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Chapter 2695 Big Cauldron Stew

 Ye Xiaochuan looked at his pocket and wished he could slap himself in the mouth.

Why come to Tianshui City?

Why get lost?

It's okay now. Without Wan'er or 8,000 taels, there's no way he can leave Tianshui City alive.

After spending an hour in Tianshui City, Ye Xiaochuan didn't spend a penny for himself, but paid more than nineteen thousand taels of silver. He was probably the one who spent the most among the eighty people, and all the money was spent on Yunqi.

On You and Axiang.

Three thousand taels bought several sets of ready-made clothes, and five thousand taels packed up all the fine silk fabrics from a silk and satin shop.

The biggest one is that jewelry store. Good guy, a jade bracelet costs 4,000 taels, and a pair of jade earrings costs 1,000 taels...

At first, when Ye Xiaochuan heard the price, he directly characterized the merchant as a robbery, and immediately started to smash the shop. Later, when he learned about the situation, he was too embarrassed to smash the shop and stopped to draw circles in the corner.

Prices have skyrocketed in the past year, and food is an important material. The imperial court has been implementing macro-control measures, and it has only tripled. The price surge of other commodities is astonishing.

Among them, the one with the sharpest price increase is jade.

The reason why the jade industry is growing so fast is because of Ye Xiaochuan.

It was he who found the cave where the jade slips were hidden that caused the price of jade to skyrocket.

Nowadays, the production of jade slips is mainly in the hands of the Demonic Sect Five Elements Banner and the Righteous Cangyun Sect. If other sects want to carve jade slips, they must go through these two families, and most of them exchange jade for the jade slips.

In the Western Region, which is rich in jade, the jade raw materials are now monopolized by the Demonic Cult. The jadeite in southern Xinjiang is also out of stock. Can the price of jade in the Middle Earth not rise?

It was all his fault, how could Ye Xiaochuan still have the nerve to smash up the store?

After paying the money, Ye Xiaochuan didn't want to stay in Tianshui City for a moment longer, so he dragged Yun Qiyou and Axiang Yukong to fly to the west gate of Tianshui City to join the large army.

A group of people gathered in the afternoon and began to turn southwest, heading towards the dead lake.

At first, Ye Xiaochuan was worried about the money and was not flying fast, but the others started to fly at full speed in order to regain the lost half a day.

These eighty or so people are all masters of cultivation. Liu Tong was right, Zhu Gou was probably the one with the lowest cultivation level among this group of people.

The higher your cultivation level, the faster you can fly in the air. Flying a thousand or eight hundred miles in an hour is definitely a piece of cake.

After dark, Ye Xiaochuan wanted to find a place to camp and start his journey again the next morning, but he met with unanimous opposition from everyone.

Fortunately, there was Fugui in the team. With the vote of the majority, Yun Qiyou had no choice but to let Fugui transform. More than eighty people stood on Fugui's back, and they didn't feel crowded at all.

Fugui flies very fast and is stable. People can eat on it and meditate and rest on it.

At noon the next day, the group of people appeared above the Dead Lake. At 12 o'clock, they had traveled ten thousand miles, which could be regarded as catching up with the half-day wasted yesterday.

The rich seven-color miasma of the rainbow covers thousands of miles outside the Dead Lake. The miasma, which is thousands of miles thick, is the natural barrier of the Dead Lake. Like a huge protective umbrella, it covers the beautiful world inside the Dead Lake. For more than two months

, Hua Monk Faxiang not only did not lose weight due to hunger in this dead marsh, but he seemed to have gained weight. This made Guiya and Xiaoqi curse each other from time to time for letting their two beautiful little girls do the dirty work.

Monk Hua spends only two days

Things, eat and sleep.

During this period of time, they have not left Death Lake. The main reason is to search for some raw materials for refining Tianlu and Shengshui in Death Lake. Now they have almost developed and refined Shenshui.

Deep in the Dead Lake, there are blue skies, white clouds, fresh air, and countless giant trees growing in the primitive jungle.

Strangely, a plume of smoke emerged from the forest.

This is not a wildfire or a bonfire. Judging from the appearance of the smoke column, it seems that someone piled the trunks of towering trees together and burned them as firewood.

It really is.

All the trees in a radius of a hundred feet were cut down, and a clearing was cleared. A huge bronze tripod was placed on a relatively flat ground, with a raging fire burning underneath.

That big cauldron, if you read it correctly, should be one of the nine cauldrons that has been lost for many years, the Great Yong Cauldron.

The ghost girl was doing something very stupid. She was holding a bamboo tube and blowing on the pile of firewood under the cauldron, trying to make the flames burn brighter.

But each of those burning logs was several feet long. With several people hugging each other, the flames were rising higher than the mountain. She was like a little ant, squatting next to it and blowing into the raging flames.

Xiao Qi took the Fire Bead in his mouth, jumped to the top of the cauldron, opened the lid of the huge special cauldron, and immediately a huge stream of steam came out from the gap.

She stretched her head and took a look inside, and shouted to the ghost girl below who was blowing air: "Little devil! The fire is still not strong enough! Try harder!"

The ghost girl turned into a little cat with a gray face. She said angrily: "You can do it if you can. Didn't you see that my cheeks are swollen?"

Xiao Qi said: "No, no, the fire must be increased!"

The ghost girl had no choice but to reach out and grab a large piece of wood that weighed several thousand kilograms nearby, stuffed it under the Great Yong Cauldron, and continued to blow.

She took a deep breath, and you could see that her lower abdomen quickly shriveled up, and then her chest began to swell. Just when her clothes were about to burst, she began to blow out a sound that was comparable to the lion's roar in Buddhism.

The flames that were originally blazing suddenly doubled in size.

Xiaoqi also jumped down from above to help increase the intensity of the fire.

Gui Yatou mainly blows, while Xiao Qi holds a small fan.

A rich aroma began to permeate the Great Yong Cauldron.

Monk Hua, who was taking a nap while lying down in the most comfortable position, sniffed and opened his eyes.

The fire burned until dusk and then was extinguished.

Xiao Qi put the fire-proofing bead in his mouth again, jumped on the top of the Great Yong Cauldron, and pulled up the huge pot lid with all his strength.

The aroma immediately became a little stronger.

She took a few breaths of the aroma intoxicatedly, took out a large bag from the storage bracelet, poured out a lot of white stuff, then took out a huge iron spoon and started stirring it in the cauldron.

The flower monk and the ghost girl looked nervously below.

Monk Hua shouted: "How about this pot? Don't waste it again!"

The ghost girl said: "Xiao Qi, please speak quickly. Seven pots have been used up this month! How much material has been wasted! We have cooked this pot for three days and three nights. If it is used up again, I will fight you to the death!"


Xiao Qi used a huge iron spoon to dig out some liquid from the cauldron, blew into the big iron spoon a few times, and then took a gentle taste.

Her eyes immediately lit up and she shouted: "This pot tastes very good! We succeeded!"

As she said that, she dug out a big bone from the big cauldron with a big spoon. It turned out that they were not making Tianlu muscle water for the past three days and three nights, but making a pot of big bone soup.

This chapter has been completed!
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