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Chapter 4548 Practicing Martial Arts

 Although the ancestor of Tianmo did not practice martial arts, he integrated the essence of martial arts into the Holy Fire Sect he founded.

It can be summed up in eight words.

People-oriented and body-oriented.

For thousands of years, it’s not like no one in the Demon Sect has practiced martial arts.

Among the left and right envoys in the past dynasties, there were also people who tried the art of body refining, but most of them were minors in martial arts, not majors, so their attainments in martial arts were not high.

As they grow older, those who also practice martial arts gradually abandon martial arts.

But there are exceptions.

For example, 2,800 years ago, the demon sect's right-hand envoy was named Huang Lu.

Huang Lu had a nickname, Ben Lei Shou.

This person is a martial arts master who has been very rare in the world for thousands of years.

At that time, Tianhong Zhenren, the leader of Cangyun Sect, who was in the realm of immortality and held the Divine Sword of Samsara, was defeated by Huang Lu's twelve moves with his bare hands.

It can be seen how terrifying it is to practice martial arts to the extreme level.

However, it was too difficult and painful to enter Taoism through martial arts. Except for Huang Lu, almost all the left and right envoys in the past dynasties were too lazy to practice this miraculous body-refining technique.

That's how people are, if there is a shortcut, who would take a detour?

What's more, compared with the immortal way, martial arts has a huge disadvantage besides pain.

This shortcoming is the most important factor restricting the development of martial arts.


Martial arts need to be practiced to the extreme in order to achieve immortality of the physical body and immortality of the soul. However, it is not immortality, but living hundreds of years longer than ordinary mortals.

As for the Immortal Way, to reach the realm of immortality of the physical body and immortality of the soul, one only needs to cultivate to the eighth level of spiritual silence.

What cultivators pursue, besides strength, is longevity and eternity.

Obviously, it is difficult for the martial arts lineage to satisfy the ambitions of cultivators.

Therefore, for hundreds of thousands of years, the Immortal Dao has become more and more prosperous, while the Martial Dao has always been an unpopular niche cultivation method, and has even been classified as a "mortal body training".

Cultivators all look down on martial arts. In the eyes of cultivators, martial arts is linked to martial arts. It is the most basic body-refining technique and cannot be compared with immortality.

After a cultivator reaches a certain level, the impurities in the body will be removed, and almost all diseases will be invulnerable, which is much better than the effect obtained by refining the body.

Ye Xiaochuan also had the same idea.

Ye Xiaochuan meditates every day but seldom exercises.

But now Ye Xiaochuan doesn't think so.

After reading the Dragon Bone Book in front of him, he found that everyone in the world underestimated martial arts.

According to the historical process of mankind, martial arts is far earlier than immortality.

At the beginning of the birth of human beings, there was no method of cultivation. In order to survive in the cruel wilderness, the ancient ancestors could only continue to train their bodies to make themselves stronger and stronger.

The so-called immortal way is the art of cultivating the soul. After countless years, the ancestors of mankind have understood the way of nature.

Martial arts was born so early. The ancient ancestors used martial arts to fight against those terrifying wild giant monsters. It can be seen that martial arts is indeed outstanding.

Ye Xiaochuan started from the ancient dragon's head and read the entire book.

He doesn't have Yun Qiyou's abnormal photographic memory. He only reads it once, and naturally he can't remember the tens of thousands of words of bitter words.

When I was about to read it for the second time, Tianwen very thoughtfully gave me a book with a wordless cover.

Said: "Xiaochuan, if you are interested in martial arts, just take it."

Ye Xiaochuan opened the book and found that what was recorded in it was the complete third volume of the Book of Heaven.

He glanced at Tianwen gratefully and said, "Thank you."

Tianwen smiled slightly and said: "There is no need to be so polite between us.

Ogawa, this lineage of martial arts is very difficult to cultivate, and there is no way to achieve enlightenment. You can only rely on accumulated physical training over time, which is not of great benefit to cultivators of our level. You don’t need to spend too much time on it."

Ye Xiaochuan shook his head and said: "Tianwen, you are wrong. Only when we reach this level can martial arts be used to its full potential."

Tianwen was a little confused and said, "What?"

Ye Xiaochuan said: "When masters compete, the outcome is only a thin line.

If you achieve success in martial arts, your body's reaction ability will be greatly improved. At critical moments, you can save your life, or even turn defeat into victory."

Tianwen still had no interest in martial arts and said: "It can't bring us much benefit. Not only is the process painful, but it's also a waste of time. Xiaochuan, if you feel the pain is unbearable, just give up.

For thousands of years in our Holy Religion, only the seventh-generation founder Huang Lu has practiced martial arts. If martial arts is really of great benefit, the two envoys of the Holy Religion will not abandon it."

Ye Xiaochuan saw that Tianwen's ideas were different from his own, so he didn't force it.

Tianwen is different from herself. She is the chief ambassador of the Holy Religion. If nothing unexpected happens, she will spend most of her life in the temple. She will be protected by countless masters of the Five Elements Flag, so she will hardly be in danger.

And I have too many enemies, and there are too many people who want to kill me.

Having more skills at your disposal may really save your life in the future.

It was Ye Tianci's own initiative to come to the temple this time. However, Ye Tianci did not get any benefits and was sealed again. Ye Xiaochuan came to make a profit.

After subduing the four spirit fire demons, Xiang Tianwen asked for thirteen survivors who came out alive from the small dark room.

Now we have obtained the complete version of the third volume of the Heavenly Book. This is a volume of magical magic that is almost comparable to the reincarnation chapter of the ninth volume of the Heavenly Book.

Ye Xiaochuan felt that since martial arts training techniques were recorded in the Book of Heaven, there must be something extraordinary about them.

As for the pain experienced during the cultivation process... Ye Xiaochuan has never experienced the pain of heart-wrenching and heart-breaking pain?

He was confident that this physical pain would be a piece of cake for him.

Tianwen accompanied Ye Xiaochuan and walked around the dragon bone chamber several times. As for Ye Cha, there was no sound at all at this moment.

Ye Xiaochuan asked a few times, wanting to ask Ye Cha, the big man, for his views on martial arts.

But Ye Cha didn’t respond to Ye Xiaochuan.

I don’t know what this dead ghost is thinking about.

However, Ye Xiaochuan can probably guess how Ye Cha feels at this moment.


Ye Cha is feeling sad for herself.

That kind of sad emotion can even affect Ye Xiaochuan's mind.

Ye Xiaochuan couldn't understand why Ye Cha felt sad and who he was sad for.

In the huge stone chamber, apart from the black dragon skeleton, there was nothing else of value.

Ye Xiaochuan was affected by Ye Cha's sadness and didn't want to stay here any longer, so he and Tian Wen walked out of the secret room.

The stone door was closed, and the secrets inside were once again sealed.

The next time this place is opened, it will probably be hundreds of years later, when the new left and right envoys succeed to the throne.

This chapter has been completed!
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