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Chapter 2187 Moderation

 This catastrophe finally ushered in a fateful battle.

Ye Xiaochuan and Fairy Baihua in Southern Xinjiang both want to be the oriole. Hua Wuyou, who always thought he was the oriole on the battlefield in Middle-earth, finally began to worry that he might be a mantis.

As for the cicada, it was the five hundred monks from the Taixu Department who were responsible for transporting supplies. Gu Yuqi soon got the news about Hua Wuyou's challenge to the cultivators in the world, and walked into Hua Wuyou's camp.

I have finished my breakfast of millet porridge and am lazily lying on a blue tiger-skin chair reading a book.

The book turned out to be the Confucian classic "The Doctrine of the Mean". Hua Wuyou has been studying this book recently, almost to the point where he can't put it down. Gu Yuqi also wanted to follow the trend and got a copy a while ago, and ended up reading a few

The page was thrown aside. He was still interested in "Sun Tzu's Art of War" or "The Art of War".

I am interested in books on the human world such as "Han Feizi". As for "The Doctrine of the Mean", it looks big on the head and is completely a spiritual dregs that restricts people's thinking.

Gu Yu said curiously: "Your Majesty, I heard that you have ordered people to declare war on the cultivators in the world, and three days later there will be a decisive battle at the top of Taixu. How come you are still reading a book at this time?"

Damn Hua Wuyou, even if she was lying lazily, there was still not a single flaw on her body. She was like the most flawless jade in the universe, so handsome that it made people mad. He gently turned the page.

The book page said: "I heard that you were reading this book "The Doctrine of the Mean" a while ago. This book is regarded as a supreme classic by scholars in the world and is one of the four most important books in the imperial examination. To read this book, you need to calm down.

You're so impatient

, it is estimated that it is difficult to understand the essence of the golden mean." Gu Yuqi said: "My lord, now is not the time to talk about this. In three days, there will be a war against the cultivators in the world. Do you need to summon the five tribes of heaven and humans?

The great commander came over to discuss the next war. There are already 270,000 human cultivators gathered here. The Taixu tribe is restrained by the wizards and corpse exorcists in southern Xinjiang and cannot support this war. Although we still

We have an absolute advantage, but what we see in front of us is only a small part of the cultivators in the world. We cannot

This loss is too great." Hua Wuyou seemed not to have heard Gu Yuqi's words, and said softly: "The beginning of this book says that destiny is called nature, willfulness is Tao, and cultivating Tao is teaching. What it discusses is

It is the way of heaven and the most profound and constant principle of humanity. Doctrine is the principle of harmony.

The main purpose is to discuss neutrality and explore ways to achieve neutrality. Neutralization is the original state of the universe. The educability of people lies in their ability to neutralize. The role of politics and religion lies in achieving neutrality."

Gu Yuqi's head swelled several times, and Hua Wuyou was talking, but he didn't understand a word. Hua Wuyou glanced at Gu Yuqi, finally put down the book, and said: "You are not young, but your cultivation is

You have always been at the peak of heaven and human beings, but it is difficult to break through to the realm of immortality. It is because you are too impatient. If you can understand the moderation and harmony in this book, it will be of great benefit to your practice.

.The martial arts in the heaven is strong and difficult to change in a short period of time. The world is different. The time difference between the world and the heaven determines that the human world is the foundation of the three realms. Take this book as an example, whether in the heaven or the underworld,

It is impossible for such a masterpiece of Confucianism to appear. This book is not Zisi's personal thoughts, but the essence of Zisi's accommodating Confucianism in the world, the relationship between heaven and underworld.

The cultural heritage is far inferior to that of the human world. I have read it more than ten times in the past few days, and I have learned a lot. There is a sentence in the book that I like very much, the road is not far from the people, and the unwavering practice is indeed the way of the universe."

Gu Yu said curiously: "Your Majesty, I will definitely read this book carefully in the future, but now can we discuss the war in three days? This is the first time that we have fought with the cultivators of the Middle-earth sect since the Six Tribes of Heaven and Humans came down to the lower realm.

Don't be careless in a confrontation."

Hua Wuyou said: "Is there anything to discuss? It's just a small test right now. We will win this battle, and those human cultivators will also retreat. The real decisive battle is not here."

Gu Yu wondered: "Not here? Where could it be?"

Hua Wuyou smashed the book in his hand on Gu Yuqi's body and said, "Read more of this book, lest you be laughed at by the ants in the world for being illiterate."

Gu Yuqi took the book "The Doctrine of the Mean" and walked out of Hua Wuyou's tent. He scratched his head and couldn't figure out the meaning of Hua Wuyou's words. This battle with Heaven will be won, Gu Yuqi never doubted this.

Even if the Taixu Tribe is far away in the southern border, the current Five Celestial Tribes alone are sure to win against the 270,000 cultivators in Middle-earth. He just doesn't want to rush into the battle without a plan.

Thus increasing the battle losses of the monks in the heavenly realm. Coincidentally, Yu Jizi was also reading a book, and he was also reading "The Doctrine of the Mean". He repeatedly read the sentence: Only the most holy person in the world can be wise and wise enough to be present. He is generous and gentle.

It is enough to be tolerant. It is strong and resolute enough to be persistent. Qi Zhuang is upright.

It is enough to be respectful. Therefore, when a gentleman acts in the world, he will be the way of the world, when he acts in the world, he will be the law of the world, and when he speaks in the world, he will be the world...

He repeated these words in his mouth several times, and then said to himself: "The Doctrine of the Golden Mean is too pedantic and benevolent. It can be a treasure book to educate the world. In the autumn of war, it talks about soldiers who never tire of deceit. I don't want to read this book."

That’s fine.”

After saying that, he closed the book and threw it on the desk.

He is a Taoist priest and rarely reads the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism. Recently, he received news that the leader of the heaven, Venerable Wuyou, is reading this Confucian classic in the human world, so he read through it. It turned out that the Confucian Doctrine of the Mean

Tao is indeed good at governing the world and educating all peoples. The essence of the whole article has many similarities with the Taoist thought of the unity of heaven and man that he studied, and also has many similarities with the Buddhist thought of universal salvation for all sentient beings.

, but it is not what Yujizi wants. Yujizi has never denied the way of a gentleman, but in this cruel world, it is difficult to survive by the way of a gentleman alone. It also requires iron-blooded wrists, Machiavellian methods and a villain's heart. Once

When something unexpected happens, those who suffer first are those

A good old man who calls himself a gentleman. Yu Jizi felt that his previous idea of ​​protecting Cangyun was wrong. In order to protect Cangyun and prevent Cangyun from becoming a battlefield, he transferred the coalition forces of the righteous factions to Qixing Mountain. Although it was far away from Cangyun,

But there is no danger to defend, and we can only cultivate with the heaven

The soldiers fought to death.

If the battlefield is moved to Cangyun, it will be different. On Cangyun Mountain, there is the Zhoutian Reincarnation Array, which is known as the best in the Three Realms. The lethality of that array is extraordinary. The Demon Sect was in that array eight hundred years ago.

The army was defeated like a mountain falling.

Just when he was wondering whether to continue to stay here or transfer these two hundred thousand cultivators to Cangyun Mountain, there were hurried footsteps outside the door. Then he heard Gu Jianchi saying outside the door: "Master,

The Heaven Realm sent people to issue a battle message, and they have arrived at Julong Peak."

This chapter has been completed!
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