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Chapter 541 The Last Sword God

 Chapter 541 The Last Sword God


There was a loud noise, the barrier shattered, and countless air waves swept out from the arena. Thanks to the elders who reminded the stunned onlookers to stay away from the No. 10 arena, everyone was not directly swept by the huge force that swept across the world. Otherwise,

The consequences could be disastrous.

Even so, there were still hundreds of unlucky good and evil disciples who were blown away by that force, and they didn't know where they flew.

The barrier of Arena No. 10 collapsed?

The tens of thousands of righteous disciples in the square were all stunned from ear to ear. Everyone looked at the crazily rotating tornado column and didn't know what was going on.

Yun Qiyou's face was filled with tears at this moment. If she hadn't pressed the Chenchen Sword tightly, she would have rushed behind the wind pillar at this moment.

Feeling the great sadness of Zhanchen Sword, Yun Qiyou burst into tears at this moment but didn't know it.

The wind pillar lasted for half an hour. During this period, the fighting in the other nine arenas stopped. Everyone was looking at the wind pillar, but no one knew what happened inside the wind pillar.


The figures of Ye Xiaochuan and Miaohua could not be seen, and the light of the two swords could not be seen. All they could hear was a sound like mysterious thunder vibrating in the ears and roaring in the sky.

Suddenly, amidst the loud rumblings, a desolate voice slowly sounded in the void, singing a heartbroken song.

The edgeless sword, the thought of cutting through the dust, can be cut continuously in three lives and seven lifetimes.

Reincarnation is painful, beauty is far away, no one will accompany you on the road to the end of the world.

The beauty has died and the flowers have faded. I only want to sleep with you forever.

The sky is vast and the mortal world is noisy. What does immortality have to do with me?

A pot of wine and a sword, why is it so difficult?

A pot of wine and a sword, why is it so difficult?

A bottle of wine...

The singing gradually became quieter, as if it disappeared between heaven and earth with endless nostalgia.

The wind gradually stopped, and Arena No. 10 was in pieces. The rocks picked up by the wind pillar were falling with a clatter. Countless people were running around to avoid those rocks.

When everything quieted down and the dust and smoke dissipated, Miaohua Xiaoni was unconscious on the ruins. The pure Jun was quietly inserted upside down in the ruins, and half of the sword was connected to the hilt, still shaking.


But Ye Xiaochuan was kneeling on the ruins, holding Wu Feng in his right hand. Tears were already streaming down his face, and he was in pain.

"Senior, senior..."

He called softly, but that person's voice never appeared again.

He saw the heroic appearance of the invisible sword god, saw how that legendary man looked down upon the three realms, saw how devastating the sword intent of the wind was, and saw a handsome man in white clothes with a final smile,

Disappearing little by little in front of yourself.

Ye Xiaochuan was still kneeling in the ruins. He didn't know who won the battle. He only felt that many people rushed to his side, helped him up, and put the edgeless sword in his hand back into the scabbard.

He didn't know how he returned to Boulder City. He was like a walking zombie who had lost his soul, his eyes were dull and colorless.

Situ Feng disappeared. He should have disappeared six thousand years ago.

Except for Ye Xiaochuan and Xuan Ying, no one knew that Situ Feng chose the last battle and ended his last life at the same place where Su Qinglian ended.

He is just a remnant soul, and his soul is incomplete. Therefore, Situ Feng does not even have a chance to be reincarnated. He really disappears from this universe forever.

Ye Xiaochuan did not leave his room for two days and two nights. The master visited him many times, Yang Jiu also visited him many times, Baili Yuan, Xiaochi, even Yao Xiaofu, Yu Jizi, and those masters

Uncles and uncles, senior brothers and sisters, familiar and unfamiliar, all visited him many times in the past two days.

Everyone came, except Yun Qiyou, who lived next door to him and was closest to him, did not come.

During these two days, Yun Qiyou's door was not opened even once.

It wasn't until the night of the third day that Ye Xiaochuan's soul finally came back, but he was still lying on the bed, looking at the roof, with tears streaming down his face.

Situ Feng's death was a huge blow to Ye Xiaochuan. In his heart, his relationship with Situ Feng was more than a senior, not only a friend, but also a master and disciple.

Only he knew what happened in the tornado, and he didn't intend to tell anyone.

When Yang Jiu came to see him again and saw the light in his eyes, he said with great joy: "Senior brother, senior brother..."

Ye Xiaochuan stood up and said in a hoarse voice: "Pour me a glass of water, I'm so thirsty."

Yang Jiu hurriedly poured a cup of tea for Ye Xiaochuan, and said happily: "Senior brother, you have finally recovered. You have almost been scared to death in the past two days. I will tell Master, Master is very worried about you!"

Ye Xiaochuan rubbed his head and sighed slightly as he watched Yang Jiu happily run out of his room.

The first to get the news were the disciples living in the courtyard. When they heard that Ye Xiaochuan had woken up from the chaos, they all ran in and asked about Ye Xiaochuan's health. By the way, they asked about what happened to Ye Xiaochuan two days ago.

What happened in Arena No. 10?

Hearing that Ye Xiaochuan had woken up, Yu Jizi and Zui Taoist came hand in hand, and everyone who was originally chattering became quiet immediately.

The drunk Taoist immediately stepped forward and said, "Xiaochuan, Xiaochuan, do you still know me as your master?"

Ye Xiaochuan gave a bitter smile and said: "Master, I'm fine, but my unfilial piety has made Master worried."

The drunk Taoist said with wet tears: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. Just get through it."

Ye Xiaochuan felt his head was dizzy and rubbed it again.

Gu Jianchi next to him said to Yu Jizi: "Master, how could Junior Brother Xiaochuan be like this?"

Yu Jizi smoothed his long beard and sat on a chair in the room. He did not answer Gu Jianchi's words, but said to Ye Xiaochuan: "Senior nephew Xiaochuan, do you still remember what happened on the ring two days ago?"

Ye Xiaochuan didn't want to reveal what happened to Situ Feng, so he shook his head silently and said, "I don't remember. I just feel that my soul is imprisoned and my body is no longer under my control."

Yu Jizi said: "That's right."

The disciples did not understand its meaning.

Yujizi explained: "With the cultivation of Xiaochuan and Miaohua, even if they attack with all their strength, it is impossible to break the barrier of the arena. The two destructive forces on the arena at that time did not actually come from the two of them.

But it comes from the divine swords in their hands, Wu Feng and Chun Jun. The sword spirits of these two peerless divine swords briefly controlled their bodies to fight against each other. This kind of confrontation is very dangerous and can easily damage the soul. How can Master Nephew Ogawa wake up?

It's a blessing to be here, Miaohua is still in a severe coma, and I don't know when she will wake up."

This chapter has been completed!
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