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Chapter 229 Sui Huang

Although he didn't know the specific situation of some emperor corpses, Meng Chuan hoped that he could be of help to them.

Not only because their identity and cultivation as the emperor can help Meng Chuan, but also because of the cause and effect of the past.

In the past, Meng Chuan preached to Douluo and used the chat group to send the auras of the emperors to Douluo. These auras came from the three emperors of Yuanhua and many emperor corpses.

This is kindness and cause and effect. Meng Chuan accepts this love and is willing to end this cause and effect.

Of course, this settlement is done in a gentle way, not with fists...

"Great Emperor, do you know something about this planet?"

Meng Chuan walked and talked to the ruthless man. Don't ask why the Emperor of Heaven still had to walk.

Emperor Tian wants to exercise, can’t he?

"You know a little bit," said the ruthless man. Her brother died here, so she would naturally get to know this planet well.

"This is a treasure land, the land of immortality, and the small square pond that was smashed to pieces by the emperor's slap." The small square pond is the placenta-like thing.

According to rumors, it is the place where immortals are born.

"But this is nothing. Don't say that the so-called Immortal Land cannot make people become immortals. Even if they really have this ability, they are just the most ordinary weak chicken immortals."

Meng Chuan made a turn and then said:

"The most magical thing here is this planet."

The channeling of emperor corpses has been rare since ancient times, but on this planet, there are many mentioned in the original work, not to mention those who are unknown, and after channeling, they have passed away again in the years.

Meng Chuan had some guesses in his heart. He knew a place similar to the earth, and the effect was even stronger than here.

Burial place!

In the chaotic ancient times, Shi Hao wanted to force his way to the Immortal King, but in the end he did not completely enter this realm. He only had a king-level body, and was sniped by several Immortal Kings such as Ao Sheng in the Immortal Realm.

Then Shi Hao slept in the burial ground for hundreds of thousands of years.

Meng Chuan suspected that this particularity of the earth was related to the burial place. In addition to the entire sky, there was also the place where the underworld was located, and it might also have something to do with the burial place.

This burial place is not ordinary. After a monk dies, his body is buried in the burial place. After endless years, it is possible to revive again, develop spiritual wisdom, become a burial monk, and start a new practice.

The lineage of the Buried Warriors is very impressive. It is not weaker than the Immortal Realm. It is even stronger than the two great realms, including all the powers in the foreign realms!

There was a chicken farmer in the lineage of the Buried Soldiers who raised a group of immortal phoenixes. He was as famous as the butcher and the seller of counterfeit medicine, and his reputation spread throughout the world.

Deep in the burial ground sleeps the ancestor of the Buried Warriors lineage. This is the Emperor Light Immortal King who is tainted with the aura of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor!

If these magical effects on the current earth and underworld are related to the burial ground, this kind of psychic magical effect is far worse than the burial ground.

"Does the Emperor of Heaven know the origin of this place?"

The ruthless person asked, she was not the roundworm in Meng Chuan's belly, but she was very confident in the information this Heavenly Emperor had.

"Some speculation."

Meng Chuan nodded and was about to talk to the ruthless man in detail when he suddenly found a body lying under the tree in front of him.

The clothing of this corpse is ancient. According to Meng Chuan's understanding, this should be the clothing that was popular in the tens of thousands of years after the Holy Emperor Douzhan was enthroned.

That is, in the early days of ancient times.

Next to the body was a broken tree and a stone as thick as a thumb.

Meng Chuan carefully sensed the energy emanating from the corpse, the kind of Taoism that was endless and passed on forever.


Meng Chuan looked at the corpse and said softly.

This is a famous figure, and his name is spread throughout the world. The original work of Zhe Tian does not mention it, but it does not mean that it does not exist.

This is the emperor in the early days of ancient times. To be precise, at that time, the emperor's title from the ancient era was still used, so he was called Emperor Sui.

He can basically be regarded as the earliest enlightened person in the ancient human race. He supported the backbone of the human race in that era, carved a piece of the sky for the human race, and laid the foundation for the human race to be respected in the ancient era.

It is a pity that time is ruthless. The former ancestor of mankind, the person who raised the fire, has long been forgotten in the years, and no one still remembers his name.

When Meng Chuan was preaching in Douluo, the auras of the emperors passed through him, and he knew exactly the identity of the corpses of human emperors existing in the world.

Naturally, I also know Sui Huang.

This is an unknown person in the years, but he is also a person with overwhelming achievements!

"Emperor Sui?" Henren repeated the name. She didn't know the identity of this person, but she could also understand his principles and principles from the emperor's corpse.

That is the great wish to light an eternal fire for the human race and hope that the human race will last forever.

"Yes, in the ancient times, the lunar sun and the sun held up the sky for the human race. In the early years of ancient times, Emperor Sui laid the foundation for the prosperity of the human race."

Meng Chuan nodded and briefly introduced Emperor Sui.

After listening to Meng Chuan's words, the ruthless man nodded silently. Based on the time period in the early years of ancient times, he could roughly guess some things.

"What are you going to do?" the ruthless man asked, looking at Sui Emperor's corpse.

"Nothing I do seems to have much meaning." Meng Chuan looked at Sui Emperor's corpse with a strange look on his face.

Over the long years, this emperor's corpse has almost become naturally psychic and developed spiritual intelligence.

No matter what Meng Chuan does, it will only speed up the process.

Looking at the spiritual light slowly gathering deep in Emperor Sui's body, Meng Chuan was thinking about something.

"This should be the Suiren clan, right?"

Meng Chuan thought of the myths and legends of future generations on earth.

Emperor Sui's corpse channeled spirits and lost his royal ways. All the legends in later generations should come from this corpse of Emperor Sui who channeled spirits. At that time, he was also called... Suiren clan!

One of the founders of the ancient human race, until now, his name has been passed down and buried in ancient history.

More than 100,000 years later, the person who channeled and reborn could only speak a few words, leaving future generations unaware of the true and false legends and stories.

It will inevitably make people feel a little sad.

Meng Chuan thought for a while and decided to do something. The Emperor's magic power surged, shaking time and space. Meng Chuan relied on Emperor Sui's corpse to go back in time to the distant early years of the ancient times to check out Emperor Sui's great achievements.

The screen was intermittent, and it was extremely disruptive to accurately view a Yakuza figure, but this was enough.

Meng Chuan used the Taoist world to reflect those scenes in everyone's hearts and convey some information, so that everyone should not panic and just watch quietly.

It was a time when the world underwent great changes and the characters of Wuji Dao were born. There are few ancient books recording it and it is unknown to the world.

The human race is still like the ancient times, oppressed by all races and even regarded as food.

The ancestors devoted their lives to paving the way forward for the human race, generation after generation, until Emperor Sui was born.

Adhering to the legacy of the ancestors and fighting for the remnants of the ancestors, Sui Huang overcame thorns and thorns and moved forward step by step.

Before attaining enlightenment, Emperor Sui was seriously injured and on the verge of death time and time again, but he survived with his firm will. He wanted to open up a new world for the human race, and he knew he could not fall.

Those were difficult years, and words cannot describe the whole picture. Perhaps one incident can give future generations a glimpse of the Sui Emperor's difficulties.

After Emperor Sui became enlightened, he only lived for five thousand years before he passed away!

The elixir of immortality is useless!

Before he became enlightened, Sui Huang suffered too many injuries that shook his foundation. Sui Huang's ability to become enlightened can be regarded as a miracle!

Everyone watched the Sui Emperor fighting bloody battles in the picture, falling down and then standing up tenaciously again and again. It was an encirclement and suppression by all races, a dragnet.

Finally, the scene ended, and a voice sounded in everyone's heart.

"This is an emperor of the human race. He is Emperor Sui. His name should not be lost in the long river of history."

Everyone recognized it, it was the voice of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Sui Huang!"

I don't know who it is, I don't know where it is, started to call Suihuang's name, it got bigger and bigger, and became wider and wider, and all the human races in the universe began to call this name.

Dots of light emerged from everyone's head, crossed endless time and space, and came to Meng Chuan. They floated outside the corpse of Emperor Sui and gently touched the skin of the emperor's corpse, seeming to comfort and express gratitude.

The endless vast ocean appeared here, blending into Emperor Sui's corpse, making it shine brighter than the sun!

Meng Chuan looked at the scenes in the universe and smiled slightly.

"Heroes should not be nameless."

This chapter has been completed!
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