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Chapter 2546 Zhan Yings Interest

 Zhan Ying is not a cultivator and is not familiar with the world of cultivation, but he inherited the military art of Li Tielan, the former human military marshal from Wang Zaishan, and he knows the causes and consequences of the catastrophe in detail.

In the past, I only thought that the Kui Niu drum urging Zhan Cang Tian was just a rumor recorded in Li Tielan's book, and it should not be taken seriously. Today, the sound of the Kui Niu drum resounded throughout the world, and this made Zhan Ying realize that what was recorded in the book was true.

He figured out a lot of things in a short period of time. No wonder the imperial court in the world began to prepare for this catastrophe as early as three years ago. The catastrophe had not yet come at that time. The reason why the imperial court began to prepare more than three years in advance.

, because Qilisi rang the bell in the Black Forest of Manbei more than three years ago.

This big drum.

The sound of drums signals the gathering of troops, but to the heavenly realm, this is the sound of urging war.

Zhan Ying did not have an antiphonal song, and the two generals Sun introduced too much about the Kui Niu drum. This battle was not the fault of the little girl from the Demon Cult. She did not play the drum three years ago, and sooner or later someone will still play it.

Zhan Ying doesn't want the world to know that all the suffering that the world is suffering today is caused by a naughty girl who has never experienced anything in the world and accidentally beats a big drum.

Even in Zhan Ying's heart, he was very grateful to the girl from the Demon Cult who beat the Kui Niu drum.

If it weren't for her, the catastrophe might have been delayed for many years.

Zhan Ying is destined to be a hero, but it is a pity that he was born in a peaceful and prosperous age. The catastrophe is a big stage, which allows people like him to show their talents to the fullest on this stage.

Now Qu Datou obeys his command in everything. It can be said that these two million militiamen are commanded by him. He doesn't show it on his face, but he is full of excitement in his heart.

Yes, it's excitement.

He is the same kind of person as the former military god Li Tielan.

In order to achieve his goal, Li Tielan sent tens of millions of women's troops to garrison an unobstructed unknown pass.

If Zhan Ying takes power, he will not hesitate to do this in order to win.

Just like the battle in front of him, to Zhan Ying, an astronomical number of soldiers died in the battle, but to him, it was still a series of cold numbers.

While Zhan Ying was looking to the southwest and contemplating, Qu Datou and General Sun began to chat. They were not talking about the battle at Yingzui Cliff in front of them, but the battle at Qixing Mountain in the southwest.

Qu Datou said: "Old Sun, you are a genuine general. You got the report from the imperial palace faster and more detailed than mine. Please tell me about the battle at Qixing Mountain." General Sun was proud of himself.

Said: "Old Qu, even though you have two million militiamen, but this source of information, you are really inferior to me. The battle of skills in Qixing Mountain is really a child without a mother. It's a long story. Let's talk about this battle of gods.

, I have to say that the most popular young knight in the world right now is not a simple boy. He is eight feet tall and eight feet wide. He is a real fierce man who can stand people on his fists and run horses on his arms. He leads the five tribes in southern Xinjiang.

Warrior, seven battles in the Hundred Thousand Mountains

In the heaven, I fought seven battles and seven victories, killing countless enemies, and finally led the human cultivators into the heaven to show off my power in the world..."

Qu Datou said: "Old Sun, could this person you are talking about be Ye Xiaochuan from Cangyun Sect? What does he have to do with the battle at Qixing Mountain?"

General Sun said: "You don't know this, right? Originally, the cultivators of the Righteous Way and the Demon Sect didn't want to fight this battle, so it was Ye Shaoxia who did it."

Qu Datou said: "No, I heard that it was a murder caused by a rotten apple." General Sun smiled and said: "What kind of murder was caused by an apple? Those are all rumors. The information I got is true and valid. At that time, Ye Shaoxia

He was preparing to negotiate with the people in Heaven, and sent an apple with the meaning of peace. As a result, the guy named Feng Xiuxue sent by Heaven to negotiate turned out to be Ye Shaoxia's defeated general in southern Xinjiang. Isn't this insulting? After being exposed by Ye Shaoxia in person.

, that Feng Xiexue became so angry that he used an apple as a hidden weapon to attack Ye Shaoxia. The apple hit Ye Shaoxia on the forehead, and then Ye Shaoxia punched himself in the nose, causing his nose to bleed. He said it was from Feng Xiuxue.

When the southern Xinjiang wizard saw that his leader was bleeding, he was naturally unhappy. So he started to take action. In the end, it turned into a big melee among millions of cultivators. Everyone knew that this was done deliberately by Ye Shaoxia.

He wanted to fight, but the leaders of other sects didn’t want to fight, so he took the risk and took this strategy. What kind of rotten apple murder case?

, you must not believe it, it was all caused by Cangyun Sect, lest Ye Shaoxia become the target of all sects."

Qu Datou suddenly understood and said: "I heard that Ye Shaoxia has a nickname, called Thousand Hands Man Slaughter Hob Meat. Anyone who can bear this nickname is definitely a ruthless character. If I am lucky enough to know him, my life will be in vain."

." General Sun said: "That's right! There are three people I admire the most. One is Marshal Yang who died in the battle, and the other is the Marshal who captured the Phantom Princess alive in the wilderness. This third person is Young Master Ye. I have heard that for several months

The night before the human world counterattacked the heavenly world, Mr. Ye selected more than 300 fairies from the heavenly world in the prisoner-of-war camp to sleep with the suicide squad members. Those were all cultivation fairies from the heavenly world. They were real goddesses. They could sleep for a while.

Goddess, death is worth it. Look at us again, we are all death squads

, I drank a bowl of bad wine mixed with water before charging, and my supplies were so tight that I didn’t even have a piece of raw meat." Qu Datou said indignantly: "I have also heard about this. Many people are scolding Ye Shaoxia. I have been

I feel that these people are well fed. The victorious side on the battlefield can dispose of the spoils as they please, including the prisoners of war. Capture hundreds of prisoners of war.

How big of a deal is it to sleep with a sergeant? Those are cultivators from the heavenly realm who come to the human world to kill people, and they are not ordinary girls." Qu Datou has a straightforward personality. When he was stationed at Tiemenguan, he was still a guerrilla general.

In a battle, his men suffered heavy losses, so he ordered the massacre of the prisoners, and then he was beaten to the end. Later, he was promoted several times and fought with

When his superiors disagreed, he was exiled to the quarry to manage civilians.

Zhan Ying listened quietly to the conversation between Qu Datou and General Sun. He did not speak, but he became more and more interested in Ye Xiaochuan.

He believed that things were just as General Sun said, that the battle at Qixing Mountain was secretly instigated by Ye Xiaochuan.

Zhan Ying is a man with a strategic vision. He knows very well that the battle that really determines the fate of the world will not be at Yingzui Cliff, but at Qixing Mountain.

The imperial court decided to fight the battle at Yingzui Cliff, relying on the superiority of the human world to eliminate the main force of the six legions, so as to prevent the human world from being too passive after the second wave of reinforcements from heaven came down to the lower realm.

The reason why Ye Xiaochuan provoked the Qixing Mountain Fighting War must be because of this. No one knows how many reinforcements there will be in the second wave of heaven. It is better to take advantage of one's own advantage and eat the enemy's vitality first, so that he can occupy the position in the future war.

The greatest initiative.

This chapter has been completed!
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