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Chapter 2007 Yin Yang Road

 Yun Qiyou held Fugui, and Ye Xiaochuan held Wangcai, and separated the two birds, so that Fugui would not miss Wangcai and eat the bead in his belly, and devour Wangcai alive.

In order to find out what the bead was, Ye Xiaochuan asked Wangcai why he wanted to eat the beads. Wangcai squeaked a lot, but Ye Xiaochuan didn't understand, so he asked Yun Qiyou to go outside the bronze door to find an interpreter.

Chief of the Guanbaishan clan.

Yun Qiyou came back soon, but did not see the Baishan clan leader. It took a long time for them to enter the Tianlei Cave. The Baishan clan clan leader was impatient to wait and probably flew out of the cave to look for food.

The translator was not around, so Ye Xiaochuan had no choice but to suppress the curiosity in his heart, thinking that when the Baishan clan chief came back, he would ask the two sacred birds what the beads were.

In order to prevent Fugui from attacking Wangcai again, Ye Xiaochuan took Wangcai with him.

Although he is very greedy, he also attaches great importance to friendship. Wangcai and his brother for many years, even if the bead is the legendary dragon ball, as long as Wangcai really wants it, Ye Xiaochuan will not be stingy. He is worried now

In Wangcai's body, the bead was obviously not a mortal thing, otherwise Wangcai and Wealth would not fight for it. Since it was not a mortal thing, and was eaten by Wangcai, would Wangcai be in any danger? This made Ye Xiaochuan uneasy.



The leader of the Baishan clan was not at home, so he had to look for Fairy Qingluan, who knew both astronomy and geography. He walked around the edge of the cave for a long time holding the website before he found Qingluan behind a curtain of water.

I told Fairy Qingluan how Wangcai swallowed the beads earlier. After listening to Fairy Qingluan, Fairy Qingluan couldn't explain why.

She had studied the bead when it was in Tianlei Cave and found nothing wrong with it. She also thought it was a large oyster pearl from the South China Sea and did not look like an exotic treasure.

However, if it is not a rare treasure, why would Wangcai and Wealth want to snatch it away? Why would Wangcai, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, refuse to spit it out?

Seeing that Fairy Qingluan didn't know the reason, Ye Xiaochuan had no choice but to put Wangcai on his shoulders and wait for the return of the Baishan clan leader, so he wouldn't worry about it for the time being.

He looked at the densely packed Nether Inscriptions behind the water curtain stone wall and said curiously: "Master Qingluan, you have been studying these Nether Inscriptions here for some time. What exactly do these Nether Inscriptions record?"

Fairy Qingluan said: "It is impossible to decipher all these Netherworld texts, I can only decipher one or two of them." Ye Xiaochuan became interested and said: "Then tell me about the one or two you deciphered. This

There are at least hundreds of thousands of words on the rock wall in the cave. Empress Nuwa left these words here. The recorded content must be very important. Maybe it is

The true Dharma of Empress Nuwa!"

Fairy Qingluan was silent for a moment, seemingly hesitant. After seeing Ye Xiaochuan Qiji's eyes, she could only say: "This is not a true method, but the origin of the three realms. Now I can only roughly interpret the relationship between the human world and the underworld.


Ye Xiaochuan became more interested.

The sound of the water curtain waterfall here was very loud, so Ye Xiaochuan and Fairy Qingluan returned to the central stone platform.

Yun Qiyou seemed to be very interested in the Netherworld texts in Nuwa's ruins, and sat with Fugui in his arms, listening quietly.

Fairy Qingluan said: "According to the Netherworld texts I have interpreted, they are mostly about the ninety-nine Yin and Yang roads between the human world and the underworld. The Yin and Yang roads are the gates of ghosts. You two are both cultivators, so you should know something about the Yin and Yang roads, right?

"Yin Yang Road Ye Xiaochuan is quite familiar with it. He saw the scene of the gate of hell being opened in Zhuxian Town in Middle Earth more than ten years ago. Relying on his good relationship with Qin Fanzhen and Jiese, he has also asked the two of them about Yin and Yang in these years.

It's about the road, then

It is indeed a passage connecting the human world and the underworld.

At the beginning, Situ Feng also told Ye Xiaochuan some of the secrets of the Yin and Yang Road. Only the soul can pass through that vortex, not the physical body. It is a veritable point of no return, so no one in the world has ever been to the underworld.

Ye Xiaochuan told everything he knew about the Yin-Yang Road. Fairy Qingluan nodded slowly after listening. Then he said: "As far as I know, the Yin-Yang Road is indeed a road of no return only for Yin souls to walk.

The road is not the same as the Netherworld text recorded on the stone wall. According to the text I interpreted, living people can enter the underworld through the Yin and Yang Road.


Ye Xiaochuan and Yun Qiyou were both stunned.

Can a living person pass through the gate of hell?

Fairy Qingluan spent more than an hour telling the two of them about the content she had deciphered from the Netherworld script on the stone wall. She was very sure that the content she deciphered should be correct, but it was easy to go to the underworld, but difficult to come back. Listen.

After finishing Fairy Qingluan's talk, Ye Xiaochuan immediately lost interest in the Netherworld texts in Nuwa's ruins. Even if he figured out how to pass the physical body through the gate of hell, what would happen? Who would live well in the colorful world of the human world?

well fed

Can you afford to travel to the underworld? Isn't this an old man who hangs himself and seeks death? However, Fairy Qingluan said that the Yin and Yang Road in the underworld of the human world is just the tip of the iceberg among the hundreds of thousands of underworld texts. The content recorded here is very complicated.

It not only involves the human world, the underworld, but also the heaven, and even mentions

The omnipotent Emperor of Heaven.

Ye Xiaochuan was very interested in the content of Cangtian Emperor and asked Fairy Qingluan for the specific details. As a result, Fairy Qingluan rolled her blood-red eyes and said that she had not deciphered it at all. This made Ye Xiaochuan very happy.

Chief Baishan finally got in touch with the senior leaders of various ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang, and appeared near Diabolo Village in the middle of the night. When he took Ye Xiaochuan and others into the underwater treasure hunt, he came out to try his luck, and found the Shanmao tribe. Through

The chief of the Shanmao Clan learned that the leaders of the alien and five tribes were now meeting with the corpse exorcists from the Middle Earth in Diabol Village.

, so he rushed over without stopping.

Diabolus Village is now extremely heavily guarded. There are shadowless birds wandering a hundred miles outside. Seventy or eighty miles away from Diabolus Village, there are secret sentries of Xiangxi Corpse Exorcists to avoid sneak attacks by monks from the Taixu Department.

As soon as the Baishan clan leader and some clan members flew nearby, they were immediately blocked by seven or eight corpse exorcists in sackcloth.

A leading corpse exorcist was hanging in the air, holding a mourning stick magic weapon, and shouted: "Who is it!"

The Baishan Clan Chief did not expect anyone to block his way, and he still spoke in the Middle-earth language, so he said: "I am the Baishan Clan Chief of the Tianbat Tribe, and I am here to see the Great Wizard Gesang and the Tianlin Clan Chief. Who are you? Middle-earth cultivators? Hurry up.

Get out of the way quickly." If it is a white-robed wizard from southern Xinjiang, he will naturally recognize the Baishan clan leader, but these Xiangxi corpse exorcists have just arrived in southern Xinjiang and are not familiar with the situation here. Seeing the Baishan clan leader and the people behind him

Those big bats look ugly and ferocious, and they don't look like good birds at first glance, so naturally they won't be let in easily.

This chapter has been completed!
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