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Chapter 4239 Hero Wan Yanku

 If the heavenly soldiers were not in disguise, but wore armor armed to the teeth, the repeating crossbows of the human cavalry would not do much harm to them.

However, now they are almost on the same starting line as the human cavalry.

Without the equipment bonus, apart from being stronger, they are no different from human soldiers in other aspects.

Each of the Chinese cavalrymen shot the twenty arrows in their quivers as quickly as possible.

The terrifying arrow rain took away the lives of hundreds of heavenly cavalry in an instant.

The formations in Heaven were thrown off their backs, and chaos immediately broke out.

In the past ten years, the Chinese cavalry has not been idle for a day, and they have been training in a targeted manner every day.

They hung the repeating crossbows on their saddles as quickly as possible, and the cavalry at the front who was responsible for cutting the formation and charging raised their long-handled horizontal swords.

The formation immediately spread out, and the distance between the cavalry became wider.

They put the three-foot-long handle of the Hengdao against their abdomen, and the blade of the Hengdao extended outward horizontally.

They don't need any other movements at all, they just need to hold the handle of the knife firmly with both hands.

Under the rapid impact of the war horse, the horizontal blade was like a flying scythe of death.

After the two sides collide, they can easily cut off the opponent's cavalry from their horses.

Emperor Yan and Emperor Xi made a really bad move.

Although all the cavalry warriors in heaven are elite.

But when they train on weekdays, they always ride six-legged beasts. Because of the Legion of Destruction, the Celestial Army hardly practices archery. Only the Six-winged Legion is equipped with bows and arrows.

In order to deal with human crossbows, the heavenly army is equipped with shields. However, in this disguise, they did not carry shields to avoid being recognized by humans in the human world.

When fighting against the human cavalry, whether it was the crossbows coming from the human cavalry at a distance of a hundred feet, or the close combat when they collided, they suffered a big loss.

The thousands of chargers with horizontal swords at the front of the Chinese cavalry charged forward in a sharp-knife formation. The first echelon was about 300 people, followed three feet behind by the second echelon, and then the third echelon.

Three echelons of charge cavalry were separated from each other, and their front and rear positions were staggered, making it impossible for the enemies rushing towards them to avoid the blade of the horizontal sword.

The battlefield was right in front of Wanyanku, and two streams of dust and smoke came from the north and south and then converged together.

The roar of war horses, the screams of people before death.

The most primitive killings are taking place here.

Zhan Ying led more than a hundred riders and galloped up the high slope to the west.

He opened his mask and said, "General Wanyan, are you injured?"

Wanyanku shook his head and said with some surprise: "Are you the Commander of the Hundred Cavalry of the Seventh Battalion of the Beiting Protectorate Hussar?"

Zhan Ying didn't expect that Wanyanku would still remember him.

They had only met once or twice before when they were patrolling outside Yumen Pass, but had not exchanged a word.

Zhan Ying said: "My Excellency, Zhan Ying, General Wanyan, you are fortunate to have these heavenly cavalry handed over to the Hussars Battalion to deal with. You and the soldiers will message you for a moment."

In the past, Wanyanku, as an eagle on the grassland, would naturally not leave the battlefield for even half a step. Even if he died, he would have to die on the road to charge. How could there be any reason to watch the show from the sidelines?

But now there are no more than a dozen warriors left around him.

This battle that belongs to him has been declared over.

He didn't know that his name would be remembered forever by the world, and was even recorded on a jade slip and sent to southern Xinjiang for storage.

Wanyanku's contribution to this catastrophe is immeasurable.

If he hadn't accidentally discovered the disguised Celestial Cavalry, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Once all the heavenly armies have descended to the lower realm and the Phantom takes over the seven armies, they will definitely not place the first battle at Yumen Pass, but will definitely place it at Yinshan Mountain, which is very close at hand.

Near Yinshan, more than five million cavalry led by Jebe were stationed, and there were countless supplies of food and grass.

The cavalry is good at attack, not defense.

If the heavenly army makes a surprise attack on the Yinshan camp, they can severely damage or even completely annihilate the five million elite wolf riders in Zhebie's hands before the human armies can react.

Once these five million wolf riders are lost, the impact on the future catastrophic battle will be too great.

Therefore, Wanyanku unintentionally became a very key figure in changing the situation of the war.

Wanyanku had lost contact with him in this wasteland for a day and a night. He was now anxious to know that the news he had sent out had been delivered to Zhebei.

Zhan Ying smiled and said: "If it weren't for the news from the general, how could we be here?"

Wanyanku said: "In the past ten hours, there have been quite a few celestial cavalry that have besieged us. There are at least 20,000 of them. These are definitely not stragglers coming from southern Xinjiang. Maybe the door to catastrophe has been opened. You must be careful.


Zhan Ying said: "The Gate of Catastrophe has been discovered, more than 600 miles west of Yinshan Mountain. Last night, nearly a million beast cavalry troops from the heavens were dispatched and headed here. It is already less than 200 miles away from here.

Other armies of the Heaven Realm also attacked in batches. General Wanyan, this battle has already begun. You are the first major contributor to this battle. If you had not conveyed the news of the appearance of the Heaven Realm Cavalry in the Western Region in time, I am afraid that in a few days

, Yinshan is no longer safe."

The prisoner of war, Fu Zhang, said sternly: "My heavenly army has been dispatched, and it's time for you ants to die!"

Wanyanku wanted to take the prisoners back to interrogate them to find out where they came from, how many there were, and whether the door to catastrophe had been opened.

Now that the Gate of Catastrophe has been opened and there are cavalry from heaven around, there is no shortage of this prisoner.

He glanced at the prisoner Fu Zhang and sneered: "Since you have no use to us, your life is not important."

After saying that, he raised the knife and dropped it, and Chief Fu's head flew up.

When the head fell to the ground, the body with blood spurting from the neck slowly slid off the horse.

Fu Chang's head rolled down the slope like a polo ball.

His eyes were wide open.

Before the lower world, even before yesterday, he had only one thought in his heart.

That is to kill all the human ants in the world.

He never thought that he would be killed by human ants.

After killing this arrogant Celestial Talisman Chief.

Wan Yanku: "Zhan Xiaowei, I don't know what's going on with Commander Zhebie and the Yinshan camp now."

The Gate of Catastrophe was too close to Yinshan Mountain, and Zhan Ying knew that Wanyanku was worried about Zhebie and Yinshan Camp.

He said: "After receiving the general's message last night, the cavalry from the Yinshan camp began to advance southward, but later they discovered the Gate of Catastrophe. General Zhebie was worried that Yinshan would be attacked, so he discussed with Commander Zhao, and the five hundred soldiers from Yinshan

The main force of the Ten Thousand Cavalry troops suspended their march southward.

According to the latest news, General Zhebie has ordered the Wolf Cavalry to withdraw from Yinshan Mountain early this morning and move towards Yanmen Pass."

Wanyanku breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately said: "If we evacuate Yinshan Mountain in a hurry, what should we do with the food, grass and baggage?"

Zhan Ying said: "General Wanyan, don't worry. Leader Tuoba Yu secretly sent eight thousand disciples to help the Yinshan camp evacuate the grain and grass baggage with cultivators' Qiankun storage bags. Now most of them have been evacuated, and they will never be given to people in the heaven.

Leave a grain behind."

This chapter has been completed!
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