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Chapter 2466 The Cancer Body

Hua Tiandu, the reincarnation of the cancer at the Gate of Eternal Life, has a trace of disharmony in his body.

Compared to the eternal world, the Gate of Eternal Life is incongruous.

If it is not in harmony with this place, it means clearly that there is interference from forces outside the gate of eternal life.

This kind of interference is not serious, maybe just random.

But to be able to do such a thing, the person behind the scenes must also be the real Chaos One.

What the Supreme One in the Sea of ​​Chaos wants to do to Hua Tiandu cannot be hidden from the Immortal King of this world, or even from Hua Tiandu at this time.

As Fang Han's old enemy, Hua Tiandu is indeed not as good as Fang Han, but if not compared to Fang Han, his strength cannot be said to be very strong.

If a Chaos One's secret hand is allowed to develop freely, in the end, the Chaos One's methods will be able to do too much.

In the eternal world, it is much easier for the foreign powers from the Chaos Sea to tamper with Hua Tiandu than to tamper with Fang Han.

Fang Han is a weapon spirit, and Hua Tian is a cancer. Cancer itself is not controlled by the gate of eternal life, and is an unexpected and malignant product.

If the Gate of Eternal Life can control this cancer, the cancer will not have a chance to be born and will be nipped in the bud.

When Fang Han was the weapon spirit and Hua Tiandu was the cancer, the cancer also hurt the weapon spirit.

Although the weapon spirit is the real owner of the Gate of Eternal Life, the cancer may not necessarily turn against the guest.

The two are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. The cancer is specifically created to destroy the gate of eternal life. If it can be manipulated, the nature of the gate of eternal life may be reversed.

Even the Gate of Eternal Life cannot detect any small changes in the tumor, let alone the current Gate of Eternal Life weapon spirit that has been reincarnated, leaving only the existence of instinctive will.

Looking at Hua Tiandu, Meng Chuan looked at the past history.

He was convinced that there was nothing abnormal about Hua Tiandu when he left the Gate of Eternal Life. As the reincarnation of a cancer, Meng Chuan still paid attention to him.

In other words, this is what happened after Meng Chuan left.

Meng Chuan searched for the source of Hua Tiandu's anomaly in history, but did not do anything immediately.

The incongruity in Hua Tiandu was too small, and Meng Chuan could not judge the level of the person who fell in Hua Tiandu's body. It can be said that the person in the dark was quite cautious and deliberately concealed himself.

An ordinary chaos person? Or a senior chaos person? Or even a near-infinite person who is in the same realm as Meng Chuan?

The Chaos One's ability to see through everything at a glance will naturally have no effect on a being of the same level who intentionally hides it.

Moreover, Meng Chuan was not sure whether the person in the dark had discovered the problem with Fang Han.

It can be said that both of them are in the light, but it can also be said that both of them are in the dark.

But Meng Chuan knew that he and the man in the dark must have taken the initiative.

Because if everything develops smoothly, if the person in the dark does not jump out, Fang Han will control the door of eternal life according to the established trajectory.

That's it, everything is fine and Meng Chuan doesn't need to do anything more.

But since they chose to target the cancer, there was no way the people behind the scenes could just sit back and watch Fang Han successfully achieve immortality. They would definitely take action at a critical moment.

But Meng Chuan is different. Meng Chuan can wait, but Meng Chuan can't wait to wait.

If everything goes well, it would be best if Fang Han achieves eternal life. All plots will be self-defeating.

With Fang Han's immortal body and the Gate of Eternal Life, there are few Chaos in the entire Chaos Sea who are his opponents.

If that person had taken action in advance, Meng Chuan could have dealt with it calmly.

At this time, the second move is more important than the first move.

Being fat first is not fat, and then fat is overwhelming.

Meng Chuan is not in a hurry, it is the people of Luozi Hua Tiandu who should be anxious.

At the same time, Meng Chuan was not surprised that other Chaos people intervened here.

The temptation brought by the door of eternal life is really too great.

When it was first discovered, many great powers gathered in the Chaos Sea, there were many supreme beings, and there were also many chaotic beings.

Many long-lost Chaos beings were alarmed by this great creation and wanted to conquer and refine it. Even if they failed, they still wanted to get some benefits from the Gate of Eternal Life.

It's just that no one behind can refine the Gate of Eternal Life, which makes the powerful people in the Sea of ​​Chaos realize that this thing cannot be refined, so the place gradually becomes deserted.

But some Chaos people have not given up the idea of ​​refining the door to eternal life. This is really normal.

After all, this is one of the treasures on the surface of the Chaos Sea that can increase the strength of the Chaos the fastest and most.

Maybe some Chaos person has figured out some way and wants to try it, or maybe some Chaos person has noticed the special situation of the Gate of Eternal Life where both weapon spirits and cancerous tumors have been reincarnated, and wants to find out.

In short, although Meng Chuan was surprised that there were traces of other Chaos people here, it was also reasonable.

Opportunity is just a matter of fighting for it.

Someone has settled in Hua Tiandu, and Meng Chuan naturally cannot sit back and watch Fang Han's path to eternal life be destroyed by others at this last moment.

While Meng Chuan was exploring history and waiting quietly, Hua Tiandu fell at a disadvantage in the competition with Fang Han.

He was able to entangle with Fang Han from the Yuhua Gate to here without being killed. In addition to his special status, it was also because he had the help of many immortal kings behind him.

With the help of many immortal kings, Hua Tiandu was able to fight against Fang Han without being much weaker.

But now, the two of them are very close to the Immortal King. In addition, all the Immortal Kings are inside the Gate of Eternal Life and cannot take action directly. Hua Tiandu suddenly withered when facing Fang Han again...

Faced with this situation, Hua Tian was anxious and angry, and shouted loudly, hoping that the Immortal King inside would think of a solution.

If Fang Han could successfully obtain the Three Life Stones and the ancient font including the word "Tao", even if Fang Han hadn't awakened from his previous life, he would be said to be invincible.

The Immortal King located inside the Gate of Eternal Life did not disappoint Hua Tiandu and responded to Hua Tiandu.

At the same time, a black brilliance suddenly flew out from inside the Gate of Eternal Life, and instantly passed through Sansheng and Ancient Fonts, directly landed on Hua Tiandu, and immediately merged with him.

Faced with such a change, it was so sudden that Fang Han had no time to stop it.

I can only watch the black brilliance merge with Huatian.

At the same time, Fang Han also saw clearly what that thing was.

It turned out to be a huge, dark tumor, a physical entity.

The tumor exudes the aura of decay, death, and withering, and is still squirming at the same time. It is about the same size as the word "Tao" at the beginning of the ancient font.

The energy of immortality exerted by Fang Han was directly corroded in front of this cancerous entity, and its power emitted bursts of black smoke and disappeared.

This thing is the nemesis of the eternal energy and the eternal weapon spirit. It was born specifically to corrode and destroy the door of eternal life.

After seeing this cancerous tumor merge with Hua Tiandu, Fang Han's inner mind arose with enlightenment and he awakened everything.

He remembered what happened in the past and his own identity.

I am the reincarnation of the weapon spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life, the strongest existence that was once invincible in this world for three thousand eras.

Many Immortal Kings stand on the opposite side of themselves, just wanting to control him, and then further control the gate of immortality, surpass the Immortal King, and reach the realm of immortality.

It turns out that I don’t have to worry about the threat of some fairy king at all, because I am the most powerful one!

And after the cancer body flew out from the gate of eternal life, Meng Chuan's eyes froze.

There are other powers within the cancer body.

This chapter has been completed!
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