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Chapter 349 Frontier Characteristics

The train arrived at Wucheng Station on the last day of November, that is, on the evening of the 30th.

It was actually not dark yet. Jin Yaohui was wrapped in a thick leather jacket and moved his fat body to greet Li Huaide's dark face with a guilty smile.

It wasn't that the bus that came to pick him up was not good, nor that there were not enough people to pick him up. The reason wasn't until he returned to the office and picked up his glass of wine that Li Xuewu finally understood.

Jin Yaohui wanted to liven up the atmosphere and took the initiative to ask Wang Zongli about the leader's schedule.

Of course Wang Zongli knew that Jin Yaohui was Li Huaide's man, so she answered with a smile: If nothing else happens, the leader will leave for Beijing next Saturday.

Today is Sunday, which means that Li Huaide and his party will stay at the border for nearly a week.

The director of the factory management committee, the top leader, actually had to stay in the border office for a week, and Jin Yaohui broke into a cold sweat.

Jin Yaohui was the director of the Border Office and Li Huaide's former secretary, but he didn't even know about the leader's schedule.

Wang Zongli glanced at Li Huaide with a meaningful look and sipped the wine in her glass without saying anything.

The food tonight was particularly good. There were several meat dishes on the table, all of which were relatively expensive beef and mutton.

This is naturally valuable in the capital, but it is not difficult to do in the border areas.

Especially the border offices, which focus on import and export trade, how could they have less meat to eat?

Since the border office was established and started operating in March, Jin Yaohui has completely cured the disease of losing weight in his stomach in just one year.

He used to be a skinny penman, but now he looks like a chubby country rich man.

Especially when matched with the leather jacket and leather hat he is wearing, the image is even more complete.

Seeing that he was happily chatting with Wang Zongli, Li Huaide took a sip of wine and ordered his glass without asking him to refill it.

Jin Yaohui's face froze and he looked at the wine bottle in his hand, suspecting that the wine he had prepared was not good and did not suit the boss's taste.

He did know that Li Xuewu was always preparing wine for the leaders at the steel rolling mill.

I heard it's the best kind of wine, so it's normal if you can't get used to it.

"The business in the office is so messy, but you have become fat and fat."

Li Huaide's eyebrows stood up. He was obviously really angry. He didn't even eat a bite of the food before he was cursing someone.

Several people at the table stopped holding their chopsticks and listened to his instructions.

The table next door was not affected. Ding Wanqiu knew it was none of his business, so he hugged the leg of lamb and gnawed hard.

During the few months in Jicheng, he had suffered from a fat deficiency in his liver, and he needed to make up for it when he got the chance.

Dachun and Zhao Laowu, on the other hand, were both careless. Even if they didn't understand what the leader said, they just kept eating.

Only Xiao Jianjun understood, but there was nothing wrong with him. He was still lamenting that people are just different. There was no such food when he came to the border.

Looking at the food and wine on the table, I didn't care to listen to what the next table said. Seeing that the three of them were enjoying the meal, they stopped pretending and just picked out the meat and vegetables.

There was a rush of food here, and everyone at the main table felt as if they had eaten ice cubes.

Especially Jin Yaohui, whose face turned red as he sat there submissively, not daring to say a word.

Li Xuewu basically understood what was going on after listening to Li Huaide's ramble.

The large-scale study activities held by the Border Office were basically unorganized. People's minds were unfocused, their minds were lazy, and they were a mess.

The office's new business volume has stagnated, and has even regressed. It is not as good as Jingcheng and Gangcheng, and even not as good as Yuezhou, which was opened later.

Conflicts over personnel issues were prominent, and problems continued to be reported to the factory and even to Xue Zhifu's desk.

When the disciplinary supervision departments were split and merged, issues like these that had been suppressed by Xue Zhifu were directly fed back to Li Huaide.

Among these questions, there were even women's issues that made Li Huaide blush.

Finally, the handling of local relations was extremely unsatisfactory. The relevant units in the border areas showed disgust and resistance to his work more than once, saying that he did not know how to behave, let alone do things.

He was very aware of these problems. They had been reported here before, but he didn't want to take care of them.

Li Xuewu is definitely not inferior to others in business. He really wants to make a difference, but business ability can never exist in isolation in an individual.

If you don't know how to manage working relationships, no matter how good your business skills are, you won't be able to use them.

When Jin Yaohui's problems were constantly fed back to him, he was not in charge, so the relevant issues were simply suppressed or transferred to the relevant departments.

And seeing that there was no movement from the discipline supervisor, Li Xuewu was even less likely to cause trouble for Li Huaide.

The important thing is that there is no need to affect the relationship between two people for such a thing.

Just by working like Jin Yaohui, Li Xuewu knew that there would be a day when Li Huaide couldn't stand him anymore.

Xue Zhifu, on the other hand, was more thorough and waited until the disciplinary supervision department was dismantled before he exposed Jin Yaohui's problems.

Li Xuewu did not expect that Li Huaide would know about these problems and come to the border specifically to deal with them.

It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Jin Yaohui's work, and he put on a cold face as soon as he got off the train.

Although it was raised at the wine table and gave Jin Yaohui face and protection, it was still criticism.

Judging from Jin Yaohui's performance in the past few months, he is more than loyal, but lacks ability, is greedy and lustful, and has no bottom line.

I probably learned this kind of work thinking from Li Huaide. After all, I have been a secretary for so many years, so I will inevitably be affected by it.

However, Jin Yaohui only learned half of Corgi, not all of it.

Li Huaide was playing for fun, but he was also doing serious business.

He also knows how to employ people and use management to make up for his own shortcomings.

He is also very conservative when it comes to greed and fun, and has never been caught out by anyone.

Even if Liu Lan is a master with only 250, anyone can get it, so it’s not a big deal.

And what about Jin Yaohui?

I don’t know how many letters there were to report, and later the evidence was directly sent to Li Huaide.

If you are greedy or lustful, it doesn't matter. Li Huaide doesn't care, as long as you have the ability to work.

But Jin Yaohui is good, but he is not capable at work, so he specializes in the third line.

Let's call him loyal. His thinking is extremely rigid. If Li Huaide doesn't agree with it, he won't carry it out. How the hell can he still do his job well?

You can do secretarial work like this, and the boss likes it very much, but they are given out to be managers, and you are asked to do your work boldly. Are you being petty?!

The cadres in the border areas are all ruthless people. They have come all the way here to carry out construction, and you are dealing with them with a caliper?

Even if the border office has a communication radio station, everything must be reported and all tasks must be approved by the leader. Who is waiting here with you?

For more than half a year, Li Huaide seemed to be the director of the border office.

At first, he didn't think there was a problem. Later, when the management committee was established, things started to increase and he was overwhelmed.

He was busy, not that he didn't care about things, but things were also prioritized.

Jin Yaohui was good at reporting everything, but Li Haiyang often had to push his matters to the back when making reports.

Therefore, the work efficiency of the border office became increasingly lower and lower, and in the end, it began to rest on its laurels.

Basically, no business has been developed. They are all trade projects actively requested and delivered by the steel rolling mill.

Li Huaide had plans in the capital and chose the border area specifically because he wanted to see how Jin Yaohui worked.

Well, he became angry as soon as they met. When he became the director of the management committee of this factory, he lost more than ten kilograms, and Jin Yaohui gained more than three or forty kilograms!

Mother Ganlin, labor and management are suffering for you in the capital, but you are raising fattened pigs here!

Jin Yaohui felt aggrieved when he was reprimanded and poured bitter water on the wine table.

On the one hand, the local self-protection mentality is stubborn, and it is quite difficult to deal with farm and ranch cadres.

Second, the office lacks authority and many problems cannot be solved immediately.

Third, there is great pressure in personnel management. For a small office, there are only three or four sources of personnel.

Finally, there is a huge gap in fund management, which is something Li Xuewu was blamed for.

Since the establishment of the Economic and Trade Leading Group Office, Li Xuewu became the head of trade management and began to tighten finances.

Especially when he started back-checking past accounts, Jin Yaohui, who was timid by nature, hurriedly used existing activity funds to plug the previous holes.

It was tight in the first half of the year and tight in the second half of the year, which is what Jin Yaohui is talking about.

Li Xuewu didn't say anything when he heard this, nor did he look at Li Huaide. He just picked up a big mouthful of beef with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth.

It smells so good!

Don't blame the few bastards behind you who were eating their dishes, the cooks in this frontier office are still good.

How about suigener? What kind of virtue is Li Huaide and what kind of thing is Jin Yaohui?

When Li Huaide heard Jin Yaohui accusing Li Xuewu, he was so angry that he almost overturned the table on the spot.

Goodbye, Jin Yaohui was crying and talking about how overbearing the cadres in the border areas were, how cruel the farm leaders were, and how hard it was for him, an honest and conscientious person, to stand up, and he felt very tired.

This guy is totally unsupportable!

The fundamental problem with the border offices is actually that the distribution issue has not been handled well.

It is said that frontier cadres and farm leaders have difficulty getting along with each other. In fact, the reason is that distribution resources are not properly coordinated.

If you have problems with resource allocation, people will naturally find fault with you elsewhere.

He said that Li Xuewu gave him restrictions and said this and that. In the final analysis, Jin Yaohui's scholarly character was completely unable to withstand the pressure here.

You will be outside, and your orders will not be accepted.

With the size of the Border Office, if he really made a few big projects, even if he continued to develop at the original pace, he wouldn't bring this issue up to the wine table.

The problem must be solved. There is a problem with Jin Yaohui. He is looked down upon and looked down upon by others. It is because he, Li Huaide, is incapable of discipline and employing people inappropriately.

Li Huaide would never allow this situation, so he did not reprimand Jin Yaohui at the dinner table.

After dinner, regardless of the fatigue from the journey, he called Li Xuewu for a private meeting.

"Jin Yaohui can no longer be used and must be adjusted. Find someone to replace him."

Li Huaide was also very depressed. He was also greedy when he saw Li Xuewu quietly making a fortune by using the resources of the steel rolling mill.

He did not dare to say that Li Xuewu was responsible for the distribution units in Jingcheng and Gangcheng, but he could not escape a certain relationship.

So at the border office, he also wanted to ask Jin Yaohui to support him so that he could earn some pocket money.

However, the piece of mud could not be used to support the wall, so he had to call Li Xuewu and voluntarily hand over the distribution rights in his hands to others.

He was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do because there was no one available for him in the place.

"Internal issues should be changed and adjusted, and we should be merciless, but external issues must be brought back to the fore!"

With a serious expression, Li Huaide pointed his finger at the table and emphasized to Li Xuewu: "Especially regarding border cadres and local farm leaders, we will no longer be able to cooperate if we cannot suppress them."

“On the one hand, we must establish a positive image of governance, and on the other hand, we must also have an economic and trade mindset.”

He looked at Li Xuewu, nodded his head, and said: "Don't imitate Jin Yaohui and be stubborn."

“The border office is too far away”

Li Xuewu was smoking a cigarette, also looking embarrassed, and said: "The geographical environment is so bad, and there are not many cadres available at the scientific level."

He paused deliberately, then looked at Li Huaide and suggested: "Xu Ning from the security office of the steelmaking plant is quite capable. He is a senior, has rich work experience, and has strong adaptability."

"Well, okay, just use him."

Li Huaide nodded at the table and said: "If you use a cadre from the Security Department as the leader, you have to be ruthless, otherwise you won't be able to stand firm here."

"The distribution relationship needs to be improved. The current situation is not feasible. It is too chaotic."

Smelling the smell of Li Xuewu's cigarettes, he became addicted to cigarettes again. He took out the pill box from his pocket and sipped one pill into his mouth.

Speaking of which, his smoking addiction was well controlled, but every time Li Xuewu smoked in front of him, his smoking cessation performance declined.

"Then continue to replace people."

Li Xuewu saw that the more medicine he took, the harder he smoked in his mouth, which was very bad.

"The human relations here are complicated, so we should connect the human relations in the factory and rotate them regularly."

"Distribution issues cannot be left alone. It is better to transfer them out, which will also facilitate the operation of some issues."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "I don't care about this matter, you can arrange it"

When Li Huaide heard what he said, he waved his hand and said: "I have only one request, that is, the border office must be stable, have achievements, and have achievements!"

He was really ruthless and would rather lose a piece of his income than have loopholes in his work.

Of course, Li Xuewu couldn't make him feel uncomfortable, so he took the initiative to ask Jin Yaohui about his next arrangements.

Li Huaide became angry and said that he should withdraw from the management committee office and become an office secretary.

"That's not the case. Director Jin has no merit but hard work."

Li Xuewu persuaded with a smile: "The working environment in the border area is indeed not good, and it is understandable that some problems will arise."

"Ha~ you did help him talk."

Li Huaide chuckled lightly and scolded Li Xuewudao: "Did he give you any benefits in private?"

He joked, then shook his head slightly and said: "Lao Jin is a bit too honest and not suitable for business work. His thinking has been stereotyped and he has lost the entrepreneurial spirit of young people."

"Then go to the Economic and Trade Office"

Li Xuewu nodded with a smile and said: "I just happened to go to the United Third Industry to serve as Yu Decai's deputy."

"Originally, the stalls on the tertiary industry side are getting bigger and bigger, and they need someone to support them. Comrade Decai has mentioned this several times."

"...Let's talk about it later"

Li Huaide sat on the chair, sighed slightly, looked at Li Xuewu and said: "I have problems in personnel management, and I am not as good as you."


Working late at night and getting up early in the morning is the rhythm of a business trip.

After talking nonsense to Li Huaide for half the night, I finally figured out the problems in the office.

Early in the morning, just after breakfast, a group of people went to Guanxi Ranch and Farm to visit as arranged by Jin Yaohui.

Li Xuewu specially asked four people from the frontier development team to follow him and let them see the world to lay the foundation for future distribution work.

Ding Wanqiu is an old man, he can survive anywhere, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

The frontier is located in severe cold, and even though they are northerners, they still shiver a little when facing the cold on the first day of December.

The cotton-padded jackets and trousers I brought from home were all replaced by leather goods provided by the office. Sitting in the car looking at the white snow, I still felt indescribably cold.

From now on, the four of them will start farming here, and the self-confidence encouraged by Li Xuewu on the train is dissipating little by little.

Xiao Jianjun wanted to cry the most. He dared to run back when his father arranged for him to come to the border. However, Li Xuewu arranged it for him. He would not dare to go back even if he died here.


"Director Li!"

A farm cadre whom he had met last time took the initiative to come out and greeted Li Huaide with a smile.

When he saw Li Xuewu in military uniform again, he almost dropped his glasses in shock.

The last time I came here, I was from the security department, so now I have a different identity?

I dressed like this on purpose, after all, the clothing management was a bit chaotic at this time.

However, Li Xuewu refused to fool him, took out his ID, showed it to him, and explained his identity with a smile.

Good guy, deputy captain, the other party saluted immediately.

There are high and low levels of farms. It is normal to have high-level divisions, but there are especially many at the regiment level.

Li Xuewu is already considered a very good person among them, but the key point is the unit he belongs to.

They were guarding the border reclamation area, and Li Xuewu was guarding the area.

Li Huaide said he wanted to regain his face, so Li Xuewu naturally wanted to help him support himself.

These frontier cadres have little education and do things unreasonably and unprincipled. Most people really can't stand it.

In the morning, we visited the slaughterhouse, fur processing factory, tobacco and grain reclamation area, fruit growing area and other production areas. After returning, the group held another symposium to discuss the in-depth cooperation agenda, and arranged to have a meal in the small canteen at noon.

If the reception was like this in the capital, Li Huaide would have already had objections. It was too cruel!

Not to mention that the morning schedule was too tight, even the lunch meal was too rough.

It's not that there's no meat, but it's all served in large iron pots, quite in the style of Northeastern home-cooked stews.

Li Huaide didn't believe that these cadres didn't know where he came from, and that their cooks couldn't cook a few delicate dishes.

But who let his secretary cause trouble? He had some opinions and made it clear that he was going to be in trouble.

In the past, the steel rolling mill could be said to bring warmth to the frontiers and take care of the frontiers.

But now frontier trade occupies an increasingly important position in the overall industrial layout of the steel rolling mill.

Li Huaide was really reluctant to withdraw his office from the border area.

Maintaining good relations with local farms and ranches and stabilizing border trade, the cornerstone of industrial development, became the important purposes of Li Huaide's trip.

So a big bowl of wine and a big piece of meat made Li Huaide's mouth sore and his stomach hurt.

Li Xuewu didn't care. Seeing the border cadres taking action, he also grabbed the bones and meat to eat.

Especially when it comes to drinking, not only does he not refuse anyone who comes, he can also take the initiative, saying "If you break my leadership wings, I will destroy your entire paradise."

These cadres in the border areas are very good at drinking, especially when they deliberately "entertained" a group of people from the steel rolling mill, and there were a lot of people who came to drink with them.

But no matter how much he drank, he couldn't drink enough of Li Xuewu's.

So when Li Huaide was about to get drunk, the opponent wisely chose to retreat with his troops.

If you keep drinking it, you'll have to give up everything on your side, and you won't be able to enjoy your afternoon trip.

A few jeeps took the lead, and two Jiefang trucks followed, and the group began to look at the ranch again.

These related units are all located around Wucheng and belong to the same department. They are closely connected and exchange information.

The leader of the steel rolling mill came this time, and he also brought a wine spout. All the units knew about it from the moment they left the regimental headquarters gate.

Therefore, the next wave of reception units will not arrange a drinking competition, but a horse riding competition.

The euphemistic name is to experience the most realistic life of herdsmen and better understand the original ecology of Tianshan grassland.

Li Huaide really wanted to scold his mother for eating so much meat at noon, drinking so much wine, and then riding a horse?!

Damn! It’s okay to ride a rouge horse or a skinny horse!

Li Xuewu stumbled down from the car, glanced at the horses brought by the herdsmen, pulled the reins, and smiled and said that he would give it a try for the leader.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When he saw that he was about to get on his horse, the frontier reception cadres were startled. They did not expect that the other party was serious.

They also deliberately made things difficult for these big men from the capital, who asked Jin Yaohui to show off to them.

Naturally, it is impossible to ride a horse. If something happens, they can't afford it.

So even if the horse was brought, as long as Li Huaide said he didn't want to ride it, they would just say a few happy words and the matter would be over.

But I never imagined that today, by chance, I met a drunkard and a bad guy!

Before they were ready, the big drunkard started to drink like crazy.

No one knows how much Li Xuewu drinks. Anyway, he drinks when you drink, and he gets drunk when you get drunk.

He looked drunk in the car just now, how dare these cadres let him take risks.

But he couldn't stop Li Xuewu's long legs and fast body. The herdsmen were still stunned. Li Xuewu had already hit the horse and ran away.

Good guy! This is really causing trouble.

The reception cadre was afraid that he would fall off while drunk, so he waved to the herdsmen to mount their horses and chase him.

They themselves were so panicked that they scrambled to get into the car and called the driver to pick him up quickly.

Even if the office of the steel rolling mill in the border area is nothing, it has nothing to do with these people from Beijing.

They took the initiative to ease the relationship and just muddle along. They cannot be crippled and sent back. That would not be cooperation, but enmity.

Especially that big drunkard, if something happens to the cadres in the garrison, their leaders will have to bear the responsibility.

So there was a funny scene in the wilderness. A white horse carried Li Xuewu galloping in front, followed by more than a dozen horses chasing it, and behind it was a whole motorcade following.

Those who knew he was chasing someone, but those who didn’t know thought some big shot was out walking his horse with such a big show.

Li Huaide was really awesome this time when he was sitting in the car. The people under his command gave him a good face, which was an indescribable pride.

"Don't be afraid, don't panic, our Deputy Director Li...hiccup~..."

He was breathing heavily and burping from wine, which almost killed the receptionist in the passenger seat.

"Director Li, can Deputy Director Li know how to ride a horse?"

The receptionist couldn't see what was going on in front of him, so he jumped to his feet in a hurry, turned around and asked Li Huaide: "He drank so much, wouldn't he fall?"

In fact, the first sentence of the receptionist was about Li Huaide, and the second sentence was entirely his own concern.

But Li Huaide has a lot of them now, so you can't tell the difference.

"No~no~no way..."

He waved his hands like this, swaying along with the car, and almost fell asleep, but his original intention was to say that Li Xuewu would not fall off.

The receptionist thought he was talking about Li Xuewu not knowing how to ride a horse. His face turned green as shit and urged the driver to speed up.

Do you think a person who can’t ride a horse can get on a horse and run so far?

I have never seen any receptionist. They have never ridden a horse. It is not unusual for someone to ride a horse after drinking too much.

What's strange is that he drank and stared, and even let a horse ride on him.


The receptionist yelled at his neck and woke up Li Huaide again.

"You haven't caught her yet?"

He is really good at making sarcastic remarks, and the receptionist is almost ready to die.

"It's okay~It's okay~Comrade Xuewu~Huh~"

Oh no! I didn’t say anything useful and fell asleep again.


The cavalry team in front stopped, and the receptionist felt a little relieved when he saw that Captain Li was still sitting on the horse.

Before he could open the door to see Li Xuewu, he heard Li Huaide, who was shaken awake in the back seat of the car, say: "Look! Let me tell you, he can ride a horse!"


The receptionist is about to burst into tears. Why did you say this?


Li Xuewu laughed loudly, jumped off his horse, and threw the reins in his hand to the herdsmen who came to pick him up.

"What a pleasure! It's such a pleasure. I haven't had such a pleasure riding a horse for a long time!"

He was so happy that the people following him were freezing to death.

Didn't they just bring the horses out to show off as promised? They didn't even wear thick clothes for riding horses, and they were urged by the reception staff to chase this bastard, and the snot bubbles in their noses were frozen.

The receptionist looked at Li Xuewu coming over, feeling embarrassed and scared.

Li Huaide patted him on the shoulder and asked how the man in the steel rolling mill was doing?

"The young hero is very impressive!"


Seeing that the cadre was convinced, Li Huaide laughed and emphasized: "We call this Niubi!"



Li Xuewu, who came over, paused and looked at Li Huaide, who had drunk too much, speechlessly, expressing regret for his words.

If you don’t know how to describe it, you don’t have to say anything!

Ding Wanqiu and others got out of the car and were filled with envy when they saw Li Xuewu having fun.

Now that we have arrived at the ranch, how can we not get on the horse and play for a while?

But the receptionist was so frightened by Li Xuewu that he just let them play casually and then said he was going back.

Ding Wanqiu was also a playboy in his early years, and his special skill was riding a horse.

Xiao Jianjun learned the walking skills in the frontier this year, and he can ride a bicycle.

Dachun rode the best, because this was an ancestral cooking skill. Everyone knew that the bandits were running too slow, so they all asked people to feed them with guns.

Only Zhao Laowu was a native of the capital. His ancestors didn't even have a four-legged bench, let alone a horse or a donkey.

So I could only watch the other three friends riding, while I squatted on the bike eagerly to get greedy.

On the way back, the receptionist was afraid that Li Xuewu would ride back again on a whim, so he quickly praised him and said that he was good at this and that, but just don't get off the car.

I was already full of wine at noon, so the roasted whole lamb in the evening seemed more polite.

After Li Huaide struggled for a day, his alcoholism was almost gone, and together with Li Xuewu, he began to brag with the cadres of the farm and ranch.

Jin Yaohui was left alone by the side, always feeling uncomfortable.

During the day, Li Xuewu stole the show and outshone him.

In the evening, I gained the respect of those border cadres here again, which made Director Li look proud.

Especially when listening to his nonsense talking all over the world, these frontier cadres still have no knowledge to say that what he said makes sense!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Praise Li Xuewu for speaking well, being talented, and being able to be both literary and military...

Jin Yaohui had acid reflux in his mouth and thought in his heart that this is a big scam!

They don't recognize me for being so honest and responsible. Do you have to listen to this big liar to deceive you?

The working environment in this frontier is really fucked up!

The whole day, Li Huaide did nothing serious, just like a streetwalker, going from one house to another.

Not talking about a serious word, not talking about a serious project, it's just like I'm here for fun.

But it was this casual spirit that really made these frontier cadres proud, and they were able to talk freely and the relationship eased.

In particular, farms and ranches that have cooperated with the border office have taken the initiative to propose cooperation projects for next year.

Li Huaide was not in a hurry anymore. He waved his hand and said that he had drunk too much today and would not talk about work. He had been busy for a whole year and wanted to have a good time.

Jin Yaohui also had no choice but to curse in his heart. Although he was a bit greedy, he really had the will to do practical things.

Otherwise, why did he accept it when Li Huaide asked him to stay in March this year?

Staying in the frontier all the way, with no care for your wife and children, isn't that just for the sake of progress?

But working as Li Huaide's secretary, he had long forgotten how to take charge of the family, and the other party seemed to be used to his asking for instructions and reporting.

He was originally an honest scholar, but now that he was thrown into such a distant place, he felt a little unsure.

In addition, the Frontier Office is the first external unit created by the United Trade and is also the starting point, so the pressure can be imagined.

Li Huaide said he was tired this year, but Jin Yaohui, who was far away in the border area, was supporting Li Huaide under pressure.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is not easy for him in the border office. He is cautious in everything, and his caution turns out to be a mistake.

Seeing Li Xuewu being rude and rude, drinking and talking nonsense with the cadres, and making dirty jokes, he got into the eyes of those people.

There is an inexplicable sadness and anger in his heart that everyone in the world is drunk and I am alone in sobriety, and the whole world is muddy and I am alone in innocence.

Why is it so difficult to be an innocent person~

Li Xuewu actually thought so too!

Especially when the group returned to the office and heard that Jin Yaohui wanted to invite Li Huaide to experience special projects.

He watched the two people sneak out of the door and sighed in his heart at his innocence.

Alas~ Among the cadres of this steel rolling mill, I am the most serious, right?!

"Let's go! Let's take you out to play!"

"Ah? You still want to go out?"

Dachun had been running with the team for a day and was about to lie down now. When he heard Li Xuewu standing at the door calling them out, he couldn't help but let out a complaint.

Li Xuewu didn't care about his laziness and said with a bad smile: "Do you want to see the characteristics of the frontier?"

“What frontier features?”

The particularly pure Zhao Laowu stuck his head out of the bathroom door and looked at them with a puzzled look on his face.

Li Xuewu smiled mysteriously, gave him a "you know" look, then told them to gather downstairs and left.

Zhao Laowu scratched his head with an expression like a parrot, unable to understand what Director Li meant.

Ding Wanqiu smiled, with a meaningful expression on his face, patted his buttocks and quickly got off the fire bed to put on his shoes.

"The characteristic of the frontier is that you don't know anything, so why did you come to the frontier?"

As he said this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm old and don't care about quantity as much as you young people. I pay more attention to quality now~"

"Hey~ You are also an old man with an old heart and an old heart that never gets old."

Xiao Jianjun also went to the ground to put on his shoes and joked: "Look at your body, you can do it two or three times a night without any problem."

While talking, Dachun went to the ground to put on shoes and said: "When we get old, I will be satisfied if our bodies can be as firm as Uncle Ding."

"What are you talking about? I can't even understand it."

Dachun lifted his pants and said with a smirk on his face: "I am young, and I mainly want to get to know you better."

“You don’t have to go there in person to learn something~”

Ding Wanqiu looked in the mirror and straightened his clothes, and said with a smile: "It's so hard in the cold weather. It will be the same for you when we come back."

"How can it be possible?"

Dachun looked like I don't read much, but you don't want to lie to me.

He tightened the belt around his waist and curled his lips and said: "My boss has said whether the thing on the paper should be dark or light. Anyway, I have to bend my waist to say it's okay!"


Ding Wanqiu turned back, looked at Dachun who was in Niubi Nuoxu's words, and asked Xiao Jianjun: "Is this child really well-educated enough to write letters?"

For a few days, they were always hanging out in the same place, and they had become familiar with each other. Xiao Jianjun didn't stretch his muscles and started joking around.

"Hey~ Who doesn't know how to write letters and scold people? Even the kids in the alley know how to write."

"Don't look down on others~"

Dachun raised his chin and said, "I went to elementary school seriously!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When Xiao Jianjun saw Zhao Laowu come out of the bathroom, he threw the coat hanging on the wall to him, then pointed at Dachun with a smile and asked: "Isn't the elementary school girl you are talking about a girl from the village?"

"Go! How can a girl be called an elementary school!"

Lao Sebu Ding Wanqiu took the lead out of the room, turned around and winked at Xiao Jianjun: "Only 'sister' can be called 'elementary school'!"

"Go away~go away~go away!"

Dachun, who obviously understood, waved his hand impatiently and said: "Everyone of you is not serious. No wonder my boss doesn't trust you and sent me to supervise the work!"

"Hmm~ My boss is really right about you."

Ding Wanqiu waved to Zhao Laowu to follow him out and lock the door. He even scolded Dachun and said, "He knows what kind of person you are!"

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Laowu locked the door in confusion and followed behind not knowing what happened.

“What are the characteristics of the frontier?”


When they heard Zhao Laowu ask this question in the corridor, the three of them quickly signaled him to be silent.

You can just talk about this kind of thing with your brothers in the room. After all, telling erotic jokes can enhance relationships, but if it is done in public, everyone will still be a serious person!

At the gate of the office, Li Xuewu and the four of them got into the car, hissing from the cold, and told the driver not to worry about them and that they would be back later.

Then after driving out of the gate, Li Xuewu honked the horn, and two car lights suddenly came on at the corner of the street, and then a jeep drove out.

Li Xuewu didn't exchange any code with the other party. This was not a contact.

These two cars were the only ones with people on the road. If they made a mistake, they would be kicked in the head.

One behind the other, the two cars were driving on the streets of Wucheng. Cars passed by from time to time, but no one paid attention to them.

After turning a few streets and entering a compound, the two cars finally stopped.

The person in the previous car opened the garage door and directed the two cars to park in the garage.

Given the weather in the border area, if you still want to drive your car at night, don't even think about parking it outside.

The little heat provided by the engine froze the car's water tank to a solid state within fifteen minutes.

Either stop the heating or put the water in.

After Li Xuewu got off the car, he led four people out of the garage and looked at this exotic-style courtyard, which was full of novelties.

Wucheng actually has many buildings, and its development is not slow. It is an important border town and an important political, economic and cultural center.

The architectural styles in the city are very different, with obvious ethnic characteristics and other exotic customs mixed in.

The courtyard where Li Xuewu was standing was on the edge of the city. The high walls were illuminated by moonlight and were decorated with beautiful paintings.

"Wow ~ friends from far away"

Suddenly a greeting came from the door. Kuozibayi, who had done business the last time he met, was standing at the door wearing a robe and opening his arms to him.

Li Xuewu also suddenly had a smile on his face, spread his hands and walked over.

The two hugged each other and exchanged greetings.

"I also said that I would like to invite you to taste our fruits in the summer~"

Kuozibayi put his hand on Li Xuewu's arm and gestured to the hall with the other hand, asking him to go inside.

As he walked, he complained: "It's a pity that I haven't seen you after waiting all summer~"

"Please forgive me for breaking my promise."

Li Xuewu walked into the foyer with a smile, smiled at the waiter, took off his coat and hat, and explained at the same time: "This year I want to split myself into several pieces like a watermelon to do things."

With that said, he leaned closer to Kuozibayi and whispered: "Things in Beijing...well...you know, otherwise I would have been here long ago."

"But I have tasted the fruits from the frontier."

Li Xuewu smiled and hugged the bearded Maimatiyar who came into the living room again, and said, "Old friend, are you okay?"

"Of course, I'm fine~"

Maimetiyar looked at Li Xuewu with a smile and said: "The great businessman of March is still so strong and powerful~"


Kuozibayi and Li Xuewu laughed together and raised their hands to motion to the living room, asking them to sit inside.

"Although we regret not meeting you earlier, we fully understand your hard work."

He said very frankly: "What's more, the envoy of the great merchant in March personally brought you news. We wish you all the best in the capital."

"Thank you for your kind words"

Li Xuewu clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "Finally everything went well. It's such a blessing to be able to see good friends!"

Ding Wanqiu and the other four followed behind. Listening to Li Xuewu's pleasantries, they all looked at each other in unison: Good friends?

This is not a good word...

This chapter has been completed!
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