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Chapter 1030 War rewards, tons of loot!

After receiving treatment from the ‘Triumph Hospital’, I returned to the ruins of the ruined and poor building in the Bone Village.

Osmond seems to have changed.

Not only Huanglang felt this, but even the village chief Huangxiong couldn't help but marveled at it. He bluntly said that the territory had gone to the hospital to change this guy's brain, right?

He no longer acted so unruly, looking down on this and that all day long.

Instead, he always has a smile on his face wherever he goes, and his words are extremely kind.

He no longer forms cliques and is not isolated from the villagers of the Bone Village in the Wasteland with a group of younger brothers like before.

In the past few days since he came back, he has given death orders to all his former junior brothers.

Either integrate into the village or get out.

So, although I don’t know what happened when Osmond went to Hope Village, why he changed so much.

But as the village chief, Huangxiong is happy to see this change.

Unlike Hope Village, which is full of talents, Barren Bone Village is definitely the opposite of a talent desert.

Except for him and Desolate Wolf, the rest of the people had some problems, so they joined the Desolate Bone Tribe.

Now that it has settled down, if the village wants to develop, it must learn from Hope Village and set up a suitable management team.

In Huang Xiong's view, Osmond, who is smart and has certain management skills, is a good choice.

It's just that before, this man acted like a show-off every day, and even the village chief looked down on him, so naturally he couldn't be entrusted with important responsibilities.


Desolate Bone Village Security Team, Captain!

This is Osmond's new position, and he is mainly responsible for mediating disputes between villagers in the village, and leading a counterattack when encountering enemies.

Of course, that's what Huang Xiong said about the latter responsibility, and he didn't really intend to let Osment lead people to fight.

However, everything happened so suddenly.

At the end of the night, when the Bone Village had fallen into a deep sleep, an urgent order was sent by the guards.

There are going to be more than 600 people. No, there are more than 600 prisoners!

These prisoners will be escorted to the village urgently, and then they will be detained in the Bone Village and become "slaves".

It is not until they complete a certain amount of work tasks to atone for their sins that their status will be gradually upgraded, and they will eventually obtain official resident status in the Tianyuan Territory.

When they first heard the news, Wild Bear and Wild Wolf were still confused and did not understand what happened.

But Osmond was different. He reacted immediately.

Something might have happened in the city!

"Osmond, I am Ram, Ram!"

"Do you still remember me? When your mother died, I helped pick the cemetery."

A familiar shout came from the crowd in the distance.

Osmond looked over subconsciously, but saw only a face that could not be called familiar, but not particularly unfamiliar either.

Is that Ram?

This guy Osmond had a vague impression that what he was best at doing in the Wandering Jungle before was helping people choose burial sites.

In the place he picked, there were basically very few radioactive beasts and no wanderers.

But don't think this is just an extremely ordinary little skill.

In fact, if you cannot choose a good cemetery in the wasteland, the probability of it being dug up by wanderers is very high.

Even if it is written clearly on it that there is only one corpse in this cemetery and no other valuable things.

Those wanderers will also happily dig it open, searching for any objects that may be left behind.

Ram becomes a prisoner?

After verifying his judgment and looking at the uniforms on these prisoners, Osmond had an idea.

He signaled the men behind him to continue to the designated location, and he turned a corner and walked towards Ram.

"I'm still alive, but why are you here?"

A trace of bitterness appeared on Ram's face, and he hurriedly whispered in an awkward voice.

"As you can see, I am a prisoner now."

"We fought with the people from Tianyuan Sanctuary, lost, and were captured by them."

"As a wanderer?"

"Of course not." Upon hearing the word homeless, Ram quickly shook his head: "Didn't Sunny Harbor Shelter recruit homeless people in the city before? I was coerced by them, and now they tricked me into coming here again.


For a few minutes, Ram recounted everything that had happened during this period.

Of course, in his current tone.

Going to Sunny Harbor Shelter is no longer voluntary, but becomes coerced and coerced by other homeless people.

I tried to run out several times during the trip, but was restrained by the strict management inside and couldn't escape.

It's good now, they were sent by Qinggang Sanctuary to invade Tianyuan Sanctuary.

"I don't like fighting in the first place, but they insisted on letting me go, and I was caught without even firing a shot!"

I knew in my heart that Ram was probably not telling the truth completely.

But when he heard that Sunny Harbor Shelter was attacking all shelters, Osmond broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I joined the Rangers Alliance and never planned to stay in the city.

He had some regrets before, but now it seems that even if he stays in the city, he will probably be similar to Ram.

Either die on the battlefield, or become a prisoner like now.

Just when Osmond was hesitating to ask for more information, not far away, a guard with a gun walked over.

Ram subconsciously closed his mouth.

Because it could only be distinguished by his clothes, the identity of this guard was most likely much higher than that of the one escorting them.


After pronouncing the name word by word, Lu Zhou seemed to realize that his tone was a bit harsh, so he cleared his throat.

Learning Blue Star Language has become an unavoidable condition for promotion in the guard force.

Based on everyone's current learning situation, this language, whose pronunciation is similar to Chinese, is actually not difficult to learn.

The difficulty is just to add some 'authentic' local accents to the language.

"Osmond." Lu Zhou thought it over in his mind and said quickly: "The lord needs a few prisoners to interrogate their route and purpose. Are you familiar with them?"

"Ah?" Osmond was stunned and nodded quickly: "Yes, sir, although they are a team sent by Qinggang Sanctuary, they are not real gophers, but some original wanderers from Qinggang City.

I know a lot of people!"

"very good."

Through a few key words and Osmond's body language, even if a few words are not heard clearly due to pronunciation problems, it does not affect understanding.

"Choose a few people and come with me."


For the first time, Osmond suddenly had a different feeling.

Very nervous, apprehensive but also very excited!

Especially when he turned around and saw the captives who were also wanderers around him, looking at him with awe in their eyes.

This feeling is incomparable.

So cool!

"Osmond, can I. Can you choose me? I know, I know a lot of things!"

"Don't worry, I'm a captain in the Qinggang Guards. I definitely know more than them!"

If you want to stand out among the captives, you rely on this opportunity to perform.

If it were the guard looking for the first informer, Ram might still hesitate.

But when Osmond saw that he realized that this guy was already a high-status steward in Tianyuan Sanctuary.


"Osmund" Ram hesitated for a moment, then quickly changed his words: "Lord Osmond, don't worry, Ram will always be loyal to you."

"No, don't remember, in this land, there is only one loyal object, and there can only be one."

"That is our great lord, the supreme administrator."

Osmond shook his head, but his face did not show any displeasure. Instead, he continued with satisfaction:

"Let's go, you've been chosen."

The first day of the second year of Wasteland is ‘black’ for the Tianyuan territory.

Nearing the early morning hours, just when the villagers were about to wake up from their sleep, the first round of cleaning the battlefield finally came to an end.

The cruelty of the battlefield once again broke everyone's superfluous illusions about the wasteland.

Not every wanderer is like Ram, who honestly chooses to surrender without firing a shot.

There was still a small group that chose to resist and tried to escape from the territory, and in the process organized a small counterattack.

If there wasn't any cover in the wilderness, this kind of counterattack would be quite difficult.

The guards spent a lot of effort to kill these people and put them on the death list.

Soon, a written report with detailed battle damage was delivered to the table in front of Somo.

In this encounter within the territory, the Tianyuan Territory dispatched a total of more than 1,200 guards to cooperate with the Tianyuan Army.

474 enemies were killed on the spot and 98 enemies were killed later.

695 people were captured on the spot and 61 were captured in pursuit.

Our side sustained 28 minor injuries, 2 serious injuries, and 0 deaths.

Just looking at the data, it is definitely a standard victory. When the number of people is one to one, it almost costs nothing.

But on the contrary, the offensive and defensive battles on the guard wall of Tianyuan Territory paid a heavy price for "youth".

There are 198 standing garrison troops on the guard wall, responsible for the city wall that is currently nearly four kilometers long.

Including a few members of the Longming team, the number of people is just over 200.

The number of the siege army on the opposite side was at least around 1,500, a gap of almost seven to eight times.

See the prominently marked ‘12’ Death.

Sumo took a long breath, and the hand holding the report couldn't stop shaking.

If you pick up a gun, you will be faced with danger anytime, anywhere.

Anyone who steps onto the battlefield is likely to die.

This is the price of war, and this is the fact that territorial lords and refuge managers must accept.

In this battle, there were more than two hundred guards.

There were 121 minor injuries and 68 serious injuries.

There were less than 15 lucky people who were not hit by stray bullets, and the rest were left with more or less permanent scars.

"Bring their bones back, we will take them home."

"Yes, I have already sent people to do it."

Sudeben, who was sitting on the other side of the office, nodded silently, but it could be seen that he was still a little relieved.

As a commander who once commanded hundreds of thousands of people, checking the casualties would no longer cause him any psychological changes.

But the 'young man' sitting opposite him was different.

The last time a similar situation occurred in the territory, he closed himself in a shelter for two months.

Although he finally created a powerful cross-era product like the 'True Realm', anyone can guess how much pressure he endured.

But this time, the situation was much better.

"We used more than 200 people to block the attack of 1,500 people."

"The opponent left more than 800 corpses. This was a great victory, a case worthy of being recorded in the tactics classroom!"

"They are warriors, and each one will be remembered by the remaining people!"

The number of 812 enemies wiped out was the highest recorded number among the battles launched in the Tianyuan Territory so far.

Apart from these, the loot captured from them also set a new record.

A total of 2,415 "Raider" automatic rifles and a total of 2,922 "Stinger" pistols were seized in the two battlefields.

In addition, there were more than 800 grenades, nearly 60,000 rounds of ammunition, and 18 unknown model machine guns.

This is enough weapons and ammunition to arm a regiment, and now they are all in the territorial arms warehouse.

In addition, the entire battle resulted in the interception of ten personnel carriers and the supplies contained in them.

Each of these troop carriers can carry more than 200 people. They were not originally planned to be dispatched, but because the distance between Qinggang Sanctuary and the territory is too far, they must increase their speed if they want to launch an attack at the same time.

According to simple observations in the battle report, each personnel carrier uses a cold fusion battery and a mid-mounted high-power oil-cooled motor.

Coupled with the specially manufactured off-road tires, the transportation capacity is not inferior to the territory's self-developed high-performance trucks.

And these guys have a unique advantage!

Their shell armor can actually block signal detection, making them the perfect vehicle for launching raids.

"They attacked all the shelters in the city, not just us."

"However, our reaction may be a bit excessive, and I'm afraid it may have made the other party aware of our true strength."

Somo's expression was a little subtle.

"What do they want to do?"

"I don't know." Su Deben smacked his lips: "But one thing is certain, there will be no large-scale battles in the city for the time being, and there is a high probability that we will not become their targets."

Sumo nodded.

The badger was so stunned that he sent him away?

If you really want to launch a thunderous attack, use your undoubted strength to take down everyone.

Sunny Harbor Sanctuary can just send out its own troops and launch a real general attack.

There is no need to use this kind of motley army organized by wanderers to test and make every shelter vigilant, or even join forces to fight.

"Where are they at the Pingtan shelter? How are they doing?"

"We are sending people to contact us, and we expect to get the information in a few hours."

Speaking of this, I have to thank Yehu very much.

According to the rough information obtained from the first wave of interrogations, the number of troops sent by Qinggang to the Pingtan shelter turned out to be nearly 9,000, which was three times the number in the territory.

It was he who led the people to block most of the pressure, otherwise the combined attack of tens of thousands of people, no matter how brave the two hundred people on the security wall were, would never be able to stop the tide of attacks.

"In this battle, Qinggang should have sent at least 100,000 people, and the number in the southern suburbs should be"

Before Su Deben finished speaking, he suddenly saw Somo sitting behind the table with empty eyes.

As a former player, this reaction was familiar to him. It was obviously detected by the game and was safely forcibly pulled into the interface.

"Wait a minute, what you just said seems to have triggered the idea that this is a territory war reward?"

See the prompt that pops up on the game interface.

Sumo couldn't help but be stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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