should help her husband tidy up his clothes is a false proposition...

It's better to ask for a title.

When the two of them washed up and went downstairs, Qin Jingru was already making breakfast arrangements.

"I thought you guys needed to sleep a little longer."

Zhou Yamei walked out of the bathroom with a smile, followed by little Fu Zhidong.

Fu Zhidong looked at his uncle and aunt with wide eyes, always feeling something was different.

Gu Ning looked very elegant in a long skirt and shirt, but she walked very carefully.

"It's raining and I'm freezing"

"Forgot to close the window?"

Zhou Yamei glanced at Gu Ning and said, "It was planted last night. It saves watering the vegetables in the yard."

"What have you planted?"

Li Xuewu missed Gu Ning and went to the door first to stand and look outside. There were still some dark clouds in the blue sky that had not cleared away.

"Bok choy and radish will be ready to eat by the end of the month."

Zhou Yamei urged her son to pack his schoolbag upstairs, while she walked to the kitchen and introduced: "There are also eggplants, beans and peppers planted in the back yard. I told Jingru about them."

"Well, it saves money on grocery shopping."

Li Xuewu looked at his watch and saw that it was only after six o'clock. He was still asleep at this time on weekdays.

After chatting for a while, Zhou Yamei went to the kitchen to help, while Gu Ning sat on the sofa in a daze.

"Let's go home tonight"

Li Xuewu walked back and saw Gu Ning raising her head to look at him, so he explained: "Go pick up Li Shu."


Gu Ning nodded, and then said: "I can go by myself today."

"Forget it, I finally have a day off, let's get together in the evening."

Li Xuewu turned on the radio, adjusted the channel, walked to the sofa and sat down and said, "We'll eat at my parents' house."


Gu Ning hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

What made her hesitate was not whether to pick up Li Shu, but the change in Li Xuewu's name.

Yes, she got married, and so did he. From now on, whether it is a compound or a courtyard, it will be his parents' home.

She was not panicked by this change, or the growth process of her life, she just had some insights for a moment.

Li Xuewu didn't notice Gu Ning's hesitation, but concentrated on listening to the news on the radio, his eyes gradually narrowed.

After several current events were broadcast, a news item about the promotion of national model workers was broadcast.

"When the oil workers roar, the earth will tremble three times!..."

"In order to get rid of the country's label as an "oil-poor country," 50,000 oil workers started an arduous oil battle on the frozen wasteland of the Northeast..."

"The rice yield per unit area exceeds one thousand catties! The wheat yield exceeds eight hundred catties!"

"A leader of the art troupe came out of the literacy class, and a technical leader came out of the art troupe!"

"Comrade Ding Lixin led the technical team to develop two methods of rice and wheat, and realized..."

"There is no love for natural disasters. When one party is in trouble, there is support from all sides!..."

"Earthquakes are not the end of the world. Disasters can also be prevented. The security work of the Beijing Steel Rolling Mill is strong!"

"Comrade Li Xuewu led the security department of the steel rolling mill to study and summarize new ideas and emergency plans for safe production..."

Gu Ning, who was still in a daze, suddenly turned his head and looked in disbelief at Li Xuewu, who was still listening to the news.

He was so focused that there was no reaction even when his name appeared. If Gu Ning hadn't seen his fingers still moving while tapping the armrest, she would have thought he had fallen asleep.

At the door of the restaurant, Zhou Yamei also stood there blankly, listening to the radio reading Li Xuewu's deeds, looking at the person sitting on the sofa, but he couldn't believe it either.

Qin Jingru also ran out of the kitchen, thinking something had happened.

After listening to the news with Sister Zhou who was blocking the door, I realized that it was he who won the prize for love.

When the radio finished reading Li Xuewu's paragraph and moved on to the next character, Zhou Yamei walked out of the restaurant.

"Is...is it you?"


Li Xuewu was listening when he saw Zhou Yamei standing in front of him, waving his hands, and asking this question.

Apparently Zhou Yamei thought Li Xuewu was distracted and didn't hear the news.

How is this possible? He has received the news and wants to hear the final confirmation today.

His situation is quite special. He only reported it in April and it is up to him to see if he can get it in Chengdu.

However, the promotion of the steel rolling mill was no longer enough, and the leaders who came to investigate last time helped push it.

If it weren't for his special situation, he would never be on this year's list.

The people and deeds on this list all started last year and continued to receive awards this year.

"If it weren't for me, how could it still be you?"

Li Xuewu smiled and asked casually: "Is the meal ready?"

"Food? Yeah!"

Qin Jingru at the door of the restaurant heard Li Xuewu ask this, and then she remembered that the rice was still hot in the pot.

Zhou Yamei moved forward and sat next to Gu Ning. Together with Gu Ning, they looked at him with an expression of relief and disbelief.

Li Xuewu rolled his eyes and continued to nap with his eyes squinted.

"The automobile industry has made great progress. The first batch of Hongqi luxury sedans have left the factory. This marks the level of my country's independent research and development of new automobile technologies..."

Li Xuewu was also stunned when he heard this news, and then he understood.

It seems that my husband’s car was changed last month. Why did the news come out this month?

Even the car has to be made a fuss about, this is really...

Breakfast is rice porridge, the staple food is steamed buns with mixed noodles, and the vegetables are the leftovers from last night.

The food standard had dropped so much that Fu Zhidong was hesitant.

But looking at Uncle Wu taking three bites of a big steamed bun, he knew that if he didn't eat it, he would really have no choice.

It's just that he and Uncle Wu seem to be the only ones concentrating on eating at the dinner table. Why do mother and aunt always secretly look at uncle?

He didn't understand this matter until he went to school. Maybe it was another worry for adults.

After seeing Fu Zhidong back, Zhou Yamei saw Li Xuewu still drinking tea in the living room, so he walked over and asked, "When can we go back?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "You really don't plan to stay?"

Li Xuewu put down the tea cup in his hand, raised his head and asked, and then added: "You don't have to worry about the house and household registration. As long as you are willing, I will help you transfer it. The house problem is easy to discuss."

“No, it’s too much trouble”

Zhou Yamei combed her hair around her ears and rejected Li Xuewu's proposal.

This suggestion was not the first time Li Xuewu had made it. Tossing and turning these days, Zhou Yamei thought about Li Xuewu's words countless times.

She wanted to stay, but what reason could she use to convince herself.

If they stay in the capital, unless they live here forever, their mother and son will have nowhere to go.

Now that she had told Gu Ning her thoughts, how could she stay in the capital and make Gu Ning feel sad.

"All right"

Seeing that she had made up her mind to go, Li Xuewu nodded and said: "The case in Gangcheng is not over yet, but it is in the final stage. I may have to go again in a few days, and then I will send you home."


Zhou Yamei looked at Li Xuewu and nodded, then got up and cleaned up the house.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you leave early or late, you just need to make it clear to Li Xuewu and let Gu Ning and those who follow them know.

Li Xuewu wanted to go to Steel City because of that case.

The case was not repeated, but money was lost.

Li Xuewu admitted that there was no guarantee that anyone would keep the secret from him, but he could guarantee that no one could keep the money he wanted.

He also had other intentions when going to Steel City. The current steel rolling mill was like a frying pan, and he had to cool himself down.

The attitudes of the leaders of the steel rolling mill at yesterday's banquet were quite wrong, and it was a bit false to say they were in harmony with each other.

Li Xuewu didn't know why it suddenly changed like this until he listened to the broadcast this morning.

A historical process is about to begin, and today is a day worth remembering.

When the command vehicle stopped in front of the villa, Li Xuewu had already prepared his handbag, and Gu Ning also went downstairs to see Li Xuewu off.

"Thank you, at least you can send me out to work."

"I'm not a naive child"

Gu Ning pursed her lips and smiled, standing at the door and watching Li Xuewu go out.



General Li Xuewu handed the bag in his hand to Sha Qizhi, and then got into the back seat of the command vehicle.

Qin Jingru closed the door after the command vehicle left. When she turned around, Gu Ning had already gone back.

This is really a strange couple.

In the past, Qin Jingru had never thought about what would happen if she and Li Xuewu became husband and wife one day.

But as she lived in the courtyard for a longer time, she came to understand more and more that Li Xuewu was not as simple as she heard or saw.

When she came here, she couldn't see clearly what kind of person Li Xuewu was.

When I have a problem, I just think silently. When I win an award, it's normal. Talking is still a bit annoying, but what I do is admired.

Perhaps only someone like Gu Ning can be worthy of such a Li Xuewu.

He doesn't know how to cook or do housework, but he just treats himself as normal. He is a bit aloof and lacks emotional intelligence when dealing with others.

This summary is somewhat accurate, but who can guarantee that what they see must be true.

Just like no one can guarantee that what they are doing now is definitely right.

"On the 30th, Director Zhang of the Logistics Department seemed to have been reprimanded by Deputy Factory Director Li."

Sha Qizhi reported on today's itinerary as usual, and mentioned Zhang Guoqi by the way when talking about Deputy Director Li.

Li Xuewu didn't care. Zhang Guoqi was reprimanded because he was "incompetent in combat." Last month, the logistics department "played the main attack." This old boy was hedging his bets.

There was obviously a commotion, but the thunder was loud and the raindrops were light. The key point was that Li Xuewu knew yesterday that Zhang Guoqi had made several appointments with Wang Jingzhang.

Or maybe Wang Jingzhang misspoke to Jing Yunong and somehow it got to Li Huaide's ears.

There is no airtight wall in this agency. It is like a sieve. How dare you spread these words to the outside world?

However, Li Xuewu didn't believe that a service director with many years of service had no sense of confidentiality.

The most likely possibility is that Lao Zhang was sold, and it was not an ordinary sale.

He sold Zhang Guoqi and plotted against Li Huaide.

Good guy, Li Xuewu just captured two of them, and they exploded one for you.

I can't blame Li Huaide for arranging to meet me today.

Today we are meeting not only Li Huaide, but also Yang Fengshan and Yang Yuansong.

After getting married, it was understandable that the supervisor would talk to him, but Li Xuewu didn't think that such a little thing about him would make the factory director and secretary worry about him like this.

If we want to talk about it, it should be the trade union that cares about us. Why is it not in this big battle?

After Sha Qizhi reported on his work, some "hearsay" he said later gave Li Xuewu the answer.

"Yesterday, the factory director and Deputy Factory Director Jing had another conversation. The situation should be unclear. I guess the factory director will come to you today to discuss cooperation."

"Also, today's study session is very special. The director of the engineering department is not allowed to ask for leave. I'm afraid there is something wrong."


Li Xuewu responded again and said, "How's the investigation going with Section Chief Han?"

"I asked and I'm still checking."

Sha Qizhi glanced at Li Xuewu and said, "Section Chief Han said that there is a high possibility that there is something wrong."

"If there is a problem, there is a problem; if there is no problem, there is no problem."

Li Xuewu said casually: "No matter whether there are any problems or not, we must restore their innocence."

Sha Qizhi did not answer this sentence and glanced at Han Jiankun when he turned around.

Han Jiankun was driving the car attentively. Just because there are rats in the warehouse does not mean that everyone in the warehouse is a rat.

But according to Han Yating's statement, the mouse is not just one, because if it were one, there would be no need to be so obscure and secretive.

The Security Department has confidentiality regulations when handling cases, and nonsense is not allowed.

Even if it is a matter of sand, who will be responsible if something goes wrong?

As soon as the command vehicle entered the steel rolling mill, it felt a different atmosphere.

There are more announcements on the bulletin board, more flags on the walls of the factory, and the singing on the radio is even more exciting.

Even the security enforcement standards he arranged, Li Xuewu seemed a little too serious.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But there is no way, it is better to take a small half step ahead than half a step behind.

In the security department, there can be no problems at any time, no problems at all.

After waving to the saluting guard at the door through the open window, the command vehicle entered the gate under the watchful eyes of the door guards and the working crowd.

Before Li Xuewu's car had gone far, another Volga drove in. The workers avoided the car, but they recognized it as Deputy Director Deng's car.

The salute from the gate guard did not slow down the car, and no one responded to the gate guard.

When the vehicle entered the factory, it inevitably caused a discussion among the workers.

"It's not because you don't have money, why did the leader change his car?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

This person stretched his shoulders and said, "I knew how many work points I could get in exchange for helping out on the construction site for a day during my holiday yesterday."


The person from before said angrily: "With just three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, you won't be able to get a new house in your next life."

"What can I do? I can't just watch. Our house is about to collapse. How can we sleep on the street?"

"Haha, who cares whether you sleep on the street or not? Anyway, the leaders can't, at least Deputy Factory Director Deng can't. I have a new car."

"The factory director is looking for you?"

"not yet"

Li Xuewu spread his hands and said, "But we have an appointment to talk in the morning."

"Well, you should know what it is."

Li Huaide sat back on the chair, took a puff of cigarette, and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Haha, the steel rolling mill does not belong to one person"

Li Xuewu chuckled lightly, looked at Li Huaide and said: "This matter must be resolved quickly, the fruit will fall to the ground when it is ripe."

Li Huaide nodded and said nothing more.

After smoking for a while, he finally said: "Comrade Wei Jie is going to propose that you join the committee, committee member. I am serious this time."

“Too fast”

Li Xuewu shook his head and said, "I'll report it to Deputy Secretary Gu. We still need to exercise."

“It’s too late to exercise anymore”

Li Huaide flicked the cigarette butt in his hand into the ashtray and said: "I borrowed your help yesterday. I talked to the comrades in the city. The situation is not optimistic. You must be prepared."

"As long as you are prepared, it will be done"

Li Xuewu smiled and said: "I firmly support your correct leadership."


Li Huaide smiled, waved his hand and said: "It should be decided that literary comrades will join the committee this time. As long as there are no problems, it will be approved at the mid-year meeting."

"This is what a literary secretary deserves. The job in Steel City is not easy to do."

Li Xuewu nodded, indicating that he understood what Li Huaide meant, and then said: "The Steel City project?"

"It has been passed. The literature preparations should have started. Please ask around."

Li Huaide said casually, and then said: "We must get the joint enterprise matter, otherwise we would rather not do it."

This sentence was serious, and Li Xuewu also understood that it was a small matter to help others make wedding clothes, but it was a big deal to take the blame if something went wrong.

Furthermore, if there are mutual constraints, things will definitely not get done. If Li Huaide doesn't do this kind of thing, Li Xuewu certainly won't do it either.

"Let's talk and it will be solved"

Li Huaide comforted Li Xuewu, and just when he was about to finish the conversation, he asked casually: "I heard that you are checking on Deputy Director Deng's driver?"

"Really? I don't know."

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who said that? Which department investigated?"

Li Huaide looked at Li Xuewu and couldn't tell whether it was true or not. He smiled, nodded and said: "There is no best, okay, go and do your work."

"I really don't"

Li Xuewu emphasized something when he stood up and then left the office.

Li Huaide watched the office door close, and then the smile on his face disappeared.

It doesn't matter whether Li Xuewu checked Deng Zhiwang or not. What matters is whether this will affect his next actions.

This wasn't the first day he met Li Xuewu. This guy was secretive, so he came up with this trick.

If it's true, then Deng Zhiwang is in danger. Biting dogs don't like to bark.

Of course, he would not tell the news, and the situation did not get out of hand.

Li Huaide was confident in convincing Li Xuewu and would not let him stab him.

Because they have no contradictions, but they share the same direction of struggle and philosophy of life.

Of course, calling Li Xuewu here today is not just about saying these things, but also about work matters.

In the two days since Li Xuewu's wedding, the above documents were uploaded frequently, and they were still signed by two systems, which was very unusual.

Li Huaide was waiting to see if this opportunity was what he was waiting for.

As for why Li Xuewu left Wang Jingzhang alone and focused on Deng Zhiwang instead, he couldn't figure it out and didn't waste any time thinking about it.

When Li Xuewu does things, he won't reach out to ask you for something. He has to go around and deal with you and make you take the initiative and willingly give him what he wants.

Otherwise, Li Xuewu would have become a beggar.

"Waiting for me?"

When Li Xuewu saw Xu Sinian standing at the top of the stairs, he shrugged and said, "Don't be like this, I'm a little touched."

Xu Sinian twitched the corners of his lips and asked impatiently: "What have you been talking about for so long?"

“Talk about progress”

Li Xuewu smiled and walked side by side to the factory director's office with Xu Sinian.

After going round and round, the problem of wool finally turned back to his hands.

"I believe you ghost!"

Xu Sinian whispered: "I believe you even if you tell me about playing mahjong, this? Ha!"

"Can't I ask for progress?"

Li Xuewu looked at Xu Sinian suspiciously and said, "You didn't take the wrong medicine, did you?"

"I would only believe your lies if I took the wrong medicine."

Xu Sinian whispered: "Just tell me, can you do a job like mine? Can you be a pawn? Can you be a death squad?"

"Nonsense, why should I sacrifice myself?"

Li Xuewu rolled his eyes, walked to the door of the factory director's office, and said to Xu Sinian: "I am such a serious flag bearer of the youth commando team, why should I die first?"

After speaking, he knocked on the door and walked into the office.

Xu Sinian followed behind, with an expression like "I knew this."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Ha! Will Li Xuewu suffer a loss?


Sure enough, after the pleasantries about the wedding, when the factory director proposed that Li Xuewu take the lead in solving the joint enterprise's problems, Li Xuewu refused.

Good guy, it was you who kicked me out, but now that you are encountering difficulties, you just solved the problem with just one sentence?

Of course, Xu Sinian, who was sitting aside, mentally dubbed Li Xuewu's voice.

In fact, in a cordial and friendly atmosphere, Li Xuewu used the words that the wedding had just ended, he was busy with other things, and that the case in Steel City had been repeated, and he had to make a trip, etc. to excuse the factory director's proposal.

Although he refused, he still had a smile on his face and was very friendly.

In fact, Xu Sinian had already started to curse Li Xuewu in his heart.

Yang Fengshan hesitated for a moment, put down the pen in his hand, and said, "I also know that it is difficult for you to continue working, and I understand your mood as a newlywed, but now the steel rolling mill needs you."

"I'm at the steel rolling mill"

Li Xuewu interrupted: "I am doing what I should do, within the scope of my ability, within the scope of my authority..."

"Is this what you care about?"

Yang Fengshan looked like I had misjudged you. He pulled out a resolution document from the pile of documents and placed it in front of Li Xuewu. He gestured to Li Xuewu and said, "Take a look."

Li Xuewu glanced at the document, then looked at Yang Fengshan's expression, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Yang Fengshan nodded again with an expression like "You don't want to be like this," indicating that Li Xuewu could read it.

Reaching out to take the document, Li Xuewu glanced at it.

The resolution was very simple. It was drawn up in the name of the factory office. The content was very brief. It was an administrative document regarding the appointment of an assistant to the director of the rolling mill.

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows after reading it, but did not show any surprise. Instead, he calmly put the document back on the table.

It’s begun! It’s begun!

Xu Sinian shouted in his heart: The fierce confrontation is about to begin. You used to ignore me, but now I make it impossible for you to reach high. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty...

Li Xuewu didn't know that Xu Sinian, who was sitting next to him with a calm and calm expression, had so many psychological activities deep in his heart.

The disdain he expressed towards this document was not due to Yang Fengshan's previous disappointed expression, nor was it the other party's disrespect.

But the income is not what he asked for, administrative position, Li Xuewu is now the deputy director of the Security Department, and he has a department in his hands.

What about the assistant factory director?

Nominally, he will be responsible for assisting the factory director in daily work, and he can manage all units and departments of the steel rolling mill.

But please note that it is not him who has the final say, but the factory director.

Furthermore, this is not a management position, but a supporting position.

In fact, the work Xu Sinian did corresponded to this position. There was no such position in the steel rolling mill before.

What to do now?

Create a position to comfort yourself, and then rise and fall in secret?

"I'm grateful for the wrong love from the organization, but"

Li Xuewu said very seriously: "I know my situation best. My ability is average and my level is limited. I really can't take on this important task. I hope the factory director will choose someone wiser."

Yang Fengshan stared at Li Xuewu's eyes seriously, paused, and then nodded.

Asked: "Do you know why it has been stamped but not issued yet?"

"Then you definitely didn't ask me to have a conversation."

Li Xuewu smiled nonchalantly and continued: "As for why, I can't guess. I've been really busy recently."

“Organizational talk, no, not really”

Yang Fengshan ignored Li Xuewu's excuse and explained: "It's because I don't agree with this order from the bottom of my heart."

Li Xuewu pursed his lips, looking very grateful, but he did not answer the question and asked why he still stamped his seal if he disagreed.

Leaders are not thin-skinned and will not draw blood even if they are pricked with an awl.

Do you think I won’t tell you without asking?

"It's okay to put you in the position of assistant. I firmly believe that you can help me deal with most of the problems that embarrass me, but"

Yang Fengshan also gave Li Xuewu a butt here, and said seriously: "It is more appropriate to put you in the security department. Safety and stability are overriding everything, right?"

"Of course, this is what a security director should do."

Li Xuewu nodded and added: "Including the deputy director of the Security Department."

"Haha, this is the stupidest order I have ever signed."

Yang Fengshan tore up the documents on the table in front of Li Xuewu and said cryptically: "But I also have difficulties. The financial problem of the steel rolling mill is imminent and it is time to solve it."

Li Xuewu twitched his lips, feeling threatened by the factory director.

Yes, a threat.

He had the opportunity to decline the proposed position of the supervisory committee, but he was unable to resist the administrative order signed by the factory director.

This is Yang Fengshan's right to adjust the division of labor among the cadres within the administrative scope of the steel rolling mill.

Even if the secretary in charge of personnel objected, he could still force Li Xuewu to be transferred out of the security office.

Now Yang Fengshan is threatening Li Xuewu. If the financial problem is not solved, he will arrange for Li Xuewu to solve it.

"I don't think there's a big steel rolling mill in Nuovo that can't find someone to solve this problem, right?"

Li Xuewu looked at Yang Fengshan and said, "For example, you, the factory director, can do it."

"No, I can't"

Yang Fengshan was the first man to say no to Li Xuewu. In the past, Li Xuewu had only heard women saying no to him, or saying that it was no longer possible.

"There is no reasonable and fair negotiation that can be achieved by the top leaders of the factory. We don't have enough chips in our hands."

Yang Fengshan stated his shortcomings very straightforwardly, and confidently stated to Li Xuewu that he was the leader of the factory.

"Oh~ the problem seems to have reached a dead end"

Li Xuewu smiled helplessly and asked: "Then this matter must be done by me?"

"It has to be you"

Yang Fengshan pointed his finger at Li Xuewu and said: "Since I have torn up this administrative order, I will not give you any rewards. I believe you will not want any rewards. After all, this is our family and our own."

It’s a matter of fact, right?”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Xuewu shook his head with a smile and said: "In our family, my dad will not force me to do something I don't want to do."

"But he'll hit you!"

Yang Fengshan showed a victorious smile, nodded to Li Xuewu, and said with a smile: "At least I won't hit you."

Xu Sinian stood up with Li Xuewu, knowing that the division was done and it was time to settle the matter.

However, they were not impressed by the content the two used to end their conversation.

Still beating him?

Xu Sinian looked at the factory director's body and deeply doubted the reliability of this sentence.

After sending Li Xuewu out of the office, Xu Sinian saw that there was no one in the corridor, and then asked with emotion: "Then should I call you the leader in advance?"


Li Xuewu said nonchalantly: "It's up to each of us to decide who follows whom."

"Get out of here!"

Xu Sinian kicked Li Xuewu away, and then asked with a smile: "When do you plan to solve the problem?"

Li Xuewu didn't answer him, just made a gesture to make a phone call, and then went to Yang Yuansong's office.

Xu Sinian looked at the direction Li Xuewu was going and muttered: "Look, I've given you so much, it's not enough for you~"

Indeed, Li Xuewu is really racing against time.

It is normal for Yang Yuansong to talk to Li Xuewu here, because he is now a married cadre and needs to update his file again.

When he reached his level, he asked Yang Yuansong to talk to him, so we had today's meeting.

However, the conversation does not need to happen on the first day after the marriage. In fact, Yang Yuansong also stated his purpose at the end of the conversation.

That is stability above all else.

Different from the requirements of the factory director, what Yang Fengshan requires is that under his management, the steel rolling mill must be safe and stable, and there must be no chaos in specific affairs.

Yang Yuansong, on the other hand, was engaged in organizational work, and his requirements for Li Xuewu were from a spiritual level.

In the period of great study that is about to begin, officials and cadres must not be confused, let alone have contradictions and individualistic thoughts.

Normal thought fluctuations are okay, but a married and mature cadre can restrain himself.

Li Xuewu's understanding is that within a reasonable range, any contradiction cannot go out of the circle.

After coming out of the secretary's office, Li Xuewu knew that Li Huaide's stay in the hospital was not in vain, and he might have talked about something with the secretary.

What is certain is that the secretary began to support Li Huaide again.

This is interesting. The secretary helped suppress the last incident, and the vote to deny Li Huaide was submitted by him.

If Yang Yuansong supported Li Huaide during the conversation with the secretary when the big leaders came, then Li Huaide should be the executive deputy today.

The top leaders talked to these factory leaders one by one, and only after getting Yang Yuansong's opinion did they start to put pressure.

Furthermore, during the symposium, instructions were given that we must unite and jointly solve current problems.

Li Huaide lost not only to Yang Fengshan, but also to the secretary.

But now?

Yang Fengshan's command authority was strengthened by his superiors, and the problem was brought to light. If the problem was not solved, the collective would suffer.

Zhang Guoqi from the Logistics Department was going to be punished. Li Xuewu only found out today.

This blame was taken on behalf of Li Huaide.

But Li Huaide has already been suppressed, so why does the secretary want him again?

Yang Yuansong is playing with fire!

Li Xuewu squinted his eyes and went to the conference room. There will be a study session hosted by the secretary soon about the current spirit.

In fact, Li Xuewu doesn't want to come because there are too many documents about this type of thing recently.

If you point to the east today, you may point to the west tomorrow. You may not even wait until tomorrow and you may point to the west that afternoon.

Just when you think it might really be south, you point north again.

Bewildered, change orders from day to day, capricious, and the rhythm of the wind blowing.

Anyway, the ship of Li Xuewu and Dong Wenxue was packed and reinforced. From the moment they got married, he put a lock on his mouth.

In study meetings, you just learn whatever is taught above. Li Xuewu is the best at this, even better than dealing with the factory director’s problems.

When the factory radio station sounded Unity is Strength, Li Xuewu knew that lunch time had come.

The study meeting was over, and it was another day of confusion.

Everyone's face was full of confusion, but when others looked over, they became cryptic.

I don't understand, but I can't let you know that I don't understand.

Li Xuewu is the opposite. Even if I don't understand, you can tell that I have no intention of understanding at all.


Xu Sinian gestured to the voice of the female announcer reading the news in his ear, and asked meaningfully: "How come I heard that you are related to this... hmm~?"

"Hmm~? What is it?"

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't quite understand. Please explain more clearly."

"Hey, pretend, you pretend with me"

Xu Sinian looked like he had been through this before and said with a smile: "It's human nature to be a man, not to mention you weren't married at that time."

Li Xuewu looked at him with squinted eyes, and suddenly asked: "Does sister-in-law know that you are like this?"


Xu Sinian was stunned when Li Xuewu asked him, "Okay, it's just a joke, why do you want to directly hurt your heart?"

Li Xuewu shook his chin and said, "I don't know what you are talking about, but I am a married person now."

As he spoke, he patted Xu Sinian's arm and said: "This kind of news is nothing to me, I'm used to it, but it's not fair to my lover, because she knows that I am a dedicated person."


Xu Sinian nodded and said with an expression that sounded like me too: "Dedicated, dedicated, extremely dedicated, we are all the same, I have always liked young and beautiful ones."

Li Xuewu didn't know what the old boy was having today, why did he suddenly talk about this?

Xu Si looked back and forth and whispered: "You don't know yet, the one you transferred to the Service Department was... oh~".

Li Xuewu narrowed his eyes and said in disbelief: "What nonsense?"

"Haha, believe it or not"

Xu Sinian glanced at Li Xuewu and said: "So the person you are with should stay away, and be careful about someone picking up the wind and spreading evil."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Emotions have come full circle, but this is what I am talking about.

But this matter is very serious. It is not the same as ordinary employees in the factory. These are college students who are here for internship.

According to theory, they are not from the steel rolling mill, but still belong to the school.

Wang Jingzhang was so brave that he dared to kill those two?

Seeing Li Xuewu's disbelief, Xu Sinian curled his lips and said: "Do you know the psychology of gamblers? People are the craziest when they lose until they can no longer afford to lose."

"Are you sick?!"

Li Xuewu looked at Xu Sinian with one eye and asked: "You didn't remind me? Why are you on duty?"

"Am I her father or her mother?"

Xu Sinian curled his lips and said: "She voluntarily let others get under the bed, why should I just look at her from the bed?"

"Okay, I'll remind you, that's all you need to know."

Xu Sinian had no interest in talking anymore and said boringly: "Be careful, I think the situation is not right, any bully dares to show up, scum, scum, scum."

"Your knowledge of Northeastern dialect is very poor."

Li Xuewu smiled and accepted Xu Sinian's feelings, but still criticized his accent.

The two of them smiled and went to the small canteen to eat.

When passing by the bulletin board of the small canteen, he saw Xia Zhongquan looking there, and Li Xuewu also took a look.

"What are you looking at?"

"Hey, the groom is the official~"

Xia Zhongquan made a joke, then pointed to the announcement and explained: "Isn't that right? The Personnel Department and the Service Department organize international students to visit."


Li Xuewu turned his head and glanced at Xu Sinian, and raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

Xu Sinian didn't pay attention to this and explained: "It has nothing to do with you. If you don't go to the security office, you just go to the workshop."

Li Xuewu didn't think so, he rolled his eyes and said nothing.

When entering the small cafeteria, Xu Sinian took advantage of the crowds and noise and reminded Li Xuewu in a low voice: "The factory director's matters should be handled urgently. Don't delay, otherwise things will change if you are too late."

After saying this, he gestured to the other side of the private room, and then went to talk to the others with a smile.

When Zhang Songying saw Li Xuewu come in, she was still a little cautious and didn't know how to treat the married Li Xuewu.

Li Xuewu, however, looked over at the private room and waved to her.

Zhang Songying walked over nervously, but she didn't expect that Li Xuewu's first question made her heart tremble.

"What did you do yesterday? Why didn't you go to the wedding?"

"Um...what...there's something going on at home?"

Zhang Songying was so frightened by Li Xuewu that sweat dropped from her forehead. Did this enemy allow her to be envious and jealous?

And... play a reenactment of the situation later?

When Li Xuewu was greeting guests at the door yesterday, he saw Qin Huairu helping her write the gift account, so he asked this question today.

Not only Zhang Songying, but Ran Qiuye, who he personally invited, also didn't come. Sisters Wang Yajuan and Wang Yamei, who were notified by Lao Biaozi, didn't come either.

It's not that Li Xuewu wanted to have a table with his ex-girlfriend, but it was a bit embarrassing after all that this person didn't come, but the gift came.

Although he usually teases Kezi, saying that he has to come if he doesn't come, he can't do this.

I asked Zhang Songying, looked at her nervous look, and said funnyly: "Am I so scary? As for you?!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhang Songying to answer, she waved her hand and asked: "Are the dining activities for the international students visiting here arranged?"

This chapter has been completed!
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