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Chapter 4079 The Carrier of Inheritance

 It was getting dark, and hundreds of sheep were driven back to the sheepfold by the group of children. The children were still lining up to receive today's wages.

Wang Keke, who was acting as the canteen master, saw Dugu Changfeng holding Hu'er and showing off gifts.

Then, the boy inserted the gold hairpin into Hu'er's slightly yellow hair.

Said: "Hu'er, you look so good wearing it!"

This made a large group of girls of the same age around him envious and jealous.

Hu'er is two years older than Changfeng. She is already eleven this year. She is about the same height as Changfeng now. Due to malnutrition, she is a little thinner. Her hair is still a little yellow and has not completely turned black. It is a yellow-haired girl who is going to

A stall where big girls transform.

With a bit of shyness in her joy, she even kissed Dugu Changfeng on the cheek in public.

Then, he ran away with a red face.

This made Dugu Changfeng feel a little stupid and stood there for a long time.

As a result, Hu'er ran a few steps and came back. She was too shy to patronize her, and forgot about today's steamed buns and mutton, so she ran back with a blushing face.

Wang Keke saw this scene very real.

This Hu'er is most likely his granddaughter-in-law and needs special care.

So Wang Keke stuffed Hu'er with a lot of steamed buns and filled the jar in Hu'er's hand with mutton, so much that he couldn't even fill in a spoonful of soup.

Under the envious gazes of the young men, Hu'er ran towards the city.

Wang Keke glanced at Ye Xiaochuan, who was leaning on a pillar in front of the inn.

He cleared his throat and said, "Spring is here, it's the mating season, and everything starts to stir.

Mr. Ye, as a master, you are not as good as your apprentice."

Ye Xiaochuan said: "He is only nine years old."

Wang Keke said: "Yes, Changfeng has such a promising future at the age of nine. Looking at you again, you are really stuck in the mud."

At this time, Dugu Changfeng, who woke up from the wonderful feeling, said: "Grandpa, you remembered wrong. It's almost winter and spring has passed long ago."

"Go, go, go, what do you little brat know?

Did grandpa mean in season?

Grandpa’s focus is on mating!”

Of course Ye Xiaochuan knew what Wang Keke was thinking. This was Wang Keke's way of expressing goodwill to him. Ye Xiaochuan was not angry.

He was about to go back to the house, when Master Xu came over to collect tonight's food.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Master Xu.

He vaguely seemed to feel that this old man wearing a shabby green robe had a mysterious and familiar aura in his body.

"It is the awe-inspiring spirit of Confucianism."

Ye Cha spoke.

Ye Xiaochuan nodded slightly and said: "No wonder I feel that this aura is so familiar. I never expected that in the land beyond the Great Wall, I could meet a Master Hongru who has awe-inspiring aura in his body."

The aura of awe-inspiringness is in the heart of every Confucian scholar. This is the favorite of female disciples and fox demons of the Hehuan sect. Therefore, the witches and fox demons of the Hehuan sect like to hook up with scholars and do shameful things. Through intercourse between men and women, they can

Absorb the awe-inspiring spirit in the reader.

Although every scholar has a noble spirit, there are strong and weak ones.

The aura of awe-inspiringness has a great relationship with the level of knowledge and understanding of the universe.

Ye Xiaochuan met many Confucian masters in Cangyun Mountain back then and in Mount Tai not long ago.

Except for the late Second Sage, I have never seen any other Hongru master whose awe-inspiring aura can compare with the down-and-out old man in front of me.

This made Ye Xiaochuan feel a little strange.

It is said that all things are inferior but reading is good. The most important thing in China is scholars.

This old gentleman actually has a strong and awe-inspiring spirit in his body. He must have achieved very high achievements in learning. He is probably more than enough to serve as a tutor in Hongwen Hall and the Imperial College. How could he be in this state of decline?

After receiving the food, Master Xu said thank you and prepared to leave.

Dugu Changfeng ran over and said: "Sir, this is the Uncle Ye I told you about. He is very capable. He will definitely be able to cure your granddaughter's stubborn illness."

Master Xu nodded slightly to Ye Xiaochuan in front of the goalpost.

Ye Xiaochuan stepped forward and said: "I heard that your husband has been teaching the poor children in Changfeng and the ancient city recently. I am really grateful."

Master Xu shook his head and said: "Young Master, there is no need to be polite. When you live in this world, you have to be sensible and aware of your shame. Reading is the best way to understand the meaning of being a human being.

The sage said that there is no distinction between education and education. No matter whether you are the young master Changfeng in your mansion or other children in the ancient city, they are all the same in my eyes. There is no distinction between high and low. As long as they want to learn, I will teach them everything they have.

It’s just that I can only let these students know their shame and be sensible. As for whether they can live up to their time in this life when they grow up, it depends on their own destiny.”

Ye Xiaochuan nodded and said: "What you said is thought-provoking, but you said a little less."

Master Xu said: "What?"

Ye Xiaochuan said: "The reason why human beings have been able to create countless glorious and long-standing civilizations is that, in addition to human beings' thinking and wisdom, there is another important factor, which is the inheritance of knowledge and culture.

Human beings are born with a blank sheet of paper, without good or evil, without righteousness or evil, and without innate profound knowledge.

Therefore, a huge group of teachers and educators emerged.

Educators such as Mr. Wang not only teach students to understand shame and reason, but more importantly, they teach the inheritance of knowledge and culture accumulated by mankind for countless years.

If there were no educators in the world, there would never be progress and we would always be able to live in a barbaric age.

I personally respect educators very much, so I am very grateful to you for teaching these children in this chaotic era and allowing these children to pass on precious cultural knowledge."

Master Xu did not expect that the young man in front of him could actually say such words.

He looked at Ye Xiaochuan deeply for a long time, then bowed slightly and said "thank you".

Yes, human beings are fragile, life is short, they have no memory of past lives, and all knowledge inheritance requires a special carrier.

This special carrier is the teacher.

Therefore, most human beings have great respect for those who teach and educate others.

It is they who pass on the essence of knowledge and culture from generation to generation.

Master Xu’s thank you was to thank Ye Xiaochuan for his respect and recognition of this group of people.

In the heaven, respecting teachers and teaching is a joke. If people in the heaven understand this truth, civilization will not stagnate and be crushed by the civilization of the human world.

When Ye Xiaochuan saw Master Xu was about to leave, he said, "Sir, please stay."

Master Xu said, "Master, is there anything else you want to say?"

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Changfeng just said that your granddaughter is sick. I know a little about medicine and may be able to help."

Master Xu seemed to want to speak, but he shook his head with a wry smile and walked away.

He told his granddaughter yesterday that when the owner of Longmen Inn comes back, he would take her to have a look.

As a result, my granddaughter refused.

Over the years, countless people have treated his granddaughter, including even a powerful Xumi doctor, but they were helpless.

If there was a chance of survival, Hua Wuyou would not have left that painting to his granddaughter to be buried with him yesterday.

Last night, under the heavy rain, Master Xu, like his granddaughter, had given up.

This chapter has been completed!
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