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Chapter 64 Dumplings

Li Xuewu entered the warehouse and saw that the place where baskets of pears were stacked was empty, and on the other side were piles of materials arranged in categories.

Li Xuewu closed the door and took a look. The liquor was packed in large white plastic barrels. Each barrel weighed 100 kilograms, which was exactly 10 barrels.

Cabbage is stacked against the wall, and radishes and potatoes are packed in sacks, each bag weighing about 180 to 200 kilograms.

Frozen hairtail and frozen river fish are also packed in sacks, standing upright with their mouths unsealed.

Rice, white flour, and cornmeal are packed in white woven bags, 150 kilograms per bag, and soybean oil is packed in oil rolls, and each roll weighs about 320 kilograms.

Furs are packed into a bag of 50 sheets, exactly two bags, and wild mushrooms, black fungus, and golden needles are all packed in woven bags, three bags weighing 50 kilograms each.

Dates, walnuts, hazelnuts, and pine nuts are all dried fruits, and they are packed in sacks, each with a sack open.

The six silly roe deer were thrown to the ground. It turned out that the wounds were from gunshot wounds.

This thing, Li Xuewu heard from his second uncle, if you shoot at them, "Bang!" One of them will be knocked down, and everyone in the group will run away.

But I didn’t run too far, I ran a few steps and stopped, looking at you, looking at you cutely, maybe I was thinking about something.

It's because I'm stupid and can't tell whether I'm an enemy or a friend.

Hence the name "Silly Roe Deer".

This thing is also available in the capital, but in the mountains.

Li Xuewu checked it and put it into the space. He picked up the portions randomly with his hands. They were roughly the same. In this era, if you say 1 catty or 1 tael, it will definitely not be 1 catty. There should be no difference in one cent or centimeter.

It only took more than half an hour to finish collecting. Li Xuewu went to the door, opened the door, and squatted in the warehouse. When he felt sleepy, he went out to smoke.

It seemed like an hour passed before I closed the door and went to the guard room to find my second uncle.

The two came to the warehouse again.

The second uncle locked the door, went to the guard's room to return the key, and the two rode back home.

It was almost 6 o'clock when we got home, and my second aunt had already gone to bed.

The second uncle took out a dozen big tubes from his pocket, counted them and handed them to Li Xuewu.

"Count it, it's 120 yuan."

Seeing that his second uncle had counted them, Li Xuewu put them in his bag, put on his military coat, lay down on the sofa and started to sleep.

"What are you counting? There are only 12 pictures. I can't even make 13 pictures even if my fingers bleed. I have to catch up on my sleep. I'm so sleepy."

The second uncle laughed and scolded, "You bastard, go to sleep in the academic room, it's cold outside."

Li Xuewu covered himself with a military coat and didn't feel cold, so he said, "It's almost dawn, so I won't go. I'll just sleep here. It's quite comfortable."

The second uncle gave Li Xuewu a quilt, covered him with it, and went back to the house to sleep.

Li Xuewu didn't wake up until noon. When he woke up, he saw his second aunt making dumplings with his eldest sister Li Juan.

When the second aunt saw Li Xuewu woke up, she said hello, "Xuewu is awake. Get up and wash your face. The dumplings will be ready soon. Your second uncle and Xueli will be back soon."

Li Xuewu said hello to his eldest sister and went to the water room to wash his face.

The second uncle's family lives in the same building as the second aunt's mother's unit. The bathroom and water room are shared on the first floor.

I had some beard in my eyes after staying up late. The water was a bit cold. I washed my face and felt refreshed.

Back in the house, the second aunt had finished making dumplings, and Li Juan was clearing the table.

Li Juan has a very straightforward personality and is not as afraid or resistant to Li Xuewu as Li Xuewen's brothers.

The second uncle's character is just like Li Xuewu's.

Therefore, Li Juan also has a bold personality, and she even joked with Li Xuewu about being unable to find a partner because her face was injured.

The second aunt who came out of the kitchen heard the joke and slapped Li Juan on the back.

"Go! Make fun of your brother!"

Li Xuewu didn't care, "It's okay, Second Aunt, if I can't find a partner, I will wait for my elder brother-in-law to help me find a partner. When the elder sister is looking for a partner, she will ask the elder brother-in-law if there is a suitable sister at home."

Li Xuewu said that his eldest brother-in-law had made Li Juan blush. He hadn't told his family about the person he was dating yet. This guy had just arrived, how could he know about it.

Li Xuewu blushed and didn't speak when he saw Li Juan. There must be something going on. He was getting to the point.

Seeing that Li Juan had no intention of telling her family, she stopped teasing Li Juan and changed the subject to talk about Li Juan's work.

At this time, the second uncle and Li Xueli came into the house. Li Xueli was only 18 years old, which was the right age for him to escape. He talked to Li Xuewu for a long time.

Li Xueli and Li Xuewu are similar in age. Regarding Li Xuewu’s enlistment in the army,

I was very envious of my experience and wanted to join the army, but my parents refused to let me go, so I had to go to work honestly.

Although I didn't make it, my family has been there, so I grabbed Li Xuewu and started asking about here and there.

How could Li Xuewu dare to talk about what happened in the army? Let’s not talk about whether it involves leaking secrets. If I write it here, I have to send it to a small dark room.

So when facing my cousin Li Xueli, a curious baby, I could only fool him with movies and TV shows from later generations.

Li Xueli was stunned for a moment after being deceived, and he regretted not having firm belief.

The second uncle listened to Li Xuewu's words and knew that he was deceiving his son, because the third uncle was also in the army. Although the letters were written about family affection, what Li Xuewu talked about during the meeting was not the same thing at all.

Seeing his silly son being deceived, Li Gan just watched with a smile and a cigarette in his mouth.

Li Xueli didn't let Li Xuewu go until the second aunt had cooked the dumplings and put them on the table to call them to eat.

Everyone had a meal of dumplings together. After the meal, while the second aunt was busy in the kitchen and the second uncle went to the toilet, Li Xuewu took out 40 yuan and stuffed 20 yuan into Li Juan and 20 yuan into Li Xueli.

Li Xueli happily accepted it and said sincerely, "Thank you, second brother, you are so particular. How did you know that I was short of money?"

Li Xuewu laughed and said, "Everyone is lacking."

When it was given to the eldest sister Li Juan, the eldest sister said nothing.

Li Juan pushed and said, "You have just started working, how can I ask for my brother's money?"

Li Xuewu forced it into her pocket and whispered, "Don't always spend other people's money to find a partner. If the person is good, take it back as soon as possible and show it to the second uncle and second aunt."

Li Xuewu's words made Li Juan blush again. When she saw the second aunt looking this way, she was embarrassed to push her again, so she accepted it.

Li Xueli was still like a big child. When he saw his mother looking over, he ran to the kitchen to show off to his mother. His second aunt chased him out, shaking the water in her hands.

"Xue Wu, why should you give him money? Your brother has started to earn a salary, but you are still a heretic at your own home!"

After saying this, Li Xuewu said to the sullen Li Xueli, "Give it back to your brother quickly. Your brother has just joined the work. Why is this kid so heartless?"

Li Xuewu patted the shoulder of Li Xueli who was hiding next to him, and said to the second aunt, "My academic ability is 18, I have to find a partner. Hands

Even if you don’t have enough money, you can’t even treat a girl to a movie. Don’t you want to have a grandson as soon as possible?”

When the second aunt saw that Li Xuewu was sincere, she stopped fighting with him and glared at Li Xuelia.

"It would be great if he had such a future, he would know how to fool around with others."

Li Xueli was still unconvinced and said, "Mom, you have taken away all my salary. I can't do anything to make a difference."

The second aunt scolded, "You little brat, you still dare to talk back, right? Let me see how you can bring the girl back."

When the second uncle came back, he saw that there was a lot of noise in the house. Li Xueli immediately stopped yelling when he saw the second uncle and went into the house obediently. Li Juan also packed her clothes.

The second aunt told the second uncle about the money given by Li Xuewu.

The second uncle glanced at Li Xuewu and said, "Are you more capable? Are you coming to the second uncle's house to be polite?"

Li Xuewu laughed "haha" and said, "What ability do I have in front of my second uncle? My sister is looking for a partner. She has no money in her pocket and is not brave. Academic ability is the time to make friends. You can't have money to socialize. I am supporting you."

The love career of fellow Northeasterners has begun."

The second uncle listened to Li Xuewu's joking words and said to the second aunt, "Give Juanzi more pocket money every month, but don't give her academic ability. He has no shortage of money in his pocket."

I only heard Li Xueli shouting in the room, "I'm missing!"

The second aunt shouted into Li Xueli's room, "Your dad is outside. Come out and tell your dad."

Li Xueli hid in the room and never spoke again.

When the second uncle and the second aunt heard Li Xuewu say that Li Juan had a partner, they didn't care because they already knew it. At this time, having a partner was like turning on a 200-watt light bulb in the dark sky.

If you walk a short distance away from a little girl, anyone who sees you will tell your parents.

The reason why I didn’t reveal it was because I had already asked someone to inquire about the young man’s family and personality, and I was satisfied that I didn’t hold on to him.

We took a break at noon. Several people in the second uncle's family had to go to work. Li Xuewuyan said that he might leave at what time in the evening, so he would go back to the No. 17 Factory and wait. He would come back next time when he was free.

The second aunt wanted to get food stamps, but Li Xuewu refused, and finally accepted the letter written by the second uncle.

This meal of dumplings might be the dumplings for the second uncle's New Year's Eve dinner. How can I ask for food stamps? It's such a tight day.

Li Xuewu went out and found a place where no one was around, took out his bicycle, rode it, and started walking around the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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