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Chapter 4614 Northern Liaoning Operation Plan

 After leaving the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Xuan Ying said to Ying Zhan: "Liaobei has fallen now. If you don't want to go, you don't have to go.

Xiaochuan attaches great importance to you, and I will let your sharp sword be used where it should be."

Zhan Ying shook his head and said: "Thank you Miss Xuan Ying for your kindness. No need. As a minister, I cannot disobey your orders.

Although the land in northern Liaoning is dangerous now, there is still room for maneuver.

The climate in northern Liaoning is severely cold, the folk customs are strong, and the fighting power is impressive. There are now more than 10 million troops in northern Liaoning. They may seem like old men, weak women and children, but if used properly, they are still sharp swords that can chop off the enemy's head.

An arrow shot by a fifteen-year-old boy can kill someone as well as an arrow shot by a thirty-year-old youth.

What's more, Your Majesty handed over to me the forty-seven foreign tribes in the North and several island countries in the East China Sea.

Haha... I have the largest territory now. The entire Middle-earth world is not as large as the area I control.

What else am I not satisfied with?"

Li Ziye's eyes lit up and he said: "Xuan Ying, don't tell me, what this guy said is true. The entire north of Shanhaiguan Pass, the Black Forest in the north, and the entire surrounding ocean are nominally under this guy's jurisdiction.


The combined area is really larger than the entire area of ​​Middle-earth!"

Xuan Ying said: "This is a war, not a king. What's the use of a large area?"

The entire northern and eastern Liaoning areas are nominally under the control of Zhanying, but don't forget that there are millions of celestial troops there.

I estimate that in the future, those sergeants in Zhan Ying's hands will have no choice but to retreat into the black forest north of Changbai Mountain and will not be able to get out at all. If they cannot get out, there will be no room for them to perform."

Zhan Ying smiled and seemed not too worried about the situation he was about to face in northern Liaoning.

Seeing how confident he was, Li Ziye said: "Boy, why do I feel that you are possessed by Li Tielan?

Back then, Li Tielan often showed this kind of mysterious and confident smile.

Tell me, how do you plan to use your fists in that inhospitable place in northern Liaoning?"

Zhan Yingdao: "Northern Liaoning is indeed an enemy-occupied area. If you want to survive in an enemy-occupied area, you must learn from Mr. Ye when he was in southern Xinjiang and launch guerrilla warfare.

Mr. Ye is a master in guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare. I have studied the guerrilla warfare cases of the five ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang ten years ago, and it is indeed good."

Li Ziye said: "You want to launch guerrilla warfare in the Black Forest of Northern Xinjiang?

It's a good idea, but why should the heavenly army listen to you?

I don’t think the heavenly army would cross the Changbai Mountains and pursue them into the Black Forest just for the sake of such a few old, weak, sick and disabled people.”

Zhan Ying shook his head and said: "The terrain of the Black Forest is different from that of Southern Xinjiang. Southern Xinjiang has mountains and mountains, which are suitable for guerrilla warfare in the mountains. The Black Forest is a vast forest that stretches as far as the eye can see. Just set a few fires in the sky and the Black Forest can be destroyed."

The forest was burned cleanly.

The Liaobei Plain is the venue for mobile warfare.

However, for long-term mobile warfare on the plains, I cannot rely solely on two legs. I need war horses.

Lots of war horses.”

Li Ziye said: "The emperor gave you the title of general manager. You need to raise your own food and supplies. He will allocate millions of war horses to you?"

Zhan Ying said: "The Yunnan horses that are abundant in China are not suitable for running on the plains. What I need is a grassland war horse."

Xuan Ying and Li Ziye were very smart in their cultivation of Taoism, but when it came to this kind of thing, they were obviously noobs.

The two still didn't understand.

If the imperial court doesn't even give Zhan Ying a grain of food or a weapon, how can the Prairie Wolf Clan allocate war horses to Zhan Ying?

Zhan Ying said: "The Wolf King will definitely not give it to me for free. I can spend money on it."

Li Ziye and Phantom had always traveled around the world before, so they had a fairly good understanding of prices in the world.

She said angrily: "I think you are crazy, a good horse from the prairie. Now it costs hundreds of taels of silver, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy one.

Look at what you mean, you want to build at least five million cavalry in northern Liaoning, do you have that much money to buy war horses from the grassland?"

Zhan Ying shook his head and said: "I don't have a tael of silver, but Fusang does.

Girl Ye Zi, maybe you don’t know that the island country of Fusang may seem like a small land with barren land and scarce products, but Fusang is extremely rich.

Seven of the top ten silver mines that have been explored are in Fusang, and the top three silver mines are also in Fusang.

These three major silver mines alone can produce 20 million taels of silver every year. This is an inexhaustible mountain of silver.

The entire four Fuso Islands can produce 40,000 taels of silver every year.

Now Fusang is under my jurisdiction. I won't let them send troops, but they must get money.

It's the twelfth lunar month of winter, and there won't be any big war in northern Liaoning. I still have a few months to prepare.

Don't worry, after I pacify Northern Liaoning, His Majesty the Emperor will dispatch me to the Pass to fight.

Without me, those mediocre generals alone would not be able to defend China."

At the same time, in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Zhao Shiyu privately discussed Zhan Ying's battle in the side hall with his father.

After hearing this, His Majesty the Emperor looked very surprised.

After a long time, he said: "Prince, have you made any similar battle plans in the past ten years?"

Zhao Shiyu smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "We dare not even think about digging up the Huangyan River. This would be an eternal crime. No one has ever thought of using this move to stop the enemy."

His Majesty the Emperor nodded slightly.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Besides this battle plan, what else did Zhan Ying say?"

Zhao Shiyu said: "He said that this battle plan was the only method he had thought about for ten years. With this method, he was sure that after the catastrophe, more than 40% of the human population could still be preserved.

This plan must be a top secret and must not be known to the people in heaven, let alone the common people on earth. Let me kill the general’s staff in the side hall.”

His Majesty the Emperor's eyes flashed.

Said: "Then do it."

Zhao Shiyu was stunned and said: "What?"

His Majesty the Emperor said: "Zhan Ying is indeed the material to be the generalissimo. This battle plan, whether implemented or not in the future, must not be leaked.

Our generals who can fight are all on the front lines, and those generals and staff in the side halls are just idiots.

Since he is a straw bag, he should be killed.

Prince, you must remember that Zhan Ying is a divine sword, and I leave this divine sword for you to use.

However, it is not easy for you to control his sword.

Your structure must be bigger than his, and your heart must be more ruthless than his.

After dealing with the batch of straw bags, you went to meet with Mr. Zhao overnight and asked Mr. Zhao to evaluate the feasibility of the embankment excavation operation and come up with a complete plan as soon as possible.

Remember, this plan should be based on Zhan Ying's strategy and tactics to see if the war can be postponed to the fourth year.

Also, you have to make it clear to Mr. Zhao that this matter is related to the survival of the world and must not be spread outside. It is only known to the four of you, me, Mr. Zhao, and Zhan Ying.

Anyone who knows this plan will be killed immediately."

The emperor is the emperor.

He won't miss any hope of winning.

Of course, he will not be a sinner forever.

If the Huangyan River really needs to be excavated in the future, someone must be found to take the blame.

This was a heinous crime that ordinary people could not bear, but the emperor did not dare to bear it, and he did not want his son to become a sinner through the ages.

Coach Zhao Xianfeng is the most suitable candidate.

This chapter has been completed!
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