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Chapter 2748 A table of mahjong

In order to facilitate barbecue in the wild, Ye Xiaochuan also bought a large barbecue grill when he was in Tianshui City. It was much better than tying hares and pheasants to wooden sticks before.

He was manipulating the barbecue grill by himself, roasting six game animals at the same time, effortlessly.

The aroma gradually filled the cave. In order to prevent the aroma of barbecue from attracting the large beast monsters in the dead lake, Yun Qiyou, who had nothing to do, sat at the entrance of the cave. If a beast monster approached Yun Qiyou, he would be able to detect it immediately.


Peacock watched Ye Xiaochuan turn the grill, skillfully brushing oil on the game with a brush, and sprinkle pepper, cumin, salt and other seasonings. Some of him didn't believe his eyes.

At least from now on, Ye Xiaochuan looks more like a cook setting up a street stall selling barbecue, not like a master of cultivation at all.

Ye Xiaochuan can't be distracted when cooking delicious food. It's not that his skills are not up to par, but that there are wealth and prosperity next to him. As long as he is distracted for a moment, these two foodies can't help but peck at the undercooked game.


After roasting twelve game meats, Ye Xiaochuan felt so happy. He always felt that his hands were more suitable for holding spoons than fairy swords. Several fairies swarmed up and everyone grabbed two. Ye Xiaochuan carried

He walked up to Yun Qiyou with a fragrant groundhog. Yun Qiyou didn't like meat very much, so he only ate a few mouthfuls, and then started eating Zuo Qiu's cooking spoonful by spoonful.

Rice porridge.

As for Peacock, she didn't seem to like meat very much. She didn't eat a bite of the fragrant barbecue, but she drank three bowls of millet porridge.

Ye Xiaochuan was really hungry and killed a marmot alone.

Everything in the inner swamp of Dead Swamp is big, not only the trees are big, but even the animals and wild beasts are much bigger than other places.

Take this common groundhog in China for example. If he hadn't identified it carefully, Ye Xiaochuan would have almost not recognized it and thought it was a little monster from the mouse world.

The other fairies didn't seem to like eating roasted rats. There were two prairie dogs, Ye Xiaochuan and A Xiang, one each.

After drinking and eating, it was already late at night, and everyone started chatting.

Ye Xiaochuan suddenly thought of an idea and said to the peacock: "Peacock, Ice Luan, Fire Phoenix, if I catch the yellow bird again, the four of you can form a mahjong table!"

Everyone chuckled.

Wangcai and Fugui didn't seem to understand very well. When they saw everyone laughing, they also started shouting along with them.

The peacock said: "Speaking of yellow birds, I saw one the day before yesterday."

Everyone was stunned.

Zuo Qiu said: "Peacock girl, have you seen the yellow bird in the dead lake?" The peacock nodded and said: "The day before yesterday, shortly after I entered the dead lake with my companions, we saw a giant bird with orange feathers and a wingspan of more than 200 feet rising from the sky.

It flew by. Fortunately, several of us were hiding in the woods on the ground at the time, and it did not find us. Otherwise, it would have

The demonic power of the yellow bird cannot be defeated by a few of us working together."

When everyone first entered Neize, they were also chased by yellow birds, and they all nodded with deep understanding.

When talking about the Yellow Bird, we naturally talk about the other overlord of Death Lake, the Blackwater Black Snake.

The Yellow Bird controls the sky of the Death Swamp, while the Blackwater Black Snake controls the ground of the Death Swamp. These two giant monsters have been fighting in the Death Swamp for tens of thousands of years, and they can be said to be true enemies of life and death.

The black water black snake cannot fly, and birds have always been the natural enemies of snakes. In these years of struggle, the yellow birds have actually taken advantage.

The yellow bird is also called the Nine Heavens Black Bird. It has a sharp beak and sharp claws. It is definitely not comparable to the Ice Luan, the Fire Phoenix, the Dapeng, the Golden Eagle, etc. The thick scales of the Black Water Black Snake can block the magical weapons of the masters of cultivation.

Attack, but cannot stop the yellow bird's sharp beak and claws.

The Yellow Bird has been very active in the Death Swamp recently. It seems that most of the human cultivators who entered the Death Swamp have had close or distant encounters with the Yellow Bird.

But it seems that the Black Water Black Snake did not show up.

Yun Qiyou has acted as the messenger around Ye Xiaochuan these days, and has been keeping in touch with other teams of Cangyun disciples in Death Lake. None of those teams of Cangyun disciples have ever encountered the Black Water Black Snake. Just here.

Ye Xiaochuan said boldly: "The legend about the Black Water Black Snake in Death Lake has been around for millions of years. There may have been such a terrifying giant snake in the past, but there has been no record of it in the past few thousand years. It must have been long ago."

Just be killed by the yellow bird

"At that time, Peacock spoke again. "As far as I know, the black water snake in the Dead Pond is not dead. It has already given birth to dragon horns. It will not be long before it transforms into a terrifying black dragon. Once it

It transforms into feathers and soars into the nine heavens, and the yellow bird is no longer its opponent. At that time, only

Perhaps the divine bird fire phoenix next to the young master can compete with the black dragon."

As soon as Peacock said these words, everyone in the cave was slightly shocked.

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Miss Peacock is indeed well-informed. Could it be that she has seen the black water black snake with dragon horns with her own eyes?"

The peacock shook his head and said: "I have never seen it, but my master once wandered in the Dead Lake hundreds of years ago. He saw the Black Water Black Snake. Fortunately, the beast did not transform into a dragon and could not fly. Otherwise, my master would not be able to fly."

It’s hard to escape its clutches.”

As soon as they heard that Taixuan Sanren had encountered the Black Water Black Snake, no one had any objection. Taixuan Sanren rarely appeared in Middle-earth, but according to what Fairy Liuyun and Qin Lan said, this old man is now at least five hundred

In terms of seniority, he is actually higher than Yujizi and Guan Shaoqin. He is the same as Master Kongyuan of Kasyapa Temple.

, Qiankunzi of Xuantian Sect, and Xuankong Shenni of Jixiang Temple who have passed away are of the same level.

The credibility of what such an old-timer says is naturally much higher than that of Ye Moumou, who talks a lot about carriages all day long.

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Is the black dragon that the black water black snake transformed into really that powerful? I have seen the golden dragon in the West Sea and the red dragon in the North Sea. I feel that the combat power is not very strong. It may not be able to defeat the top masters of us humans.

Ah." Peacock shook his head and said: "My master once told me that among the top ten magical beasts in ancient times, the Blackwater Black Snake ranked third, and the black dragon it transformed into ranked second, with combat power far exceeding that of the first-ranked Nightmare Beast.

If it weren't for the nightmare beast's extraordinary spiritual power,

Once you become a saint, it is impossible for the black dragon to succumb to it."

This peacock is not old, and his appearance is not that great, but he seems to have experienced far more than other cultivators. I heard her continue: "As early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, a black water snake in the Dead Lake once

Transformed into a black dragon, he was truly invincible at that time and caused a bloody storm in the world. Countless cultivation masters joined forces to encircle and suppress them several times. Not only did they not

He killed the black dragon, but hundreds of masters were killed by the black dragon."

Zuo Qiu said: "I know that black dragon."

Ye Xiaochuan asked curiously: "Qiu, you know?" Zuo Qiu nodded and said: "Last year when I was in the jade slip cave, I saw a jade slip record about Senior Duan Xiaohuan. At that time, the black dragon was causing trouble in the world, and the human masters were helpless.

In the end, senior Duan Xiaohuan took action and transformed into the divine bird Tianfeng, fighting the black dragon in the Western Region. According to the records in the jade slips, the Phoenix bloodline in Duan Xiaohuan's body at that time had completed nine nirvanas. After several days of hard fighting, the last chaotic sky

The fire burned the black dragon to death. The thousands of miles of barren land of the Golden Sand Valley in the Western Region today was created by the Phoenix Sky Fire during the battle between Dragon and Phoenix."

This chapter has been completed!
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