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Chapter 2268 Pineapple Pineapple

Although Meng Chuan knew very well what happened during his absence, Ye Fan and the others still picked out some of the things to talk to Meng Chuan.

I asked Meng Chuan for his opinions and views. After all, a higher level may bring better solutions.

In the process of everyone communicating, Dugu Baitian and Zhong Yue gradually blended in.

"After I came here, my whole feeling was different. The road that had reached its end seemed to be filled with new vitality."

These are Zhong Yue's words. After all, the world supports his continued progress.

The two also took the initiative to tell Ye Fan and others about some situations in their world.

When he learned that Dugu Baitian was in a world where the limit of living beings was the near-immortal level, and there were evil heavenly ways that fought against the immortal level, he opened up a way forward step by step, constantly breaking the limits of the world on his own, and today he is no weaker than a quasi-immortal.

After the emperor's status.

Everyone admired Dugu Baitian from the bottom of their hearts and stood in awe.

Taoist friend Dugu is truly an outstanding person in the world.

These are Ye Fan's words.

It is already very difficult to cultivate to the quasi-immortal emperor level. There is no way to estimate how many living beings there will be in the past, present and future of the huge world sea.

But there are only a few quasi-immortal emperors.

What is more difficult than the normal practice of cultivating to the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor is to find a way to advance to the level of Quasi-Immortal Emperor when there is no way ahead.

The creatures of the sea of ​​​​world can still follow the path of humanity, true immortal, and immortal king.

After successfully reaching the Immortal King, you need to face the Immortal Emperor's Pass.

As for Dugu Baitian, after the human realm, there is chaos, and he can only find his own way forward.

Of course, there is indeed help from the chat group in this process, such as the essence of cultivation civilizations in other worlds, and the chat group once gave Dugu Baitian the reward of lifting the shackles of the world.

But this help does not negate Dugu Baitian's amazing talent.

When they learned about some of Zhong Yue's circumstances and the specialness of his hometown, everyone was also amazed.

There is no doubt that Zhong Yue is a hero, a hero that anyone who hears of him will admire.

Unless you are a member of his enemy's race, even his enemies will respect him.

The races in Kezhetian World naturally have no conflict with Zhong Yue, they only respect him.

Zhong Yue's brilliance does not only come from his cultivation strength.

To the people in the Taoist world, most of whom are human emperors, Zhong Yue's deeds and life experiences are more dazzling than his cultivation at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor.

In comparison, the cultivation level at the end of the avenue seems a bit inconspicuous.

The reason why Zhong Yue went to this world to practice surprised Ye Fan and others.

"I never thought there would be such a magical phenomenon." Qingdi said:

"One person will attain enlightenment first, and others will never attain it."

Wu Shi commented: "This is too cruel."

"If our world was like this, then Uncle Meng would have blocked the road alone." Ye Fan was a little lucky.

"If that's the case, it's not me who blocked the road." Meng Chuan corrected Ye Fan.

"The person blocking the road in the Boundary Sea is the former Dark Immortal Emperor. If you look at the entire heaven, it is even older."

"The situation in Zhong Yue's world is special. Fellow Daoist Jiang cannot be blamed. He did not do this on purpose."

"Furthermore, it would be difficult for a normal Immortal Emperor-level person to do such a thing unintentionally."

As for how to intentionally prevent others from preaching, it's very simple.

Wouldn't it be enough to kill all those who have hope of enlightenment...

In the big world of Zhong Yue's hometown, there can only be one Yuanshi, and one Yuanshi can suppress all realms, suppress the years, and be insurmountable.

There is no room for other roads, other locations.

If Jiangnan had not attained enlightenment before, but Zhong Yue had attained enlightenment, it would not be Zhong Xiandi, and Zhong Bian would only be Zhong Yuanshi.

No matter who attains the Great Dao in that world, he will only be the Yuanshi and cannot attain other Dao.

No wonder Jiangnan, even if Jiangnan wanted to lift this suppression, he couldn't do it at all, it was impossible.

After traveling through a lifetime and learning the truth about the world, Meng Chuan knew without a second thought that there were secrets in Zhong Yue's home world.

And it must be related to the chaotic Yuanshi.

If there were no secrets in that world and it had nothing to do with Yuanshi, Meng Chuan would twist off Meng Qi's head and throw it to Hongmengtian, where it would be used as a kickball for other supreme beings.

If the world of One Life is an experiment jointly conducted by the six Chaos Wuji, then Zhong Yue's hometown is Yuan Shi's alone.

As for why Yuan Shi’s handiwork caused Yuxuxian to go to Jiangnan for trouble.

Is it possible that Chaos Wuji has to report to her disciples if she does something?

And when he went to find Yu Xuxian in Jiangnan, he was not looking for trouble in name, but asked Jiangnan to go with them.

You're not looking for trouble if you take a trip.

As for Lu Mingfei, everyone knows it and there is nothing to say.

Dugu Baitian, Zhong Yue, and Lu Mingfei were just the first to come to Zhetian World, and others would be teleported over later.

After everyone chatted for a while, Ye Fan and Dacheng Holy Body suddenly looked at each other and winked at each other.

Then they both understood what the other person meant.

"Uncle Meng, you just came back, do you need a rest?" Ye Fan asked loudly.

Meng Chuan glanced at Mark strangely, "No need."

What words, what words are these, what is he doing to take a break for no reason.

"If you don't need to rest, then I need to rest." Ye Fan suddenly touched his forehead, as if tired.

"Tired, so tired."

"After fighting against weird races for so many years, I am either in a state of injury or on the way to being injured."

"My body and soul are broken."

"Now that you are back, and with the support of fellow Taoist Dugu and others, I can finally take a rest."

Meng Chuan looked at Ye Fan. This body that had been nourished and fed back by the prototype of the Imperial Law was at an unprecedented peak.

Both the physical body and the soul are powerful to the extreme. The qi and blood are so full that they can open up the world, the mana is so powerful that they can recreate the universe, and the soul is so bright that it can illuminate the ages.

It is perfect in every aspect, exuding the most dazzling light under the Immortal Emperor. Its intensity and life essence have reached a level that is unimaginable for countless creatures in the heavens.

Is this a pineapple body?

so good.

Being watched by Meng Chuan, Ye Fan's expression remained unchanged and he did not feel any embarrassment or shame at all.

Anyway, I'm just tired and need to rest and do whatever I want.

"Going to rest." Ye Fan turned around and left, but when passing by Lu Mingfei, Ye Fan asked Lu Mingfei if he wanted to rest together.

Lu Mingfei just felt baffled. You have a wife, a daughter and a son. If you want to rest, why don't you go to rest with your own family? Why are you asking me?

Then Lu Mingfei reacted.

Damn it, this guy probably wants to beat me up.

Lu Mingfei wanted to refuse, but Ye Fan used the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor to prevent him from speaking, and forcibly dragged him away.

Lu Mingfei struggled, but his struggles were ineffective.

"Brother Dugu and Brother Zhong, you are new here, why don't you let me introduce you to the situation in our world." Qingdi said to Dugu Baitian and Zhong Yue.

"Let's go together." Wu Shi echoed beside him.

Dugu Baitian and Zhong Yue looked at each other, did not refuse, and followed Qing Emperor and Wu Shi out.

Although they didn't quite understand why they had to go out after explaining the situation.

But they had already keenly noticed something was wrong.

This chapter has been completed!
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