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Chapter 4130 Cant bear to look back

In a very calm tone, Yang Juaner talked about the unbearable past at the Wanyuan Mountain camp.

But in Aba's heart, every word was like a thunder striking his body.

The corners of Aba's mouth kept twitching, and the ugly cheeks became a little distorted.

He lowered his head slowly, as if he wanted to retract his head into the jar.

This is an action he has done frequently for ten years.

Whenever he felt ashamed and painful, he would shrink his head into the jar, as if the big dark jar had become his last haven.

This time, Yang Juaner did not let him get his wish.

Yang Juaner reached out and grabbed the back of her neck, and pulled his head out of the jar.

The action was neither rough nor barbaric. He didn't even look at Abba, he just reached out and casually pulled Abba's head out.

Aba's ugly face seemed to have turned hideous due to pain.

He screamed a few times, as if begging and repenting.

Yang Juaner said softly: "Linglong asked me many times in the past few years why I didn't kill you.

Later, she stopped asking me this question and kept telling me, "Let me not kill you."

Do you know why?"

Abba shook his head.

Yang Juaner said: "It's because of the strong wind.

In the eyes of all of us, you are a person with unpardonable sins, but in Changfeng's eyes, you are an elder and a relative who has been inseparable for ten years.

Therefore, Yu Linglong asked me not to kill you. If you die, no one will feel pain and sadness, only Changfeng will feel pain.

In fact, you should be satisfied. At least if you die, there will be someone in the world who will shed tears for you sincerely. You will not die alone.

You are much luckier than me in this regard. I know very well that if I die, no one in this world will shed a single sincere tear for me, and no one will feel sad for me."

Aba kept shouting and shaking his head.

It seems to be telling Yang Juaner that there are people in this world who really care about her.

Yang Juaner once again looked sideways at Aba.

She suddenly smiled.

The smile was a little sad, a little helpless, and a little bitter.

She said: "Abba, I have never asked you this question over the years. Today I ask you, have you ever regretted the things you did to me back then?"

Abba nodded his head in pain.

Yang Juaner saw this and said, "Do you regret it because I tortured you for ten years, or do you really realize your beastly behavior and feel regret in your heart?"

Aba shouted again.

Yang Juaner understood what he meant.

In fact, Yang Juaner already had the answer in her mind.

When they arrived at the inn at the beginning of the year, Ye Xiaochuan and Wang Keke had checked Aba. At that time, Aba had only been in the jar for a few years. If his bones were broken and reconnected with black jade intermittent paste, Aba would most likely be

Stand up again and live like a normal person.

Yang Juaner no longer hated Abba at that time and agreed with this approach.

But in the end it was Abba himself who refused.

He is repenting and atones for his sins.

Only when you truly realize the sins you have committed in the past can you repent and atone for your sins in this way.

Yang Juaner suddenly reached out and picked up the jar beside her, and then she hugged him tightly.

Her cheek was pressed against the cold wall of the tank.

She said softly: "I can't say that, as soon as I say it, you will die.

You have brought me the most unbearable experience, I hate you, I hate you."

As she said that, she couldn't help but shed tears.

At this moment, Dugu Changfeng took Hu'er's hand and ran towards this side.

It turned out that it was already noon, and they had an hour to rest at noon every day.

Dugu Changfeng looked at Yang Juaner blankly and said, "Aunt Juan, are you crying?"

Yang Juaner woke up with a start, put the big jar down, and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

Said: "No, Aunt Juan is an adult. Adults don't cry. It's just sand that got into her eyes."

Dugu Changfeng was a little suspicious, but at such a young age, how could he understand the complex emotions of adults.

In his opinion, playing and reading with his friends every day is the happiest thing.

Yang Juaner said: "Changfeng, your mother is discussing business with your Uncle Ye and the others at the inn. Don't disturb them. Come over and chat with Aunt Juan."

Dugu Changfeng and Hu'er came to sit next to Yang Juan'er.

Yang Juaner took out some cakes and water from the storage bag and gave them to the two of them.

Dugu Changfeng took the pastry, gave one piece to Yang Juan'er, another piece to Hu'er, and then broke off a small piece and fed it to Aba.

Seeing this scene, Yang Juaner felt mixed feelings in her heart.

She steeled herself and glanced at Hu'er.

Said: "Changfeng, my confidant told your mother that you have recently had a good relationship with a little girl named Hu'er. This must be Hu'er."

Hu'er seemed a little shy and whispered: "Yes, Aunt Juan, I am Hu'er, Zhong Hu'er."

Yang Juaner showed a smile.

Said: "Changfeng has good taste. Hu'er will definitely be a great beauty when she grows up."

Hu'er became even more shy, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

Hu'er used to be dark and thin, but recently she was eating and drinking with Dugu Changfeng, and she looked more energetic.

Especially since she is already eleven years old, her skeleton has begun to open up and her body has begun to develop.

Apart from the darker skin, there is nothing else to fault.

Especially she has a pair of long legs and a pair of big eyes, which are the hallmarks of beauty.

She has been a beauty since she was a child, and in three to five years, she will definitely become a little beauty.

Dugu Changfeng fed Aba some more water and said, "Aunt Juan, I like Sister Hu'er very much. When I grow up, I want to marry Sister Hu'er as my wife. Do you agree?"

Yang Juaner smiled and said: "At a young age, I want to marry a wife."

Dugu Changfeng said: "I will be ten years old soon!"

Yang Juaner said: "You are still a child at ten years old. If you want to get a wife, let's wait until you are eighteen years old."

Dugu Changfeng looked forward to it and said, "I really want to be eighteen soon."

Yang Juaner was extremely speechless.

It is indeed what fell from Yu Linglong's belly. As expected, she has the same virtue as him. She wanted to sleep with women at a young age. It's impossible not to admire her.

Suddenly, Dugu Changfeng said: "Aunt Juan, do you have someone you like?"

The smile on Yang Juaner's face suddenly stiffened and gradually turned a little bitter.

Dugu Changfeng was not stupid, and immediately said: "It turns out that Aunt Juan has someone she likes.

The man Aunt Juan likes must be a hero like Uncle Ye."

Yang Juaner smiled bitterly, her eyes suddenly became blurred.

Abba's expression also seemed a little strange.

At this moment, the figure of a man appeared in both of their minds.

Aba knew that the man who had been hidden deep in Yang Juaner's heart for many years was the handsome Cangyun disciple who had a crazy night with Yang Juaner in the wooden house at the Wanyuan Mountain camp... Li asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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