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Chapter 1413 Poisonous Woman

 Ye Xiaochuan is the leader, and Gesang is the guide. In this group tour of Shiwanda Mountain, the leader also has to listen to the guide.

Even though Kelsang overturned the march route that everyone had worked so hard to discuss and study last night as soon as he appeared, Ye Xiaochuan still nodded in agreement.

Although he was arrogant and liked to brag since he was young, he was self-aware.

Different matters must be handed over to different professionals.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are in danger at every step. As a Miao girl whose ancestors have lived in this mountain for generations, Gesang has no one here who understands the mountain in front of her better than she does.

Safety issues cannot be underestimated. Ye Xiaochuan does not intend for any of his companions to be buried here forever. He hopes that as many people will come in as there will be when they leave.

Before setting off, Gesang talked to the leaders of several sects and said that if you go four to five hundred miles further, you can still fly in the air. This area is the hunting ground of Tianhuo Dong. There are no powerful beast monsters or foreign races in southern Xinjiang, only some

Wealth wolf, tiger, leopard, bear, blind man and other common beasts.

After passing this area, it is best not to fly in the air, as it will attract aliens or wild beasts, and you can only travel through the primitive jungle.

No one had any objections to this point. They had already made psychological preparations before entering the mountain.

After setting up camp and flying at low altitude for an hour, Gesang gestured to everyone, and they landed on the ground.

Despite not being able to fly in the air, the speed of traveling in the mountains and forests is not very slow. Everyone is a young master who has been practicing Taoism for many years, and they are all students of famous sects, so their body skills are naturally superior.

In the primitive jungle where there are no roads and are covered with bushes and thorns, figures are quickly shuttling between the ancient trees.

The first to open the way were Liu Jie and Zhao Wuji. One of the two had an abnormal defensive power of the Buddhist True Law, and the other had an abnormal attack power of the Scarlet Glory Divine Sword. They complemented each other. Even if there was a sudden danger, the two of them could protect themselves and not be attacked by the enemy.

Instant kill.

The reason why these two people were chosen as the vanguard was the result of many careful discussions between Ye Xiaochuan and others.

Regardless of whether one of them is fat or the other is tall, in fact, they all show off their inner qualities. Without high qualifications, it is impossible to achieve the realm of Lingji in just a few decades.

After a day of walking through the ancient primeval jungle, Gesang said at dusk that he could not leave. Walking at night in the Shiwan Mountains was twice as dangerous as during the day. Now they were far away from the farthest reaches of southern Xinjiang.

The village of Tianhuo Dong is about a thousand miles away, and there are already large beasts and monsters in this place.

The place to camp at night is also very particular. Unlike Ye Xiaochuan and others who just randomly found a leeward mountain den, Gesang searched for half an hour and found a piece of towering ancient trees, and then he knocked on those ancient trees. Yes.

The crowd said: "Look at the many tents you have brought. Entering the mountain is asking for death. Do you think the five poison powders can defend against everything? This mountain has existed for more than a million years, and the fallen leaves of ancient trees have accumulated very thickly over the years.

Dead leaves and the decay of dead beasts and animal carcasses will form poisonous miasma. In addition, the twists and turns of the mountains will prevent the wind from flowing. These miasmas are usually hidden under the dead leaves and emerge from the ground from time to time. Therefore, those tents of yours are useless.

If you can live in a tree, live in a tree as much as possible, but everyone should be careful. The poisonous insects and poisons in southern Xinjiang are the second largest in the world, second only to the great swamps in the west. Among them are poisonous snakes, spiders, centipedes, poisonous ants, and poisonous toads.

There are no more poisons than those in the dead lake. You can't take it lightly when living in Shushan. First check every branch of every big tree to prevent poisonous snakes from taking over, and then sprinkle it with five poisonous powder.

Around the branches and roots..."

While Gesang stuffed green beans into Wangcai's mouth, he kept talking to everyone about the things that need to be paid attention to when staying in the mountains at night.

Everyone was sweating after hearing this. It was a good thing that they had brought such a Nanjiang expert as their guide. Otherwise, people like them would have been in trouble if they ventured into the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Fifteen towering ancient trees hundreds of feet tall were chosen as tonight's camping site. The righteous disciples began to inspect each big tree one by one, not even a single leaf was spared.

The results are frightening.

Of these fifteen big trees, we only found four, and we found nineteen venomous snakes hidden in the branches and leaves. They were all long and short and colorful. The longest one could no longer be called a snake. They could all be called pythons.

, fully two feet long, coiled on the trunk of the tree to pretend to be a branch.

There are also several poisonous spiders and centipedes that can kill people...

Most of the venomous snakes were cut to pieces by these cultivators. There were some larger poisonous snakes. Gesang asked everyone not to kill them, just drive them away.

I saw those righteous disciples stretching their heads and carefully rummaging through the leaves, but their speed was too slow.

So Gesang told them not to look for it. It was a waste of time. Didn't you see that it was getting dark?

She took out the short bamboo flute from her waist, put it to her mouth and started playing.

The sound of the flute is a bit strange. Sometimes the tone is as gentle as running water, and sometimes it is as sharp as cracking silk.

In front of everyone's eyes, I saw many poisonous insects and poisonous substances falling from the surrounding big trees, all falling from the branches, trunks and leaves.

These poisonous insects and poisons seemed to be controlled by the sound of Kelsang's flute. After falling to the ground, they quickly dispersed in all directions.

Everyone looked pale.

Ye Xiaochuan and others thought of a person in their minds, Qing Yan from the Five Poison Sect. He was also very accomplished in poison control. He once relied on controlling poisonous insects and poisons in the Black Forest and the Arctic Icefield of Northern Xinjiang.

He can take advantage of countless elite disciples of the righteous path.

It is said that the Miao witchcraft is the most poisonous in the world. Now it turns out that this statement is not true.

Everyone was disgusted and frightened when they thought that there were countless poisonous insects and poisons hidden under the clothes of this beautiful Miao girl.

From this moment on, no one dared to get close to Gesang. Even Yang Jiu, who had been looking at Gesang very unhappy, shut his mouth at this moment and stopped finding trouble with Gesang from time to time.

From this moment on, no one called Gesang by her name anymore, and everyone called her by her nickname in private.

Poisonous woman.

It sounds like this nickname was given by someone with the lowest level of education in the team.

Kelsang was unexpectedly not angry about this nickname. Instead, he was very proud. It seemed that describing her as a "vicious woman" was not a derogatory irony, but a compliment.

She also proudly stood up to everyone and praised Ye Xiaochuan for the nickname he gave her.

However, when someone with evil intentions secretly said to Gesang, "Women's hearts are the most poisonous", Gesang could no longer laugh. He gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Xiaochuan. Ye Xiaochuan was so frightened that he felt like there were countless cobras.

After staring at her, everyone called Gesang the "poisonous fairy", but secretly they still called him the "poisonous woman".

This chapter has been completed!
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