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Chapter 10 Mysterious Books

Chapter 10 Mysterious Books

Ye Xiaochuan stared at Yun Qiyou who disappeared in mid-air, then slowly turned his head, looked at the deep mark on the rock behind him that was cut by Yun Qiyou's sword, and opened his mouth.

Suddenly, near the sword mark, a rock the size of his head rolled down to his feet.

He came to his senses, jumped up and cursed: "Yun Qiyou! You dare to threaten me? Fortunately you run fast, fortunately I, Ye Xiaochuan, don't hit women, fortunately you are better than me, otherwise I would have to teach you a lesson."

Don’t stop now, let you see what I, Ye Xiaochuan, can do!”

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another figure suddenly flew from the direction where Yun Qiyou disappeared from the front mountain. Ye Xiaochuan was startled, thinking that it was Yun Qiyou who heard his curse and came back again, and his legs were frightened.


When he was about to kneel down and beg for mercy, he took a closer look and realized that the person coming was not Yun Qiyou, but the grunting bird sent by the Discipline Academy to deliver food to him.

"Stinky bird! I was almost scared to death by you!"

After seeing clearly that it was a grunt, Ye Xiaochuan grabbed a stone at his feet and threw it at the flying grunt.

The grunting bird avoided the flying rocks gently and deftly, and made a grunting sound in its mouth, as if it was mocking Ye Xiaochuan.

Today's meal was quite good. Although it was still steamed buns and pickles, it seemed that Sun Yao had opened his eyes. The steamed buns were no longer cold, but also had a bit of heat.

After breakfast, the grunt grabbed the food box and flew back.

Ye Xiaochuan once again fell into a panic of boredom and loneliness.

In the past two days, although Yun Qiyou was in a coma, she was still a beautiful woman. It was a great pleasure to squat next to her, admiring this beauty and talking to herself.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qiyou recovered so quickly and woke up just two days later. As a result, he was now alone again, feeling indescribably lonely.

Then, his broken gong voice began to sing again.

"I am a little bird, flying and flying, but I can't fly high. I searched and searched, searched and searched, and I found a great magic weapon. I didn't give it to anyone, so I kept it to myself...Bang!"

Perhaps it was because Ye Xiaochuan's singing was so unpleasant that even God dared not look directly at it. As he was singing, a small stone fell off from the gap in the rock where Yun Qiyou had cut it, and it happened to hit the person sitting on it.

On the head of Ye Xiaochuan who was showing off his voice below.

Ye Xiaochuan was so dizzy after being hit that he was furious. He jumped up and shouted angrily: "What a fool, I can't even sing? I'll smash you to pieces!"

He grabbed a stone and hit it hard near the sword mark.

Unexpectedly, under this impact, entire rocks fell off with a crash.

Ye Xiaochuan was startled and hurriedly stepped back, saying in surprise: "When did I become so strong? Didn't I become a peerless master without knowing it?"

The fallen stone wall was about one foot thick and five feet square, just like a large stone slab falling off in one piece.

After a while, Ye Xiaochuan discovered something was wrong. There seemed to be writing on the new stone wall inside the fallen stone wall!

Ye Xiaochuan was stunned. He walked forward and took a closer look. He saw many ancient words densely carved on the stone wall. These words seemed to be a kind of cultivation formula. They were all hidden inside the stone wall, and there was another layer of one foot on the outside.

It is wrapped in thick stone walls.

If it hadn't been for Yun Qiyou's sword that frightened Ye Xiaochuan and cut through the stone wall, I'm afraid no one would have discovered the secret behind the Siguo Cliff stone wall in thousands of years.

Ye Xiaochuan didn't know what the words were, but after taking a few glances at the words on the stone wall, his heart suddenly started pounding.

The writing on this stone wall is indeed a book of cultivation, and it is very mysterious. It seems to have the same origin as the Yin-Yang Qiankun Dao that I have cultivated, and it seems to be more mysterious and profound than the true method of Yin-Yang Qiankun Dao.

He was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to smash and tear off all the loose outer stone walls.

About an hour later, a brand new stone wall seven feet high and more than one foot wide appeared in front of Ye Xiaochuan.

Thousands of words are engraved on the densely packed stone wall, without any inscription or postscript. The first few larger words are: "The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when it is damaged. The way of man is to make up for the deficiency when it is not enough. This is what people say."

The earth is governed by the law, the earth is governed by the sky, heaven is governed by the Tao, and the Tao is governed by nature.”

Ye Xiaochuan slowly raised his head. After seeing the opening chapter, his face became a little excited. He looked at the text at the back.

"All things in the heaven and earth, life and existence, life and non-being. Only by doing nothing can you realize the way of heaven. The work of creating the way, as for understanding, must cultivate the foundation of life."

"When one door goes deep enough that the six sense organs interact with each other, the five aggregates will be exhausted and the body of awareness will be restored, and the six interpretations will also be destroyed."

"The heart is inherently invisible and exists due to circumstances. If you don't control the six roots, you just want to calm your mind..."

"A practitioner should walk like the wind, stand like a pine, sit like a bell, and lie down like a bow..."

"All guidance is based on closing the breath. All cultivation is based on cutting off desires. If the breath is not closed, the Qi will not gather, and if the desire is constant, the essence will not be held..."

There are thousands of words in this article, almost all of them are cryptic and esoteric words, which are difficult to understand. If a person with high cultivation ability, such as Yun Qiyou and others, can understand it immediately after reading this entire text.


Ye Xiaochuan's spiritual practice was so low that when he saw these clumsy words, he felt like the world was spinning and his ears were ringing and he was deaf.

But he was not a fool. After just one glance at this text carved on the stone wall, he found that it had the same origin as the "Yin Yang, Qian Kun Dao" that he had practiced day and night for more than ten years.

It seems that Cangyun Sect’s true teaching of the Yin-Yang Universe and the Dao, which has never been taught outside the world for four thousand years, evolved from the words in front of you, but the words in front of you are several times more profound than the Yin-Yang Universe Dao!

Ye Xiaochuan remembered a past incident of Cangyun Sect. According to an allusion passed down by the ancestors of Cangyun Sect, Cangyunzi, the first generation founder of Cangyun Sect, was a down-and-out scholar who failed to pass the imperial examination even in his forties.

, depressed and frustrated, while traveling around the world, he came to Cangyun Mountain. On the back mountain of Samsara Peak, he accidentally obtained a cultivation classic handed down from ancient times.

Cangyunzi had been in seclusion for decades, and from the cultivation books, he understood the world-famous true method of Yin-Yang, Qiankun Dao, as well as several extremely powerful sword techniques, as well as some body techniques, etc.

"Could it be said that Patriarch Cangyunzi understood the Yin-Yang, Qiankun Dao from these words?"

The more Ye Xiaochuan thought about it, the more he felt that this was a great possibility, and he couldn't help but feel excited!

"I'm going to be rich! I'm going to be rich! I'm going to be as popular as my ancestor! Sun Yao! You're dead! I will definitely take revenge!"

When he thought of Patriarch Cangyunzi's achievements, his pupils immediately shrank, and then he danced and jumped on the stone platform, not to mention how obscene he looked.

After cheering for a while, he moved his eyes to the words on the stone wall again, read them carefully, and found that this set of cultivation classics covered almost all the true methods of Cangyun Sect today, and even many that had been lost long ago.

True magic power.

In addition, Ye Xiaochuan also discovered something.

At the very end of the text, there is a groove in the stone wall, which is not big, about the size of an adult's palm.

Inside the groove, there is a sword hilt quietly placed.

Yes, it is just a sword hilt. Without the sword body, it is just an ordinary sword hilt with an old-fashioned style.

This chapter has been completed!
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