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Chapter 267 Target Song

The headquarters of the Third Guards Regiment.

On the screen wall facing the Chinese-style courtyard foyer with tall doors and straight doors, the words "Serve the People" shine brightly.

This was Li Xuewu's original design opinion. From the Security Brigade to the Third Guards Regiment officially settling here, the office layout of the entire compound has been passed down.

The main entrance is open around the clock, and the red door with yellow door nails is always open, symbolizing that the Third Guards Regiment is always ready.

The stone lion at the door has been repaired and looks very solemn.

Together with the guards standing guard, this gate is guarded.

Cadres working in the Weisan Regiment generally do not enter through the main entrance. They enter and exit through the corner gate of the parking lot or the corner gate of the main entrance.

The main entrance is usually used for visiting guests or for formal meetings.

Li Xuewu's jeep is very recognizable. The camouflaged U-shaped antenna on the car is the symbol of Deputy Commander Li to the parking lot gate guard.

The parking lot is not very big. After the establishment of the Weisan Group, there were more small cars and fewer large cars.

Because it was afternoon, the sun was a little hot, but the temperature had become very cool.

Li Xuewu was wearing a half-sleeved shirt and normal clothes, carrying the briefcase in his hand, and walked towards the courtyard.

After Sha Qizhi appointed him as the deputy director of the office, Li Xuewu did not take him with him when he came to work here again.

A dedicated clerk, Gao Guang, was also arranged for him here.

Unlike the public security brigade's business, the Weisan Regiment is a confidential unit and also involves garrison management.

It is not suitable for Sha Qizhi to continue to help him manage the secretarial work here, nor is it suitable for him to enter or leave this compound anymore.

Li Xuewu's office is still the same, and he has also coordinated the office. The time he spends working here is getting less and less, and he can change it with leaders if necessary.

In terms of office environment, Li Xuewu actually doesn't have much to choose from. He only visits the office here a few times a month.

But the office responded that no other leader was willing to change, so his office was still being used.

On the contrary, the large office that was originally located in the main hall has been moved and is now used as a reception room and as a secretary's office for him and Qi Yaowu.

When Gao Guang saw Li Xuewu entering the hospital, he blinked in surprise, then jumped up and ran out to greet him.

Li Xuewu asked with a smile: "It's a surprise, isn't it?"

"See what you said"

Gao Guang chuckled, took the briefcase from Li Xuewu's hand, and replied: "I'm also happy, right?"

After speaking, he motioned to the office and explained: "I just told Comrade Xiao Ma that the leader will be here in the next few days!"

"Then you can pinch and calculate!"

Li Xuewu was talking and laughing as he stepped up the steps and entered the hall.

Gao Guang opened the door of his office and said, "I just think that when you come back from a business trip, you will definitely come to handle the work here. You guessed it!"

"Then you guessed it right"

Li Xuewu nodded and signaled to Qi Yaowu's secretary, Xiao Ma, who greeted him.

"Is Qi Tuan at home?"

"Well, I heard you moving."

Qi Yaowu's voice came out from the room, and his voice was louder than Wang Xiaoqin's.

"We were just talking about you. You've been gone for so many days, so don't just leave it outside!"

The door to his office is open, and there should be someone else inside.

Qi Yaowu walked to the door and waved to him, saying: "Come on, let's see what gifts Deputy Commander Li, who has been missing for almost a month, brought us~"


The laughter coming from the room was not that of one person, it was a small meeting.

Li Xuewu walked into the house and discovered that Zhao Zhenhua, Chu Nanfang, and Shen were here.

"The gift is indeed there, but it's still on the way."

Li Xuewu smiled and shook hands with Qi Yaowu, and then shook hands with several people who stood up to greet him.

Zhao Zhenhua joked: "I know that Deputy Commander Li is a very particular person and will never forget us!"

"Hey! Lao Zhao, that's not what you said a few days ago!"

Chu Nanfang smiled and nodded at him and said, "Didn't you say a few days ago that Deputy Commander Li had forgotten all of us and was living happily on his own?"


Li Xuewu smiled and handed out cigarettes to them, lit it himself, and then said: "You are still happy and happy, but you have to run thin."

He sat on the sofa and explained his itinerary in the past two weeks to everyone: "First I went to Jinmen, then I went to Steel City, and while I was in Steel City, I went to Jicheng for a round trip!"


Shen Fang smiled and said: "In other words, you brought us local specialties from three places?"


"Don't tell me! This trip is really fruitful!"

Li Xuewu took a drag on his cigarette and explained with a smile: "In Jinmen, we negotiated a seafood product replacement and cooperation project with the Jinmen Seafood Corporation."

"In other words, there will be no shortage of seafood in our canteen from now on!"

"This is a good thing, this is a good thing!"

Zhao Zhenhua lit ashes in the ashtray and said to Li Xuewu with a smile: "It enriches the soldiers' diet and improves their nutritional intake. This trip to Jinmen is worth it!"

The steel rolling mill had cooperation with the 816th Regiment on the mountain, and the Weisan Regiment was established and inherited this cooperation.

Therefore, if the steel rolling mill has a supply of seafood, then the training ground on the mountain will be available. If the training ground is available, it means that the Weisan Regiment will be available.

This is why Qi Yaowu clung to Li Xuewu during the establishment of the Third Wei Regiment.

At that time, the leaders of the garrison area wanted to throw away the cadres of the security brigade and not accept them.

The branch also didn't want to let Li Xuewu go. After all, he was a case-solving expert registered with the ministry.

But the joint adaptation work here still needs to respect the opinions of Qi Yaowu and others. They all said that they wanted to keep Li Xuewu and Wang Xiaoqin, and the garrison had no choice.

Qi Yaowu was very aware of Li Xuewu's ability and role. He did not need him to manage the troops, let alone come to work every day.

All he needs to do is take care of the logistics support for the regiment.

The station and training ground on the mountain, as well as the basis for cooperation with Hongxing Village, were all coordinated by Li Xuewu.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The newly established contact center, medical service station, food factory next to the training station, and the agricultural reclamation area that the Third Wei Regiment relies on most were also coordinated by Li Xuewu.

Now Li Xuewu has brought them a new "gift".

If you are tired of eating river fish in the mountains, you can try the taste of sea fish and seafood.

Which unit among these troops can obtain such abundant food as them?

Moreover, he could see that after the steel rolling mill established a food factory, the continuous development and production of canned products would surely become an important material guarantee.

In this era, having enough food is a very important management tool.

How good the food is in the regiment directly reflects the excellence of the management cadres.

Seafood is a big category, and the steel rolling mill has its own purchasing channels and its own means of transportation. They have reaped the benefits of Li Xuewu's identity.

So don't say Li Xuewu doesn't come to work for a month, it's okay even if he doesn't come to work for a year.

“I walked around the Steel City, but there wasn’t much souvenirs.”

Li Xuewu continued: "There is just a lot of iron, so I thought of bringing us some iron specialties!"

"What the hell?"

When Shen Fang saw Li Xuewu trying to show off, he smiled and joked: "You won't give each of us a permanent ashtray like the one on your desk, will you?"


He smiled and gestured to several people and explained: "The man from the steel rolling mill is Hao Heng. His ashtray? It's so big!"

With his hands circled as big as a basketball, Shen Fang said to several people: "It looks like a discus on the desk."

“I can’t bear to give you the ashtray.”

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "That is the treasure of our factory. Just point it at me to suppress my luck."

As he spoke, he waved and asked Gao Guang to bring over the envelope in the briefcase.

After taking the envelope from Gao Guang, Li Xuewu took out the photos inside and handed them to several people to see.

"This is……"

Qi Yaowu was not blind, and he could tell the origin of the gun at a glance.

"Dragunov SVD sniper rifle?"

"What rifle?"

Shen Fang had never seen this thing before, so he took a look at the photo and looked at it with some doubts.

"Why is this gun so weird?"

"This is a new weapon that has just been installed by Northern Maozi. It is already in use on the Annan battlefield."

Chu Nanfang was knowledgeable and explained to him: "This is a precision shooting rifle specially designed for precision shooters."

"It has a long shooting range and high accuracy, and can shoot targets one thousand meters away at its longest range."

“Very advanced and practical”

Chu Nanfang looked at the photo in his hand carefully and found that the shooting scene above was not on a battlefield.

Thinking of what Li Xuewu said just now, he raised his head in surprise and asked: "Is this in Steel City?!"


Qi Yaowu also discovered this, looked at Li Xuewu with the photo, and asked: "Did you get the gun?"

"No, no!"

Zhao Zhenhua said: "The one in the photo is different from the one in the information, look!"

He pointed his finger at the firearm in the photo to show it to several people.

"Indeed, the position of the sight seems to be different."

Qi Yaowu also looked at it carefully and asked: "What is this gun?"

"Type 66-6 sniper rifle"

Li Xuewu really dared to speak out and changed the name of SVD's gun without any shame.

"It can also be said to be the Dragunov SVD sniper rifle, but the relationship is not very big anymore."

"The position of the sight you see has changed. That is because when the original rifle is fired, the sight will vibrate or even become loose, which affects the shooting accuracy."

Li Xuewu first explained the differences, then shook the envelope in his hand and said: "The Light Weapon Research Institute has changed the dovetail groove and protruding structure of the sight into the form of a guide rail."

"In other words, we have completed the imitation work?"

Qi Yaowu said with some surprise: "But this gun has just made a name for itself on the southern battlefield, and it is so fast?"

"No, not us"

Li Xuewu smiled and emphasized: "It's us."

As he spoke, he threw the envelope in his hand on the coffee table, looked at several people and explained: "The Steel Rolling Plant and the Light Weapon Research Institute have redesigned this new gun through research and imitation, and its name is 66-

Type 6 sniper rifle".


Zhao Zhenhua laughed out loud and said loudly: "You are really good at bullying others. Does this count as poaching a corner of socialism?"


Everyone laughed loudly, because if there is a steel rolling mill, the Weisan Regiment has it!

Otherwise, what would Li Xuewu be showing off with?

Li Xuewu did not continue to talk in circles and explained the origin and manufacturing process of this gun in detail.

Qi Yaowu looked at the cigarette and sat on a chair. After Li Xuewu finished speaking, he asked: "You mean, let's set up an experimental team?"

“It’s actually an improvement”

Li Xuewu flicked the ashes of his cigarette, took one last puff, and extinguished the cigarette butt while saying: "The outside world is already ahead of us. Even Annan has started to install this kind of long-range sniper rifle. But we still have

Not yet."

"Sixty-three moves don't count, they can't be compared to this."

Li Xuewu knew what Qi Yaowu wanted to say, waved his hand and said: "I tried that gun in the south. I can't say whether it is good or bad, but it is incomparable when compared to this gun."

"The Light Soldier Institute has come up with two plans."

He put the two photos together for comparison, pointed at one first and said: "One is extremely high-precision. Many materials have been replaced with the best. The performance of the firearm exceeds that of the original rifle. The disadvantage is that the output is low."

Pointing to another one, he said: "One is with ordinary accuracy, using raw materials, and the performance of the firearm is the same as that of the original firearm. The disadvantage is still the low output."


Zhao Zhenhua was almost stunned by Li Xuewu's words and looked at Li Xuewu speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

Li Xuewu smiled, clicked on the last picture, and said: "Low production is relative, at least this gun has not been taken seriously by the higher authorities yet."

"Even if you are interested, the speed and quantity of installation will not be too high."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After saying this, Li Xuewu put away the photos and said: "Although the performance of this gun has been verified in the southern battlefield, after all,

It’s been redesigned.”


Zhao Zhenhua glanced at Qi Yaowu, who had been deep in thought, and said: "What Deputy Captain Li means is that we, as an experimental team, can use this equipment first to achieve results."


Li Xuewu also looked at Qi Yaowu and said: "The Light Arms Station and the Steel Rolling Factory agreed to give us fifty guns for experimental training."

"The Third Guards Regiment has the responsibility and obligation to cooperate with the light soldiers to perform well in promoting and verifying the performance of firearms."

"The steel rolling mill is an enterprise, and the light soldiers made this gun to expand their business, so after it is built, it must be sold."

"Of course"

Li Xuewu nodded and said: "The light soldiers need to cooperate with not only rifles, but also a complete set of redesigned individual equipment, which will also be given to us for experimental purposes."

"How about it?"

Seeing that Qi Yaowu was silent, Chu Nanfang also looked at the photo and frowned. Shen Fang didn't understand this, so Zhao Zhenhua asked, "Should we take this job?"

"Pick it up! Why don't you pick it up!"

Qi Yaowu shook the ash from his hand, and after hearing Zhao Zhenhua's words, he retracted his thoughts. When he was about to take a last puff, he found that the butt of the cigarette was almost burning on his hand.

Putting out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, he straightened up and said with a smile: "I am afraid of poverty in my life. Anything given to me for free is a good thing!"


Everyone laughed, and Zhao Zhenhua also smiled and reminded: "This is not for free, we have to show real results."

"I may have to think about other things."

Qi Yaowu raised his hand and took a photo of the stack of photos, and said confidently: "When it comes to combat skills, I don't agree with anyone!"

"I want this gun!"

He turned to look at Li Xuewu and said: "Let's form this experimental team from the first battalion. We will use the company as a unit. We will first assign the guns to the squad, and then form a professional sniper team. We have also experienced the addiction of the experimental weapons unit.


This is true. When many weapons research institutes design new weapons, they will cooperate with front-line troops and form experimental teams.

Of course, these teams are not short of new weapons. If they can get them, it means that they have completed several rounds of experiments.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the excellent performance. In the end, it depends on whether it can adapt to complex usage environments.

It also depends on whether the firearm can be accepted by the soldiers.

It’s hard to say what’s going on in this world. There are many excellent firearms that are not favored by design.

Especially during the experiment, it was abandoned directly.

But if the environment changes and the team changes, this gun can be praised as a god again.

Qingbing has its own cooperation team, but Li Xuewu is not the "designer". He certainly has the right to suggest who should conduct the experiment.

Zhao Zhenhua also noticed this and said with a smile: "This is a great gift. I can't wait to see how good this gun is!"

"Not just guns, but also other auxiliary equipment"

Li Xuewu explained seriously: "Soldiers are born for war and should be prepared to go to the battlefield at any time."

"As commanders, our task is to do our best to ensure the excellence and advancement of the front-line combat teams."

"Including tactical command, including weapons and equipment, including logistical supplies"

Li Xuewu explained: "Now the troops outside are being tested by the progress of the times, and some are even being tested by war."

"How the war should be fought is a key issue that we as commanders should consider."

"Especially in terms of weapons, equipment and logistical supplies, it is the part that maximizes the combat capability and is also the part that can best expand the level of combat."

“Among these choices, the one that gives priority to the use of science and technology as support is the most advanced one.”

Li Xuewu looked at the crowd and said seriously: "A single soldier can't do anything but make trouble. This is an objective fact!"

"The use of science and technology to arm individual soldiers and equipment has a natural strategic advantage!"

"Well, I agree with that."

Qi Yaowu nodded and said: "In the war we fought against Lao Chou in the past five years, we suffered huge losses because our weapons were backward and our supplies could not keep up."

"Even if we can keep up with the supplies, we won't have to sacrifice so many people."

When he mentioned this, he sighed: "We are all good comrades!"

"So we progress"

Zhao Zhenhua said seriously: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten! It's enough to learn a lesson once!"

After saying this, he looked at Qi Yaowu and Li Xuewu and said, "I support the regiment leader in setting up this experimental team in the first battalion."

"Well, let's make a report then"

Qi Yaowu nodded and said: "It just so happens that the team is still in the running-in period, and getting new equipment will also help improve morale."

"The political commissar reports, there are many teams in the garrison with such tasks, we are not short of anything."

He said simply: "Next, we will train the experimental team well and form combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

After Qi Yaowu finished explaining, he looked at Li Xuewu and asked: "When will your side need our support?"

“Still waiting for the opportunity”

Li Xuewu explained: "I have an appointment with the assembly person tomorrow, but I don't know what to do yet. I just want to walk on two legs."


Qi Yaowu nodded and said: "You regard us as your final bet. I guarantee that our team will not be stretched, and we will definitely be a blockbuster!"

"With your words, I feel relieved."

Li Xuewu nodded and said: "The firearms are still on the way. They should arrive in the next few days. I will meet with the assembly department first before talking about it."

"No problem, we are ready here"

Qi Yaowu agreed wholeheartedly, then nodded to Li Xuewu, and asked with a smile: "You can find such a good gift in Steel City, but what about Jicheng?"

"Ji Cheng...don't mention it."

Li Xuewu smiled and said: "The trip to Jicheng was not very pleasant, and the locals were not very enthusiastic either."

"However, there are a lot of dry goods on the mountain, and they have been included in the trading items of the steel rolling mill."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "At least I didn't go into the mountains and come back empty-handed."

Zhao Zhenhua knew that Li Xuewu's trip to Jicheng was definitely not as simple as he said.

Since the people in Jicheng are no longer enthusiastic, it means that he has done something to make people less enthusiastic.

Li Xuewu had a special status and held two positions. When they communicated with Li Xuewu, they only talked about the work of the Third Wei Regiment, and it was difficult to talk about other things.

Several people sat in Qi Yaowu's office and chatted for a while.

Mainly talking about the current training and construction situation after the joint reorganization of the army.

Starting last month, the team began to enter the big training and big learning stage.

If you really want to return to your previous combat effectiveness, it will take you half a year.

Even though half of the team is veterans, the other half of the new recruits are urban soldiers.

In terms of culture, ideas, abilities, etc., both parties need to work together and make progress.

Qi Yaowu is under a lot of pressure now. The meat from the Public Security Brigade is very fragrant, and he will choke a little after eating it. It is a problem if he cannot digest it.

He had also just been transferred from the mountain to rest for a few days and work with the political commissar to deal with the issue of family members arriving at the station.

Li Xuewu happened to be here, and they also asked Li Xuewu for his opinion.

What advice can Li Xuewu give? Now the city can't arrange it. The compound is so big, but there is no place to build a family courtyard.

There is no suitable location in the surrounding area. There is a big place outside the city, but there is no place to stay, so life is still troublesome.

After listening to the explanations of the two people, he also knew that life in the city was convenient, but he still supported the construction of a family area in the mountains.

Especially at this stage, under this situation, the stability of the backyard is more important than anything else.

As long as you land in the capital and develop slowly in the future, you will eventually enter the city sooner or later.

Zhao Zhenhua is the political commissar and briefly talked to Li Xuewu about this year's harvest and harvest in the agricultural reclamation area.

Because livestock were purposefully raised at the beginning of spring, after several months of development, the number of livestock doubled.

The fry put in the fish pond have also grown up, and they will definitely reach a large scale within three years.

The most developed area is the pig farm. With this summer's feeding and care, the number of pigs in the farm has doubled.

A litter of piglets can produce more than a dozen piglets, one litter a year. The day when the Weisan regiment will achieve pork freedom is coming soon.

Zhao Zhenhua is very motivated and feels that this breeding model can be improved. He plans to process a batch of pigs.

Part of it is used as a meat reserve to supply the team with food throughout the winter.

The other part was sold and converted into building materials, and he planned to build several more complete pig-raising facilities in the mountains.

This year there was a bumper harvest of sweet potatoes and a bumper harvest of grain in the mountains. Many plant roots were preserved and stored as feed for pig feeding in winter.

Appropriately reduce the number of pigs, ensure meat storage standards, and reduce feed use.

Next year, a new litter of piglets will grow up and another batch of meat will be supplied.

The biggest advantage of farming is self-sufficiency. If the meat supply can be solved, or even the team's meat supply standard can be improved, the team's overall combat effectiveness will also be improved.

A few people were drinking tea and talking about work. They also saw that Li Xuewu was back, and they mainly talked about logistics.

Li Xuewu didn't go back to the rolling mill all afternoon, and started working on his own work when he came back from Qi Yaowu's place.

When it was time to get off work in the evening, he had a bite in the cafeteria before letting Han Jiankun drive him back to the steel rolling mill.

National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival Party.

All leaders will attend, and Li Xuewu will naturally not be able to leave.

This is a factory-wide festival, and many workers' families come to the factory to join in the fun. Starting from the afternoon, the factory gates will no longer be guarded.

Inside the factory, the security office has strengthened its security, and only the road from the factory gate to the open-air stadium is open.

Family members continued to pour into the factory during the afternoon, and were led to the open-air stadium to wait under the guidance of personnel from the security office and the trade union.

At this time, there is no special organization to manage this kind of performance. Whoever comes first will stand in front.

But there can be no lack of order at all. Compared with the looseness of a movie, this kind of performance still has prepared seats.

Mainly only outstanding cadres, advanced individuals and outstanding workers receive this treatment.

The seats are right in front of the stage, and the best seats are neatly arranged.

The office has marked the names of people on each seat. Those who can sit here have been notified in advance.

And when they entered the venue, these people gained the attention of everyone present.

This is a kind of honor and honor, and these people are naturally proud and proud.

Their families and colleagues stood on both sides of the seating area, or brought their own benches to sit in the back.

Being pointed out and praised by relatives and friends outside made them feel extremely satisfied.

The middle seat in the front row of the seating area is empty. This is the seating area for factory leaders. Those who can sit here are cadres at the deputy factory level or above.

On both sides of the leadership seating area are the seats for model workers, who are even more honored to sit with the leaders.

The stage is ready-made, which is the rostrum on the sports field, with a rectangular cement table and multi-functional use.

In order to set off the stage effect, a cloth was arranged around the stage, and a waiting area was spliced ​​with a truck bucket behind it.

A tent was set up in the back to be used as a backstage.

Although the steel rolling mill is a large factory, it does not have its own indoor stadium, let alone a large stage theater that can accommodate 30,000 to 40,000 people.

Therefore, to meet the viewing needs of all workers and family members, this location can only be chosen.

The stage was a bit crude, but the atmosphere was very lively.

Starting this morning, the preparatory team for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Party at the steel rolling mill began the layout work.

After a whole day of work without rest, the audience was still busy when they arrived.

This is not the first time for Wang Yajuan to participate in a performance stage of this scale. She can perform on stage as an actor, but this is the first time for her to be a stage organizer.

So her shouts can always be heard at the front desk and backstage.

She was very nervous. No one would be nervous for a performance of this scale. Any small problem would be magnified infinitely in front of an audience of more than 30,000 people.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Zhou Miaomiao poked her head out of the tent to take a look, then put it back.

"It's so scary~"

This tent is exclusively for their dance team, and the first song and dance will be performed by them in collaboration with the security department.

It was nothing just now, but now there are more people in the venue and the noise has become louder.

The girls of the song and dance troupe were particularly enthusiastic and nervous on their first stage at the steel rolling mill.

In the past, there were not so many people at the railway art troupe. Now feeling the atmosphere outside the tent, the pressure on me has increased.

Especially the hopes they place on their own future and the future of the song and dance troupe.

Suddenly, the voices in the tent became much quieter, and the light-hearted jokes in the past disappeared.

The girls are all sorting out their emotions and want to give their best to the audience.

"Are all the leaders here?"

Seeing Zhou Miaomiao come back, Han Lu, who was sitting on a stool combing her hair, asked softly.

"I didn't see it, there were so many people~"

Zhou Miaomiao lowered her voice and sat down next to her. She glanced at the other people in the tent and then said, "She probably hasn't arrived yet. You'll know by listening to the noise outside."


She signaled to Han Lu: "There must be tens of thousands of people making such a loud noise."

"How is that possible!"

Han Lu glanced at her and said: "The number of workers in the steel rolling mill alone is almost 20,000, and there are also family members."


Zhou Miaomiao stuck out her tongue and said, "I have never seen such a big scene."

"That's how many people there are on the railway~"

Han Lu smiled and said: "When it comes to a big site, it only costs 1,800 people. The factories are more concentrated."

"But this kind of performance stage is really exciting~"

She looked at Zhou Miaomiao and whispered: "There will be another one in two nights. After seeing you today, you won't be nervous about the next one."

Zhou Miaomiao pursed her lips and said, "Today's performance is not good, but there will be no performance the day after tomorrow!"

As he spoke, he snatched the wooden comb from her hand and helped her to straighten her hair.

While they were talking, Wang Yajuan's voice came from outside the tent: "Attention, everyone! The leaders have entered, the opening time will be here soon, get ready in order!"

When Zhou Miaomiao heard the prompt, those who were curious crowded to the door of the tent to take a look.

The stage lights are directed inwards and downwards, and the backstage tent is located at the rear right of the stage, facing the auditorium, so that you can just see the audience sitting in front of the fan.

The evening in late September was already very cool, but the open-air stadium of the steel rolling mill was very lively.

Especially when the factory leaders walked into the stadium under the guidance of office staff and rushed to the front of the seats, there were bursts of applause.

Members of the temporary inspection team walked at the front, with Secretary Yang Yuansong and Deputy Secretary Li Huaide side by side.

Both of them smiled and waved to the workers on site, and shook hands with outstanding cadres and workers on both sides of the Yong Road.

The workers on the seats applauded and paid attention to the factory leadership team.

Behind them, one meter apart, were Gu Weijie, deputy secretary of the Party committee, and Xue Zhifu, secretary of the disciplinary inspection committee, walking side by side.

Half a meter behind are Cheng Kaiyuan, Jing Yunong, Nie Chenglin and Xiong Benzheng.

To the surprise of the employees and their families present, Li Xuewu was also walking in the procession of factory leaders.

Although he was walking at the back, his appearance on such a formal occasion meant that he was officially confirmed as the leader of the factory.

As long as it is an agency, it will not make mistakes in this formal arrangement, let alone cause the entire factory workers to have wrong understandings of this kind of work.

Li Xuewu originally planned to enter the venue first to find his own seat. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the steel rolling mill, Sha Qizhi reported that someone from the office had informed him that he would enter with the leader.

Li Xuewu didn't know who made this arrangement. Sha Qizhi asked the secretary in the office who came to deliver the news, but the other party didn't know either.

Today's party was very busy, and there was a lot of secretarial work in the office, so I couldn't find a clue for a while.

Of course Li Xuewu followed the arrangement, waited for the leaders to come out of the canteen, gathered in the hall, and then headed to the stadium together.

He walked behind Nie Chenglin and Xiong Benzheng. He was originally walking alone, but for some reason, Nie Chenglin walked a little slower, so he took care of him.

The leaders were guided by the staff to the front of the auditorium, with Li Xuewu standing at the back.

First, together with several leaders, they smiled and applauded the audience, and then sat down together.

Only Yang Yuansong and Li Huaide are qualified to shake hands with outstanding employees. On this occasion, Li Xuewu and others only need to applaud.

Many people were watching on the tent side. On the dance team tent side, Han Lu’s head was Zhou Miaomiao’s head.

Han Lu shrugged her shoulders, scolded Zhou Miaomiao, and said with a smile: "Which one have you chosen?"

"Fuck you~"

Zhou Miaomiao patted her butt from behind with some embarrassment, and said angrily: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will still be alive if people hear you!"


Han Lu pursed her lips, as if you dare not think, do or say anything, then twisted her body and returned to the tent.

Zhou Miaomiao also glanced at the leader's seat again. Although she was looking at an old man, she couldn't get around that young and dazzling figure.

"The first show is out and ready!"

Wang Yajuan's hoarse prompt came from the other side of the stage, causing panic in the tent, and everyone rushed out in order.

Li Xuewu didn't pay attention to what was going on backstage. Because of the stage lighting, where he was sitting, the backstage was in the dark direction under the lights.

However, he could clearly see both sides of the seat. He was sitting next to Nie Chenglin and had no friendship with him, so his eyes wandered to both sides.

What's funny is that when he looked towards the sidelines, he saw Bangge waving to him and grinning silly.

Seeing him waving elsewhere, Li Xuewu turned his head and glanced behind him. Not far away was Qin Huairu's position.

She was rated as an outstanding cadre at the meeting in the middle of this year, and of course she had a seat. The reason why she was giggling was probably because she was proud.

Seeing Li Xuewu looking over, Qin Huairu also smiled, and then glared at his son in the distance, warning him not to be too arrogant.

Because Li Xuewu was looking behind him, the expression on his face did not change.

He saw Li Xue, sitting behind Jing Yunong.

It's not just Li Xue, all the leaders' secretaries are sitting in the second row, corresponding to the leadership's position.

Li Xuewu turned back to look at the silly boy Bangge to kill time, and then he realized that the area he was in was full of people from the courtyard.

Okay, it's really a big party, no matter whether there are factory employees in the house or not, just forget about offending the neighbors.

As long as anyone can walk in the courtyard on their own, they can all come.

And those whose families are factory workers are even better off.

For example, the aunt and uncle were sitting in their seats, with a proud look on their faces, and they were chatting with Mrs. Jia Zhang.

Next to Ms. Jia and Zhang stood Qin Jingru, surrounded by Banggan and Xiaodang.

Huaihua Xiao and Qin Huairu took her to the seat and enjoyed the treatment of cadres and family members.

The first uncle’s family came, and the second uncle’s family also came.

If it were previous years, the second uncle would definitely be able to sit in the seat, but who made him make a mistake?

The whole family, young and old, crowded around, looking eagerly at the stage, not daring to look at the seats for fear that their hearts would not be able to bear it.

Only a few young ones from the third uncle's family came, and Yan Jiecheng led them.

The third aunt has to take care of Ge Shuqin, and the third uncle is going to the countryside to have some exchanges. I heard them mention this in the courtyard yesterday.

Li Xuewu didn't pay attention to this. He only remembered it when he saw Yan Jiecheng today.

Yan Jiecheng knew that there was a party today, so he took leave and came down to watch the show with his younger brothers and sisters. He took this opportunity to show his superiority as a big brother.

But when he saw Li Xuewu, he felt a little embarrassed again and smiled dryly and nodded as a greeting.

Li Xuewu just glanced at him and didn't look at him again. Maybe he went home and heard about the unhappy conversation between him and the third uncle.

He once wanted to give the other party a chance, but Yu Li took it, and he didn't. In the end, he was eager for success, and ended up with today's arrangement. Li Xuewu had nothing to feel guilty about.

But he was also thinking, this boy comes back once in a while, and his wife is on her due date, so she is not at home to stay well, so she still has the energy to watch the show?

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, today is the birthday of the motherland, and today is a day for all factory workers to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day."

The host of the program was Wang Zongli, director of the Administrative Committee Office. He stood on the stage with a microphone in front of him and delivered the opening speech in a serious and formal tone.

This is the characteristic of this era. Because of the great study, the Gala is particularly full of changes.

Not to mention the seriousness of the stage setting, the people standing on the stage were also afraid of making any mistakes and had extremely rigid attitudes.

Wang Zongli first gave a few congratulations, then introduced the leaders present, and finally announced the start of the first program.

It was said very straightforwardly without any atmosphere or background. Li Xuewu felt that no one would pay to see such a stage in future generations.

But the result was just the opposite. He could feel the enthusiasm of the audience most clearly sitting here.

"Towards the shooting range"

"Sing the target song"

"Have great ambition and great ambition to rule the mountains and rivers"

"The bullet is the iron fist of the warrior"

"The steel gun is the thick arm of the warrior"

This chapter has been completed!
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