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The tactics of Zhan Ying can be summed up in just one word.


Counting from the beginning of the catastrophe ten years ago, so far, the human world has not reached the point of being damaged.

The main force of the human army, the world of human cultivation, is still there.

As a home battle, the world can afford it.

However, Tianjie, who is playing away from home, cannot afford to delay.

There is no need to drag on for sixty or seventy years like the catastrophe more than 20,000 years ago.

In Zhan Ying's plan, he is now seeking a decisive battle with the main force of Tianjie. The two sides have a 50-50 chance of winning.

Once the war is dragged into this winter, when heavy snow once again covers this ancient land, the balance of victory will tilt towards the world.

If it can be delayed until next winter, the chance of winning in this world will be 70%.

As for how many civilians would be killed and how many lands would be lost in his drag-zi tactics, Zhan Ying did not consider them.

In his heart, he only plans to win, and everything else is secondary.

Now the battle of Niangziguan has only entered the first stage.

When the second line of defense at Niangzi Pass is breached, the two sides will fall into a tug-of-war.

With Xu Kai's strength, it would not be a big problem to block Tianjie at Niangziguan for a month or two.

Only when the third line of defense of Niangzi Pass, that is, the frontal barrier of Niangzi Pass, is breached by Heaven, will Zhan Ying take action.

Niangziguan, early morning.

The billowing smoke has already covered the sky, and the sun has risen in the east for nearly two hours. It is already dark inside and outside the Niangziguan defense line.

The first line of defense on Thousand Holes Cliff was filled with raging flames.

After burning for seven or eight days, the rock walls of Qiankong Cliff are all red.

The human warriors hiding deep in the caves were killed by heat and suffocation, and as many as ten thousand people died.

But they can't abandon Thousand Holes Cliff.

Once the soldiers in the cave are evacuated, the army of destruction from the heaven will march straight in, directly in front of the second line of defense.

The significance of the current Qiankong Cliff Defense Line is to rely on the tall mountains to prevent the fireballs sprayed by the Legion of Destruction from directly hitting the second Wengcheng defense line and the third Queguan defense line at Niangzi Pass.

Wengcheng's defense line is now in a state of emergency.

This wave of fighting started two days ago and has not stopped until now.

The strong defense line has collapsed in many places.

The bodies of both sides collapsed and piled up like mountains.

Obviously, in the past two days, both sides have repeatedly fought for the collapse gap.

Of the more than a hundred huge rolling logs, less than half are still functioning, and two-thirds of the rolling logs have lost their combat effectiveness.

In close combat, human warriors have no advantage whatsoever.

Especially in front of giant warriors who are two to three feet tall, human warriors have no strength to resist the hundreds of kilograms of giant axes and maces swung at them.

The only way to kill the tenacious giant warriors is to cut their necks with a knife.

But they are too tall, and the human warriors are too short.

Brave human warriors can only sacrifice their lives.

To surround and kill a giant warrior, four halberdiers, six rope soldiers, six springers, and four crossbowmen are needed.

It would be very difficult for twenty of the most elite soldiers in the world to bring down a giant warrior.

Under normal circumstances, human warriors can only knock down and kill a giant warrior after losing about thirty people.

Every day, hundreds of thousands of human warriors die heroically at Niangzi Pass.

The old Xu Kai's eyes were bloodshot at this moment.

Because of his age, he is not as energetic as a young man.

After two days and two nights without rest, I looked very tired.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, although there is no need to go to the battlefield, it is the most tiring.

Once the battle begins, the coach must pay attention to the battle at all times.

If the soldiers can't see their coach when they look back, it will have a huge impact on morale.

This is why, during the Battle of Yingzui Cliff ten years ago, when the world was victorious, Zhao Shiqu closed his eyes forever.

He was exhausted to death.

Fighting against the heavens is like sending soldiers into a meat grinder to be ground.

Human beings, or in other words, all creatures, have fear.

Two to three hundred thousand people jumped into this millstone every day without any hope, which led to deserters appearing on the Niangziguan battlefield.

Last night, the Seventh Army, a powerful general with ten thousand troops, was ordered to lead an attack to seize a gap that had been occupied by the enemy.

As a result, General Huwei fled halfway out of fear because of fear.

As a result, 10,000 elites in the world were leaderless.

In just half an hour, more than half of it was lost.

Although General Huwei and dozens of generals who retreated together were ordered to be killed by Xu Kai, and their heads were hung on the gates of the third line of defense, they still could not stop more and more generals from retreating.

From last night to this morning, in just five or six hours, Xu Kai killed hundreds of people who had retreated from the battle.

These people are almost all generals above the rank of captain, and most of them are born into noble families. It is fine to let their lackeys eat, drink, and gamble, but let them fight face to face with the terrifying giant army. They are not the material.

Now the second line of defense is piled with millions of giant corpses.

The piles of corpses were higher than the city walls, and soldiers from both sides fought in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Xu Kai knew that this wave of attacks had to end.

If the fight continues, more and more people who are afraid of war will come to the world.

So, he ordered that two thousand barrels of fire oil be mobilized from the warehouse at the rear defense line to burn these corpses.

In less than half an hour, monstrous fire swept through the entire second line of defense.

There are tens of thousands of elite soldiers in the human world and more than a thousand warriors in the heaven, who are fighting. No one expects the fire from heaven to come.

It was already too late to think about retreating.

These warriors shouted and roared in the sea of ​​fire, and were gradually engulfed by the flames.

An Wenxiu saw that Xu Kai was so cruel that he even dared to abandon more than 10,000 human soldiers in order to prevent him from attacking.

Now the fire was raging, sealing the entire defense line. An Wenxiu wanted to continue the attack, but the adjutant said that there was not much fire retardant liquid left, so An Wenxiu could only temporarily stop his troops.

The Heavenly Army retreated in an orderly manner, and at the same time, the fireballs that had blocked the Qiankongya defense line for the past few days also stopped spraying.

The entire battlefield was filled with the smell of barbecue for hundreds of miles in radius.

At the same time, the Sea of ​​Forgetfulness and the Black Witch Island.

Human cultivators have been repairing it here for several days. The damaged Liuyun No. has been completely renewed under the continuous work of two skilled craftsmen, Xiao Qi and Gui Yatou.

This ship is definitely of epoch-making significance.

The two girls borrowed the water-dividing bead Zuo Qiu gave Ye Xiaochuan from Ye Xiaochuan.

Then many waterproof barrier formations were carved.

Now this ship can not only sail on the sea, but can also dive underwater when encountering bad weather such as storms.

As for the maximum diving depth, the two secret women said that it can at least dive a thousand feet.

This chapter has been completed!
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