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Chapter 4858 The world is boiling

 Yu Jizi immediately issued a statement, first expressing deep condolences to Gui Xuanzong, and then making the deepest, most severe, and strongest condemnation of the murderer.

When Guan Shaoqin saw Yu Jizi's statement, he immediately issued a statement, saying that this kind of inhumane massacre would definitely be recorded in the annals of human history and be reviled by people for eternity.

The Buddhist temples of Kasyapa and Jixiang Temple issued a joint statement and expressed their willingness to dispatch a thousand Buddhist disciples from the nearest Kunlun Mountains to the Wanhu Ancient Cave to liberate the innocent children who died.

Various sects in the world, large and small, issued statements of condemnation one after another.

It has won a lot of praise and likes.

Tuoba Yu took a look and said, hey, you have won the hearts of the people by issuing a harmless statement of condemnation, so I will do the same.

So Tuoba Yu issued a statement of condemnation in the name of the acting leader of the holy religion and the general leader of the human world.

But it seems to have little effect.

Many people think that the massacre at Wanhu Ancient Cave was Tuoba Yu's revenge for Gui Xuanzong's actions the night before yesterday.

After careful analysis, a general context emerged.

"Ye Xiaochuan has secretly trained disciples in Wanhu Ancient Cave for so many years, but the world has never known about it, but now Wanhu Ancient Cave has been attacked.

There must be someone inside.

Gui Xuan Sect has been developing rapidly recently, and many senior elders of the Demon Sect have defected to Gui Xuan Sect. Many of these people must be traitors planted by Tuo Bayu.

Only these elders have access to the high-level secrets of Guixuan Sect.

So, Tuobayu must have sent someone to do this."

"I think so. In the Battle of the Holy Mountain more than ten years ago, Tuoba Yu massacred many children of the Xuantian Sect.

This guy has a very bad reputation!"

"Oh, talking about Xuantian Sect, all the sects in the world have issued statements stating that they will severely punish the criminals. Why is there no movement from Xuantian Sect?"

"Third brother, are you stupid?

Ye Xiaochuan's mother was killed by the Xuantian Sect, and Ye Xiaochuan also killed the old god Qiankunzi, the previous leader of the Xuantian Sect.

They are sworn enemies, how could they cheer for Ye Xiaochuan?"

"Anyway, in this kind of matter, all the grudges and enemies in the past have to be let go. The Xuantian Sect's structure is still a bit small."

"Forget about Xuantian Sect, let's talk about Tuoba Yu. Do you think Ye Xiaochuan will go to war with Tuoba Yu?"

"I think they will definitely have to fight. Right now, the main force of Guixuan Sect and one hundred thousand disciples of Demon Sect are facing each other in Hanhai City in the Western Region.

This kind of hatred, if Ye Xiaochuan doesn't fight, how can he gain a foothold in the world..." In Yangzhou City, all the young people have gone to serve in the military, and there are only a group of old men in their fifties and sixties, drinking tea and talking about the latest news and current affairs.


The chubby old storyteller came over with a wine glass in his hand and said, "Haha, maybe Tuo Bayu didn't do this?"

An old man said: "Who else can there be except Tuoba Yu?

Now three-year-old children know that the person who wants to kill Ye Xiaochuan the most is Tuoba Yu. If Ye Xiaochuan dies, no one will compete with him for the position of leader of the Demon Cult."

The old storyteller said: "It is precisely because everyone knows this truth that it is impossible for Tuo Bayu to do this.

Tuoba Yu is the overlord of the party and will not force Ye Xiaochuan to go to war with him using this method that is reviled by the world.

This matter is actually very simple. Whoever wants Ye Xiaochuan and Tuoba Yu to go to war the most is the most likely murderer."

Several old men have also lived for many years, and their experience is much higher than that of young people.

When the old storyteller said this, these old men all nodded slightly.

A skinny old man pinched the white beard on his chin, shook his head and said: "When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits.

I wish that the fight between Ye Xiaochuan and Tuoba Yu would be caused by either Tianjie or Xuantian Sect.

After all, Xuantian Sect is our thousand-year-old righteous leader in the world, and it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a heartbreaking and evil thing.

Then the perpetrator can only be from heaven."

"It makes sense! The people in the heaven have great supernatural powers, and they may have found out that Wanhu Ancient Cave is the home of Gui Xuan Sect.

In the last battle of Longmen, Ye Xiaochuan defeated the six most powerful Haotian tribes in the Heaven Realm and disgraced the Heaven Realm.

Now that Ye Xiaochuan has sent troops to the Western Region again and occupied the southern border of the Western Region, the heavenly realm naturally regards him as a thorn in its side and a thorn in its flesh."

"Ten years ago, Ye Xiaochuan killed fewer people in the heaven, slaughtered less cities, and the base of the capital was too low. If Ye Xiaochuan had killed millions of people, the base of the capital would have been built into a tower thousands of feet high.

Do you dare to trouble him when you look at the mountains of heaven?"

Ye Xiaochuan's appeal is still effective.

Many of these people recall the feats Ye Xiaochuan performed for the world ten years ago.

In particular, Ye Xiaochuan counterattacked Tianjie ten years ago, massacred the city, demolished the village, and built the capital. No matter how bad Ye Xiaochuan's reputation was, this incident will always be recorded in the jade slips and enshrined in the jade slips hidden cave.

The old storyteller chatted with these mortals in the teahouse for a while and then walked out.

Fantong was lying down in the alley next to the teahouse. When he saw the old master appeared, he immediately walked over with his big butt shaking.

The old storyteller turned over and sat on the rice bucket, patted his head and said: "Ye Xiaochuan is in trouble. His hometown was raided and many people died."

The big head hummed a few times, and the old storyteller seemed to understand what it said.

Said: "I'm also worried about Xiaolou, but Xiaolou should be fine.

Although I am not sure who did this, I am certain that it was definitely not done by Tianjie or Tuoba Yu.

The two emperors of the heaven disdain to do such despicable things. Tuoba Yu has finally become the leader of the human alliance and will never destroy his reputation.

This must have been done in the right way.

Yu Jizi is cunning and cunning, and it is unlikely that he will do it himself.

Guan Shaoqin puts profit first, and killing Gui Xuanzong's children would do no good to Guan Shaoqin and is unlikely.

Li Xuanyin is the most suspected, but without evidence, it is not entirely certain that he did it.

The death of thousands of children is just a trivial matter. What is really fatal is that a spy appears within Gui Xuanzong, and this spy has access to Gui Xuanzong's high-level secrets and even Ye Xiaochuan himself.

If this spy is not caught, Ye Xiaochuan will be in danger in the future."

The big head hummed as he walked.

The old storyteller laughed and said: "You stupid bear is not a loser, but you are still somewhat intelligent and know how powerful the nightmare beast is.

But I doubt whether Ye Xiaochuan can think of using the nightmare beast to catch spies.

I even doubt whether Ye Xiaochuan could have imagined that there was a spy beside him.

Forget it, these grievances, fights and killings have nothing to do with us. Since Ye Xiaochuan has chosen this path, he has to face these grievances.

Hey, it’s a pity that Xiaolou suffered so much.”

This chapter has been completed!
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