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Chapter 1966 The army marches north

 Ye Xiaochuan's current body is not ordinary weak, it is very weak. Although Bingluan and Fire Phoenix have resolved the ice and fire energy in his body, the ice and fire energy has already destroyed many rivers of meridians in his body.

Before adding Hua Wuyou's palm, he forcefully activated Dou Zhuan Xing Shift at Mu Yun Peak, reversing hundreds of times.

He received a magic weapon and was seriously injured. Later, he suffered a move from Baihua Fairy, Baihua Cloud-Piercing Palm.

If it weren't for the five-color divine power that protected his internal organs and main meridians, Ye Xiaochuan would probably still be a corpse even if he dissolved the ice and fire energy.

Fairy Qingluan examined Ye Xiaochuan's injuries and concluded that the boy would never wake up within five days.

Yun Qiyou doesn't care when Ye Xiaochuan wakes up, as long as Ye Xiaochuan doesn't die. At Nuwa's ruins, Ye Xiaochuan received Yun Qiyou's meticulous care and care. Of course, this kind of care is also very simple. Now Ye Xiaochuan

In a coma, Yun Qiyou's so-called care was to sit cross-legged next to Ye Xiaochuan.

She stretched out her hand to feel Ye Xiaochuan's pulse and check his face, especially Ye Xiaochuan's bald head, which was the focus of her care. People are not good-looking in the first place, and the appearance of a bald head is even more unbearable, and they don't know.

Is it really the sequelae of being photographed by those fairies? There is a slight bulge on the back of Ye Xiaochuan's head. This kind of backbone is similar to that of some people.

He thought he was gifted and a genius in cultivation, but Yun Qiyou found it ugly no matter how he looked at it.

Since Fairy Qingluan diagnosed Ye Xiaochuan, she has not come over to greet the patient Ye Xiaochuan. She seems to like it here very much. Her soul is floating around in the cave, looking at the densely packed ghostly writings on the stone wall behind the water curtain. Yun Qiyou

I read it for a while, but couldn't recognize a single word. It was no different from a ghost painting. Fairy Qingluan should know some of the words on it. Yun Qiyou asked her what words Nuwa left on the stone wall, but Fairy Qingluan refused.


She also said she couldn't understand it either.

Yun Qiyou was a smart woman and could tell that Fairy Qingluan was lying. She must have interpreted some of the content, but since Fairy Qingluan refused to tell, Yun Qiyou would not ask any more questions.

However, the Baishan clan leader seemed to be very interested in the text on the stone wall. He followed Fairy Qingluan wherever he floated.

After two days of following, it stopped following and turned against Fairy Qingluan. Thanks to Yun Qiyou, he noticed that something was wrong and stopped the situation from deteriorating in time, otherwise the Baishan clan leader would have died under Fairy Qingluan's bloodthirsty demonic power.

The reason is that the leader of the Baishan tribe accidentally learned that the beautiful evil spirit was the culprit who took away the Qingluan divine bird from southern Xinjiang and eventually killed the Qingluan divine bird in China. Qingluan God

Birds have thrived in southern Xinjiang for more than a hundred thousand years? For endless years, Qingluan has been the king of birds in southern Xinjiang. The Tianbat tribe believes that since they have wings, they are naturally birds, and they respect the sacred bird Qingluan extremely.

, if not so, Baishan

The clan leader will not go crazy and want to train Wangcai, a greedy and fattening bird, to be Qingluan's successor. The Baishan clan leader is no match for Fairy Qingluan. He was knocked to the ground with one move by Fairy Qingluan and vomited blood.

Eighty-nine liters, his left arm was even broken. Now he is recovering outside the giant bronze gate. He even threatened to come back when the injury heals.

Fairy Qingluan was an extremely arrogant woman both before and after her death. Naturally, she would not put a big bat in her eyes. This time, Yun Qiyou stepped in to stop her. Let’s let it go for the time being. Next time

How dare you confront this ugly big bat again?

If you disrespect me, Fairy Qingluan will never show mercy.

The Baishan clan leader's life was not good, and Wangcai's life was not good either. This was originally a happy nursing home that belonged only to him, with no shortage of food and drink. However, since Bingluan came, the situation has changed dramatically. From a landlord to a wealthy man,

In an instant, he turned over and became a slave. He dared not speak out under the lustful power of Bingluan. He had practiced the skill of grilling fish for a long time, but was arbitrarily deprived of it by Bingluan. He had to bake so many fishes for Bingluan every day, and he almost

can not eat

How many of them were snatched away by Bingluan.

Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. Wangcai is also a smart bird. He knows that he is no match for Bingluan, so he pins his hope of resisting oppression and exploitation on his little master, waiting eagerly every day.

Waiting for his little master to wake up and bully this

My own country ugly bird was chopped to death with a sword, then wrapped in mud and made into a beggar's chicken. Finally, it was eaten by myself and turned into a piece of shit. Only in this way can I relieve the hatred of this sacred bird.

Fantasy is rich, reality is skinny.

A certain fat bird was so fascinated by his thoughts that he couldn't help but chuckle evilly. As a result, he forgot to control the heat, and the two big fat fish in front of him were instantly roasted into black charcoal.

Bingluan, who was waiting for the meal, became furious and started a new round of abuse against a fat bird.

This is the current situation in the Nuwa ruins in Tianbat Mountain.

Millions of celestial troops stationed around Muyun Peak, as well as hundreds of thousands of monks from the Six Divisions of Celestial Beings, began to camp out early this morning. No one knew why the army had to train at Muyun Peak for five days. Everyone knew that now

The Central-Earth has already sharpened its sword. Every day it is delayed here, the defenses of the Central-Earth will become more stable. Now Hua Wuyou has a bad temper and has killed more than a dozen of his subordinates with his own hands. No one dares to go there.

Ask one more question,

He could only wait helplessly at Muyun Peak. After waiting for five days, Hua Wuyou gave an order to Gu Yuqi to leave behind one hundred thousand giant warriors, three hundred thousand madman warriors, and one hundred thousand skeleton warriors.

Cooperating with the more than 300,000 soldiers who stayed in Wushan, a total of more than 800,000 troops were deployed to deal with southern Xinjiang.

situation, and strive to wipe out the last resistance forces of the five ethnic groups and foreign ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang in one fell swoop.

In addition to the division of troops among the six legions, the Taixu tribe, which suffered heavy losses after the battle between Mu Yunfeng and Wudu Valley, was also left in southern Xinjiang to deal with those hateful white-robed wizards in southern Xinjiang.

But even Hua Wuyou didn't expect that the number of wizards in Southern Xinjiang was much higher than he expected. Almost everyone thought that the total number of wizards from the five tribes in Southern Xinjiang was at most 20,000 to 30,000. Who could have thought of the white-robed wizards in Southern Xinjiang?

The total number exceeds one hundred thousand.

It was this decision that allowed Hua Wuyou to personally push the Taixu tribe to the edge, laying the seeds for a large-scale counterattack in southern Xinjiang in the future.

Standing on the collapsed Muyun Peak, looking at the battlefield ruins ten miles around, Hua Wuyou had no expression on his face.

Girl Azi seemed to have discovered something. She bent down and pinched out a bright yellow thing from the crack under the gravel. When she looked carefully, it turned out to be a soybean. She pinched the soybean, sniffed it between her noses, and whispered to

Miss Chi said: "Sister, what kind of weird magic is there in the world of Taoism? The day I saw Yun Yatou scattering a sack of soybeans, it exploded and turned into a ragged skeleton soldier.

Although the combat power is not very strong, there are many of them. If all the monks in the world know this kind of magic, each person can just carry a few sacks of soybeans, and they can summon countless undead armies."

This chapter has been completed!
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