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Chapter 4937 Explore again

 There is a war in southern Xinjiang.

Compared with the battles at Yumen Pass and Niangzi Pass, the war in southern Xinjiang can be said to be a continuation of the catastrophe ten years ago.

Because what they faced was not the celestial legion that had recently entered the human world, but the first batch of celestial remnants from the lower realm ten years ago.

There are less than 40,000 people in the Celestial Legion, and there is no Destruction Legion. The number of the Six-Winged Legion is also very small.

The celestial legions are mainly concentrated in the madman and skeleton legions, as well as less than a thousand six-legged beast riders.

The commander of this heavenly army is named Si Wenliang. He was the commander-in-chief of the First Army ten years ago. After Gu Yuqi buried more than four million of the heavenly army in Eagle Beak Cliff, Si Wenliang was appointed by Hua Wuyou.

He is the supreme commander of the Wushan Heavenly Legion.

Unlike Gu Yuqi's radical character, Si Wenliang's character is just like his name, gentle and cautious.

Ten years ago, he had seen the courage of human soldiers who were willing to face death, so Si Wenliang was very careful this time when he moved from Wushan in southern Xinjiang to Yumenguan in the western region.

More than half a month passed before the scouts from the five tribes in southern Xinjiang discovered this celestial army of nearly 40,000 people.

Si Wenliang is not Gu Yuqi who doesn't understand military strategy. In the heavenly realm, he is the leading general under Beidi.

This road going north is very dangerous, and the first hurdle he has to face is the Falling Eagle Valley ahead.

Falling Eagle Valley is the only place he must pass on his way north. If he avoids it, he will have to go around for hundreds of miles, and it will increase the chance of being discovered by scouts from southern Xinjiang.

The forward battalion arrived at Falling Eagle Valley this evening. Si Wenliang, who was in charge of the main force of the rear army, ordered the forward battalion not to rush into Falling Eagle Valley and first sent six-winged aerial vehicles to conduct reconnaissance in the air to avoid being ambushed.

When the scouts came back and said that no soldiers from Southern Xinjiang were found around Falling Eagle Valley, Si Wenliang immediately ordered the entire army to move out and quickly pass through this deadly valley before the five tribes of Southern Xinjiang discovered his people.

To be honest, Si Wenliang was indeed cautious enough.

If Gray had followed the battle plan drawn up in advance, the soldiers in southern Xinjiang who had been ambushed at this moment would have been exposed to the Sky Cavalry.

It's a pity that Si Wenliang is not facing Gray this time, but Zhan Ying.

Zhan Ying changed Gray's battle plan, sparing the forward battalion of Tianjie and mainly attacking the main force of Tianjie behind.

This small change directly changed the situation of the battle.

Bingxu year, night of the seventh day of the first lunar month.

The 5,000 forward battalion in the heaven opened the way with 300 giant warriors and marched into the Falling Eagle Valley.

The main force of Heavenly Realm, fifty miles away behind, also set off at the same time.

The march of the vanguard battalion went very smoothly. It only took about an hour for all five thousand soldiers to pass through the dangerous land of Falling Eagle Valley.

Si Wenliang, who was at the rear, finally breathed a long sigh of relief after receiving the news.

The forward battalion was ordered to continue marching through the night, and the main army also accelerated its marching speed. The main army must all pass through the Falling Eagle Valley before dawn.

As soon as Heaven's forward battalion moved forward, the Southern Xinjiang warriors began to move on their rear legs.

Since the forward battalion did not suffer any ambush, Tianjie also conducted multiple reconnaissances, and there were no ambushes on both sides of Falling Eagle Valley. This made everyone in Tianjie, from the top management to the soldiers, relax their vigilance.

They did not discover in time that in various mountain dens five or six miles away from the Falling Eagle Valley, countless shirtless and black-skinned Southern Xinjiang warriors took off their dead leaf camouflage, hunched over their waists, and sneaked in the direction of the Falling Eagle Valley.

In less than an hour, the dangerous highlands on both sides of the originally empty Falling Eagle Valley were filled with Southern Xinjiang warriors.

Many small caves were dug out on the rock wall. Packets of black powder had long been stuffed into the caves. The leads were crisscrossed like streams, gradually converging on the top of the mountain.

The aerial scouts in southern Xinjiang have been secretly watching the movements of the Tianjie forward battalion and the main force.

There are many variables in this ambush battle.

The main force of the heavenly realm enters Falling Eagle Valley in batches. This is just one of the variables that may occur.

The biggest change is the location of the forward camp.

In order to concentrate superior forces against the main force of Heaven, Gray only dispatched 20,000 southern Xinjiang warriors to prevent the forward battalion of Heaven from turning around and returning for reinforcements.

To the north of Falling Eagle Valley, only the terrain around Niutoushan can act as a blocking force.

Therefore, the timing of this battle is very critical.

They must wait until the Tianjie forward battalion crosses Niutoushan before launching an ambush.

If the attack time of Falling Eagle Valley is earlier than the time when the Tianjie forward battalion crosses Niutoushan, then the forward battalion will turn around as soon as possible to meet the main force.

Under attack from the north and the south, the five ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang have a low chance of winning.

So now the scouts from Southern Xinjiang are constantly telling Gray the location where the Tianjie Forward Battalion has arrived.

Fortunately, nothing happened so far. The Heavenly Army was just as Zhan Ying expected. The forward battalion was still advancing northward non-stop after passing through the Falling Eagle Valley.

According to time calculation, the vanguard battalion will be able to fully cross Niutoushan in one hour.

The main force of the Heavenly Legion entered the Falling Eagle Valley almost an hour later.

In the darkness, Gray's eyes were frighteningly bright, but his expression was very calm. He quietly listened to the report of his men.

"Clan leader, the Tianjie forward battalion has arrived at Niutoushan."

"Explore again!"

"The main force of Heaven has arrived in the southern part of Falling Eagle Valley, and their leading troops have entered Falling Eagle Valley."

"Has the enemy divided his forces?"

"There is currently no sign that they have divided their forces. They entered the valley in a long snake formation and accelerated their march."

"Explore again!"

Gray has been able to stand alone in the past ten years.

He was very calm and was not in a hurry to start fighting.

"The leading troops of the main force in Heaven are expected to be able to leave Eagle Falling Valley within half a stick of incense! Patriarch, do you want to fight?"

"Is there any news from Niutoushan?"

"The Tianjie Forward Battalion has just crossed Niutoushan.

Our warriors are reaching several highlands in Niutoushan."

"Explore again!"

The situation in Niutoushan is similar to that in Luoying Valley.

In order to prevent the enemy's aerial scouts from detecting them, the 20,000 southern Xinjiang warriors responsible for blocking the forward battalion were hidden in the mountain dens on the back of Niutou Mountain.

Gray had to block the troops and enter the Niutoushan position before he could order the attack.

He stood at a commanding point in Falling Eagle Valley, looking at the dark celestial soldiers in the valley below, Gray's fists clenched quietly.

To say I'm not nervous would be a lie.

But as the commander-in-chief of the five tribes in southern Xinjiang, no matter how nervous he is, he cannot show it, otherwise the warriors of his tribe will be even more nervous.

Time passed little by little.

At this moment, Gray felt that time was being slowed down.

He watched helplessly as the heavenly army under his feet passed through the valley. The leading troops had already reached the northern exit of the valley.

The senior generals around him all looked anxious.

The enemy is almost out of the ambush circle. If we don't fight now, it will be too late.

Once thousands of enemies come out of the valley, a counter-encirclement of the ambush circle will be formed.

This chapter has been completed!
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