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Chapter 3837 Guess

 Taoist Yunhe did not continue speaking. This long sigh was enough to show how huge the disaster this fall of the twin stars had brought to mortals.

Yu Jizi's expression was also quite solemn.

He doesn't care about how many mortals will die due to the fall of the twin stars. What he cares about is the pressure of public opinion brought about by this incident.

Everyone in the world believes in four words, the connection between heaven and man.

There are countless connections between the human world and heaven.

When human emperors fail in their moral conduct, the sky will send down a plague of locusts.

When the human emperor is incompetent, drought will occur.

When the order of the world collapses and people everywhere start rebellions, floods will come from the sky.

When a wise emperor in the human world dies, a large-scale natural disaster will occur, such as an earth dragon turning over and a tsunami hitting the shore.

Now two such large meteorites fall into the world at the same time, causing disasters no less than earthquakes and floods. This is definitely foreshadowed.

Just like eight years ago, there was an extra blood moon in the sky, which was a sign of something.

Yujizi is not stupid either. After thinking about it, only the two saints of Mount Tai are the ones who match the numbers of the double stars and their status.

He said: "Junior brother, I remember that the ancestral home of the two Taishan elders is near Luzhou, right?"

Taoist Yunhe was startled, and then he understood what Yu Jizi said.

Said: "Yan Zhigu was from Luzhou, and Duanwu Tui was not from Luzhou, but they both studied at Luzhou College when they were young.

Senior brother, do you mean to say that the fall of the twin stars has something to do with these two literary saints today?"

Yu Jizi said: "Double stars fell, and the location was Luzhou, which makes people have to evoke this kind of association.

The door to catastrophe will be reopened at any time. The Two Saints are the Beidou in today's literary world and the spiritual leaders of ordinary people. If these two meteorites foreshadow the Two Saints, it will be very detrimental to the human world.

You should contact the emperor as soon as possible, firstly to pay attention to the situation on Mount Tai.

Secondly, the emperor must control public opinion.

I guess this incident will most likely be used by the heavens to guide public opinion in the world and instill thoughts of divine punishment from the heavens to the people in the world, so as to enhance the people's awe of the heavens and thereby reduce the will to fight in the world.

If there is an evil person in the world who takes advantage of this incident to cause trouble and spread rumors, the imperial court must kill him with thunderous means."

Taoist Yunhe nodded and said: "I understand, I will contact Your Majesty later.

Senior brother, speaking of the imperial court, there is something very strange, and I think it is necessary to report it to you."

Yujizi said: "What's wrong?"

Taoist Yunhe said: "I just received news from Zhao Shuo from the Royal Cultivation Academy. Around midnight last night, most of the rice grains in the Taiping warehouse of Yuezhou Prefecture were robbed."

Yu Jizi frowned and said, "What's there to discuss about such a trivial matter?"

Taoist Yunhe shook his head and said: "Senior brother, please listen to what I have to say. The people who robbed the grain are not ordinary robbers, but a group of advanced cultivators.

This morning, Zhao Shuo discovered that not only the Taiping warehouse in Yuezhou Prefecture had been robbed, but also the Taiping warehouses in twelve prefectures in Yangzhou, Suzhou, Ningzhou, all the way to Cangzhou and Hejian near the capital.

The warehouse was robbed by a group of cultivation masters at the same time.

According to the information collected from various state capitals, this group of people are both male and female. They should be young. They are all wearing red clothes and red cloaks. Each person wears a devil mask on their face. The total number should exceed 1,000 people.


Zhao Shuo and more than 300 disciples from the Royal Cultivation Academy fought against them in Yuezhou. The more than 300 people did not defeat the more than 20 people the other party used to delay time.

All the opponents were masters of swordsmanship. Zhao Shuo said that he didn't know the Taipingcang in other states, but he was sure that the more than 100 people who ransacked the Taipingcang in Yuezhou Prefecture last night were all top-notch in the realm of Lingji.


And...and what the other party used was most likely the Eight Forms of the Divine Sword that our Cangyun Sect never spreads."


Is there such a thing?"

In Yu Jizi's opinion, this news was bigger than the falling of twin stars, and his face couldn't help but change.

Taoist Yunhe said: "I also find it strange. According to what Zhao Shuo said, there were more than a thousand cultivators who looted food from Taipingcang in various places in the human world last night.

If the robbers in other prefectures are in the Lingji realm like Yuezhou, wouldn't there be more than a thousand Lingji masters?

And he also knows the Eight Styles of the Divine Sword of our Cangyun Sect.

How is this possible?"

Yu Jizi's expression changed rapidly, and he said: "Junior brother, you are smart and confused for a moment. Have you forgotten the more than a thousand mysterious young swordsmen who came out of the Shiwan Mountains in southern Xinjiang the day before yesterday and then disappeared into the Qilin Mountains?


Taoist Yunhe said: "After that group of people disappeared into the Qilin Mountains, our people have been secretly investigating in the Qilin Mountains. No trace of them was found, and we have never seen so many people leave the Qilin Mountains."

Yujizi said: "Qilin Mountain is a vast territory. If they are all Lingji masters and broken into parts, they can easily avoid our pursuit. What I am most worried about has happened."

Looking at Yu Jizi's solemn expression, Taoist Yunhe also felt that there was something unusual about the food grab last night.

He asked: "Brother, what are you worried about?"

Yu Jizi said: "In the past, I only guessed based on the mysterious swords and cultivation of those people that they might have something to do with Ye Xiaochuan. I wasn't very sure, so I asked you to secretly investigate the origins of these mysterious people.

Now I am at least 80% sure that this group of people is a force secretly cultivated by Ye Xiaochuan.

He possesses many volumes of heavenly books and a large number of magic weapons. He has been hiding in southern Xinjiang for several years and has been able to form a huge force.

It seems that the young men who disappeared from the five tribes in southern Xinjiang in recent years were really sent to him.

Ye Xiaochuan knows all the true magical powers of our Cangyun Sect, if he passes on all these magical powers, it will be a fatal blow to our Cangyun Sect."

Yu Jizi's voice was hoarse when she spoke, and her fists were clenched unconsciously.

Taoist Yunhe seems to have an optimistic attitude towards this.

Said: "Senior brother, you are worrying too much.

It had only been more than eight years since Ye Xiaochuan rebelled against Cangyun, and the recruitment of young people from southern Xinjiang had only happened in the past three to five years.

It is impossible to train so many Lingji masters in such a short period of time."

Yu Jizi paced slowly in the study and said: "He has been missing for eight years, but as soon as he appeared in Tianshan, he showed a combat power that was ten times stronger than before.

Some things are indeed impossible for others, but for him, everything is possible.

Junior brother, don't forget, these people are from southern Xinjiang. There is a jade slip cave in southern Xinjiang opened by the Nuwa Empress. Only Ye Xiaochuan can find that alien space, and the timeline in it is different from the human world.

If he takes advantage of the time difference between the Jade Slip Cave and the human world, it is entirely possible to train a large number of masters within a few years.

As soon as we discovered that Yang Ershi was reselling grain to southern Xinjiang, these people entered the central territory to grab grain.

This is definitely no coincidence.

If you want to grab the food in the Taipingcang, you can just send some young disciples. There is no need to send out so many Lingji elders. This is completely overqualified.

If my guess is correct, then these more than a thousand first-class masters will definitely not just grab food when they enter Middle-earth.

They should have come for Zuo Qiu.

With such a powerful force, even if they rob people on the sacred mountain, it will be difficult for the Xuantian Sect to resist."

This chapter has been completed!
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