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Chapter 5334 attack

After all, the floating speed of the Liuyun was not as fast as that of the big crab that was born and raised in the ocean.

In the dark depths of the seabed, the Liuyun is emitting light, like a firefly in the darkness. It is dazzling and conspicuous, and can easily attract the interest of monsters in the water.

The huge crab spirit vividly demonstrates that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers and ignorant people are fearless.

It is just a big crab that is over one foot tall. Among the endless aquariums in the Sea of ​​Forgetfulness, its physique cannot be ranked at all.

Facing the Liuyun, which was dozens of feet long, and the dozens of human cultivators on the Liuyun who could tear it into pieces with one hand, it not only did not run away, but instead rushed towards the Liuyun with great excitement.


Soon, the big crab was firmly attached to the outer wall of Liuyun's hull like a gecko.

It wants to use its huge crab claws to disembowel the Liuyun and then eat all the Bipeds on the ship.

It's a pity that the Liuyun was so strong after being modified by the two troublemakers that the Crab Spirit failed to break through the outer wall of the Liuyun despite several attempts.

This crab spirit became more and more excited as it went on its way to death. It climbed up along the hull of the ship, and soon came to the water curtain barrier above that was supported by water droplets.

This scene made Baili Yuan and other people who had experienced the journey to the underworld exclaim in surprise.

They all experienced the time when a big crab broke through the water barrier and turned into a drowned rat. They were all screaming at this moment.

Monk Liujie has already shown his sword.

This monk planned to strike first and save this ten-foot-long crab spirit.

Gui Yatou and Xiao Qi told everyone not to worry, as the water curtain barrier would not be broken.

In front of everyone, they saw that the huge crab claws were unable to break through the water barrier, which made everyone surprised and happy.

Ye Xiaochuan asked the two girls what they had done to the water droplets and why the water curtain barrier supported by the water droplets was so strong.

The two women smiled mysteriously and said that this was their business secret and it was not convenient for them to disclose it to the outside world.

Just like that, he surfaced from the water without any danger.

As for the lifeless big crab, the ending was the same as the big blind crab that Ye Xiaochuan and others encountered in the underworld.

This giant crab, which lived for hundreds of years, eventually became a delicacy for humans.

The Liuyun took the correct direction and sailed towards the Black Witch Island. An hour later, they arrived at the Black Witch Island.

Less than half of the people boarded the ship to take part in the diving test, and more than half of the remaining people stayed on Black Witch Island.

Watching Liu Jie, Sikong Zhaixing, Liu Jiao, and Lu Haiya carrying a large blue crab over one foot long from the Liuyun to the shore, the people left behind on Black Witch Island were all curious.

What have these people experienced in the past two hours?

Prosperity and prosperity circled around the crab, and finally the big crab slowly turned from blue to red under the heavenly fire of prosperity.

Ye Xiaochuan has recently been helping Xiaofeng merge with Wufengjian, which consumes a lot of mental energy.

It was like going back to the time when I was in Lantian County and was so exhausted when I hit the acupuncture points.

When the absorbed spiritual power cannot quickly replenish his own consumption, Ye Xiaochuan's appetite will increase significantly.

He held a large pair of pliers and pried open the shell. The white crab meat inside quickly entered his not-so-large belly under his mouthful of eating habits.

A group of people looked at him like a monster.

Prosperous wealth and wealth are the biggest losers on the ship.

Xiaochi, Xiaoqi, Gui Yatou, are first-class rice cooks.

This is recognized by everyone.

As for Ye Xiaochuan, he is recognized as a drunkard.

At this moment, Ye Xiaochuan had eaten nearly a hundred kilograms of crab meat by himself, and his belly did not look like that of a pregnant woman who was pregnant with Liujia. This made everyone wonder, did the food that this kid ate not enter his stomach?

Prosperity and wealth are divine birds. After transformation, they can spread their wings for hundreds of feet. Even after eating several cows, there will be no change.

Ye Xiaochuan is a human being. How could his stomach hold so many things without any change in his belly?

Facing the shocked looks of these people, Ye Xiaochuan did not explain anything.

After drinking and eating, I wiped my lips and planned to continue to the cliff platform to fuse Xiaofeng and Wufengjian.

This is the top priority right now.

After several days of hard work, the spiritual power of the two has become somewhat harmonious.

As Xiaofeng's spiritual power is gradually integrated into the original spiritual power of Wufeng Sword, the power of Wufeng Sword has also increased.

Ye Xiaochuan must perfectly integrate the two as soon as possible.

Although his current cultivation and combat power have been significantly improved, he still has few opponents in the Three Realms.

But the opponent he will face in the future is the Lord of Heaven, the Evil God... Facing a powerful opponent of this level, even if Ye Xiaochuan reaches the Sumeru realm, and the wind system and sword law have reached the third level, it will not be enough.


He must have a powerful natal magic weapon.

The Chaos Bell, the Five-Colored Divine Stone, the Big Dipper Star, the Heavenly Dragon Armor, the Jue of Immortality... although these spiritual treasures are powerful, they are not in line with the laws Ye Xiaochuan cultivated and can only be used as auxiliaries.

Ye Xiaochuan's natal magic weapon has always been the Bladeless Sword.

According to Big Head's speculation, the Wufeng Sword is originally a blood-refined magic weapon. If it is fused with Xiaofeng, it will most likely be upgraded to the level of a heavenly weapon.

In the Three Realms, there used to be only one heavenly weapon-level divine sword, and it could not be regarded as a true heavenly weapon, because it was formed by the fusion of two divine swords made of red ice.

More than ten years ago, the God-killing Demonic Sword was born, breaking the curse of the three-realm magic weapon.

Ye Xiaochuan practiced the law of wind, and the attribute of the God-Slaying Demon Sword was the netherworld attribute. There was some conflict between the two. Even if he snatched the God-Slaying Demon Sword from Yu Jizi, it would not be of much use to him.

Only by upgrading the edgeless sword to a divine weapon can Ye Xiaochuan have the strength to compete with the evil god and the Lord of Heaven.

So he wanted to use all his time to integrate the two.

When he was full, he wanted to escape, but was stopped by Sun Yao, Mo Xiaoti and others.

It has been several days since their group arrived at Black Witch Island, and the injured cultivators have fully recovered during these days of recuperation.

So many people followed Ye Xiaochuan into the Sea of ​​Forgetfulness. They didn't come to see Ye Xiaochuan practice in seclusion. They came to look for the treasure left by the God of Wood.

According to Yun Qiyou's interpretation of the death-seeking pictures on Leize Island, the next stop is Black Witch Island.

The island is too big and the surrounding area is pitch black. It is impossible for them to find any clues about the Mu family siblings left on Leize Island.

Although Ye Xiaochuan had said before retreating in seclusion a few days ago that there were no clues left by the Mu family siblings in this place.

But no one believed it.

Last time, Ye Xiaochuan found the Po Kong Tomb without any effort. To find the secret of this island, it must be Ye Xiaochuan.

So in the past few days, everyone was resting and having fun on the beach, and no one wasted time exploring Black Witch Island.

Now that Ye Xiaochuan has finally come out of seclusion, I don't know how many more days he will have to wait if he is asked to go into seclusion.

Naturally, everyone did not want to watch Ye Xiaochuan fly up to practice in seclusion again, so they attacked Ye Xiaochuan and demanded an explanation from Ye Xiaochuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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