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Chapter 4479 Show off force

 Ye Tianci doesn’t care about Yu Jizi’s every move, but Tuo Bayu does.

Tuoba Yu had not slept all night, and before dawn, he walked out of the stone room and met Feng Tianqiong in the corridor.

Feng Tianqiong seemed to be in a good mood and cheerful.

This made Tuobayu a little angry.

Ye Xiaochuan even called at his door, and he had lost sleep because of it. Fortunately, his successor didn't seem to take this matter to heart.

He said: "Tianqiong, you seem to be very happy. What's the happy event?"

Feng Tianqiong said: "Master, there is indeed a happy event. News came from Cangyun just now. Yujizi announced that he has gone into seclusion! Now, all matters big and small on Cangyun Mountain have been handed over to Gu Jianchi and Taoist Yunhe."

Tuoba Yu was stunned and said: "What?

Is the news true?"

Feng Tianqiong said: "The news came from Elder Yu. He lives on the Samsara Peak of Cangyun Mountain. The news cannot be wrong."

Tuoba Yu's solemn expression finally relaxed a little.

This news can be said to be the best news in recent days.

Nowadays, there is a dual alliance leader pattern in the world. Now that Yu Jizi, the powerful leader of the alliance, has become the shopkeeper and went to retreat to practice. Tuoba Yu, the nominal leader of the alliance, has an opportunity.

Gu Jianchi and Taoist Yunhe can only deal with the internal affairs of Cangyun Sect.

When it comes to the catastrophe, these two people cannot represent Yu Jizi, and Tuoba Yu, the general leader, can only have the final say.

Tuoba Yu said: "In the news sent back by Elder Yu, did it mention how long Yu Jizi will be in retreat this time?"

Feng Tianqiong shook his head and said: "No, but it seems that the time will not be too short.

I heard that before Yu Jizi went into seclusion, he asked Gu Jianchi to give a detailed report on the war situation in the northern part of the world, saying that the war in the Northeast would not stop before March next year.

According to the disciple's guess, Yu Jizi will be in retreat this time until at least March next year."

Tuoba Yu showed a faint smile and said: "If he really retreats for a few months, it will be a great good thing for the teacher.

Yu Jizi, Yu Jizi, if you don't seize this great opportunity, then don't blame me for being rude."

The matter of Yujizi's retreat made Tuobayu feel better.

Walking along the corridor together with Feng Tianqiong.

At this moment, the various corridors in Black Stone Mountain are very busy. It's not yet dawn, and many disciples and elders of Tianmo Sect have gotten up.

The various sects of the Demonic Sect may not give face to Ye Xiaochuan, but they must not give face to Dayong Ding.

Ye Xiaochuan used the Great Yong Cauldron to offer sacrifices to the ancestors of the Demon Sect. If any sect acted blasphemously or neglectfully in this matter, they would definitely be found guilty.

Tianwen was busy all night with the sacrifices.

She deliberately exaggerated the atmosphere for Ye Xiaochuan, and did not place the place where the sacrifice was held in the small square east of the Xuanhuo Hall, but in the southeast of the Xuanhuo Hall, not far from the entrance and exit of the Candle Dragon Passage.

The main square of the teaching hall is where the internal examination is held every ten years.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare. The sacrificial platform and the viewing platform are all ready-made.

It's just that this place is located in the Gobi desert and has not been used for several years. There is a lot of dust on it. Clean it, then move hundreds of chairs to the viewing platform and prepare some props needed for sacrifices.

Before dawn, it is the darkest hour, but the entire temple and the huge square to the east are shimmering with light.

This square is so big. The Zhenwu Square that Cangyun Gate expanded for the Human League ten years ago seems to be only half of the Demon Sect Square.

This is no wonder, after all, Zhenwu Plaza is on the top of Samsara Peak, and the area is limited. Even if it is expanded, it will only be a castle in the air.

Unlike the square of the Demon Sect, it is built on the ground. The huge magic circle laid out can block the erosion of wind and sand. You can build it as big as you want.

Now a lot of people have gathered in the square, and the scene seems to be even grander than the Human League ten years ago.

Almost all of these people are wearing pure black robes. They are all black and not as colorful as the Human League.

The ugly Helan Puyu, supporting the equally ugly grandma Helan Nu, stood in front of the red stone house below the temple.

Seeing countless streams of light cutting through the night and shooting towards the temple from all directions, Helan Puyu was extremely happy.

She clicked her tongue and said: "Our Holy Cult is indeed the largest sect in the world! Look at this formation, I wonder which righteous sect in China can compare with us!"

Helannu squinted her eyes and looked at the large swaths of light appearing in the east.

She said hoarsely: "Tuoba Yu really thinks highly of Ye Xiaochuan, he actually transferred back the 200,000 Holy Cult followers stationed in Shura Valley.

However, this also reassures me that Tuoba Yu does not dare to harm Ye Xiaochuan in the temple."

Helan Puyu suddenly realized, "I asked why so many people suddenly appeared. It turns out that the disciples from Shura Valley have returned to the temple.

Grandma, aren't the 200,000 disciples deployed in Shura Valley to guard against the six tribes of heaven and humans?

If you are transferred back to the temple, nothing unexpected will happen."

He Lannu thought for a while and said: "Probably not. Now the movements of the six human divisions are already under the strict watch of cultivators in the human world. Whenever there is a large-scale move, all factions in the human world will get the news immediately."

Helan Puyu said: "That's good. If the Six Tribes of Heaven and Humanity really come to attack us, the Holy Sect will be in dire straits."

Helannu rolled her eyes at her and said, "Didn't you just say that the Holy Cult is the largest sect in the world?

Why do you lose confidence in the strength of the Holy Religion in the blink of an eye?

There were already more than 100,000 believers in the temple, and now 200,000 have returned, and more than 300,000 believers have gathered here. The six tribes of gods and humans want to eat us in one bite, which is not easy."

Helan Puyu stuck out her tongue and said, "That's right.

Grandma, you just said that Master Tuoba transferred the two hundred thousand back because he was interested in Mr. Ye, and you also said that Master Tuoba did not dare to harm Mr. Ye in the temple, what do you mean?"

He Lannu said: "You girl, you only know how to play all day long, but you don't know how to learn more?

The reason why Tuoba Yu mobilized 200,000 believers to come back was to show off to Ye Xiaochuan and let Ye Xiaochuan see how powerful the power he held in his hands was.

Since he chose to show off his force, he would not easily kill Ye Xiaochuan in the temple.

Originally, I had been worried that Tuoba Yu would take advantage of Ye Xiaochuan's visit to the temple to get rid of him. It seems that there was a disagreement on the issue of Ye Xiaochuan at the small meeting held by several of their sect leaders in the Black Rock Mountain last night.

At least three sect leaders did not agree to kill Ye Xiaochuan, so Tuoba Yu chose to give in."

Helan Puyu's eyes gradually lit up.

Holding He Lannu's arm, she said with a smile: "I see, grandma is still smart. If I were me, there would be no way I could have thought of so many things in a short period of time! Grandma, it will be dawn soon, I just saw a

Fairy Miao and Chen Xuanjia have taken their disciples to the sacrificial square, so let’s hurry there too.”

This chapter has been completed!
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