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Chapter 4761 Large-Scale Mobilization

 Ye Xiaochuan still has some face.

He edited two letters and easily mobilized the wizards of Southern Xinjiang and the casual cultivators of Nanhai.

But now every corner of the world is filled with informants from various factions. Such large-scale mobilization cannot avoid secret investigations by the informants of various factions.

Of course, the casual cultivators of Donghai and the wizards of Southern Xinjiang had no intention of keeping a low profile on this matter.

Their purpose is to make the trouble known to everyone as soon as their men and horses make a move.

The Xuantian Sect received the news late, and their intelligence network was still not as good as the Cangyun Sect.

Two hours ago, the hidden stakes of Cangyun Gate had secretly transmitted these two pieces of information back to Samsara Peak.

Since the battle of Longmen, the heavenly cultivators have been huddled in Dawu City, Longmen, and the Gate of Catastrophe, without any sign of being mobilized.

Nowadays, there are two forces in the world that are undergoing large-scale mobilization, which makes all factions in the world a little uneasy.

Because this is not an isolated case.

As early as a few days ago, scouts and spies from various sects had already detected that at least 20,000 red-clothed disciples had slipped out of the thick fog in Wushan Mountain, and then broken into pieces to head towards Qiming Mountain in the west of Shiwan Mountain.


But it was strange. Scouts from various factions had been secretly tracking these disciples in red. As a result, all the disciples in red suddenly disappeared at the west end of Shiwan Mountain without leaving any trace.

Yesterday, various factions just lost traces of those mysterious disciples in red. Today, the Southern Xinjiang wizards and Nanhai loose cultivators who have been supporting Ye Xiaochuan have made unusual moves, which has to make people suspicious.

Yu Jizi is still in seclusion, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about human affairs.

After Yu Jizi learned the news, he immediately sent messages in the name of the alliance leader to Gesang, the great wizard of the Miao people in southern Xinjiang, and Tian Chenzi, the actual controller of the casual cultivators in Nanhai, asking them about their intentions in mobilizing a large number of cultivators.

Because the Pluto Flag was now in the hands of the Cangyun Sect, Gesang had no choice but to reply, saying that it was nothing serious and it was just a routine defense change.

This statement obviously cannot be believed by Yu Jizi.

If it is just a simple defense change, there is no need to mobilize all tens of thousands of white-robed wizards to the west of Shiwan Mountain.

Yu Jizi was keenly aware that this transfer in southern Xinjiang was most likely related to Ye Xiaochuan's actions against the Five Poison Sect.

In the past, Yu Jizi always wanted to suppress Ye Xiaochuan, but now he has figured it out. Now that Ye Xiaochuan and Gui Xuanzong are full-fledged, they can no longer suppress them.

There is only another way.

It is in the interest of the Cangyun Sect to let the various sects of the Demon Sect and the Guixuan Sect fight against each other so as to consume both the Demon Sect and the Guixuan Sect at the same time.

So Yujizi chose to believe it on the surface.

However, in order to prevent the southern Xinjiang wizards from losing control, Yujizi sent Leng Zongsheng, with the Pluto Flag and hundreds of Cangyun disciples, to rush to the southern Xinjiang immediately to prevent any unexpected events.

Facing the inquiry from Yu Jizi, the leader of the alliance, Tian Chenzi had nothing to hide. He directly said that the Goddess Sect had robbed many island territories of various sects and casual cultivators in the South China Sea in the past few years, and he wanted to take them back again.

In order to prevent the scattered cultivators in Nanhai from not being strong enough, he also roped in Tianqi Taoist from Penglai in Donghai.

Taoist Tianqi is indeed his good friend, and he responded quickly.

Only two hours after the large-scale gathering and mobilization of casual cultivators in the South China Sea began, more than 20,000 disciples gathered in Penglai and flew to the South China Sea in a mighty manner.

All factions in the world know about the changes in Southern Xinjiang and South China Sea, how could Nangong Bat not know about it.

Just after returning to Qianbo Mountain for a few days, Nangong Bat received the news.

She immediately called a meeting with the top leaders of the Goddess Cult.

There are many high-level leaders in the Goddess Cult. After all, there are hundreds of high-level leaders and thousands of middle- and low-level leaders who are inevitable.

But it is strange that there are only a few high-level officials staying in Qianbo Mountain, only a hundred or so people, and more than half of the high-level officials of the Goddess Cult are not here.

Sitting in the most sacred temple of the Goddess of the Goddess Cult, Nangong Bat listened to Dugu Fengyue's report with a cold face.

Nangong Bat got much more information than Cangyun Sect.

She knew that Nanhai and Nanjiang were definitely not the only two forces gathering now.

Except Gui Xuanzong.

Guo Zifeng, Wen He and others, who had just returned to Devil's Lake, were also secretly gathering a large number of casual cultivators in Devil's Lake.

After Dugu Fengyue finished his report, Ye Bixin held a bamboo stick and pointed on a large hanging map.

Said: "Honored Lord.

Now it has been found out that the cultivators from Southern Xinjiang and East China Sea are all coming for us.

More than 40,000 white-robed wizards in southern Xinjiang, led by the two great wizards Huoli and Tuyi, and the corpse exorcist Liu Fusheng, have arrived in the southwest of Shiwanda Mountain, less than a hundred meters away from our largest stronghold at Bald Eagle Peak.


The overseas rogue cultivators were divided into two groups. Thirty thousand Nanhai rogue cultivators, led by Tian Chenzi, arrived at Yizhou Island, the dividing line between our two forces.

The 20,000 Donghai cultivators led by Taoist Tianqi have now arrived in the waters south of Fusang, and will be able to join the Nanhai cultivators on Yizhou Island within four hours.

Now our strongholds on the sea, as well as those in the eastern part of Deadpool, are in serious danger.

Nowadays, most of our disciples are in the northern part of Death Lake. There are not many disciples left in Nanhai and the eastern part of Death Lake. If we really take action, our disciples will be defeated soon.

Moreover, the casual cultivators at Devil's Lake are also gathering. Judging from the fact that Guo Zifeng and others left Qiming Mountain in a hurry and gathered the casual cultivators when they returned to Devil's Lake, I'm afraid they are also coming for us.

There are at least 60,000 casual cultivators in Devil's Lake. The 40,000 casual cultivators who were transferred to the temple by Guo Zifeng and Wen He are not very strong. The more than 20,000 core strength of Devil's Lake did not go to the temple.

The combat power of these 20,000 casual cultivators is extraordinary. If they are really coming towards us, we would have to send out at least 40,000 goddesses if we want to resist them.

In addition to the at least 20,000 red-clothed disciples who have recently disappeared into the seven-color miasma of the rainbow... Lord, would you like to write a letter and ask what Sect Leader Ye really wants to do?

Do you really want to take action against us?"

There was suddenly silence in the Goddess Temple, and the senior officials of the Goddess Cult looked at their Lord Nangong Bat.

Nangong Bat's expression didn't change much, it was still cold.

After a while, Nangong Bat finally spoke and said: "There are many people who want to eat us, but the one who really knows how to do it is definitely not Xiaochuan, but Nv She.

Is there any movement from the Sixth Division of Heavenly Women in Kunlun Mountain?"

Dugu Fengyue took two steps forward and said: "News just came out from the Kunlun Wonderland. Nu'e has gathered 60,000 nuns from the Six Divisions of Heavenly Women near her ancestral land. It seems that she will enter the human world through the gate of space at any time."

Nangong Bat said: "When did the Sixth Division of Heavenly Maid make any changes?

Are they in sync with cultivators in the human world?"

Dugu Fengyue shook his head and said: "No, the transfer of the Tiannu Division was about two hours after the abnormal transfer of monks in Nanhai and Southern Xinjiang." Nangong Bat heard this and suddenly laughed.

But it was a sneer.

Jie Jie's laughter made people's heads tingle.

She said slowly: "Your Majesty She is really smart. She saw Xiaochuan's purpose at a glance and was ready to help Xiaochuan.

Fengyue, did our hundred thousand goddesses find anything unusual?"

This chapter has been completed!
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