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Chapter 3801 Ominous hexagram

 Yuan Xiaolou unlocked the door and walked into the courtyard, then opened each door one by one.

Her last hope was shattered.

Everything in the room was the same as she had been a few months ago. Every time she left here, she would leave a letter on the table.

The letter was still sitting quietly on the table, with a thin layer of dust gathering on it.

Yuan Xiaolou is used to this kind of disappointment.

She walked into the kitchen, carried a bucket to fetch water from the well, and then began to clean all the rooms and trim the weeds in the yard.

When the cleaning was finished, it was almost noon.

Then I went to the kitchen to make lunch for Grandpa and Rice Bucket.

Xu Tiandi's life has been really good since he adopted his granddaughter.

Every day, I open my mouth to eat and stretch out my hands to get clothes. Compared with the previous life of making enough food and clothing by myself, it is a huge difference.

Sitting on a deck chair in the yard, shaking a few copper coins with a tortoise shell, he was probably thinking of some new trick.

Fan Tong's food has been much better in recent years than when he was in Cangyun Mountain. Looking at his fat body, you can see that Yuan Xiaolou has not treated him badly.

He was very familiar with this yard. As soon as he came in, he climbed on the swing that Yuan Xiaolou had made for him. He spent the whole morning swinging and still enjoyed it.

Soon Yuan Xiaolou’s lunch was ready.

There was no big fish or meat, so I made a big pot of wide noodles. After serving two large bowls for myself and my grandfather, I scooped most of the pot of wide noodles, including the soup and juice, into the royal rice bucket.

I didn't go into the house, so I ate in the yard during the crisp autumn weather.

Although the old storyteller is originally from Jianghuai, he has followed his master around the world since he was a child. He is not picky about rice and pasta.

Yuan Xiaolou's Yi Ya craftsmanship is the true inheritance of Ye Xiaochuan, and Guanzhong's wide dough is particularly authentic.

Holding the big bowl in my arms, I was eating like a gizzard.

The food at Yuan Xiaolou is more civilized.

If you are in a bad mood, you will lose your appetite.

After eating a few mouthfuls, he put the bowls and chopsticks on the table and rested his chin in a daze.

The old storyteller looked at it and said, "No appetite?"

Then your bowl belongs to grandpa!"

Yuan Xiaolou casually pushed the bowl of ocean in front of the old storyteller.

The turtle shell and copper coins that the old storyteller shook earlier were placed on the table.

Yuan Xiaolou reached out and took it, shaking it gently.

Two days ago, they were still in Jinan Mansion. They heard that Zuo Qiu was captured by Xuantian Sect people, and Ye Xiaochuan showed up to rescue him. In the end, Ye Xiaochuan was chased by the righteous masters to the border of Guanzhong and disappeared.

After hearing the news, Yuan Xiaolou took his grandfather and rice bucket and rushed to Lantian County without stopping.

In order to hurry, I even flew for a long time carrying a heavy rice bucket.

She thought Ye Xiaochuan would definitely be at his former residence in Lantian County.

But after arriving here, there was no trace that Ye Xiaochuan had ever been here.

"Hey..." Yuan Xiaolou sighed in his heart.

The three copper coins in the turtle shell were poured on the table to form a hexagram.

She has followed the old storyteller for many years, and the old storyteller occasionally taught her some divination skills.

She held her chin with one hand and slid the copper coin with the other.

Said: "Grandpa, what hexagram is this?"

The old storyteller was eating wide noodles. He took a look and said, "The top stem and the bottom gen are. This is the thirty-third hexagram of the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, and its name is Dun."

Yuan Xiaolou said: "Grandpa, is this escape hexagram good or bad?"

The old storyteller had finished making his own bowl of wide noodles, put down the empty bowl, and picked up Yuan Xiaolou's bowl.

During the break of digestion, he explained: "The hexagrams of Zhouyi contain the way of heaven. There is no absolute badness, and there is no absolute good fortune. Usually there is good fortune within the good fortune, and good fortune within the misfortune.

Girl, look at this hexagram, the upper hexagram is Gen and the lower hexagram is Gen. The upper hexagram is Qian, Qian is the sky, the lower hexagram is Gen, and Gen is the mountain.

There are mountains in the world, and the sky is high and the mountains are far away, which means that for a wise man and a gentleman, if you want to get rid of the shackles and avoid disasters, you need to wear a hat and live in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

That’s why it’s named Dun.

Girl, what did you base your hexagram on?

If it is based on your personal hexagram, then we will have to live in seclusion for a period of time to avoid the bloody disaster."

Yuan Xiaolou's cheeks were a little pale.

She murmured: "My hexagram is based on Xiaochuan."

The old storyteller laughed loudly and said: "In this case, that kid will be in danger! If he doesn't escape thousands of miles away and live in seclusion in the mountains, there will be a bloody disaster in the near future."

Yuan Xiaolou was extremely angry and said: "Grandpa, you are still making sarcastic remarks! Xiaochuan will definitely go to the Holy Mountain to save Zuo Qiu this time. He will definitely be in danger, and we have to save him!"

The old storyteller began to eat dough again and muttered: "The Holy Mountain is so busy now, we must go there to collect some materials for storytelling, but now there are hundreds of thousands of righteous cultivators gathered in the Holy Mountain. The two of us plus a big head Cat and Panda, if you want to save him, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Girl, why don't you ask Ye Xiaochuan's fortune and misfortune in the sacred mountain and see what the hexagram says?"

Yuan Xiaolou stuffed the three copper coins on the table into the turtle shell and shook them.

It poured out again after a while.

After arranging the hexagrams and taking a look, my pretty face changed drastically.

The old storyteller took a sneak peek and saw that it looked like this.

Said: "Grandpa doesn't need to explain this hexagram, you know it yourself.

Grandpa is right, that kid is basically out of control."

Yuan Xiaolou was not familiar with the thirty-third escape hexagram just now.

But this hexagram in front of her was taught to her by her grandfather.

This is the third hexagram among the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes, named "Shui Lei Tun".

Xiang said: The wind blows and the threads are in chaos, causing confusion and sorrow. Slowness leads to money and smoothness, while hurrying leads to lack of freedom.

Shock is like thunder, which means movement.

The ridge is rain, which means danger.

There were thunderstorms, dangers abound, and the environment was harsh.

It is one of the four most dangerous hexagrams among the sixty-four hexagrams.

However, Yuan Xiaolou did not despair.

She said: "Grandpa, didn't you just say that there is no absolute evil in the sixty-four hexagrams?

The water and thunder are bad, but the settlement is good.

In the hexagram "tunzai" originally refers to the earth where plants sprout.

The birth of all things is full of difficulties and obstacles, but if the time comes, everything will prosper.

In other words, although Ogawa is surrounded by dangers, he still has hope!"

The old storyteller rolled his eyes and said, "You yourself said that you must go with the times in order to thrive.

If that kid goes to the sacred mountain, is it going to be in good time?

That’s asking for death! It’s hard for gods to save you!”

Yuan Xiaolou stood up and said: "Since Xiaochuan has not come here, let's quickly set off for the Holy Mountain!"

The old storyteller shouted: "I told you to go directly to the Holy Mountain a long time ago, but you have to come and take a look! Now Grandpa and Rice Bucket haven't finished their lunch, but you are going to the Holy Mountain! Can you rest for one night and go back tomorrow?"

Yuan Xiaolou stamped his feet and said: "Xiaochuan is too immortal to be saved. Grandpa, you still have the heart to eat! No, we will leave later!"

The old storyteller was helpless.

When Yuan Xiaolou was washing pots and dishes in the kitchen.

His expression suddenly became calmer, and there was a look of wisdom in his eyes.

It seems that he has seen through everything.

He stretched out his fingers and slowly slid them on the stone table in front of him.

His old fingers were like black iron sharp blades at this moment.

On the hard stone table top, two words were left.

Benevolence and righteousness! These two iron paintings and silver hooks, flowing like clouds and flowing water, are completed in one go, without any interruption, and are completely natural.

This method probably surpasses most of the cultivation masters in the world.

After writing these two words, he sighed deeply.

It seems a little unbearable and a little sad.

This chapter has been completed!
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