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Chapter 440 The Time Bomb of A Chinese Ghost Story

After Yan Chixia broke through to the chat group level 70 in seclusion, which was the level reached by only God Haotian when the Three Realms were in full bloom in the past.

Haotian was once considered the strongest in the three realms. After all, he was the incarnation of heaven, representing heaven and earth, transcending all people, gods, ghosts, and demons in the entire three realms.

That is the level of level 79. In terms of A Chinese Ghost Story, it is the peak of the Heaven Realm. It can also be called the Heavenly Emperor Realm or the Heavenly Throne Realm.

After arriving in the heavenly realm, Yan Chixia led all living beings in the three realms, all forces, heaven, earth and people, to work together to save the heavenly realm and repair the broken three realms.

Yan Chixia's original plan was to save Tiandao from demonization and then stop after repairing the Three Realms. She never thought of even upgrading the level.

The road must be walked step by step. Don't go too fast, otherwise it will be bad if you get hurt.

But something unexpected happened. After the world was restored, it seemed like it had bottomed out and exploded after climbing back from the trough.

The world directly wants to become one with Yan Chixia, and then take a step forward with the help of the heavenly power and endless luck that this bearded man has cultivated by himself.

Yan Chixia immediately turned pale with fright, "Don't you dare! Stop, stop! I'm not ready yet! Don't come in! I can't bear it!"

Tiandao, who had just returned to order and was still ignorant of the world, comforted Yan Chixia, "Don't be afraid, it will be fine soon. I will use your power. I won't do anything else. It won't hurt. Don't worry, I will."

Very gentle.

Yan Chixia struggled hard, I don't, I don't, I can't do these things passively, I have to take the initiative, I can't just move if you ask me to.

I want to move myself!

It's a pity that Tiandao comforted Yan Chixia and her attitude was very firm. Today, she must be upgraded!

Then the entire A Chinese Ghost Story world merged with Yan Chixia!

When things came to this, Yan Chixia had nothing to say and had no choice but to endure it silently. With Jindu coming in, could she still drive out the Heavenly Dao?

The world is united, and Yan Chixia, who was driven out of the market, could only follow the wishes of the world. Then, Yan Chixia started to sprint. Today, she vows to break through all the hardships!

After experiencing many disasters and numerous obstacles, A Chinese Ghost Story was successfully promoted despite many dangers.

This was the result that Yan Chixia managed to achieve by converting all the blood essence and blood of the Immortal King that Meng Chuan had given her into the world, and then consuming all the treasures she received from the group.

Of course, the things Yan Chixia has given cannot directly upgrade a world, but it is enough to add a little bit of background.

Not to mention anything else, just that drop of the Immortal King's original essence and blood, without Meng Chuan's means, could spread at will and even directly flood a small world.

Mainly, although the world of A Chinese Ghost Story has roots and stands in the chaotic void, it can only be considered a small world in terms of size, strength, and quality.

What is special is just the "root".

After the world was barely upgraded, the way of heaven left Yan Chixia's body, and it was used up. Why was it still left in it?

The way of scumbag!

Yan Chixia's level went directly from level 71 to level 74. After he casually digests the harvest, he will reach the breakthrough realm and surpass the limit.

Once digested, it's probably not far from three digits.

However, as soon as Yan Chixia was successfully promoted, she rushed to the chat group.

[Administrator] Meng Chuan lv199: Hero Yan’s experience... is wonderful!

Meng Chuan couldn't help but cheer for Yan Chixia. Listen, can anyone have this experience of blending with the way of heaven?

[Administrator] Meng Qi lv73: The benefits of upgrading the world are really great. I also want to upgrade, and I also want to transcend. @Mengchuan, Great Emperor, if you help me, I will directly pledge myself to you!

[Administrator] Meng Chuan lv199: Who cares about your ruined flowers and willows? Do you want me to die and inherit my Taoist world? (Nose picking.JPG)

Regarding Meng Qi's rebellious words, Meng Chuan wanted to let him die.

Upgrade your world? Make you transcend?

See if my life is enough? If not, use your dog’s life to make up for it!

Meng Chuan could not imagine what the world of the Supreme Being, which had been able to give birth to "Tao Fruit", would look like after being upgraded, and what conditions would be needed.

However, Meng Chuan speculates that this world should be coming to an end.

The world has come to an end.

[Member] Bibi Dong lv66: Why is Uncle Yan so proactive in the world? It’s different from the real person’s and the general’s!

Bibi Dong is very curious about this aspect. She is also working hard towards the goal of Douluo promotion, so she wants to see if there is anything she can learn from the experience of her predecessors.

[Group Member] Yan Chixia lv75: I don’t know, I was also confused. It was so sudden and I was confused. Do you understand what I mean?

Meng Chuan looked at Yan Chixia's words and narrowed his eyes, "A weird world..."

"Is it related to the incident of Haotian's demonization?"

Meng Chuan once wondered why the way of heaven in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story was inexplicably polluted, leading to the demonization of Haotian.

Although there is the evil Heaven in the Tomb of Gods world before us, as an example, it is not incomprehensible that another polluted Heaven appears.

But A Chinese Ghost Story World is completely different from Tomb of the Gods.

There is heaven above that suppresses all directions in time and space, and the gods perform their respective duties and organize order. There are human dynasties that rule the earth and govern the mortal world. Although there are changes in dynasties, it is just a normal flow of destiny.

The most important thing is that there is also the underworld below, which collects and digests the negativity between heaven and earth, and "decompresses" heaven and earth. This is a complete chain.

The world of A Chinese Ghost Story should not be polluted so easily.

The most likely thing is that there is a problem in the underworld, and the negative energy cannot be digested, accumulates, turns into hidden dangers, and finally breaks out completely.

But Meng Chuan once looked back in time to investigate, and found that the heaven and earth were polluted first, and then the problems occurred in the underworld.

In other words, it is not because the digestive system is overwhelmed that the world is polluted.

Meng Chuan once searched back and forth in the long river of time, but found no problems.

Sometimes, there is no problem, it is the biggest problem!

"If it's not an internal cause, it can only be..." Meng Chuan thought silently, looking at Yan Chixia's profile picture.

This may be a time bomb. You don't know when it will explode. It may never be revealed, or it may blow up immediately and lead to something.

Meng Chuan was silent for a while, keeping these things in his heart and not talking to Yan Chixia.

"Let Yan Chixia grow up first. If the bomb really explodes one day..."

Meng Chuan smiled silently, "You are also my group friend after all."

[Administrator] Meng Chuan lv199: Isn’t it a good thing to be promoted in the world? Why are you so confused! After digesting the harvest, come out and punch Xiao Meng and kick Yao Lao!

[Group Member] Yan Chixia lv75: It’s hard to say Xiao Meng, but if Yao Lao says... I’ll fight ten!

Yan Chixia is quite arrogant, and Meng Qi's equipment is too high in all aspects. Even if he is 2 levels higher than Meng Qi, he will not be Meng Qi's opponent.

Can drug dust?

Yan Chixia said that ten might not even be enough for me to fight with one hand!

[Group Member] Yaochen lv69: This is unreasonable! Big Bearded Yan is bullying me because I am old and weak!

Yao Chen was immediately furious. Everyone in this group was a bully and afraid of the strong! Well, not including himself.

"When I break through to the Dou Emperor in a few days, ascend to the Great Thousand, and become a Great Master, I will kill you, the bearded man!"

The medicine dust hit the medicine refining furnace in front of him with a "bang" sound, and the elixir was destroyed and the fire was extinguished.

He is now a Nine-Star Fighting Saint. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has broken through the Fighting Emperor. As for the Dominator...

It's just bragging.

This chapter has been completed!
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