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Chapter 2434 Attack

 Corpses fell from the sky one after another.

There are human beings and there are huge strange birds.

From the morning when the aerial cavalry of the two sides began to engage in a confrontation, and now they have launched a full-scale bloody battle, the war has fallen into a stalemate. Whether it is the human aerial cavalry or the heavenly aerial cavalry, the losses have increased rapidly.

If the world wants to reverse the disadvantage of air combat, only two forces can do it.

One is the Feiyu tribe in northern Xinjiang.

The second is the Sky Bat troops in southern Xinjiang.

This time, the Demon Sect sent only hundreds of thousands of beast riders from Northern Xinjiang to aid the Central Plains. The Feiyu Clan, the overlord of Northern Xinjiang in the sky, did not send them.

Water from afar cannot quench the thirst of nearby people. Even if the Feiyu tribe from Northern Xinjiang arrives now, it will still take more than ten days to fly to the battlefield.

Now all hopes are on the Skybat tribe in southern Xinjiang.

As long as the Sky Bat Tribe can arrive at the battlefield as planned and cooperate with the Southern Xinjiang Dragon Riders and the Griffin Tribe, they will definitely be able to suppress the violent Six-Winged Legion.

It's a pity that the leader of the Baishan clan is an old fox. He has been dragging his feet in several battles in southern Xinjiang. It is still unknown whether the reinforcements that have traveled thousands of miles this time can arrive as scheduled.

The battle in the sky is just the tip of the iceberg of this great war.

After all, the total number of aerial cavalry on both sides is only a few hundred thousand. What really determines the fate of the human world is the battle between the tens of millions of human armies and the six heavenly armies in the wasteland below.

As the Eight Ox Crossbows continued to fire upwards, many crossbows finally shot into the Legion of Destruction at the center of the enemy team.

At first, only one or two Skyfire Beasts were ignited by the muskets fired from the Eight Bull Crossbow, and the situation was still under control.

When hundreds of Skyfire Beasts were ignited, Gu Yuqi had to issue an order to stop firing fireballs and switch to defense.

The skyfire beasts have two big ears comparable to elephants. When they turn to defense, these giant beasts immediately crawl to the ground. The two big ears are like two huge shields, covering most of the body.

The crossbow of the Eight Ox Crossbow was shot on the big ear, but it was unable to penetrate!

Zhao Xianfeng saw that the enemy's destruction legion was silent, and immediately ordered the cavalry to attack again.

This time it was not just the heavy armored cavalry that was dispatched. Millions of light cavalry began to mobilize their horses, speeding up and running from more than ten miles away, and quickly surrounded them.

Yang Zhentian rode on a black horse, drew his Mo Dao, and said loudly: "First echelon, attack!"

The sound of war drums immediately became louder, and the first echelon of 100,000 human infantrymen began to move out.

One hundred thousand people, ten infantry phalanxes.

There are one hundred people in one column, and each square has one hundred columns.

There are no so-called shield soldiers. The three thousand men in the thirty columns in front are all spearmen. The seven thousand men in the seventy columns behind are all Mo Daomen.

Old Man Yang has now become the captain of a team of ten thousand people. He was promoted so quickly not only because he fought bloody battles with his eldest son and second son stationed at Wangfu Ridge, but mainly because of his son Yang Sanlang.

When Zhao Zian led a million light cavalry to surprise the Celestial Army, although the main force retreated, some of them were trapped.

In the end, Yang Sanlang was left alone, and he started a one-on-one duel with the enemy in front of the two armies.

Before Yang Sanlang died, he chopped off the head of an enemy.

The imperial court of China sent Zhao Shuo to bring Yang Sanlang's body back. From then on, Yang Sanlang, a young man who never retreated in a fight to the death, became synonymous with heroes.

Old Man Yang's team of ten thousand people was at the front of the entire team. He did not ride a horse, but carried a sword and moved forward with the army.

When he was still three hundred feet away from the giant army, Old Man Yang shouted loudly: "Speed ​​up!"


The hundred spearmen in the first row suddenly pointed their spears forward. What was originally a trot turned into a rapid charge.

Then the second row, the third row...

Like dominoes, rows of soldiers began to speed up in unison.

When the enemy was still a hundred feet away, Old Man Yang shouted tragically: "Wind! Wind! Strong wind!"

His team of ten thousand people, ten thousand of the most elite soldiers in the world, also shouted.

Gu Yuqi smiled in mid-air.

What a bunch of ants who don't care about life and death. These ants dare to challenge the powerful celestial warriors in the wasteland.

Do these human infantrymen think they are heavy armored cavalry?

"Since you want to die, why don't I help you?"

Gu Yuqi smiled and said to the men beside him: "Order the Giant Army, Madman Army, and Skeleton Army to attack. Kill as many as they come, and don't let a single person alive!"

The order was quickly conveyed. The giant shield warriors in front immediately disintegrated the shield formation. They were holding a large shield in one hand, a mace two to three feet long in the other hand, and a giant axe. Both were heavy weapons, and they were shouting.

He rushed over.


Old Man Yang screamed, and the seven thousand swordsmen behind him charged forward, raised their repeating crossbows, and pulled the trigger crazily, also shooting upwards.

They didn't shoot those giant warriors, but the madmen and skeleton warriors who rushed up from behind.

After shooting the thirty rounds of crossbow arrows in the quiver of the repeating crossbow, there was no chance to shoot a second wave. He threw the repeating crossbow to the ground, carried the Mo knife and shouted the slogan "Wind! Wind! Strong wind!" and rushed towards it.

into a chaotic enemy formation.

Seeing that the 100,000-man formation in front had already taken over the enemy, Yang Zhentian shouted loudly: "The second echelon attacks! The third echelon is ready to attack."

The herald immediately rode a fast horse, waved the flag, and shouted: "The general has an order! The second echelon charges! The third echelon is ready!"

As a result, the second wave of attack formations consisting of 100,000 people quickly rushed towards the south, and the phalanx of 100,000 people from the third echelon behind them quickly pressed forward and moved to the position where the second echelon was just now.

The difference in combat power is too big. Even if Zhan Ying or Li Tielan directs this battle, they can only use human sea tactics and fill this killing machine with cheap human lives.

The stumps were flying around, the head rolled all over the floor, and the bloody intestines were dragged far, far away.

The Giant Legion is the most powerful among the six legions, with a body that is three feet tall. Its only fatal weaknesses are its neck and head. If you want to kill them, you must jump on them.

The weapons in the hands of the giant warriors were long-handled heavy weapons, which swept away a large area. The human warriors could not get close and could only stab the giant warrior's thigh with their spears.

Whenever a giant warrior's thigh was stabbed to pieces and fell to pieces, dozens of human warriors immediately jumped on him, slashing wildly with their swords and poking at him with their spears.

Two soldiers squatted half-crouched, building a bridge with their hands. Another soldier sped up from behind and stepped on the palms of the two soldiers. The two soldiers lifted up hard and knocked the soldier away. The soldier finally jumped to the giant

The warrior's head was sitting on his neck. Before he could chop it off with his Mo Dao, he was grabbed by the giant warrior's big palm and thrown to the ground. Then his huge foot crushed his head.


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