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Chapter 4337 Counterattack

 The sound of crackling and popping sounded continuously in the wasteland.

The prairie cavalry who were escaping for their lives heard the explosion behind them, and many of them subconsciously tightened their reins.

Through the flames in the darkness, they saw countless red-feathered troops forming three lines of defense in the wasteland.

Each line of defense is about one mile apart, and now the enemy has crashed into the front line of defense of the Red Feather Army.

The crossbowmen of the Red Feather Army on the first line of defense only fired three rockets, and then ordinary arrows.

It's not that they don't want to continue using powerful rockets, but each of them only carries three of them, and they are gone after shooting.

This is a suicide squad. You can't carry too many rockets. If you don't finish shooting, you will die. The secret of black powder will most likely be mastered by the enemies in the heaven.

The three bamboo tube thunder and fire bombs really caught the enemy by surprise.

Almost two-thirds of the hundreds of six-legged giant beasts that rushed at the front were shot and killed, and the remaining one-third of the beast-riding vanguard were also blown away and could not find their way north.

However, more six-legged beast riders rushed out of the darkness like a tide.

The distance of tens of feet made it easy for them to rush in front of the red feather army's defense line.

When they saw a shield wall built with shields in front of them, they were stunned for a moment, and then they commanded the beast riders at their crotches to rush towards the shield wall.

The six-legged beast rider jumped up high and tried to jump over the shield wall.

However, countless spears and spears were immediately thrust out from the other side of the shield wall.

Obviously, the Red Feather Army has practiced this tactic many times.

Some spears are stabbed flatly, and some spears are thrust upward diagonally.

And almost all spearmen are in groups of three.

As soon as a giant beast crossed the shield wall, three spears roared up and directly poked three large holes into the giant beast.

Faced with such a heavy blow, even if the six-legged giant beast has tenacious vitality, it cannot bear it.

The huge beast smashed into the crowd behind the shield wall, crushing several Red Feather Army soldiers to death.

Before the six-legged giant beast could struggle, countless long knives slashed down, not only killing the six-legged giant beast, but also cutting the celestial knight riding on it into several pieces.

When some giant beasts jumped up, they were pierced by several spears. Some of them fell behind the shield wall, and some directly hit the shield wall. After being hit, the strong shield wall was immediately hit with gaps.


There are also some giant beasts that have no intention of jumping over the shield wall, but directly hit the shield wall with their heads.

The entire defense line instantly fell into chaos.

"Stabilize the shield array!"

"Mo Daoshou attacks!"

... Countless red feather military captains shouted loudly.

They tried to use their flesh and blood to resist this steel army armed to the teeth.

One after another, the six-legged giant beasts rushed into the Red Feather Army's defense line, relying on their huge advantages in speed and equipment to continuously chop down the Red Feather Army soldiers.

In the eyes of these beasts and celestial cavalry, there is no distinction between male and female soldiers. They are just from the lower world, just for killing.

There were more and more damage to the shield defense array, and more and more six-legged beast riders broke through the defense line.

The entire first echelon of defense was in a bitter battle.

"Ah! Must win!"

Two female soldiers of the White Turban Army ignited the cloth-wrapped thunder bombs tied to their bodies. A girl flew forward and hugged the neck of a six-legged beast.

The other girl firmly hugged the middle left leg of the six-legged beast.

The cavalryman on the back of the beast knight used his sword to slash wildly at the female soldier who was holding the beast knight's neck.

The female soldier never defended herself.

In her fierce and determined eyes, the cloth-wrapped thunder bombs tied to her body exploded with a bang.

Not only did it kill itself and the enemy, it also affected surrounding friendly forces.

They have no choice but to use this suicidal tactic to fight against powerful enemies.

The explosion of the cloth-packed thunder bomb was so violent that it was like thunder, and could be heard clearly in Tianying Pass and Longbei Mountain dozens of miles away.

However, this still cannot completely stop the Storm Legion.

The entire first echelon of defense line is in danger, and some parts have even been penetrated by the Storm Legion.

Blood, mutilated corpses, explosions... In the light of the fire, countless young girls died tragically under the enemy's butcher's knife and the maw of the giant beast.

None of them flinched and screamed loudly.

Use the Mo Dao in your hand and the black gunpowder on your body to kill the enemy together as much as possible.

Nangong Zhu gritted his teeth and ordered: "White Scarf Army [Baidu Novel www.tomtxt.com], move to the ground!"

In the second echelon one mile away to the south, several gaps were exposed in the shield wall.

Groups of white scarf female soldiers rushed out quickly while taking advantage of the melee to the north.

They did not rush to the battlefield to the north, but lay down in the open space between the two lines of defense. The night and grass were their best cover.

They lay motionless, holding the lead extending from their collars in one hand and a small fire breaker in the other.

They checked the sparks in the fire for the last time, and then the whole land stopped moving.

"Sister, I'm afraid..." A young woman's voice sounded softly, her voice trembling a little.

"I'm afraid too, but we have no other way.

There is a Yang Sanlang in the world, and we will be Yang Sanniang..." "Sister, can you sing that poem to me again?"

"Abandon my daughter's clothes, and leave me in a skirt..." Abandon my daughter's makeup, and leave me in a skirt.

He picked up his father and brother's sword and put on the red feather costume.

Astride Lu Ma, his sword pointed across the wilderness.

The enemy is right in front of you, and life and death are only half a stick of incense.

Half a stick of incense, half a stick of incense, even if the girl has no male body, I can still fight with half a stick of incense.

Half a stick of incense, half a stick of incense, half a stick of incense closed without a name, how many red feathers are buried.

The Yangtze River surges behind her, and the girl only asks for half a stick of incense... "Boom..." "Boom..." "Be careful on the ground, there is an ambush..." "Boom..." "There are enemies on the ground..." "Boom..." "Must be

Victory..." "Sister..." The tens of thousands of prairie wolf riders who had temporarily escaped from the pursuers, listened to the explosions and fighting sounds behind them, and watched the firelight flashing behind them... Finally, a young warrior

He shouted and slapped the horse's back with the back of his knife.

The war horse started running again, but this time, it wasn't to the south.

But to the north! He howled like a wolf from his mouth and rushed out at lightning speed.

One rout can sweep away ten soldiers.

Similarly, one soldier who regains his fighting courage can inspire ten soldiers.

The red feather army used huge casualties and a spirit of disregarding death to give these defeated soldiers who had lost the will to fight regained the courage to hold the scimitar.

One, two, three... a group... Then, 40,000 to 50,000 cavalrymen roared and fought back.

Among the nomadic peoples on the grasslands, the situation of male superiority and female inferiority was even more serious in the Middle Kingdom.

At least the Middle-earth people will regard women as human beings, while the nomads on the grasslands will regard women as tools for giving birth to children, or as commodities.

Now, these self-proclaimed bravest warriors on the grassland actually need the protection of a group of women to survive. For them, this is worse than peeing in their faces or hanging a fox tail behind their heads.

Humiliation! This is just a battlefield in Darkwood Wasteland.

The other four red feather armies also fought against the Storm Legion one after another.

Without exception, the cavalrymen who were evacuated under the cover of the Red Feather Army regained their fighting spirit within a short period of time, turned their horses around without hesitation, and charged towards the enemy.

Fighting is taking place in the eastern part of the wilderness.

After the battle in the eastern wasteland lasted for nearly an hour, the blocking battle in the western wasteland, led by the warriors of Southern Xinjiang, also began.

This chapter has been completed!
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