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Chapter 1067 Chi Xiao


A sound like the roar of a dragon and the sound of a sword suddenly sounded in the noisy cave. The divine sword came out of the body, and the red sword light was as touching as the red glow burning through the clouds.

Everyone is in the underground magma cave of Jiuxuan Mountain. The heat here is unbearable. Even so, when the high priest pulled out the divine sword, everyone still felt a wave of heat sweeping through them, as if a river of flames were flowing through them.

The body rolled over.

Fortunately, this heat wave was just fleeting and disappeared without a trace in an instant. No one would have thought that the high priest with a gray beard and a life of nearly a thousand years would turn out to be a bad old man whose words were no different from farts. Just now

He also swore and cursed that I just looked at the sword and did not need to pull it out of the scabbard. As soon as the sword came into his hand, he pulled it out without saying a word, and everyone was stunned.


This was the first time that the expressions on the faces of the high priest and the Black Wind clan leader were confused.

When they were looking at the magic weapons in other people's hands one by one, the two old men showed disdain even when faced with magic weapons at the level of artifacts such as the Samsara Pearl, Ziyang, Dragon Tooth, and Lanling.

But when faced with Chi Xiao, one of the top ten divine weapons in the world according to ancient legends, the two old guys finally changed their expressions.

Ignoring Zuo Qiu's protests on the side, the two of them held Chixiao and pointed at them. They were still speaking in the dialect of the dwarves, and no one could understand what they were talking about.

However, the voices of the Black Wind Patriarch and the High Priest became louder and louder, as if they were arguing about something.

The Scarlet Sky Divine Sword is four inches shorter than the fairy sword commonly used by Xuantian Sect disciples. The sword is three feet long and weighs six pounds, six taels and six coins. It is red in color, like gold but not gold, like iron but not iron, like jade but not jade.

It looks like wood but not wood, and I don’t know what kind of material it is made of. Like Wu Feng and Zhan Chen, there are many ancient inscriptions on the sword of the Red Sky Divine Sword, but they are not ghost inscriptions, but

It is like a thundercloud pattern. This pattern is not uncommon. On many ancient artifacts, especially bronzes, you can often see thundercloud pattern edges.


During this period of time, no one took Zuo Qiu seriously, and no one took a second look at why Zuo Qiu had two swords stuck in his back.

At this moment, Chi Xiao was unsheathed. Zhao Wuji and Gu Pan'er were both masters of the fire system. Feeling the heat wave, they both knew that the fire sword on Zuo Qiu's body was probably far more powerful than their flames and smoke.

Zhao Wuji glanced at the Heifeng clan leader and the high priest who were quarreling with each other, praised it, and said: "What a fire magic weapon, Junior Sister Zuo, I wonder what this sword is for?"

Zuo Qiu didn't speak, but Baili Yuan on the side suddenly said word by word: "Such a powerful fire spiritual power, in the entire world, except for the flaming sword in Lan Qiyun's hand, there are probably only ten magic weapons.

Only the ninth-ranked Scarlet Sky Divine Sword has such spiritual power."

As soon as these words came out, in addition to Shangguan Yu and Zuo Qiu, the expressions of Master Jiekong, one of the six masters of Zen who were aloof from emotion and anger, all couldn't help but change slightly.

Zuo Qiu looked like he would not come back to Chixiao for a while, and the two old men were still arguing over the Chixiao Divine Sword.

So, she glanced at Baili Yuan and said calmly: "It is true that famous teachers give birth to great disciples. Miss Baili is indeed the favorite disciple of Fairy Liubo. Her experience is indeed extraordinary. Yes, this sword is the inheritance of my Xuantian Sect."

Chixiao, the thousand-year-old divine sword.”

After getting Zuo Qiu's accurate answer, everyone else took a breath.

The Ten Great Divine Weapons, this is no joke. They all have good experience, and of course they know how strong the Ten Great Divine Weapons are. Cangyun Sect’s Reincarnation, Xuantian Sect’s Xuanyuan, Jixiang’an’s Chunjun,

These are all the magic weapons of the town sect. In the battle of the temple a while ago, Qiankunzi, the leader of the Xuantian Sect, held Xuanyuan and fought against the two demon sect envoys without losing. Ten years ago, Miaohua Xiaoni sacrificed Chunjun and Ye Xiaochuan

One battle ended in a coma

He lived for seven years and did not wake up until three years ago.

The ten magic weapons may not be the most powerful in the human world, but they cannot be underestimated. Without reaching the realm of heaven and man, it is almost impossible to perfectly control these magic weapons.

It is not a secret that Xuantian Sect has Chi Xiao. Hundreds of years ago, senior Wu Qun used the Chi Xiao Divine Sword to fight senior Yun Yazi of Cangyun Sect. There were many people watching the battle. The two of them fought in the void for nearly

One day and one night, in the end, senior Yun Yazi was superior in skill and defeated Wuxian.

Everyone knows that Chi Xiao is Wu Qun's personal magic weapon. Wu Qun passed away ten years ago. It is said that this sword should be passed on to Qiankunzi, and then Qiankunzi will pass it on to Li Xuanyin or Shangguan Yu.

Everyone present never expected that Wuxian would pass on such a magical weapon as Chi Xiao to Zuo Qiu, who was far less famous than Li Xuanyin and Shangguan Yu.

After being together for so many days, this eight-stick man cannot beat a sullen woman. It turns out that it is not simple. Everyone has a feeling that they are mistaken.

The leader of the Black Wind clan was beaten. When the high priest saw that this guy dared to flirt with him, he stared at him and kicked him.

The beating was in vain. The leader of the Black Wind clan could only swallow his anger. Who let him be the high priest?

However, when it came to refining weapons, the Black Wind clan leader still refused to give in and argued with the high priest. As a result, the grumpy high priest did not intend to have academic discussions with him at all, and ran away with the Red Sky Divine Sword in his arms.

Zuo Qiu was shocked and shouted: "Senior, my sword..."

As a result, the high priest didn't seem to hear Zuo Qiu's words and ran out of the magma cave in a flash.

Just as Zuo Qiu was about to chase her, the leader of the Black Wind clan stopped her and said, "Don't worry, fairy. Although Chi Xiao is an unparalleled divine weapon, we have no intention of getting involved. The material of the Chi Xiao Divine Sword is extremely special.

The priest will study it for a few days, don't worry, it will be returned to you in a few days."

Of course Zuo Qiu is worried. What a joke. What if these two old guys perform some internal surgery on their Scarlet Sky Divine Sword on a whim?

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Yu suddenly pulled her slightly and said, "Junior sister, don't worry. Since the leader of the Black Wind Clan said so, everything will be fine."

The leader of the Black Wind tribe stroked his long beard, straightened his head, and extended his hand to the two tribesmen to keep the flaming sword and the burning smoke sword, and upgrade the two swords in a few days.

At this moment, Baili Yuan suddenly shouted: "There are so many swords here!"

Everyone looked around and saw Baili Yuan running to a corner of the cave alone, where there were many iron shelves with many swords placed on them.

Baili Yuan casually took out a long sword and said happily: "This sword has so much spiritual energy. Chief Heifeng, can you sell it to me? How much money? I bought it!" Everyone followed Heifeng.

The clan leader came over and watched Bailiyuan take out her purse and pour out seven or eighty taels of scattered silver...

This chapter has been completed!
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