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Chapter 4224 Zhao Zian

 The human world is like a huge war machine.

Most of the time, the machine is at a standstill.

When the gears of this war machine start to rotate, it will bring a devastating blow to any enemy.

During a catastrophe, a wise military leader from heaven once said something.

The human world is a sleeping lion.

When it wakes up, the three worlds will tremble.

Thank God, let it sleep forever.

Now, this lion has been awakened.

The gears of the war machine have been turned.

This time, there is no longer the rush like ten years ago, and the emperor no longer has to issue nine conscription orders a day.

The ten years of preparation in this world are all for the next battle.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the enemy to show up.

In the past ten years, and in the next ten years, all the materials in the world have been used to serve this war.

There are only two outcomes to this battle.

Either defeat the enemy or destroy them all.

There will be no third result.

Wolf smoke rises in Kyushu, and war drums roar in the world.

There are armored men everywhere, and white horses are leaping over the Tianshan Mountains.

Beijing is a fortress of bones, and blood flows into a river.

The horizontal sword dances to the sky, and the decisive battle is at Yumen Pass.

Zhao Zian has a good literary talent, and he wrote hard and wrote a poem in which he was determined to fight to the death at Yumen Pass.

He asked his men to carve this poem on the highest point of Yumen Pass. He wanted every soldier in Yumen Pass to see this poem when he raised his head.

When I saw the poem, I saw their coach.

When you see the coach, your military morale will not be disturbed.

Zhao Zian, who is in his early thirties, is the chief military officer of Longyou Road and has almost reached the pinnacle of his life.

Just like Zhao Shiqu, the general manager of Jiannan Road March.

Zhao Zian was very confident that Zhao Shiqu, a Confucian scholar at that time, could defend the Nantian Gate in the human world. His military ability was many times better than that of Zhao Shiqu who was the King of Hanyang, and he would definitely be able to defend Yumen Pass.

When news came from Zhebie that celestial enemies disguised as prairie cavalry had been discovered a hundred miles north of Yumen Pass, Zhao Zian led a group of general staff and boarded the highest observation tower at Yumen Pass.

Someone moved a chair for him to sit down, but he pushed it away.

He said: “How can we sit back and watch when the national crisis is facing us?

I will just stand like this. When the enemy is driven away, I will sit down."

So, the staff generals who were sitting down also stood up one by one.

They looked at their coach with an almost crazy look.

Obviously, compared with Zhao Shiqu back then, Zhao Zian, who had worked hard in the army since childhood, knew better how to inspire the soldiers' fighting spirit.

Zhao Shiqu took a coffin up to Yingzui Cliff and sat down.

Zhao Zian's words about the national crisis, how can we just sit back and watch, obviously ignited the blood in the soldiers' bodies.

Zhao Zian stood and looked at the huge defense map.

The expression is resolute and the eyes are firm.

However, compared to Zhebie who was sitting in Yinshan, Zhao Zian was still a little lacking at this moment. He lacked the composure of the fifty-year-old Zhebie.

Zhao Zian is too young. The impulse and passion of youth in him have not completely dissipated, and his edges and corners have not been completely smoothed.

In that battle in the wasteland ten years ago, he completely wiped out the Heavenly Storm Cavalry, making him famous all over the world.

If it hadn't been for that battle, Zhao Zian would not have become the marching general manager of Longyou Road.

Zhao Zian is talented and never lacks strategy and the courage to die.

However, he was a cavalryman after all.

The creed of the cavalry is to attack, attack, and attack again.

Asking him to defend now is not what he is good at.

Moreover, his vision is slightly inferior to that of his father, Zhao Xianfeng, and the former commander-in-chief of the Western Army, Yang Zhentian.

Zhan Ying once gave Zhao Zian an accurate evaluation.

Marshal Zhao is a natural pioneer general. With his military talent, he can lead an army of two to three million at most. No more than he can command will be as strong as his arm.

He is a genius at hand-to-hand combat. He can command a million-level encounter, but he will never be able to command a long, cross-domain war.

Zhan Ying's vision of people is very accurate. Zhao Zian is a peerless general, not a peerless handsome man.

The difference of one word is actually the difference between heaven and earth.

His Majesty the Emperor today is very scheming and resourceful.

His Majesty also knew in his heart that letting Zhao Zian guard the most important Yumen Pass was actually a bit reluctant, and he had always had some concerns about this.

But His Majesty has no other choice.

Yang Zhentian, who was most suitable to guard Yumen Pass, died in battle at Yingzui Cliff nine years ago, and the old commander Zhao Xianfeng was very old and incorruptible.

Now Zhao Zian is the only one who can take charge of guarding Yumen Pass, the most important military fortress in the world.

Your Majesty has certain illusions in his heart.

After all, there is a precedent of Zhao Shiqu ten years ago.

When His Majesty appointed Zhao Shiqu, who had never joined the army, as the General Manager of the Jiannan Road March, he had no choice but to make a big gamble.

In the previous catastrophes, the heavens attacked from west to east, and from north to south.

Last time Tianjie suddenly appeared in the southern border, the attack route was completely opposite to the previous one, but from south to north.

At that time, the Gate of Catastrophe had already appeared, and the heavenly army would descend to the realm at any time.

The main human forces and famous generals are concentrated in Yumen Pass, Niangzi Pass, Shanhaiguan and other fortresses, and it is difficult to mobilize them in a short time.

Therefore, His Majesty appointed his nephew Zhao Shiqu, King of Hanyang, as the general manager.

At that time, His Majesty mainly wanted Zhao Shiqu to build defense fortifications such as Yingzui Cliff and Yixian Gorge. After Yang Zhentian and other famous generals arrived at Yingzui Cliff, he would change the commander.

But Tianjie moved very quickly, and Zhao Shiqu built the deep defense front of Yingzui Cliff very well.

In addition, changing commanders before battle is a taboo for military strategists.

So back then, His Majesty could only take great risks and place all his hopes on Zhao Shiqu, who had never carried a sword.

He won the bet back then.

Today, His Majesty is still gambling.

Not only Yumen Pass, he was also betting on the general candidates for several other important passes.

In terms of ability, Zhao Zian is many, many times that of Zhao Shiqu.

At least in His Majesty's mind, this time he has a much greater chance of winning on his big gamble than before.

One message after another was delivered as quickly as possible to the watchtower where Zhao Zian was located.

On the huge combat map, arrows are constantly marked.

A general said: "Young Marshal, the cavalry we sent has discovered several battlefield ruins in the desert Gobi. The scale is not very large. Judging from the direction of the horse hoof prints in these battlefield ruins, the area where they fought is very strange.

It seems to have been circling the wasteland."

Zhao Zian glanced at the general and said: "General Wu, if you were not my father's old subordinate, I would have kicked you out long ago.

Can't you see this?

Wanyankuzai was hunted by the Heavenly Cavalry.

Judging from the distribution of battlefield ruins, he has been trying to break through the enemy's encirclement and move closer to Yumen Pass, but there are too many enemies, so he can only constantly separate his cavalry to delay the enemy's progress.

The enemy spent such a high price to surround and kill Wanyanku and others. It can be seen that the Tianjie prisoners of war they captured must know the purpose of Tianjie's appearance at Yumen Pass.

So we must kill people and silence them.”

Many generals nodded slightly.

Only the middle-aged general just now had a red face.

This chapter has been completed!
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