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Chapter 195

Chapter 195 I’m coming too

Baili Yuan went up and down, looking at Ye Xiaochuan from left to right. After confirming that Ye Xiaochuan did not know the origin of the Wolaiye Reef in the narrowest waterway in the Yangtze River, he began to tell his story.

She said: "There is a magical turtle in the river. Once in a hundred years, it will overturn the river and destroy countless ships. About three hundred years ago, a meteorite fell from the sky and fell into the river. It happened to kill the thousand-year-old turtle in the river. It was regarded as a punishment from the sky.

The Divine Turtle’s Heavenly Punishment, I came here to find the stone, which is the big meteorite. This matter was confirmed by your Cangyun Sect’s ancestor. According to what your Cangyun Sect’s ancestor said back then, this is the Stone of Heaven’s Punishment.

It cannot be moved. This sacred stone is like the divine needle of the East China Sea, which can regulate the water level of the river and suppress the demons of the Shui tribe. Therefore, over the years, no one has ever said that the sacred stone should be moved."

Ye Xiaochuan felt that it was ridiculous. How could anyone believe such a thing? Or did one of his masters say it?

Falling meteorites is a normal phenomenon in the universe, and it’s just a matter of deceiving some ignorant mortals. How can a cultivator believe this?

He chuckled and said: "A meteorite fell and killed a turtle in the river? Can it still suppress the monsters of the water tribe? Why do I not believe it so much?"

Baili Yuan said: "I don't believe it either, but that's the fact. In the past, the Yangtze River was turbulent, especially in this section of Wu Gorge. The water flow was ten times more rapid than it is now. I don't know how many ships have flown in this section of the gorge for thousands of years."

Since the sacred stone appeared and formed a bright reef, flood disasters have rarely occurred in the Baili Wu Gorge. There are only some unlucky people who cannot control the boat and hit the Wolaiye reef and capsized. Over the years, many people have been

Once I become familiar with life in this water area, I will be cautious when approaching the rocks."

Ye Xiaochuan laughed and said: "I don't believe in these weird things at all. How far is the reef from where I came? It's fine if I haven't met you. If you encounter such injustice, I should take it upon myself to do it."

With the help of swords, we cut off the boulders and restored the Yangtze River to a clear waterway."

Baili Yuan frowned and said: "Don't mess around. This stone has been deified, and it has been certified by your experts from Cangyun Sect. If you dare to break that huge stone, let alone those ignorant mortals.

I will sink you alive into the river and sacrifice you to heaven, and your Cangyun Sect’s face will be tarnished.”

Ye Xiaochuan pinched his chin and said: "This is really troublesome. I can't reach out and slap my senior master in the face. I'm already depressed. Which senior of the Cangyun Sect said such ridiculous things?"

The Baili Wu Gorge is also called the Grand Gorge. It is known as the Nine Winds and Eighteen Bends. After passing the Baili Grand Gorge, it enters a relatively gentle water system. When I came here, there was a big rock blocking the exit of the Grand Gorge.

Ye Xiaochuan was sitting on the deck of the merchant ship, staring at the water in front of him with wide eyes, until a sailor climbed on the mast and shouted: "Five miles! There are still five miles to the sacred stone!"

None of the other sailors were in a panic, but the four black-skinned men who were dragging four bundles of nanmu in the water behind them began to fix the four bundles of nanmu with a thick rope. It seemed that these sailors had passed through this dangerous water more than once.

, everyone performs their duties, and as long as they are careful, there will be no danger.

"Three miles! There are still three miles to the sacred stone!"

"Lower the stern sail! Full right rudder! Pay attention to the nanmu behind the ship! Pay attention to the climbing chain!"

The ship boss was very experienced and immediately issued a series of orders.

All the sails were lowered, and Ye Xiaochuan suddenly felt that the wind around him seemed to be much stronger, and it was a directionless whirlwind.

He understood why the boss of the ship lowered the tail sail. In this kind of turbulent wind, if the sail was still unfolded, the whole ship would be blown this way and that. The river was very narrow. Once it deviated from the channel, it would easily hit the rock.


Ye Xiaochuan saw the rock. The location was more dangerous than he expected. It was stuck at the last turning exit of the Grand Canyon, in the middle of the river, protruding about three feet from the water. The smooth rock was on the surface of the calm river.

If it is present or not, it is difficult to find.

The turbulent winds, rapids, and narrow river channels make it difficult to get out of the water in this place, which is a strange thing.

When something goes wrong, it becomes a monster.

Ye Xiaochuan looked at the mountains on both sides of the river. There were no air leaks. Why was the wind here so chaotic? It was blowing in random directions, blowing the passing ships onto the rocks.

The merchant ship stuck to the edge of the river, almost rubbing against the rock wall on the side. Ye Xiaochuan stood up slowly. Baili Yuan's expression was also a little strange. He looked at the rock protruding out of the water and didn't know what he was thinking about.


Ahead is a merchant ship, carefully avoiding the Wo Lai Ye reef.

When the merchant ship in front was less than a mile away from the reef, dozens of thick iron chains were seen hanging from the southern cliff. The sailors on the ship quickly tied the iron chains that fell on the deck to

On the hooks on the side of the ship, more than a dozen iron chains were soon pulled upright. The merchant ship was immediately pulled sideways by the iron chains. The bow of the ship was forced close to me and slid over the rocks, barely avoiding the rocks.


Ye Xiaochuan was worried about the merchant ship in front of him. The small ship was more flexible when passing through the rocks, but the big ship was very dangerous.

When the ship passed safely, the sailors on the ship cheered, untied the iron chain, and entered the straight river in front, completely out of danger.

Soon, when the merchant ship Ye Xiaochuan was on was one mile away from the reef, the iron chain hung down again. Even though the merchant ship lowered all its sails, it was still carried downstream quickly by the rapid current.

The sailors on the boat hurriedly dragged the iron chains and hung them on the thick iron hooks on the side of the ship. Ye Xiaochuan and Bailiyuan also went up to help. They had just hung up the two iron chains when suddenly several roars and screams came from the stern of the ship.

Ye Xiaochuan shouted that something was wrong. He saw a huge five-toothed ship rushing from behind the ship. It seemed that the sail was lowered slowly. The huge hull lost control in the turbulent whirlpool. A sailor was holding an axe.

It was cut on the cable and the sail was lowered, but the Wuya ship had completely lost control and was hurtling down in the rapids.

It should have been an accident that would not collide with the ship. However, behind the merchant ship, four large bundles of nanmu tied together were dragged, occupying the river channel dozens of feet long. Four people sitting on the nanmu in the water were

A black-skinned man waved his hands and shouted, but the five-toothed ship lost control and crashed directly into a bundle of nanmu with a roar.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the four black-skinned men jumped into the water immediately. They were only responsible for warning the ships behind that there was nanmu under the water. Once a collision occurred, it was not possible to return late. Escape was the only option.

The bundle of nanmu was immediately knocked apart. Under the impact, the thick nanmu suddenly accelerated its speed and hit the stern of the merchant ship in front.

As soon as the iron chains hooked the two iron rings, the entire merchant ship was shaken immediately. People on the deck staggered. The two iron chains instantly made two loud clicking noises and were immediately broken. The entire ship was also lost.

He lost control and crashed directly into the rock.

This chapter has been completed!
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