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Chapter 1681 Rumors spread

 The atmosphere in the camp began to change subtly. The disciples of the righteous sect no longer seemed to be as close to each other as they were at the beginning. They were all discussing something in a low voice. Ye Xiaochuan simply started playing tricks. With the authority of the elders, he ordered all Cangyun Sect disciples not to chat with those outside disciples, and to have less talk or contact with them. Gather the scattered Cangyun Sect disciples, strengthen their vigilance, and make it clear that not only Be wary of the demon sect, and be wary of those around you

Other people with bad intentions. This order directly pushed the depressive atmosphere in the entire camp to the top. Although these disciples of the Cangyun Sect are far away in the southern border, they know the affairs of the Middle Earth clearly. , I have long been dissatisfied with Xuantian Sect and Piaomiao Pavilion's actions of standing aside and refusing to save them. Now it's just right.

Ignore them. Ye Xiaochuan did not expect that the first time he used the authority of a third-level elder, the harvest would be so significant. He saw these Cangyun disciples patrolling in groups holding fairy swords in the area where Cangyun Sect rests and is stationed. Warning, as long as there are disciples from other sects who dare to come closer, they will be cured immediately.

Several Cangyun Sect disciples came forward and asked you what you wanted to do by approaching the area where Cangyun disciples are stationed? Do you have any evil intentions against Cangyun Sect?

The news about Cangyun Sect Ye Xiaochuan's secret message about the jade machine has been spread in the camp. It is said that Cangyun Sect is going to make a big move next and they don't want to lead other sects to play and want to go it alone.

At first, the disciples of other sects were still dubious, but it was not until the atmosphere in the camp suddenly changed, and Cangyun Sect began to shrink its strength and increase its vigilance, that everyone was convinced that this was really happening.

However, Ye Xiaochuan always denied the existence of this secret letter. Even when Du Chun asked him what was going on, he pretended to be dumbfounded and insisted that it was all rumors and there was no such thing as a secret letter or a secret mission.

The more he said this, the more certain others became. If there was no conspiracy, why would Ye Xiaochuan order to strengthen the alert to prevent disciples from other sects from approaching?

As a result, all forces began to rack their brains to find out what secret mission Ye Xiaochuan had and what ulterior conspiracy he had.

Among them, Xuantian Sect and Piaomiao Pavilion were the most enthusiastic about this matter.

Ye Xiaochuan watched these guys being played by him, and finally realized why those big guys like to play with people's hearts. This feels really good.

I feel refreshed, but I still have some feelings of guilt in my heart. In order to achieve my own goals, the righteous sects who were originally in the same spirit instantly fell apart and were on guard against each other. This is not a pleasant thing. .

He was not in a hurry, waiting for the rumors to ferment. He even said that there was a heavenly weapon in southern Xinjiang, which was extremely powerful. Whoever owned this rare treasure would have something that could subvert everything. strength.

As a result, rumors spread all over the Zhengmo camp, and everything was possible. The most widespread rumor was that Cangyun Sect had found clues to the heavenly artifact and wanted to eat it alone. Yu Jizi’s secret message to Ye Xiaochuan was to let him Secretly find the exotic treasure from southern Xinjiang and bring it back to Cangyun.

Heavenly weapons and rare treasures are rare in the human world. None of the sects seems to have a heavenly weapon to support their appearance. If Cangyun Sect is the first to obtain a legendary heavenly weapon and rare treasure, it will definitely surpass all other sects.

Even the major demon sects in the world cannot compare to the Cangyun Sect.

This is not possible.

It is said that all the rare treasures in the world can only be found by the virtuous.

Magical weapons at the level of artifacts all have weapon spirits that can choose their masters, let alone celestial weapons that are much more powerful than artifacts.

Ye Xiaochuan cheated and swindled all day long, specializing in eating women's tofu. In the morning, he peed in the upper reaches of the river in front of many fairies. Even Xiaochuan was seen by those fairies.

How can such a morally corrupt and inhumane guy be qualified to become a virtuous person who obtained that heavenly weapon?

Looking back on myself, I spent my life building bridges and roads, and being charitable and charitable. My own moral character is inferior to the eight two-way six-lane roads in Ye Xiaochuan. If there is such a heavenly treasure in southern Xinjiang, only people with high moral character like myself are qualified to possess it.

Now Ye Xiaochuan no longer explains that there is no secret message when meeting people. Instead, he yells that there is no exotic treasure! There is no exotic treasure! No!

The more he roared and became angrier, the more everyone believed that southern Xinjiang, a land of barren mountains and rivers where birds don't poop, chickens don't lay eggs, and turtles don't come ashore, really does have unique treasures.

The disciples of each sect thought they knew Ye Xiaochuan's temperament and prescribed the right medicine, preparing to use a honey trap to get some clues about the exotic treasure from Ye Xiaochuan. It no longer mattered whether it was a catastrophe or not. Now the peerless rare treasure was the top priority.


Most of the righteous sects are not calm, and the demon sect is also sharpening its knives and preparing for a big fight.

On the other hand, the disciples of the two sects of Kasyapa Temple and Tianshi Dao were relatively calm and did not scratch their heads and head as anxiously as other sects.

Qin Fanzhen is the eldest sister of the eighteen or nine Celestial Master Dao disciples. She absolutely does not believe that Ye Xiaochuan is looking for some exotic treasure. Not only does she not believe it, Yang Yishuang, Zuo Qiu and Monk Liujie also don't believe it.

After floating on an ice floe for several months, who doesn’t know who he is? If there really is a rare treasure, Ye Xiaochuan will clamor all over the world? With his greedy temperament of plucking the hair of a goose and leaving the skin of an animal, he will definitely be a

He found the rare treasure quietly and hid it in his arms without telling anyone.

Just like a sentence in the ugly folk tune he likes to sing: "Looking, looking, looking, looking, I found a great magic weapon, no one will give it to me, I will keep it to myself!"

Talk about being bald?


With a flick of his eyes, this brat can tell seventeen catastrophic stories in a row without having to write a draft. Moreover, each lie can be intertwined with each other so that no one can find any flaws or loopholes.

How could a person like this, who talks nonsense all day long, accidentally talk nonsense on such an important matter?

However, Fengyi, the person who broke out from the underworld together, seemed to be a little interested in this matter. From morning to evening, she went back and forth to find Ye Xiaochuan eight times, even using the housekeeper skills she learned during those years in the brothel to seduce men.

He used all his skills, and even deliberately pulled off his collar to increase his fighting power.

It's a pity that Ye Xiaochuan, besides having nosebleeds eight times and feasting his eyes eight times, still insisted that there was no heavenly weapon or treasure, and it was all rumors.

Feng Yi was so angry that she stamped her feet, covered her collar and walked away angrily, feeling like an idiot who had lost her army after losing her wife.

The rumors do not stop at the wise men, although everyone here is a wise man. People usually only believe what they want to believe. This is a kind of subjective consciousness at work. They are cultivators, and they like the most powerful things.

Magic weapon, and Southern Xinjiang has always been a forbidden land for cultivators from Middle-earth. It is very mysterious. Coupled with Ye Xiaochuan's pretentiousness, these smart fairy young heroes are gradually introduced into everyone's heart.

Very good Abyss of Desire.

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