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Chapter 5347 Law of the Dark Forest

Ye Xiaochuan stayed in Linghuyi's ward for a long time, during which he and the ghost girl talked about many things about heaven.

The focus is all on the forces of the evil god.

At the beginning of the catastrophe ten years ago, the human world began to systematically collect intelligence on the heavenly realm. From the captured heavenly prisoners of war, the human world has already mastered relatively detailed information on the four heavenly emperors.

However, everyone in the world has fallen into a misunderstanding.

That is, they were mainly collecting information about the Four Heavenly Emperors and subconsciously ignored the Evil God.

In the human world, everyone from cultivators to ordinary people regard evil gods as the saviors who once saved the world.

In addition, at the beginning of the catastrophe, the evil god sent a ghost girl to delay the arrival of the heavenly army from the lower world. This made the people of the world naturally believe that the evil god has been helping the human world, so they did not regard the evil god as a potential enemy in the human world.

Including Yu Jizi, Tuoba Yu and others, all have this idea.

Through the Wangqinghai incident, Ye Xiaochuan was the first to realize that the evil god was not the strongest ally in the world. Perhaps one day, the evil god would do things that would harm the interests of the world.

To be precise, it is something that is detrimental to his personal interests.

Now he must collect as much information about the evil god as possible.

Mainly the number of people in the Evil God series, their combat power, the number of top masters, etc.

The ghost girl did not doubt that he was there and told Ye Xiaochuan all about her father's family fortune.

The ascended ones are immigrants, and their number in the heaven is far less than that of the natives in the heaven.

However, with the arrival of several groups of ascended people, human culture has become more and more influential in the heavenly realm.

Changlu Mountain in heaven is a Confucian holy land, and its status is equivalent to Mount Tai in the human world.

Tianyu Pili's grandfather, Xu Qiuren, was a great scholar in Changlu Mountain in the heaven.

The Confucian school born in the human world has now become the mainstream theory in the heaven.

As for the ascended ones in the heaven, there are about 200,000 in number.

The ascended ones mentioned here are of pure human blood.

In the Ascended camp, there are still about one-third of the natives of the heavenly realm.

The evil god can mobilize around 270,000 cultivators in the heaven.

Moreover, there are so many powerful people in the Evil God lineage. Whether they are in the Sumeru realm or the Heavenly realm, the number of masters far exceeds that of any of the four factions of the Heavenly Emperors.

This is also the reason why the Four Heavenly Emperors have always been afraid of evil gods.

Ye Xiaochuan definitely doesn't just look at things at face value.

According to the ghost girl's story, there are 270,000 cultivators in the evil god's camp.

It seems that there is a huge gap between the nearly two million cultivators in the world.

However, this is only the power of the evil god on the surface.

This game of heaven has affected more than 80% of the cultivators in the entire three realms. From the current point of view, they are divided into two camps: the evil god and the lord of heaven.

As far as Ye Xiaochuan knew, Hua Wuyou, Po Meng in the underworld, and Ksitigarbha had already secretly formed an alliance with the evil god.

Although Po Meng is said to be guarding the Samsara Pond, her identity is almost the same as that of the former controller of the Hungry Ghost Path, except that she does not have the controller's artifact.

She has gathered hundreds of thousands of undead monks under her command, which is like playing.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is not simple either.

It seems that there is only one Peacock King around, but his prestige in the Shura world is extremely high.

The strength possessed by Meng Po and Ksitigarbha has restrained Pluto for so many years, which shows that these two people are by no means simple.

There is also a clan of guardians of the human world.

The sleeping guardian clan is all the team left behind by the evil god back then.

Ye Xiaochuan could not guarantee whether Yaoguang would be able to control the guardian clan after the conflict between the human world and the evil gods.

At least Feng Yuyan and Wang Zaishan will definitely support the evil god without reservation.

The Lord of Heaven has the emperors of the four directions and the support of Pluto, and can mobilize millions of cultivators.

The evil gods can easily mobilize five to six hundred thousand cultivators.

If Ye Xiaochuan wants to contend with this camp, relying solely on Ghost Xuanzong or Demon Cult is undoubtedly a fool's errand.

There is only one road before Ye Xiaochuan, to unify the world.

Be the ruler of the human world.

The human world is the foundation of the Three Realms and the most powerful among them. Only by integrating all the forces in the human world can Ye Xiaochuan have the capital to fight against the evil god and the Lord of Heaven.

When Ye Xiaochuan left Linghuyi's ward, he was already planning how to form an alliance with the most powerful force in the world, the Pangu clan, the only remaining god clan in the Three Realms.

The Pangu people are also part of the human world, and Ye Xiaochuan must win their support.

Ye Xiaochuan's thoughts are very confused now. He thinks of the Pangu clan for a while, and the Guardian clan for a while.

Feeling chest tightness, I went to the deck to breathe.

The Wuya Ship is very tall, with three floors on top.

Ye Xiaochuan stood on the middle floor, looking at Dugu Changfeng playing with the Overlord Spear on the deck below.

The journey was boring, Qin Fanzhen and others were happy to give Dugu Changfeng some tips.

Looking at the harmonious scene at his feet, Ye Xiaochuan slowly calmed down.

Ye Cha said: "In any matter, if you have to prepare for the best, you have to prepare for the worst.

The Pangu tribe has its own mission. If it could be won over, the Wood God and the Evil God would have fought for it long ago.

Don’t have too much hope in forming an alliance with the Pangu tribe.”

Ye Xiaochuan said in his heart: "No, the Pangu tribe does not really care about human affairs.

Especially in the catastrophe, the Pangu tribe has always been present."

Ye Cha asked in surprise: "Is there any?"

Xiaofeng immediately responded: "Of course there is. Qingtian 160,000 years ago was the representative secretly sent to the human world by the Pangu clan. It was Qingtian who went to the other side of the universe and brought back those who could restrain and kill the Lord of Heaven.

Yushu’s wonderful flowers.”

Xiaoguang said: "That's what I say, but every time the Pangu clan interferes with the catastrophe of the world, it is to help the world, not to help a certain person.

Ye Xiaozi wants to use the power of the Pangu clan to deal with the Lord of Heaven and the Evil God, but the chance is slim.

Not many people know the secret of Creation Island. The responsibility of the Pangu clan is to guard the Star Gate and prevent extraterrestrial cosmic civilizations from discovering the existence of the Three Realms civilization.

To deal with the Lord of Heaven and the Evil God, it cannot be done by sending just one or two hundred clan members. The Pangu clan must move into the human world as a whole.

Once the main force of the Pangu clan leaves Creation Island, who will protect the Star Gate?"

Ye Xiaochuan's soul fell into a brief silence for a while.

After a long time, Ye Xiaochuan said: "Actually, I have never quite understood what kind of existence Star Gate is.

Is it really that scary?"

Xiaoguang said: "You have to ask Nightmare about this."

The big head's voice immediately sounded, saying: "The scary thing is not the Star Gate, but the power behind the Star Gate.

I have told you more than once that the universe is very big, and the starry sky you can see is not even the tip of the iceberg of the universe.

In the endless universe, there are all kinds of strange and weird intelligent life.

The intelligent life on this plane is human beings, and there are not many intelligent life forms similar to humans in the universe.

The level of civilization in the Three Realms is too low. Among the civilizations of the universe, we can only be regarded as primitive people.

Even the cultivation civilization that the Three Realms are proud of is not even considered average in the cosmic cultivation system.

Do you remember that I told you that the ceiling of human monks is Sumeru, but above Sumeru, there are Small Perfection, Great Perfection, Creation, and Creation.

As a cultivator, you should know what each higher level means.

Especially after the realm of Lingji, there is a qualitative gap at a higher level.

The Lord of Heaven must be powerful enough. He is nothing compared to the Creator.

Star gates are also called wormholes in the universe. Most star gates are not naturally formed, but were used by high-level cultivators or highly developed technological civilizations at the beginning of the universe to jump across long distances.

space channel.

There are tens of millions of these passages in the universe, connecting different star fields.

The space channel connecting the civilizations of the Three Realms to the outside world is on Creation Island.

However, since the civilization of the Three Realms is located in the gap between the civilizations of the universe, the probability of being discovered by outside civilization is not high. Over the past million years, only some shuttlers lost in space have mistakenly entered this passage.

These intelligent life forms that stray in are not easy to deal with.

After all, those who can travel through long distances must be either powerful cultivators or high-level technological civilizations.

If the Pangu tribe hadn't been guarding here, the civilization of the Three Realms would have either been destroyed or enslaved by other high-level civilizations.

The former is more likely.

The universe is a huge dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter in the forest. Once the two parties come into contact, for the sake of their own safety, they will choose to strike first and kill the other party.

This is why the Pangu tribe protects the Star Gate.

However, my opinion is different from Xiaoguang Xiaofeng, maybe you can really convince the Pangu tribe to help you deal with the Lord of Heaven."

This chapter has been completed!
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