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Chapter 4219 Chase

 Orders and prohibitions.

This is the rule of the soldiers.

Although these grassland cavalry did not think there was anything wrong with the leather armored cavalry in front.

However, the order to attack had been issued, and they carried it out immediately and unconditionally.

The prairie wolf cavalry of about 1,200 people immediately mobilized their horses and rushed towards the enemy.

The buffer zone of two miles may not allow a hundred thousand cavalry to run completely, but it is enough to allow a thousand cavalry to complete the acceleration.

These prairie wolf riders come from the nine major wolf tribes in the prairie. Their ancestors have the whip of God that once conquered most of the world.

Pushing back further, it is related to the Quanrong nomads in Mobei a long time ago.

They are a people born on horseback and have lived on horseback since childhood.

His riding and shooting skills are unparalleled in the world.

At this moment, these brave cavalrymen did not need to hold the reins with their hands under the charge of their horses.

They picked up the strong bow hanging on the saddle, the five-stone strong bow, and they pulled it into a full moon.

Arrows swarmed up.

After each cavalryman shot three arrows in a row, without even looking at whether his arrows had killed the enemy, he immediately hung his strong bow on the saddle, drew out his curved saber, let out a roaring cry, and roared towards

Rush towards the enemy.

The heavenly beings in the heaven are not much different from the human beings in the world after taking off their armors that are armed to the teeth and getting off the terrifying six-legged beasts.

A five-stone crossbow fired three arrows in a row, totaling nearly four thousand arrows, splashing down the slope.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of leather-armored warriors fell to the ground after being struck by arrows.

Many war horses were also hit by arrows. Under the pain, they lost control and rushed back and forth.

"No! The ants in the world have discovered our identity!"

A celestial cavalry shouted loudly.

Wanyanku, who happened to be at the front of the team, heard it.

Human ants?

This is a very insulting term.

Only enemies in heaven would call humans on earth this way.

Wanyanku's expression suddenly changed. He raised his machete high and shouted: "The opponent is a cavalry from heaven! Kill!"

At the same time, he immediately ordered the messengers to pass the news of the discovery of the Celestial Cavalry here through falcons.

The celestial talisman wished he could kill the celestial warrior who shouted just now with a knife.

They disguised themselves this time in order to find out the news about Yumen Pass and infiltrated into the Yumen Pass cavalry. During the war, they cooperated with the main army inside and outside, thus severely damaging the ants in the world and taking down the Yumen Pass defense line.

After hiding for three or four days, as long as they persist for a few more days, they can launch a full-scale attack after the main force of the heavenly army has all descended to the lower realm.

As a result, at this moment, a soldier exposed his identity and others.

They disguised themselves and infiltrated about 30,000 people this time, but they were divided into more than 70 groups. Each group had exactly one talisman of troops, 400 people.

If they were not disguised, wearing armor with strong defensive capabilities, and riding ferocious six-legged beasts, they would never take the more than a thousand human cavalry in front of them seriously.

But let's not go forward now. A rain of arrows from the human grassland cavalry just now caused them to lose fifty or sixty people. This encounter will probably end with their complete defeat.

Commander Fu made a prompt decision and told the soldiers not to be reluctant to fight and to retreat westward on horseback.

If it were an ordinary sand bandit, or a scout cavalry infiltrated from the Middle Earth, Wanyanku would not pursue them excessively as long as they escaped.

It was different now. From the other party's equipment and what the other party had just said, he had already deduced that the group of leather cavalry who appeared in the Western Region were people from the heaven! The cavalry of the heavenly people appeared in the Western Region, and they were wearing grassland cavalry.

wearing clothes and riding a prairie war horse.

This matter is of great importance! Even if the war horse runs to death and I chase with my legs, I still have to catch up with this group of people.

One by one, falcons were put into the sky by [58 Novels www.58xs.info], spreading the news that the heavenly cavalry appeared in the northwest of Ximen Pass to all directions.

Not only the grassland cavalry was passing on the news, but the heavenly cavalry, which claimed to be retreating, was also passing on the news.

Almost all of the 30,000 celestial cavalry who have been traveling around in the past few days have arrived near Yumen Pass. There are not only this group of celestial cavalry within a radius of a hundred miles.

The reason why the Fu Commander led his men to retreat to the west was because there was also a group of celestial cavalry about twenty miles to the west.

He tried to attract the group of prairie cavalry behind him, so as to annihilate these prairie cavalry in one fell swoop.

The fantasy is rich and the reality is very basic.

This Celestial Cavalry Commander forgot a crucial factor.

That is the war horse.

The war horses they ride on are indeed tall prairie horses.

However, their war horses were collected from the group of old, weak, women and children who had been massacred that day and who had migrated to the Blackwater River.

Now that the catastrophe is approaching, everyone in the world is preparing for war, and the Western Region is no exception.

The good war horses were all armed into prairie cavalry.

The horses in the tribe are either too young or too old.

The old man can only aim for a thousand miles. He can no longer travel a thousand miles a day or eight hundred miles a night.

As the captain of ten thousand men, Wanyanku was also the main force of the prairie cavalry. Each of their warriors was equipped with more than two horses.

Even though we were out searching this time and only rode one, every war horse was a hummer among war horses.

The horses under these grassland cavalry are far superior in speed and endurance to the old horses ridden by the heavenly cavalry.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the prairie cavalry caught up with the heavenly cavalry one after another.

The prairie cavalry were so mean. When the heavenly cavalry in front came into shooting range, they began to bend their bows and nock arrows.

When shooting an arrow while flying, the accuracy is a bit off, and it is impossible to hit a target with a hundred steps.

If you can't shoot a man, shoot a horse.

Isn't there a saying in China, which is to shoot the man first, shoot the horse first, and to capture the thief first capture the king?

Therefore, these prairie cavalry did not shoot people, only horses.

The enemy horses running in front rolled over and fell one after another.

A cavalry warrior who loses his horse, no matter how strong he is, is still waiting for death.

Behind them, the mighty prairie cavalry roared past, raised their swords and chopped off the heads of the heavenly warriors who had just stood up from the ground.

People are very arrogant these days.

Escape for their lives, they claim to be retreating.

Now when he saw his own horse running past the enemy's horse behind him, he was not afraid. He raised his scimitar high and shouted while charging with the prairie cavalry.

Although their strength was superior, in terms of numbers, the prairie cavalry had a huge advantage.

The cavalry from both sides began to charge into the wasteland that was half desert and half Gobi.

As soon as the cavalry from the two sides clashed, they immediately fell on their backs.

Wanyanku shouted: "Warriors! They are the cavalry of heaven! Kill them all!"

A fight that neither side was prepared for took place in the desert Gobi.

The prairie cavalry relied on the speed of their horses and the advantage of their large numbers to quickly separate into two groups of cavalry, like two wings, outflanking them from both sides.

Wanyanku led five to six hundred soldiers and penetrated directly into the enemy's center.

Since the Celestial Cavalry had already been shot dead on the slopes, dozens of people were shot dead, and during the chase, dozens more were shot dead. At this moment, only more than 200 people turned around to face the enemy.

The fighting between the two sides ended quickly. When the prairie cavalry on both sides closed up and outflanked the battle, there was no longer any suspense in the battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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