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Chapter 2083 Reinforcements Arrive

 In the entire world, perhaps only Gui Nu knows the secret of the Yin and Yang Road in Death Lake, but this is definitely not an eternal secret.

For example, the ghost girl who broke into Death Lake was holding an ancient sheepskin map and looking for the Yin and Yang Road in Death Lake.

This map belongs to her mother, Xu Xiaoya. The ghost fairy Xu Xiaoya is extremely skilled in the ghost arts. He even knows how to bring people back to life. He can forcefully open the gates of ghosts and capture the souls of the ghost world.

For this reason, ghosts and immortals have had several illegal weapon fights with the ghost world of the underworld.

There are rumors that when Guixian was young, he mastered at least three Yin and Yang roads, one of which was in Death Lake.

Although Gui Yatou has learned very complicated spells, including her father's Heavenly Book magic, Shushan's true magic, Yang Zhaodi's Huangshan's true magic, Feng Qiuyu's Kunlun's true magic, and even Monk Hua taught her many powerful Buddhist magical powers.

But Gui Yatou's main field of study is still the ghost magic of her mother, the ghost fairy. This can be seen from the fact that her magic weapon is the most evil and evil magic weapon in the three realms.

There is a lot of spiritual energy in the heavens, but very little Yin energy. Now that we have arrived at the land of death in the human world, it really makes no sense if we don’t go to the Yin-Yang Road to absorb some of the ghost energy and devour some of the Yin spirits in the world. It’s just that the Death Land is too big, and ghosts and immortals will give it to them.

Her sheepskin map only marked the approximate direction. In addition, over the past 20,000 years, the rainbow miasma in the Dead Lake has spread to the east for thousands of miles, and it is difficult to find anything inside the Dead Lake.

Under such circumstances, it would be extremely difficult to find that place just by relying on an ancient sheepskin map from more than 20,000 years ago. Xiaoqi was floating in mid-air about a foot above the pool on the ground, covering his lower abdomen with both hands, and said

: "Kid, we've been in Death Swamp for several days and haven't had a full meal. If we really can't find the Hell Gate, we won't look for it.

It's more important to go to the Middle-earth to have a big meal. I'm so hungry now that my chest is pressed against my back. Look at my breasts. They're a little smaller. That's because I'm hungry!" The ghost girl glanced at her.

, said: "Your breasts are already small, even if they are three times smaller, they still won't show! Now that we have arrived at the Dead Sea, we have to do something. We haven't found the Wolfsbane Flower yet, nor have we found the Yin-Yang Road. Now

Just quit

Go, I’m really unwilling to do so, unless you still have the courage to enter the Death Swamp for the second time!” Xiaoqi immediately drooped his head. The ghost girl was right, the Death Swamp is too disgusting, there is poisonous miasma everywhere, and the feet are dry.

There are not many places, and there are ponds and puddles everywhere. Some of the puddles are covered with duckweed and grass, which looks very strange.

Wrong, if you step on it, you will immediately fall into the mud and swamp.

Xiao Qi is a serious Nine Heaven Fairy who loves all beautiful things. She is disgusted with the harsh environment of Death Lake from the bottom of her heart.

If she doesn't get everything done this time, she really won't have the courage to do it a second time.

In desperation, I had no choice but to follow the ghost girl and continue to float in the rainbow miasma.

After wandering for a while, she suddenly said: "My mother's breasts are not small, and several of my sisters have pretty big breasts, so my breasts still have a lot of room for development. When the time comes, they will be explosive."


Middle Earth, Seven Star Mountains, Eagle Beak Cliff.

The fierce battle between Wangfuling Ridge and Duoshifeng is still going on. This cruel fight has lasted for two days and three nights.

The northern part of the two solitary mountains has become a battleground between the two sides. The northern mountainside of Wangfu Ridge alone has changed hands no less than ten times in the past two days and three nights.

Every time the heavenly army failed to gain a firm foothold on the northern mountainside, the human warriors would snatch it back at all costs, and the two sides formed a tug-of-war on the northern mountainside.

Even during the battle charge, soldiers from both sides had to fight while cleaning up the piles of corpses on the mountainside!

The Zhenxi Army suffered extremely heavy losses. In the two days of battle to seize Shifeng, it had lost more than 200,000 troops, and Wangfuling Mountain had also lost more than 300,000 troops. Yang Zhentian sent more than a dozen letters to Zhao Shiqu,

Now that the main force of the Heaven Realm has been restrained by the two solitary mountains, if at this time, two to three million troops are detached from the Eagle Beak Cliff to attack the flanks of the Heaven Realm army, it will not only alleviate the current situation faced by the two solitary mountains.

Pressure can even disrupt Heaven's position and severely damage the enemy.

However, Zhao Shiqu never made a decision and kept delaying it. Zhao Shiqu was worried that once the Yingzui Cliff opened, the heavenly army would march straight in. He was also worried that the reinforcements he sent out would be wiped out by the heavenly army in the wilderness. After all, it was twenty years ago.

On the flat ground, human soldiers rely on their legs to at least run

It takes half an hour to arrive at the battlefield. This time can give the Heavenly Army enough time to adjust its combat plan.

At noon on the third day, human reinforcements finally appeared, but they did not come from Yingzui Cliff, but from the west, sweeping along the south of Qixing Mountain like a rolling torrent.

Zhao Zian, who was wearing black armor, took the lead, his silver spear shining with bloodthirsty light under the scorching sun.

Behind him, 1.2 million light cavalry rolled up billows of dust and smoke.

When the cavalry appeared twenty miles away from the battlefield, the ground began to tremble.

Gu Yuqi's expression changed drastically, and he sent the six-winged cavalry to investigate. When he saw the news, Gu Yuqi jumped to his feet and yelled: "What is Phantom doing? There are more than a million cavalry in the world, why didn't she stop them?"

Got some news!"

After the last battle in Old Crow's Wood, the human cavalry retreated to the northwest of the wasteland. The Storm Cavalry Regiment led by Phantom was resting in the southeast, and the two sides have been facing off.

Now more than one million human cavalry appeared on the battlefield of Yingzui Cliff, thousands of miles away. How could Gu Yuqi not be surprised?

Now there are only 60,000 beast cavalry left in the heavenly army, which are used to protect the Legion of Destruction. If these human cavalry rush into the square formation of the Legion of Destruction, the consequences will be disastrous!

What are you afraid of? Zhao Zian has no intention of attacking the Celestial Legion outside Wangfu Ridge and Seizing Stone Peak. The 1.2 million light cavalry formed a triangular attack square, like a huge sharp sword, stabbing directly.

To those tall ones on the periphery of the heavenly army

The phalanx of skyfire beasts.

Upon seeing this, Gu Yuqi immediately ordered the 60,000 storm beast cavalry guarding the Legion of Destruction to attack head on.

There are 60,000 giant warriors, 60,000 mad warriors and 20,000 skeleton warriors surrounding the Legion of Destruction. They are all dedicated to protecting the Legion of Destruction. At this moment, seeing the billowing dust and smoke sweeping in, these heavenly legions also reacted immediately, and the giant legion quickly

They came out to form a long shield array. With only 60,000 giant warriors, it was really a bit difficult to protect hundreds of thousands of giant skyfire beasts.

Reluctantly, we can only concentrate all the shield formations on the west.

Zhao Zian saw tens of thousands of beast cavalry rushing towards the west of the Legion of Destruction, and the opposing army also set up a formation in the west. He immediately waved the silver spear in his hand. More than one million light cavalry were instantly divided into two groups, like a giant

The eagle wings circled towards the north and south, starting from both wings to outflank.

This chapter has been completed!
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