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Chapter 4252 Blocking War


Western Region.

The forward of the Storm Legion led by Antu Lu has passed the ancient city of Huyin where the main force of the Six Wings Legion is stationed, and headed south under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The human world has also been monitoring the movements of various legions throughout the heaven. When Zhao Zian received the news that a storm legion numbering more than 100,000 arrived at Hu Yin Ancient City without any stop, but went directly south, he had already guessed that the heaven

high-level intentions.

He felt that the military capabilities of the commander leading the six armies of Heaven this time were much higher than those of Gu Yuqi ten years ago.

First, they restrained Zhebie's more than five million elite wolf riders stationed in Yingshan, and then the main force quickly headed south without any stop. It was obvious that the opponent's coach had a huge appetite and wanted to eat the millions of Chinese soldiers stationed outside Yumen Pass.


Zhao Zian and a group of high-ranking generals pointed in front of the huge map of the Western Region.

A senior staff member said: "Young Marshal, the number of six-legged beast riders who crossed Hu Yin Ancient City is about 100,000. This is the vanguard of the Heavenly Storm Legion.

Behind them are the main force of the 400,000-strong Storm Legion marching south, following closely behind.

The main force of the Madman Legion, the Giant Legion, and the Skeleton Legion are the third echelon moving south, followed by the bulky Legion of Destruction and the Ghost Legion protecting the Legion of Destruction.

The enemy's main force was divided into four echelons and advanced towards Yumen Pass. The enemy forces in the direction of Yinshan were only to contain General Zhebie. The enemy had placed the main battlefield at Yumen Pass.

We should immediately shrink the cavalry on the periphery and withdraw the cavalry to the south to avoid the sharp edge of the Celestial Beast Cavalry."

A middle-aged general said: "Lao Yu is right. Those on the northern battlefield at the moment are all light cavalry. They hardly carry heavy weapons such as eight-oxen crossbows. They are no match for the six-legged beast cavalry in the heaven.

If we want to face the six-legged beast cavalry head-on, we have to rely on our heavy armored cavalry, the brave and capable prairie wolf cavalry, as well as the beast cavalry from southern and northern Xinjiang. If the light cavalry goes up, it will be a complete disaster."

"I don't agree with the two generals. Now we have finally surrounded the more than 20,000 Celestial Cavalry scouts who have rushed in. As long as we are fast, we can get in front of the 100,000 six-legged beast cavalry forwards.

, completely eating more than 20,000 enemies.

If we retreat south now, the encirclement that millions of cavalrymen have worked so hard to close in the past two days will be in vain.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if more than 20,000 celestial cavalry are allowed to ride on the six-legged beast cavalry again, it will be difficult to deal with."

Dozens of high-ranking generals quickly divided into two camps.

The conservative general suggested that the human cavalry in the desert Gobi retreat immediately to avoid the sharp edge of the six-legged beast cavalry.

Ten years ago in the wilderness of southern Xinjiang, they fought against the six-legged beast riders and knew the combat effectiveness of the six-legged beast riders.

If the light cavalry had a head-on conflict with the six-legged beast cavalry in the wilderness, the losses would be very heavy.

The generals of the hawk faction advocated retreating after eating the more than 20,000 Celestial Cavalry scouts who were surrounded.

The two sides were at loggerheads.

Zhao Zian did not express his attitude, but looked at Nangong Yan.

The Pegasus troops used mysterious weapons to win the first battle and severely damaged the six-winged army forward in the heavens at a very small cost, which impressed the world.

Therefore, Zhao Zian wanted to see what Nangong Yan's attitude was.

He said: "General Nangong, do you have any opinions on this battle?"

The generals who were arguing immediately shut their mouths and looked at Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan walked to the map, but she did not immediately indicate whether she wanted to fight or retreat.

Instead, he pointed at the map and said: "On this four hundred-mile road from Huyin Ancient City to Yumen Pass, there are eighteen cities of various sizes distributed.

This time the catastrophe occurred one month earlier than rumored. The people in these ancient cities had not completely evacuated before the catastrophe gate was discovered, and they numbered at least 270,000.

According to the news coming back, the remaining people in these ancient cities are already migrating south, but the speed is very slow. It will take at least three days to cross the vicinity of Yumen.

What's more, there are hundreds of thousands of people near Yumen Pass.

We cannot withdraw our troops from the wilderness until these people have evacuated to a safe place."

A black-faced general said: "General Nangong, your words are a bit general, what do you mean by a safe place?

Under the catastrophe, where is there a safe place?

Now that Yumen Pass has been closed, Yanmen Pass is too far from Tiemen Pass, so people can only go south.

But how could it be possible for two feet to outrun a six-legged beast?

Don't forget, the six-legged beast riders are called the Storm Legion, and they can run faster than our best horses.

These people can no longer be saved!"

Nangong Yan pointed at the map and said: "Tianying Pass, let the people of the Western Regions enter the Middle Earth through Tianying Pass."

Qu Jiuyuan jumped out and said: "General Nangong, the Red Feather Army of your Heavenly Lady Kingdom is stationed at Tianying Pass. You are familiar with that place. It is a cliff. You need to climb with ropes to get in and out.

These hundreds of thousands of people, all old, weak, women and children, how can they climb up there?"

All the generals nodded slightly.

Nangong Yan said: "Then make a few ladders so that the old, weak, women and children can enter the customs through the ladders."

Qu Jiuyuan said: "Even if you use a ladder, it will take time. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered at Tianying Pass. It will not take a few hours for them all to enter. It will take at least two days, plus the money spent on the road.

The time, conservatively estimated, will take at least five days.

The heavenly army is already close at hand, the vanguard has appeared four hundred miles away, and we have no extra time."

The generals nodded.

Although Qu Jiuyuan has a big head and a thick neck, what he just said makes sense.

Even if the people of the Western Regions were allowed to enter the Pass via ladders from Tianying Pass, it would still be too late.

Nangong Yan said word by word: "Then hold on, the swords and guns in the hands of our soldiers are not made of paper, nor are they decorations, but are used to kill the enemy.

Generals, we cannot abandon a comrade. If we do not save these women and children and watch them die under the sword of the heavenly army, it will have a great impact on our human morale.

The bloody battle at the trapped dragon valley in western Hunan, the battle at Guangming Valley in Mount Tai, the battle at Yushan in the Qinling Mountains, the blocking battle at Douyun Slope in Huangshan, the tug-of-war at Jinling Bauhinia Mountain, the 160,000 Detachment of Women at Wanghuai Mountain in Haozhou, and the 180,000 dead soldiers at Lin'an Jiangjun Mountain...

These brutal battles were all launched to buy time for the people to move.

Many times, in order to cover the evacuation of the people, the number of soldiers sacrificed was several times more than the number of people who were relocated, but no one retreated even a step. If we retreat today, this battle will be lost."

All the generals looked at each other.

They all suddenly felt a little ashamed.

A woman can say such impassioned words, but as a grown man, she is trying to find excuses for abandoning hundreds of thousands of people.

Zhao Zian said slowly: "General Nangong, it will take at least five days to block the Celestial Army in the wasteland. This is very difficult. Do you have any advice?"

Nangong Yan said: "Use the human cavalry to hold back the enemy's Storm Legion, use the Pegasus Legion to hold back the enemy's Six-Winged Legion, use Longmen as the final blocking point, rely on the ancient city of Longmen and Longbei Mountain to stop the enemy's madmen, giants, and skeletons heading south.

Three legions."

Zhao Zian and the generals all focused their attention on the Dragon Gate area on the map.

This chapter has been completed!
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