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Chapter 176

Chapter 176 Three women come out

The rising sun is always so beautiful. A storm swept Cangyun Mountain last night, but it had no impact on the high-altitude Samsara Peak. Thunder and lightning only roared on the mountainside, and heavy rain only poured down on the mountainside.

, Samsara Peak on the mountainside, not even a drop of rain fell.

Yun Qiyou, dressed in white, got up very early today. When she walked out of the secluded house and came to the front of Yuanshui Xiaozhu, there were already several female disciples standing there.

Seeing Yun Qiyou approaching, the beautiful female disciples who were chattering stopped talking. Senior sister Ning Xiangruo came over and said: "Little junior sister, you are here."

Yun Qiyou nodded slightly as a greeting, and then said: "Where is the master?"

While he was talking, Master Jingshui, dressed in a moon-white Taoist robe, walked out of the inner hall with a smile on her face.

When everyone saw the master coming out, they all bowed and saluted. Master Jingshui waved her hands and said: "No need to be more polite, Ning'er, Qiyou."

Ning Xiangruo and Yun Qiyou said at the same time: "Disciple is here."

Master Jingshui said: "Last time, the head brother asked you two to go to Xuantian Sect to observe their internal competition. You two did not want to go. Instead, you chose to go to the mountain to practice in the past six months. You have already won

When you reach the spot for the Duantianya Doufu, you need to not only sharpen your mind but also be cautious when going down the mountain. Since the Duantianya Doufu only lasts for less than half a year, now the various factions of the Demon Sect are ready to make a move, and a large number of demons from the Demon Sect have already entered.

Earth, the situation between the Righteous Way and the Demon Sect has been quite tense recently. Several medium-scale fights have occurred in just a few months, and small-scale fights are happening every day. The Demon Sect has recovered from the war a hundred years ago.

He has been looking for trouble and provoking the right path, so you must be careful, but you must not ruin the reputation of my Cangyun Sect."

Yun Qiyou and Ning Xiangruo bowed and agreed.

It was precisely because of the recent unrest in the world that Master Jingshui arranged for the two of them to go down the mountain to practice together. With Yun Qiyou and Ning Xiangruo's Taoism, they would be able to fight even if they encountered someone at the level of an elder of the Demon Sect.

Master Jingshui waved his hand and said: "It's getting late, you go down the mountain. The Master will be waiting for you at Duantian Cliff in half a year."

In the expectant waving of several fellow apprentices, Yun Qiyou and Ning Xiangruo turned into two rays of light, one white and one green, flying towards the north of Samsara Peak and disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the two figures had completely disappeared, Yang Liudi pouted with a depressed look on his face.

Master Jingshui glanced at Yang Liudi, showing a hint of helplessness.

Among his dozen or so disciples, the most outstanding ones are Ning Xiangruo, Yang Liudi and Yun Qiyou.

Ning Xiangruo is steady and dignified, Yun Qiyou is tough-tempered, but Yangliu Flute is the only one who is quirky, restless and playful.

Seeing Yang Liudi's depressed look, he said: "Di'er, you have a lively mind and have only restrained yourself in recent years. Therefore, your cultivation has increased rapidly in recent years, but your mind has always been unstable. In the prosperous mortal world of the world, if you

If you go in, it will easily destroy the foundation of Taoism that you have worked hard on over the years. When you reach the eighth level of spiritual silence, the teacher will no longer control you, and you can go wherever you want."

Yang Liudi had a grimace on his face and said depressedly: "Master, isn't this too long? The realm of spiritual silence? I guess I have to wait at least sixty years."

Master Jingshui smiled slightly and said: "Your qualifications are not worse than those of your senior sister and junior sister. It's just that you are lazy every day. If you practice hard, you will be a teacher for thirty years."

Yang Liudi continued to look sloppy and said: "Yes, I have finally figured it out. I will never go down the mountain again in this life. Master, you should find a good family and marry your disciple."

In Yuanshui Xiaozhu, only Yang Liudi, a lively person, dared to talk to his teacher like this, which made several female disciples around him want to laugh but dare not.

Master Jingshui smiled bitterly and said: "Oh, you evildoer, go ahead. I hope you can stabilize your mind in the world of mortals. It may be good for your future practice. Remember, you must listen to your senior sister."

Yang Liudi hugged Master Jingshui's arm and jumped up and down, shouting: "Master is the best master in the world!"

After saying that, he drew out his celestial sword, flew forward, blew a few kisses to Master Jingshui in mid-air, and then used his celestial sword to chase Yun Qiyou and the two who had left earlier.

Ten miles away from Samsara Peak, Ning Xiangruo suddenly stopped flying and stood on the sword, stretching her neck to look behind her.

Yun Qiyou also stopped, a little confused, and said: "Senior sister, what's wrong?"

Ning Xiangruo smiled bitterly and said, "There should be one more person."

Sure enough, a moment later, a green light was seen rushing towards him, and from a distance, Yang Liudi was seen standing on the fairy sword, dancing and shouting.

The mountain valley behind Samsara Peak.

Baili Yuan, who had been sleeping for a long time, woke up with severe pain in her head. She only remembered that she drank a bamboo tube of fruit wine with very strong spiritual power, and then fell drunk.

When I woke up, I was still in the spacious tree hole. The old white ape was sitting on the huge tree branch at the entrance of the hole and looking down. It seemed that I could still hear Ye Xiaochuan's shouting and laughing outside.

Bailiyuan felt so embarrassed that she got drunk twice in one day, and both times she was drunk and unconscious. Fortunately, neither Ye Xiaochuan nor Lao Baiyuan were evil people, otherwise she would not dare to imagine her end.

She slowly exercised, and the alcohol smell in her blood was quickly forced out, but her head still hurt a little.

When the old white ape sitting at the entrance of the cave saw her waking up, he stretched out his paw and threw a green fruit over. Baili Yuan reached out to catch it and saw the old white ape motioning for her to eat it.

She frowned, opened her mouth and took a bite. Immediately a sweetness flowed down her throat to the eight meridians. Her groggy head immediately became clear, her head ached no longer, and she felt refreshed.

She was overjoyed and ate the fruit in a few mouthfuls. She felt her pulse was refreshed and the aftereffects of drunkenness were gone.

When Baili Yuan walked out of the tree hole, he saw Ye Xiaochuan transformed into a general commanding thousands of troops, leading hundreds of gray-haired monkeys, and hundreds of gray-haired monkeys led by a monkey holding a blood soul flag.

A battle is going on on the ancient sacred tree. The generals of both sides have not taken action, but the monkey armies on both sides are already fighting inextricably. The battle scene is extremely strange.

The reason why I say weird is because Ye Xiaochuan is jumping to his feet and cursing.

Because the enemy general, that is, the gray-haired monkey holding the blood soul flag, was halfway through his command, and found that his monkey army had been defeated by the monkey army commanded by Ye Xiaochuan. There were actually many monkeys who rebelled against the country and surrendered to the enemy.

into the arms of the enemy.

The monkey couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly it grabbed a female monkey, and actually carried out the primitive exercise of making a baby monkey on the tree trunk in broad daylight. The female monkey even stuck out her buttocks to cooperate.

While the monkey was doing dirty things, it was also waving the Blood Soul Banner and grinning at Ye Xiaochuan, as if it was a demonstration.

Ye Xiaochuan, on the other hand, yelled that this lustful, stinky monkey had no etiquette, justice and shame, and was a super pervert who indulged in prostitution in daylight.

This chapter has been completed!
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