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Chapter 3832 Swear

 The jade stones that Duan Gong and Yan Gong took out were similar in style, size and material. The only difference was the words engraved on the jade stones.

One is engraved with: Huang Tianzhengyi.

One is engraved with: Huang Tianyuanqi.

According to what Duan Gong and Yan Gong said, it can be determined that the jade stone Huang Tianzhengyi was left by the mysterious man who came to Mount Tai to seek help in opening acupoints about a thousand years ago.

As for the Huang Tianyuanqi jade, it was found in the ruins of Mount Tai.

Six thousand years ago, the heavens wanted to destroy human civilization. After conquering Mount Tai's defense line, they burned Mount Tai's tens of millions of books in a fire.

However, the fire only burned paper [51 Novels www.51ksbook.com] books and bamboo slips, as well as some stone tablets and jade. Many of them were preserved in the fire.

This "Huangtian Yuanqi" jade was rescued from the ruins of Mount Tai after the catastrophe.

The great scholars who first came to Mount Tai did not take the jade stone that only recorded four words seriously. It was not until a thousand years ago that the mysterious man who sought to open a cave also left a similar jade stone.

Only then did Taishan Great Confucian realize that jade was related to an ancient inheritor in the world.

Ye Xiaochuan held a piece of jade in one hand and suddenly understood everything in his heart.

When the two saints saw this, they were both a little surprised.

Duan Gongdao: "Ye Xiaoyou, do you know the origin of these two jade stones?"

Both saints were overjoyed.

Although their knowledge is unparalleled in the world, they do not know everything.

Their knowledge comes from books, and then they form their own knowledge through their own thinking and research.

There is no history recorded in books, and they cannot imagine it out of thin air.

In the past thousand years, several generations of Taishan scholars have wanted to pursue this mysterious power in existence and the world.

But it's a pity that they searched ancient books and couldn't find a word about this power.

More than 400 years ago, the last person who came to Mount Tai to dig caves was naturally the target of investigation.

It's a pity that no matter how the Taishan scholar asked at that time, the other person just shook his head and said nothing.

At this moment, Ye Xiaochuan is also the person who opened the acupuncture point in the chapter on practicing reincarnation. Although he is not from that lineage, he must also know the origin of these two jade stones.

For those who pursue knowledge, it is a kind of suffering to face something they do not understand.

At this moment, seeing that Ye Xiaochuan seemed to really know the origin of the jade, how could the Second Saint not be happy?

Ye Xiaochuan nodded slightly and said: "I may know a thing or two about the origin of these two jade stones, but these are my own guesses and cannot be determined.

Why, with your knowledge, don’t you know their origins?”

Mr. Yan shook his head and said: "The Confucian family has been tracing for thousands of years, but they have found nothing. They say that if a threesome is together, there must be my teacher. Tonight, we two old guys are all ears."

Ye Xiaochuan was a little ashamed.

Said: "You two old men, you don't have to be polite."

Ye Xiaochuan briefly talked about his speculations about the two jade stones.

After hearing this, the two saints suddenly realized.

Shangguan Yu looked shocked.

Yan Gongdao: "So, have you ever dealt with them?"

Ye Xiaochuan said: "I was indeed lucky enough to meet a few of them back then.

It's just that their whereabouts are secret and they have a mission. If this junior really guesses correctly tonight, then their mission is not limited to this.

This matter is of great importance and involves the safety of the three realms, so please keep it secret and not disclose it to outsiders."

Naturally, the Second Saint would not go out and talk nonsense. Ye Xiaochuan was worried about Shangguan Yu beside him.

He really regretted why he brought Shangguan Yu to see the Second Sage when he should have left her behind Mount Tai.

Shangguan Yu also felt his embarrassing status.

Because of this, the Second Saint and Ye Xiaochuan were both looking at her.

She coughed lightly and said, "Why are you staring at me? I won't tell such fairy tales."

Duan Gongdao: "Then you swear."

Shangguan Yu said: "What oath?"

Duan Gongdao: "What you saw and heard in Mount Tai must not be told to anyone else."

Shangguan Yu didn't want to swear, but the Second Saint's face had to be given.

I had to raise my hands and swear.

Of course, the Second Saint knew how important what Ye Xiaochuan had just said was. After Shangguan Yu took the oath, they were still worried.

Just like two children who insist on hanging themselves with Shangguan Yu. They are not allowed to change for a hundred years. Whoever changes is a bastard.

Looking at these two saints with childish innocence, Shangguan Yu felt helpless and really stretched out his hands to hook up with the two saints.

At this point, the Second Saint was relieved.

It seems that in their opinion, as long as you hang yourself with a hook, it is an eternal oath.

After figuring out the origin of the two jade stones and knowing one of the most important secrets in the Three Realms, the Second Saint will truly have no regrets in this life.

Yan Gongdao: "Ye Xiaoyou, the public trial of Zuo Qiu at Shenshan Mountain is aimed at you, and you will definitely not avoid it.

It is already August 25th, and there is not much time left for you.

Lao Duan and I have said everything we need to say tonight, so let us two help you get on the horse and give you a ride."

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Mr. Yan, what do you mean?"

Mr. Yan smiled and said: "You and I have talked so much before, haven't you understood?

We have said at the beginning that things in the world are opposites and mutually reinforcing each other, and the same is true for acupuncture points.

Zhangmen, the door for entry and exit.

This point means that the strong wind in the liver meridian stops here and disappears, and the strong wind from the Jimai point stops.

Baihui, also known as "Three Yangs and Five Hui", is located on the head and is an important meridian in the Du meridian. It is the place where hundreds of meridians converge.

Although gentle massage and acupuncture on this point can cure diseases, if it is hit hard, it will put people's lives in danger.

Tailu, located at the back of the coccyx of the human body, also belongs to the Du meridian, but it is an inflection point and squeezes out the Ren meridian.

After being hit, the surrounding air movement is hindered, and the Qi pulse in the Dantian is difficult to regulate.

Therefore, there is a popular saying in Chinese medicine: Baihui falls to the ground, but the tail will not return home.

Zhangmen was hit and nine out of ten people were killed.

According to common sense, no one can open these three acupoints on their own. The reason why you can open the Weilu acupoint on your own is because the Dantian has been shattered and the Qi veins have been severed, so the Weilu acupoint will not cause fatal harm to you.

However, Zhangmen and Baihui are different, so you cannot open them yourself.

These two acupuncture points are the death points of the human body. Death is evil, and the opposite of evil is good.

If we want to suppress these two fatal points, we can only use our Confucian awe-inspiring righteousness.

This is why every few hundred years in the past, people who practiced reincarnation would come to Mount Tai in search of acupuncture points.

If these two critical points are not opened, the 360 ​​acupuncture points in your body will not be completely connected and connected into acupoints.

It will greatly restrict your development on the path of cultivation.

So Lao Duan and I decided to help you open your acupuncture points, help you onto your horse, and take you for a ride."

Ye Xiaochuan suddenly realized.

He immediately bowed and thanked you, saying: "Senior, you two have been so kind and kind, I will never forget them! Please accept my thanks!"

This chapter has been completed!
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