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Chapter 2459 Negotiation breaks down

 Ye Xiaochuan has been a stingy person since he was a child.

In his opinion, three thousand taels of silver can buy a lot of things, a lot of fine wine and food, a lot of comic books and comics, a lot of snacks...

With so much money, it should be more than enough to buy a little princess from the heaven who weighs less than 100 kilograms. After all, he also got a big coconut for beauty and beauty. Fairy Mi Si will definitely be moved by it.

As a result, he offered a sky-high price, but Fairy Mi Si didn't react at all. He couldn't help but said: "Fairy Mi Si, you see it's dark today and the stars are out. I have to go back for dinner. Since we are negotiating

, let’s have a good talk. The essence of negotiation is bargaining. You should make a price. I’m

Sincerely, I hope you won’t be hypocritical to me either.”

Mi Si couldn't bear it anymore.

Tianjie has collected a lot of information about Ye Xiaochuan over the past year. The information is not false at all. This kid is a shameless scoundrel.

She said coldly: "Phantom is the princess of heaven. My duty is to bring the princess safely back to heaven. If you continue to mess around, don't blame me for being rude. Don't think that you defeated the Taixu tribe in southern Xinjiang and you can also defeat Li.

Fire Department.”

Ye Xiaochuan pointed to the dim land below and said: "The phantom's storm army failed to break through. The human chariot has trapped her to death. She has no way out. Instead of dying in battle, it is better to be captured by me. It would be better to die."

Just live."

Mi Si said: "As long as I am here, the princess will not die, nor will she be captured by you ants in the world."

Ye Xiaochuan said: "This is not your attitude towards negotiation."

Mi Si said: "I have no intention of negotiating with you, a scoundrel." Ye Xiaochuan said: "No, facts have proven time and time again that only through constant negotiation can a win-win situation be achieved for both parties. As long as the Phantom Princess lets go

I'll take it away and you ask for the price. Even if you raise the price and ask for it all over the place, I won't bargain with you and will definitely agree to it. What do you want? Silver? Gold? Magic weapon? Food? Snacks? You don't like them all? Want it?

Let me introduce you to a boyfriend, the most handsome and handsome Mr. Li Qingfeng in the world. He is handsome and has a good temper.

No matter how angry he is, he is the best spouse in the hearts of countless young girls, why don't you consider it?"

Mi Si laughed angrily. She had long heard that Ye Xiaochuan was shameless, but she had never thought that people could be so shameless.

Everyone present, including her, couldn't figure out how this kid defeated Baihua Fairy Tang Guichen in southern Xinjiang, how he defeated the Taixu tribe, and how he killed the god of fire who had incredible cultivation.

Caught alive.

This is a mystery that can never be solved.

Cangyun's disciples and those who were familiar with Ye Xiaochuan couldn't bear to look directly at him at this moment.

It felt that Ye Xiaochuan was talking nonsense in front of the two armies, which was really embarrassing and disgraceful. Zhou Wu, who came with the reinforcements, whispered to Liujie: "Brother Liujie, you are the most familiar with Mr. Ye, what do you mean?

Are you serious about Mr. Ye, or are you joking? Why do I feel that Mr. Ye is a little abnormal? Is he in the four-dimensional space?

After being trapped for a long time, I got what...yes, schizophrenia."

Liujie thought for a while and said: "I remembered Bailiyuan and Jiese's evaluation of Brother Xiaochuan when I first met him. They said that Brother Xiaochuan was often abnormal. If it was normal, it would be abnormal. Now it is abnormal, which means that he is not normal.

It’s normal.”

Zhou Wu and several young disciples around him were stunned. They felt that their eyes were filled with little stars, and they did not understand the meaning of Liu Jie's words.

Liujie waved his hand and said: "Life is so boring. Brother Xiaochuan is looking for fun. Who made that red-armored fairy so beautiful?"

Zhou Wudao: "So, there won't be a fight here."

Liujie said: "Of course not. Brother Xiaochuan is the most greedy person and will not fight against the enemy without being completely sure. Don't worry, we can just watch the show here."

Here Liujie is bragging to everyone about the exciting deeds he and Ye Xiaochuan have experienced.

On the other side, this so-called negotiation farce has also come to an end.

Mi Si sneered and said: "Ye Xiaochuan, are all the ants in the world as shameless as you? Are you worthy of negotiating?"

Ye Xiaochuan hated the people in the heaven who called the common people "ants" the most. There was nothing more to talk about, and his expression gradually turned cold.

The one million chariots below have trapped the main force of the Storm Legion. Together with the millions of cavalry, even if the remaining 200,000 Storm Cavalry can break out, it is estimated that not many of them can escape into the Hundred Thousand Mountains alive.


It is estimated that the fighting here will subside before noon tomorrow.

Ye Xiaochuan had no time to waste on Mi Si. His target was the main force of the Sixth Division of the 180,000 Heavenly Beings, not the small force of the Lihuo Division with only over a thousand people.

Counting time, Gesang and the others will soon arrive at Qixing Mountain.

So, he turned to Yang Jiu and said, "Little junior sister, what are you doing?"

Yang Jiu said: "I haven't done anything. I'm waiting for you to negotiate with the enemy." Ye Xiaochuan covered his forehead with his hands, and then said: "Little junior sister, I don't blame you for going out without thinking, but why do you put your eyes on it?"

The child was also left at home? Didn’t you see that just now, in front of a large crowd, in full view of everyone, this incident happened?

Have friendly negotiations broken down?"

Yang Jiu said: "It broke? Should we still talk about it?"

Ye Xiaochuan said angrily: "It's nonsense to talk about it. Damn it, kill them!"

Ye Xiaochuan drew out his edgeless sword and activated the Eight Divine Sword Styles. The green air swords all over the sky condensed into shape in an instant, and shot toward the Lihuo monks a hundred feet away to the south.

No one on either side expected that Ye Xiaochuan would actually fight as he said.

The current situation between the human cultivators and the six tribes of heaven and humans is very tense, and it can be said that a single move can affect the whole body. In order to avoid a big melee, both sides have been exercising restraint.

There are few people in the Six Divisions of Heaven and Humanity, and they dare not start a full-scale war with human cultivators now.

It is true that there are many people in the world, but everyone has their own agenda. They are all scattered, and they all want other sects to rush in and fight the enemy, so that they can reap the benefits of others.

If the human world really wanted to conquer this area, the 300,000 followers of the Demon Sect would all rush to Qixing Mountain, and it would be impossible for even half of them to remain in Tianyu Mountain.

It has been two days since the decisive battle at Eagle Beak Cliff began. The Six Tribes of Heaven and Humanity and the human cultivators seemed to have a clear understanding of each other. They were just confronting and monitoring each other. They both knew that neither side wanted to start a war at this moment.

Now, Ye Xiaochuan, this shit-stirring stick, instead of stirring the toilet, has once again stirred up the turmoil in the Three Realms.

Both sides are cultivators who go back and forth, and as long as they take action, it will be difficult to end.

Ye Xiaochuan took action, but both sides were confused. The first person to react was not Mi Si, nor Yang Jiu, the violent man who wanted to find people to fight illegally all day long, but Yun Qiyou.

She knew very well who Ye Xiaochuan was. If Ye Xiaochuan wanted to catch the phantom, he could not avoid the group of Lihuo monks in front of him.

As for negotiations, that's a joke.

As long as Ye Xiaochuan doesn't give up kidnapping the Phantom Princess, tonight's battle will be inevitable. Just as Ye Xiaochuan activated the Ten Thousand Swords Style among the Eight Divine Sword Styles, Yun Qiyou took action, staggering and letting out a sword roar like a phoenix.

, the Zhanchen Divine Sword emitted a dazzling sword light, and was also activated with the Ten Thousand Swords move.

This chapter has been completed!
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