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Chapter 2213 Hongmengtian

Chaos is endless, and the sky is filled with chaos.

A quite huge continent appeared in Meng Chuan's induction.

Meng Chuan knew that Hongmengtian had arrived.

Meng Chuan had already learned from the Supreme Weapon that Hongmengtian looked like a continent.

A supercontinent.

Its scale is the largest in the world that Meng Chuan has ever seen.

As Meng Chuan gradually approached Hongmengtian, Meng Chuan also had an intuitive understanding of the size of this place known as the center of chaos.

If the combined size of the entire heavens were placed in the Hongmeng Heaven, it would only be a small corner of the land.

After approaching Hongmengtian, Meng Chuan felt that the violent chaos gradually became calmer. This super continent exuded a "power" to suppress the chaos.

It is worth mentioning that Hongmengtian does not have the world fetal membrane like other worlds, it does not have this thing.

In the chaos above Hongmeng Sky, there is a big sun hanging. The sun shines on every corner of Hongmeng Sky, dispelling the chaos and preventing Hongmeng Sky from being covered by chaos.

And in the chaos below the Hongmeng sky, there is still a bright moon hidden, and the bright moonlight also excludes the chaos.

There is also a natural phenomenon of sunset and moonrise here. I don’t know whether it is man-made or derived from nature.

Wherever the light of this day and month shines, it is the boundary between chaos and non-chaos.

It’s a different kind of fetal membrane from the world.

It is a very coincidence that the brilliance of either the sun or the moon only falls on the edge of Hongmengtian, no more and no less.

Meng Chuan looked at this supercontinent and couldn't help but look forward to it.

After wandering in the Sea of ​​Chaos for so long, I finally reached my destination at this moment.

Meng Chuan couldn't help but speed up Friday, and soon Meng Chuan arrived outside Hongmengtian, where the bright sun just didn't cover it.

Hongmengtian did not react at all to Meng Chuan's arrival. In Meng Chuan's induction, this thin layer of sunlight could not prevent him from entering Hongmengtian.

According to what Qi Zhizhi said, a group of chaos people opened up the Hongmeng Sky, and even Chaos Wuji set rules.

Hongmeng Tian and the creatures already in it cannot block any creatures that later want to enter Hongmeng Tian.

Even if he doesn't know where he comes from, even if he has no acquaintances in Hongmengtian, even if he comes with the intention of destroying Hongmengtian, he cannot be stopped.

This is a place that is extremely open and tolerant.

Meng Chuan took a step forward, passed through the brilliance of the sun, and entered the Hongmeng sky.

The energy of heaven and earth is different from other worlds.

The Hongmeng sky is full of vast and ancient flavor.

Perhaps because there is no fetal membrane in the real world to filter and purify the chaos, the inspiration and Taoist rhyme here are somewhat chaotic.

After all, in the normal world, there is a layer of gentle inner chaos inside the world membrane, and the world grows on inner chaos.

What is strange is that in the Hongmengtian sky, except for the eternal sun that shines on every corner of the continent, the color of the sky is different when you look up at the sky from every other place.

There is a blue sky, a green sky, a red sky...

Colorful and very strange.

Of course, the range covered by one color of sky is quite broad.

Within the scope of Meng Chuan's spiritual thoughts, Meng Chuan also discovered that a large number of creatures below the supreme level were living in Hongmeng Sky.

It is true that the Hongmeng Heaven is considered by the great powers of the heavens to be the center of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and it is also true that the great powers of the heavens gather here and always reside here.

But the creatures living here are not all the supreme beings, there are also creatures below the supreme being.

Before those endless years, there was indeed only the Supreme Being in Hongmeng Heaven.

But any world formed after the Sea of ​​Chaos is bound to have life evolution as long as it is not interfered by the supreme power and above, and Hongmengtian is no exception.

Time passed, and creatures appeared in Hongmeng Heaven.

Facing these acquired creatures, some supreme beings watch indifferently, some supreme beings kill and play with them at will, and some supreme beings are quite interested.

But no matter what, life appeared in Hongmeng Heaven and began to multiply.

Not that the Supreme One has ever thought of changing the rules to prohibit the appearance of living creatures in this place.

Those great beings who opened Hongmengtian must have anticipated this scene. They did not do anything at the beginning of opening up this world, which explains some problems.

This kind of thing has the tacit approval of great beings to a certain extent.

The spontaneous evolution of creatures in Hongmeng Heaven is the original source of creatures below the highest level here.

Later, there were supreme beings who created races here, and there were supreme beings who brought creatures from their home world into Hongmeng Heaven.

There are indeed great benefits for beings below the Supreme Being to live in the Hongmeng Heaven.

As time goes by, the number of creatures below the highest level in Hongmeng Heaven has become quite huge.

Even in history, there are many people who achieved enlightenment in the Hongmeng Heaven and attained the supreme existence.

However, no matter how the ordinary creatures in Hongmeng Heaven multiply and grow, the status of the Supreme One remains unchanged.

The master here will never be an ordinary creature here, even if some supreme beings have been born among these ordinary creatures.

Even from a certain perspective, the more ordinary creatures there are, the higher the status of the Supreme One will be.

There are differences only when there is comparison.

Some supreme beings are very happy for the appearance of beings below the supreme being here, and they will take the initiative to occupy immeasurable territory and accept the offerings and worship of ordinary beings.

There are many supreme beings, and they have all kinds of temperaments.

Not every supreme being is an indifferent seeker, nor is it something produced according to the same mold in an assembly line.

Some like to enslave and rule others, some like to be superior, and some like to kill at will to gain pleasure.

Some like to play in the human world, others like to establish sects and preach and teach, and still others require a large number of living beings to practice.

If there were no ordinary creatures born here, and all of them were supreme beings, those supreme beings with special personalities would have no place to satisfy their hobbies.

At the same time, Meng Chuan can also sense that within the scope of Hongmeng Sky, the matrix of the avenue is much clearer than in the sea of ​​chaos.

In the sea of ​​chaos, the matrix of the avenue is hazy and hidden, but here, it is relatively manifest.

The matrix of the avenue traverses the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and only the Supreme One can sense it by stepping into the sea of ​​chaos.

As for the worlds that are floating in the sea of ​​chaos, the various laws of the Great Dao in them only reflect the matrix of the Great Dao.

This kind of reflection will not be completely reproduced.

Because each world cannot hold the complete matrix of the avenue.

Therefore, a certain distortion will occur during the mapping process.

Some worlds have a small degree of distortion, and some worlds have a large degree of distortion.

A world with a small degree of distortion is a world like Zhatian, I. A world with a large degree of distortion is a world with only light and darkness like Ultraman.

The matrix of the avenue remains unchanged no matter where it is in Chaos, and there will be no situation where the avenue in the south is completely different from the avenue in the north.

However, the performance of the avenue in each world is not exactly the same. This is because of the distortion in the process of reflecting the matrix of the avenue.

This means that when creatures from one world go to another world, there may be situations where they are not acclimated to the environment, or even conflict with the world.

It may be that your strength is greatly reduced and you need to adapt to it, but if it is more serious, you may even explode and die.

Only after realizing the supreme Tao, sublimating one's own Tao, transcending the world, and remaining eternal in chaos, can one be free from the entire sea of ​​chaos.

If we say that the great avenues in the world that appear to reflect the matrix of great avenues are "false ways".

After a living being attains enlightenment, his or her own Tao is sublimated into the "true Tao."

To describe it as "cultivating through false pretense" is barely appropriate.

This chapter has been completed!
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