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Chapter 1381 Zen and Tantra

 Qingliang Temple is the birthplace of Buddhist Tantric Buddhism. It has been destroyed many times and was rebuilt many times by great monks of later generations. It is still there today, but it is no longer as majestic as it was in the past. Its strength is far inferior to that of Kasyapa Temple, even more powerful than that of Kasyapa Temple.

Qijixiang Temple is also quite inferior.

However, no one dares to underestimate Qingliang Temple. Qingliang Temple has a long history and has hosted many eminent monks. The most famous one is the Sixth Patriarch Huineng.

Monk Lujiao, who had a bad relationship with Zhu Xiaomei of Shushan Mountain, was once the eminent monk who re-established Qingliang Temple, and has been admired by the world for thousands of years. Yun Qiyou is standing under Qingliang Temple of Wutai Mountain at this moment, and it is the season of spring flowers.

There are not a few decent pines and cypresses in the bare mountains, and the layers are covered with weathered rocks. It is a desolate place. If it weren’t for Yun Qiyou, I would be sure that this is Ye Dou, where the main altar of Qingliang Temple in Mount Wutai is located.

Peak, she almost thought it was a barren mountain and wilderness where even a tiger was too lazy to roam.

Under night, you can see temples built halfway up the mountain. Looking around, there are also temples on the surrounding peaks or at the foot of the mountains.

"According to statistics, there are 273 temples and monasteries in the 800-mile Wutai Mountain. It seems that this statement is true. You can see temples and monasteries everywhere at the foot of the mountain and on the mountainside. It is indeed a sacred place for Buddhism. It is a pity that it is gradually becoming more and more popular.

Withdrew from the stage of history."

Yun Qiyou sighed a little in his heart. With such a dense collection of temples and monasteries, this one is the only one in the world and there is no other.

For example, although the area of ​​Mount Sumeru, which is 300 miles away, is much smaller than Mount Wutai, there is no monastery or monastery in Mount Sumeru other than Kasyapa Temple.

Bodhi Mountain is better. In addition to Jixiang Temple, there are still seven or eight temples.

In today's world, whether Buddhism is strong or not does not depend on whether the eminent monks in that monastery have a deep understanding of Buddhism, but on the cultivation of truth.

In fact, this is an important factor that leads to Wutai Mountain Buddhist Tantric Sect not being the mainstream in the world of cultivation.

Whether it is Kasyapa Temple or Jixiang Temple, the focus of the monks and nuns under the sect is actually on practicing the true Buddhist teachings. A lot of time is spent on practicing, and naturally there is not much time to understand Buddhism.

Wutai Mountain Buddhist Tantric Sect also practices the True Dharma, but the True Dharma is generally not very strong. Most of their monks focus their main energy on understanding the original Buddhist principles.

What is Zen Tantric Buddhism? Many people in the world cannot tell the difference.

Some smart people have given a definition to Zen and Tantra in Buddhism. Those who practice the "Dharma-Guangbao Buddha's Heart Sutra" are Zen disciples, and those who practice the "Great Sun Tathagata Sutra" are Tantra disciples.

This definition cannot be said to be inaccurate, it can only be said to be incomplete.

For example, it is true that those who practice the "Dharma-Guang Bao Buddha Heart Sutra" must be disciples of Zen Buddhism. But those who practice "The Great Sun Tathagata Sutra" are not necessarily disciples of Tantric Buddhism.

Today's Jixiang'an is actually majoring in the "Great Sun Tathagata Sutra". Strictly speaking, Jixiang'an is actually a lineage of Zen. Of course, it is not wrong to say that it belongs to the lineage of Tantric Buddhism.

The two major sects of Buddhism are defined differently by the world of cultivation and by ordinary people. The definition of the world of cultivation is very precise.

Zen Buddhism cultivates the mind, and Tantric Buddhism cultivates the mind.

Don't look at the fact that all the monks of Kassapa Temple have a rock-like heart, even the Hehuan sect's charming mind skills are hard to confuse. However, in terms of mental toughness, even if the disciples of Kassapa Temple kill ten more horses, they still can't catch up with Mount Wutai.

A disciple of Tantric Buddhism.

Yun Qiyou did not follow Ye Xiaochuan to southern Xinjiang, but came to Mount Wutai just to see a doctor and see her exquisite heart with seven orifices.

She came at the right time.

If there is a spell in the Three Realms and Six Paths besides necromancy that may be able to cure the exquisite mind with seven orifices, it must be the Buddhist Mind-Cultivation Tantra.

It's just that since ancient times, everyone has underestimated the Tantric Kung Fu and the Sixth Patriarch Huineng, so that whenever they meet someone with a delicate heart, the first suggestion is to dig out the heart and practice the magic of the dead.

At that time, the Evil God and Fairy Xuanshuang did not pay attention to the Buddhist Tantric methods and chose to practice necromancy.

Later, when the evil god obtained the eight-volume heavenly book and understood the supreme way of heaven, he discovered that the miraculous method of cultivating the heart in Tantric Buddhism was indeed extraordinary and might be able to cure a heart that was born with a defective heart.

Of course, even if the tantric mind-cultivation techniques have an effect on the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, sequelae will still exist.

For example, it is not suitable to be a biological child.

All of this was recorded in the jade slips by the Evil God and Fairy Xuanshuang, including necromancy and Buddhist tantric techniques.

It's a pity that the jade slip has been in the hands of Master Jingshui all these years, otherwise Yun Qiyou might not have gone to Minghai at all.

It was getting late, so Yun Qiyou was not in a hurry to go up the mountain, so he found a clean place to meditate and rest in Qingliang Valley at the foot of Ye Doufeng Mountain where Qingliang Temple is located.

It was cloudless tonight, and the stars in the sky were shining brightly. Yun Qiyou meditated for a while, feeling a little uneasy. He looked up at the two stars of Cowherd and Weaver Girl in the sky, and the figure of Ye Xiaochuan could not be removed from his mind.

She took out the yellow paper several times and prepared Feihe to pass a message to Ye Xiaochuan, but finally gave up.

She didn't know Ye Xiaochuan's plan, nor the letters that Ye Xiaochuan wrote. She thought that three days had passed, and Ye Xiaochuan, his senior sister and others should have entered the inner belly of Shiwan Mountain, where there were many dangers.

, if I send Feihe to him, he will definitely be distracted.

I struggled with it for half the night, and finally settled into it in the second half of the night.

Not long after she entered trance, she was awakened by the discordant sounds around her. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the sky was already bright, and there were still a few drops of crystal dew hanging on the tips of her hair.

He stood up and followed the noisy sound and frowned slightly. He saw that there were many ordinary pilgrims on the stone steps leading to the mountainside of Ye Doufeng. Almost all of them were carrying baskets and walking slowly along the stone steps.

Qingliang Temple on the mountainside. Yun Qiyou didn't expect that a large tantric temple like Qingliang Temple would be open to ordinary pilgrims. This was not Jishi'an in Hanyang City. It was very close to the city where mortals lived, so it would be open regularly. This Qingliang Temple

It is Yedou Peak located in the southeast of Wutai Mountain. It is about one month away from the nearest town.

It's more than a hundred miles away, why do these pilgrims come here and still want to pray?

There are many pilgrims, and at each stone step a certain distance away, there will be a gray-robed monk who knows how to greet visitors, and sometimes he will help pilgrims who want to go up the mountain to pray.

Yun Qiyou mingled among a group of people and walked up the stone steps. Perhaps her appearance was too outstanding and attracted many people's attention.

However, the Zhike monks at Jishi'an did not react at all. They only glanced at Yun Qiyou once or twice, then clasped their hands together, chanted a Buddha's name, and made a gesture to Yun Qiyou to come up the mountain. There was no blasphemy in their eyes.

Meaning. This makes Yun Qiyou feel that there are still many serious monks in the world, and the two scum in Buddhism like Liu Jie and Jie Se, who are mixed with Xiaochuan, are only a very small number.

This chapter has been completed!
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